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I love Broadway. And I love musical theater. I've been in 75 major roles and 105 productions through out my life. I am majoring in Religion and Biblical studies, and though I am making a career out of writing and social work, I never want to leave school!! I absolutely LOVE reading, and I spent a year working at Disney World as Princess Belle.

  • Help Me Guess This Persons Name Based On These Clues!?

    I'm playing a game with this kid who I always see around my campus. We talk all the time, but he's teasing me about telling me his name. Help me!

    Here are the clues he's given me.

    It starts with K

    Ends in L

    Has seven letters

    Two letters are repeated.

    He says it's uncommon, but I may have heard it before. Also (not to sound racist), but he is African American, so it may fit into African American culture.

    Thank you!

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on a church in the western suburbs of Chicago that I can get married in?

    I never really belonged to a church while I lived in Chicago, and now that I'm elsewhere, I'm a part of a very, very small denomination which has no churches in the Chicago area. Does anyone have suggestions for any churches I could get married in? It doesn't matter what denomination, but I am concerned with conducting the ceremony with our rabbi (yes, rabbi, in a Christian religion) and with traditions from our denomination, and we're not sure if other churches would be open to that.

    If not, we're perfectly fine with having the ceremony elsewhere, but I'm trying to look through options here :D

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerChicago1 decade ago
  • Is it rude to send "engagement announcements" to people who are not invited to the wedding?

    My soon to be mother in law mentioned engagement announcements for people who are somewhat friends, but will not be invited to the wedding. When I asked her why, she said it would be nice to let them know, and an opportunity to get a few more gifts.

    I feel as if that is a bit rude, but she insists that it's common practice. Is that true? Or is it really rude? I told her maybe it would be better to send engagement announcements, but without the intention getting gifts, and she responded with "well, you do that anyway but most people would get you a gift". So if we DO do this we would probably register somewhere, and people will just figure it out by asking our parents. Still, it all seems so rude to me. What do you guys think?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Do I have to have a rehearsal dinner, and if not, how can I convince my in laws not to have one?

    I really REALLY don't want a rehearsal dinner for my wedding. Obviously I want a rehearsal, but as far as the dinner, I don't want one. Our parents will not get along, and they've already had a few awkward moments between the four of them. It's just not something me, or my fiance want to go through. Instead, we really want to spend time with our closest friends (who we're closer to than our families anyway).

    But his mom is dead set on having a rehearsal dinner because "you just have to". When we brought to her attention that neither of us wanted one, she got very fussy and said if we don't have one her feelings are going to be crushed because this is the one thing the grooms parents put together.

    My parents aren't putting ANYTHING together. My fiance and I are paying for everything, and we're doing it our way. We wanted to elope, but his mom warned us that if we did that she would be heartbroken and we'd be hurting her terrible. We had already called up our Rabbi to meet us at our synagogue, and he was ready to do it. We looked into all the paper work, and we had even booked tickets for a cruise. But she convinced us not to by guilt tripping us, and we figured it wasn't right of us to do that to her (though I personally think she could get over it. But I understand it would be a sad experience for a parent). So, she payed us back for our tickets, and we decided that if we're going to have a wedding, we're going to do it our way. But she's insisting on a rehearsal dinner.

    Would it be completely rude and obnoxious of us to stick up for our opinions? It IS our wedding, and the only reason we're having a wedding at all is because of her. My parents are somewhat disappointment that we didn't elope. They think we should have never given in. What are your opinions on this situation?

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Throughout American History, how were towns named?

    I'm writing what I guess you can call a novel (no intention of publishing, just practice for if I ever want to write one), and I want to create a fictional town. Trouble is, I'm having trouble piecing the history together. How were towns founded? How were they named? How did they evolve? Just general info such as that.

    This is also taking place during and after the black hills gold rush, so I was wondering if something could be worked around that. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • How do I handle this situation with future in laws?

    My fiance and I were in a bit of a situation a few months ago. We have been out of the country for a month, and we were leaving right when our lease was about to run out. So, we found a new apartment, and weren't set to move in until we got back. Instead of paying for storage space, my future in laws offered to let us use their garage as a place to put our stuff until we got back.

    Well, when we got back, my mother in law told us that they needed a few things for their lake house and decided to use some of our stuff (offering to pay us back). I was a little upset, because she didn't wait to ask us, but I let it go. She ended up taking our microwave, couch, a bookshelf, a toaster oven, a dresser, our bed frame, one of our tvs, and our kitchen table.

    When we moved in, we told her that we would appreciate it if she payed us back for all the things at once (she's a well known lawyer and his dad is a well known doctor. They have the money). We spent years trying to collect all our furniture and "stuff" and it's not fair for us to just start over. We worked hard for that stuff. She told us there would be NO problem with that, and that she would pay us next time we see her.

    Well, about 2 months have gone by, and she has yet to pay us. My fiance didn't seem too bothered by it, but when I reminded him about it, he asked his mom, who responded with something along the lines of "How do you expect me to just hand you money? You can go out and buy all this stuff yourself. How could you ask your own mother to pay for stuff after she allowed you to use her garage as storage space! You didn't even pay me rent!"

    The reason we didn't pay her rent was because she said we didn't have to (we offered!).

    We haven't replaced any of our stuff because we're waiting to have the money in our hands before we buy anything (we're over budget by thousands of dollars, and we've almost worked it off but all this is costing over thousands of dollars!!!)

    How do I handle this situation? I want to keep peace with the in laws, but honestly, this is driving me insane.

    It's been

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Where can you find caramel apple pops in North Carolina?

    I'm from Chicago, and I've recently moved to NC. I was just wondering if North Carolina has "caramel apple pops"? I haven't seen them in Walmart or any grocery store, and I love them!

    If you guys do have them, where can I get them (other than online. That's my last resort).

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What is a good name for a fictional small town in South Dakota?

    I'm writing a story, and I was just looking for ideas for the name of my town. It takes place in the later years of the 1800's (during the Black Hills gold rush). I would much prefer to go with my own fictional town (which gives me a lot more creativity).

    I was thinking the town would most likely be named after a founder. So it could also work as a last name as well.

    Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Would it be rude of me to speak my mind to my fiance over this subject?

    My future in laws have issues with letting their two sons grow up (my fiance is 24). My soon to be mother in law is one of those extremely over protective motherly sorts. She still insists on him going on family vacations with them (twice a year), and when he told her no this year, she cried and canceled the entire trip (she would never consider her and her husband going alone).

    Anyway, we do a lot with them since they live only a half hour away (I've spoken to my fiance about moving, simply because I don't exactly like it here, but he said he couldn't do that because it would break his parent's heart. Never mind I left my parents to move 800 miles away for him). We see them every other weekend, and we go on their little family trips to see his grandma twice a month (a 3 hour trip in a mini with 6 people and three boarder collies).

    I don't mind entertaining them, and I really do like his mom a lot. I don't mind doing their little family outings and family get togethers. But I'm facing this one problem, and I'm not sure if I should say something or not.

    The state fair is coming up, and every year they insist on piling everyone into their car and making a little family trip out of it. When we get there, everyone has to stick together and we do the same things over and over every year. Quite honestly, I don't want to do it with them this year. I really want my fiance and I to go alone. I really want to actually enjoy myself at the state fair, and if we go with them, I can't do that. I can't be myself, because I have to be polite, and we have to follow THEIR plans, instead of ours.

    I would say that we could go with them one night, and than go by ourselves another time, but honestly we were going to do that last year and we just didn't have the time. This year we're even more busy.

    Anyway, I was just wondering what your opinions were. I want to go, and actually have fun, and be myself, and enjoy it with my fiance. I'm all for spending time with his family, but honestly, enough is enough for me. We should be allowed to have our own life without them looking over our backs.

    But at the same time, when we mentioned last year that we wanted to go to the state fair with some friends rather than them, his mom broke down and told us we were ruining her life by breaking apart her family, and then said that if we don't go with them, than they wouldn't go and we'd ruin their chance.

    How do I handle this? It's getting to the point where I'm honestly wondering if I want to marry into this family! I love my fiance but I'm forming bitter feelings toward his parents!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for a romance novel?

    I really like romance novels. Not the trashy erotic smut you find in the romance section of BN (though, I do admit I indulge myself in some of those every now and then), but actual novels with a greater story to it.

    I love Gone With The Wind, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Right now I'm about to finish up Pillars of the Earth. I love stories that revolve around romance, but have other elements in it as well.

    So any suggestions would be great! I don't care about the reading level, I'm open to anything!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Anyone have suggestions on a romance novel I should read next?

    I really like romance novels. Not the trashy erotic smut you find in the romance section of BN (though, I do admit I indulge myself in some of those every now and then), but actual novels with a greater story to it.

    I love Gone With The Wind, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Right now I'm about to finish up Pillars of the Earth. I love stories that revolve around romance, but have other elements in it as well.

    So any suggestions would be great! I don't care about the reading level, I'm open to anything!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Anyone have suggests on a romance novel I should read next?

    I really like romance novels. Not the trashy erotic smut you find in the romance section of BN (though, I do admit I indulge myself in some of those every now and then), but actual novels with a greater story to it.

    I love Gone With The Wind, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Right now I'm about to finish up Pillars of the Earth. I love stories that revolve around romance, but have other elements in it as well.

    So any suggestions would be great! I don't care about the reading level, I'm open to anything!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me with poems for my Bridesmaids?

    I have 4 girls I'm planning to ask to be my bride's maids, and I want to send them cute little poems asking them, with each poem being unique. I already have the poem for my maid of honor, but I need one for my sister and two other friends.

    I was thinking with the two other friends, I can incorporate our nicknames.

    One friend I call "goose" while she calls me "duck duck"

    And the other friend is "Kelsobot" or "Kelsobot 5000", while I'm "Stacinator" (We have an inside joke about how we're super heroes).

    And like I said...I also need one for my sister.

    Any ideas? I'm developing writers block.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Should I give in out of politeness, or should I put my foot down for the sake of what I want?

    I'm getting married next August. It's still a bit away, but already I'm having to deal with the mother in law trying to take over everything.

    Here is my issue as of right now:

    First of all, my fiancee and I are paying for everything. The only thing that my dad (who does not have much money) is paying for is my $300 dress. Even if my dad had the money, we really want to handle this ourselves, because we're both control freaks, we know what we want, and we don't want to argue over what's going down.

    Anyway, my soon to be mother in law is having some issues with this. First of all, she thinks it's very unfair to us that my dad is only paying $300. She is all caught up in the idea that the bride's parents have to pay for the wedding (never mind that while she makes 90,000 a year alone for a family of 3, my dad makes 30,000 for a family of 5). She thinks my dad is trying to rob her son or something.

    To top things off, she wants to pay for a rehearsal dinner. My fiancee and I don't want ANY rehearsal dinner...because our parents WILL hate each other. We want them to meet, but the idea of having a rehearsal dinner is just a waist of time to my fiancee and I...and not to mention a disaster waiting to happen. Plus, we're already making plans to go to medieval times with the groomsmen and brides maids.

    We've tried explaining this to her...but she insists that we absolutely have to have a rehearsal dinner, and that it's her role to pay for it. My fiancee has asked that if she wanted to pay for something, she could help pay for the venue (and we'll allow her to help us with organizing that, which is a HUGE compromise for us)...but she absolutely insists that it is not fair for her to even HELP pay for the venue when it's the bride's parents duty to do so (as if this is the law). We don't really want her to pay for anything, but since she's insisting on paying for SOMETHING, we figured we would give that compromise a try. ><

    The bottom line is, she is being obnoxious by expecting my dad to pay. We're not asking her to pay for anything, so it's not like we're expecting her to dish out money while my dad doesn't. But she is insisting we have a rehearsal dinner, and that she plan it. When we finally decided to give in, we told her we wanted a small non-fancy dinner at some restaurant..but she's insisting we have this big backyard get together with catering and what not. So now my fiancee and I are back to trying to convince her NOT to have a rehearsal dinner.

    Should I give in and just let her do a rehearsal dinner and cancel the plans we're making with our friends...and also go through the stress of dealing with the fights that will break out between our two families? Or should I hold my ground and tell her "no".

    I cannot express how much we do not want a rehearsal dinner. I know it's tradition, but who cares?

    And isn't it rude for her to expect my dad to pay more than 300? Personally I think it's rude for her to pay for just the rehearsal dinner, and for my dad to pay for the rest of the wedding when one is quite obviously more expensive than the other...especially when she and her husband make a good bit of money, while my dad is barely scratching by while taking care of his parents and kids.

    Anyway. Am I in the wrong? I'm so stressed out. Sorry for the rant. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm in the wrong, or if I should hold my ground. If I AM in the wrong, how do I handle my fiancee...he's in the same boat as me through all of this.

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Weather in Orlando Florida?

    I'm going to Disney World on Wednesday, and will be staying about three days. My fiancee and I had an international trip planned, and that fell through at the last minute. Bummed that we were not going to get our vacation, we decided to make a spur of the moment Disney trip (we live in North Carolina). Well, caught up in our excitement for Disney World, we were stupid enough not to check the weather...and now that I'm looking at it, thunderstorms are predicted for all week.

    Anyway, my question is about weather in Orlando. I still plan to go (hell, it's Disney. There are lots of things to do even if it rains!), but I was wondering if we were completely out of luck for the outdoor rides and stuff (Test Track and Mt. Everest are my FAVORITE!).

    I had heard that Florida gets a surprising amount of rain this time of year, but it typically moves in and out pretty quickly. I was wondering if this is true, and if there is a chance we will still be able to enjoy the outdoor rides that would otherwise be closed during a storm.

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Question about rain in Orlando Florida?

    I'm going to Disney World on Wednesday, and will be staying about three days. My fiancee and I had an international trip planned, and that fell through at the last minute. Bummed that we were not going to get our vacation, we decided to make a spur of the moment Disney trip (we live in North Carolina). Well, caught up in our excitement for Disney World, we were stupid enough not to check the weather...and now that I'm looking at it, thunderstorms are predicted for all week.

    Anyway, my question is about weather in Orlando. I still plan to go (hell, it's Disney. There are lots of things to do even if it rains!), but I was wondering if we were completely out of luck for the outdoor rides and stuff (Test Track and Mt. Everest are my FAVORITE!).

    I had heard that Florida gets a surprising amount of rain this time of year, but it typically moves in and out pretty quickly. I was wondering if this is true, and if there is a chance we will still be able to enjoy the outdoor rides that would otherwise be closed during a storm.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Going to Mysore should I dress?

    I've been told not to wear shorts because of both weather and culture reasons. What would be appropriate for me to wear? Since I'm staying for over a month, I don't want to wear anything too offensive or out there.

    4 AnswersOther - India1 decade ago
  • Does this violate Hipaa laws?

    I'm going to India on very short notice, and I need to get going on all the shots. I need a history of all my immunizations, but cannot remember my childhood doctor (my mom died when I was 8 so this is why the name got lost in my family. That's a long story short).

    Anyway, I called my high school and found out they do have my medical records of all my immunizations. But in order to get them, they are making me pay a $20 processing fee.

    I don't have time to argue with them, and I don't want to sound like an absolute snob about paying them the fee, but it was brought to my attention that requiring a fee for medical history such as this probably violates Hippa laws.

    I was just wondering if this is true or not. Please only serious answers from people who know what they are talking about, or have valid references. Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Newly engaged and planning to have the wedding in 11 months. How do I plan?

    I'm not at all sure where to begin.

    What should the agenda be as far as month to month planning for this wedding? I have no idea when appropriate times to plan certain things are. HELP!

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Who would typically be maid of honor in this situation?

    I'm trying to decide between my best friend and my sister. My sister is like a best friend. And my best friend has been through EVERYTHING with me. And I mean everything.

    I'm not sure which one to choose, and I was wondering what typical tradition was.

    Also, when I was talking about this with my grandma (she's stepping in as mommy since my mom died when I was eight), my grandma mentioned the fact that my sister is still in high school. Would that be a concern?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago