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  • Does anyone know a good website for finding homes for rent?

    We need a single family home with 3 or 4 bedrooms. We are in the Philadelphia, PA area.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • If I buy a TV at a store on Black Friday, will they ship it to my house?

    I want to buy it for my husband, but it won't fit in my car and, even if it did, I have no way to carry it into my house on my own.

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • We want to buy a house next year...?

    I have good credit but only make $30,000/yr. My husband has bad credit but makes $100,000/yr. We are trying to get things cleaned up but I know we won't have the money to fix it all before our lease is up in March and we HAVE to move. Can we buy a house under my name listing his income with mine or is all essentially the same credit? We've only been married for a year. Is there anything we can do to buy or are we stuck renting for a few more years?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I bought my husband a Tivo Series 1 SVR-2000 for Christmas on Ebay but it did not come with a remote?

    I thought I would just buy a compatible one, but I am now learning that they are very hard to come by. I saw a couple on Ebay but they are a little more than I wanted to spend. I read that the Logitech / Harmony 659 Universal Remote works with it. Is this true? I am not that familiar with electronics and don't want to find out, on Christmas, that it doesn't work. Any advice?

    3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • How do you hang your bouquet upside-down?

    I just got married last Thursday and we returned home (destination wedding) last night. Everyone has told me to hang my bouquet upside-down and let it dry out, then to spray it with hairspray to preserve it. How do I hang it so it can dry and it won't fall and mess up the flowers?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did anyone make their own wedding album?

    My photographer is going to send all of my pictures to me on DVD and he is going to make an album of 4X6's of my choosing. But I want a big album, with 8X10's, 5X7's the whole thing (he won't do this but I'm getting him for a great deal, so I don't mind doing it on my own). So I will have to make this myself and have the others printed from the DVD he gave me (I'll have all the negatives). Has anyone done this? Where can I buy a pretty, nice album? I don't want the big leather-bound white one with the gold trim that everyone gets, I want a more creative, nice-looking one. Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did anyone walk down the aisle in silence (kind of)?

    I am getting married on the beach. I don't have money for a band out there and I decided, since it is only two songs (the processional and recessional) that I would just bring a CD and have someone start and stop a small stereo. There aren't any speakers or anything like that out there, we will just have to crank it up loud. My cousin has agreed to do this, but I am worried that no one will be able to hear the music over the ocean. I'm okay with this, since I don't have much of a choice, but will it be really weird? Has anyone been to a wedding were there wasn't any processional/recessional music or you couldn't hear it well? Was it ok?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Who was in/will be in the bride's dressing room with you?

    I am having a destination wedding and all of our guests, for the most part, will be staying in the hotel where we will be getting ready. So, I have my mother, my fiance's mother, my fiance's stepmother (they get along), 2 future sister-in-laws, 6 aunts, 4 cousins, and a menagerie of other people that will all be running around that day. I don't want to be mean, as they are all traveling really far to share in this event and I am very grateful, but I really do not want a million people running around in and out of the room where I am trying to relax and mentally prepare for what I am about to do. Who did you have in the room with you? Did you have to set a limit? I don't want to go bridezilla-crazy on them, which I know will happen if they are all in there fussing the day of. Any suggestions?

    17 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Please help me not KILL my fiance!

    Is anyone else having this issue? The entire wedding planning process over the last 8 months, I have tried to discuss the details of the wedding with him. He is the ultimate procrastinator with everything and always says "We'll figure it out later...". Well, it is later, we are getting married in exactly two weeks. Now I am trying to finalize things and he keeps suggesting new ideas or saying "Wait, I thought we were doing this.." about something we have never even spoken about before (like the bar service, see previous question). I am getting so frustrated! I finally blew up and told him he needs to talk to the coordinator directly about his "new ideas" because I have been doing things the entire time and I don't have the patience for him to get in the game in the 4th quarter! Did anyone else have this issue? I love him but I'm going to go crazy!!

    BTB 8/21/08- In Two Weeks!

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Have any of you done this with the bar at your wedding?

    We are trying to find a way to save a little money without being tacky. We are having a 5 hour reception. One hour is the cocktail hour while we are taking pictures and stuff. The other 4 are the dinner and the reception. We can only afford 4 hours of bar service (open bar). the original plan was to have no bar during cocktail hour, just regular refreshments (everyone will be coming in off the beach and will be hot), then have the 4 hours of bar for the reception. My coordinator just suggested having the bar open for cocktail hour, then closing it during the hour that dinner is being served and people are talking, toasting, etc. Then reopening it for the last 3 hours of the reception. Does this seem strange or tacky? I kind of like the idea of people sitting and talking rather than running back and forth to the bar during that hour. Thoughts?

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Ironing my dress?

    I am having a destination wedding in Clearwater, FL. My dress's skirt is entirely tulle and will be very wrinkled when we arrive from being in the garment bag on the airplane. My plan was to take it directly to a local dry cleaner that does wedding dresses to have it pressed, they will have 24 hours to do it. My other option is to ship the dress there ahead of time and have them do it so I can pick it up when I arrive.

    The good thing about shipping it ahead of time is that there won't be a time crunch, the bad thing is that I won't be able to see the place I'm shipping it to and won't know if it's reputable or icky.

    The good thing about doing it when I get there is a I can pick a nice loooking place and speak to them, in person, about what I need, but they will only have 24 hours to do it.

    They only have to press it, not fully clean it.

    Which do you think is better?

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Who should I hand my bouquet to?

    So, it's a long crappy story, but I'm not having any bridesmaids in my wedding, only my brother to stand up for me. Usually in the wedding, the bride hands her bouquet to the MOH or a bridesmaid to hold during the ceremony, but I know my brother does not want to stand there and hold it. So I am thinking I could hand it to my mother since she'll be in the front row, but I don't want it to be super awkward to hand it off and then get it back once we are done and walking back down the aisle. Thoughts or ideas?

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How do you time out your processional?

    We picked a song, "That's All" by Michael Buble for the processional, but I have no idea how to time it out. I don't have a DJ, the ceremony is on the beach, so my cousin is going to be starting and stopping a CD on a small battery-operated stereo. I guess we will need to start the song a little before, then all walk, but I have no idea how long that will take. Walking we have:

    My grandmother and the groom's attendant

    Grooms mother and her husband

    Grooms father and his wife

    My mother and my attendant (brother)

    Then me and my dad.

    And I guess the song should end shortly after we arrive. We aren't having a formal rehearsal since there are so few of us, just a quick run through, it's not a very formal ceremony. How do you know how to time it so it works out right? Any advice? How did you do it?

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My wedding, and my mother, are getting out of control!?!?

    I am generally a pretty straight-forward, speak my mind kind of person, but I seem to be getting run over from all sides when it comes to my wedding. The wedding is a month away in Clearwater, FL. About 45 people are coming, mostly family, with a few friends. For the last 7 months, I have been planning the wedding day and all of that is pretty much done except for the last calls with the vendors. As we get closer though, my mother keeps throwing in more things to plan. "What about the night before?" "What about the night everyone arrives?" "What about the night after?" I want everyone to have a good time, but I don't think we have to plan an activity for every second that people are there, it is at a beach, there are plenty of things for people to do. Additionally, we don't have the money to fund things, and my mother wants to host them, but she doesn't want to pay for them. My fiance and I finally broke down and paid for a wine tasting the night before...continued...

    23 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Sticky Situation?

    Someone else's question made me think of this...thanks!

    My parents have contributed most of the money for our wedding (I know, I'm very lucky) and I would like to thank them publicly at our dinner the night before the wedding. However, my fiance's parents did not contribute and I don't want my public recognition to hurt their feelings. Don't get me wrong, this is my fiance's second marriage and we did not expect or want them to contribute. But I don't want to hurt their feelings or make it awkward for them. I do want to thank and recognize my parents though. How do you guys think I should go about this?

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Would you like this?

    I am having a destination wedding on the beach in Clearwater, FL. I didn't want to have regular favors because I don't want people to have to pack them when they leave. So I decided on goody bags for when they arrive. So I bought little canvas backpacks (like beachbags) and things to put in them: a kite, a beach ball, a folding fan, and a can insulator so that they can use the things while they are on vacation but don't have to feel bad if they throw them away instead of packing them and taking them home. Would you like this if you were a guest?

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What song are you playing when you are introduced at the reception?

    I want something fun but my brain is blank on ideas....I don't want anything too cheesy....


    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did anyone receive any strange wedding gifts?

    I don't want to come off as ungrateful, I am very thankful when anyone sends us a gift and I immediately send each one a thnk you note. I just wonder if any of you have gotten strange gifts that you didn't quite know what to do with. My mother insisted I send and old friend of hers an invite, so I did. Yesterday I received a gift from her. It appears to be a glass dog food bowl (I don't have any pets) with the word "Cincinnati" etched on the side. I lived in Cincinnati briefly as a child, when my mother met this woman but I haven't lived there or visited in at least 16 years. It just seems so strange! My mom thinks I shoud just give it to Goodwill, but I feel bad. I don't know what or when I would ever use it though! Did this happen to any of you? What did you do?

    19 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Gift for my brother?

    My brother is standing up for me at my wedding. I have struggled with whether to get him a groomsman gift since it is usually a "thank you" gift and he hasn't done anything for the wedding, my parents bought his suit and paid for his travel and everything else. The ony thing I have asked is for him to help me work on a song (he has some DJ equipment) but he said he was too busy. So I really don't want to get him anything, but my fiance thinks we should because it's traditional. So I need help on what to get him. I can't get him anything to do with alcohol (like a flask or mug) because he just got a DUI. He doesn't have a desk or anything to get a clock or something like that for, he is a waiter. All of the "traditional" groomsmen gifts just don't seem to fit him and I don't really know what kind of things he likes ( I'd like to be, but we aren't that close). Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Keep or Return the Gift?

    So I asked a question the other day:;_ylt=Ar9N3...

    Now, today I just received a gift in the mail from this bridesmaid that dropped out a month before my wedding. After some thought, I sent her a pretty strongly worded e-mail about how upset I am, how friends don't treat eachother this way, and not to bother calling me again. According to my registry she bought me this gift before she even notified me she isn't coming to the wedding. I have no intention of continuing a friendship with her,but it all was really her fault and she admits that. Do you think I should keep this gift or mail it back to her?

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago