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Hey there. Im Australian and 22 yrs old I have some strong aussie pride, i love our beaches, our bbqs, our multiculturalism and ofcourse our free healthcare. Im a medical receptionist and i am also studying Nursing at uni. Im very easy going and relaxed. I also love movies and dvds, also love playing xbox (specificially COD).

  • My fiance's parents refuse to contribute or help out at our wedding...?

    My fiance and i have been dating for 2 years and are now engaged. We are looking at a wedding date early 2014. Both of us are 24. I am in my final year of university and thus have little savings but will be able to scrape up some money from my part time job. Both my parents and their partners are contributing financially towards the wedding. When my fiances family were approached they stated they would not contribute financially but may give us a gift of $500 as a wedding present (which i dont expect will actually happen)

    I have to say im a little offended, ive watched my future MIL purchase hundreds (yes, hundreds) of DVDs over the years, recently purchase solar panelling on their roof, and also purchase maybe 3 lounges, (and random things like 3 or 4 mobile phones and ipods etc) she seems obsessed with shopping.

    Am i right to be offended they aren't willing to help out? I just feel the wedding is around 12 months away and they have a year to save something, even if its not much.

    11 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Suggestions on how to set up a house?

    My fiance and i are getting married in 10 months and are planning on renting a unit/apartment or townhouse. My fiance is moving back from interstate and so he will not be working at first until he can find work so only I will be working full time.

    What do you think is neccesary for setting up a home? (obviously appliances and some furniture but im just wanting opinions from people who have already been there and done it.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • How to deal with a estranged biological father?

    Il try to keep this short. My parents were together until I was 15. I was very close to my dad and after the divorce I spent weekends at his house until 17 when I moved in with him. At the age of 21 a man contacted me on Facebook stating he was my biological father. I confronted my mother who confirmed it and that she didn't want to upset me so had hidden this from me.

    After some emails back and forth for a year at 22 I decided to meet him and his family (wife and 2 daughters then aged 13 and 16). Now I am almost 24. In the 2 years since I met them the man has been very controlling. He has asked me to cancel plans with friends to do things with him. He has contacted my mother on facebook in attempt to "form" a relationship for my "benefit" without telling me (he already knew my mother hates him). After already knowing my 20 year old sister feels uncomfortable around him if he goes to her workplace he talks about our mother and her past Behaviour etc. He has asked me until I give in to come back to their house after going out to dinner with them already knowing I had a 2 hour drive home and work the next morning.

    So unfortunately I have decided I no longer want a relationship as he doesn't understand I already have a dad and he has attempted to refer to himself as my dad. The sad part is I was becoming close to his daughters (my half sisters) and now he has told them how I've "thrown him away and hurt him" and they now hate me. They've begun texting me that I've done this on purpose and I've made so many excuses.

    At the end of the day I feel uncomfortable around him now and he's said I'm not helpful, not empathetic, purposefully hurtful, selfish, unkind etc.

    Is there any hope to restore a relationship with the half sisters or find a way to deal with this?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Looking to get some semi-aggressive fish?

    Im getting a new 130 litre fish tank this week and once it has finished cycling i will be looking to buy some semi-aggressive tropical fish or atleast fish that can live in the tank unharmed with semi aggressive fish. I have owned tropical fish before but mostly guppies, neon tetras, danios etc. I was looking to get some fish with a bit more personality for this tank.

    Im considering maybe



    Clown Loaches


    Do you think these fish will mix or have better suggestions? Im not really looking to buy cichlids.

    8 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Will using a tomato fertiliser hurt or damage herbs?

    My partner has recently become interested in growing plants, he is quite the novice (im not much better) and since the gardens in his yard are dry and useless he will only be able to plant in pots with good potting soil. He has shown some interest in growing herbs and a tomato plant. He has planted a small box of 3 herbs and now wants to try a tomato. As tomato plants require staking and checking on it to re-adjust the position as it grows i thought i would just buy one of those Topsy Turvy tomato planters that hang it upside down. Ive read the mixed reviews but i think the less maintence the more likely he is to succeed in growing it. I read about them needing extra watering due to being upside down and water draining out but i think the solution to that is slow release water (such as upside down water filled coke bottle in the top with pinholes in the lid etc)

    TO THE POINT...the topsy turvy i bought also has a herb section near the top of the 'basket'. If i use tomato fertiliser on that soil will it cause any damage to the herbs we plant in the same hanger. Or any reccomendations on some hardy herbs? Rosemary perhaps.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • How late does a birthcontrol pill have to be before it puts you at risk of pregnancy?

    Does anyone know the LEGITIMATE time frame when a birth control pill (yaz) becomes late enough to risk ovulation. (1 hour late, 2 hours etc)

    I know it says if you take it late to have protected sex for a week but id like to know how 'late' is 'late'

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Yaz breakthrough bleeding. Anyone have similar experience?

    I started BC just under 2 months ago and began with Yaz. The first month was fine until i came to my inactive pills. My 'period" began and i had about 3-4 days of heavy bleeding then just continuous light bleeding since then. I have now just finished the inactive pills of the SECOND pack. So i have been bleeding for a month. I am hoping that once i restart the normal pills of the 3rd pack it will stop. Any similar experiences?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What to do about a controlling biological father i met later in life?

    I have a dad, but at the age of 21 i recieved a message from a man on facebook claiming to be my biological father. After discussing this stranger with my mother she confirmed it was true, he was. A year after finding out i decided to go meet him and his family because he had two young daughters 15 and 12 and they were having a birthday party.

    He has always been pressuring me to do more with him, not respecting my decision when after a dinner out i decline going back to his house and he will ask me atleast 5 times until i feel i have to go.

    I am now 23 and the oldest girl just turned 17. I have had enough of his pressuring and complaining ways, i have tried to talk to him MANY TIMES but he thinks i am imagining it all and that his pressure is neccesary. I did not feel comfortable going to the birthday party for the eldest so i said i could take her and her sister out to the cinemas and lunch for a day out together. Even though i dont want to be involved with my biological dad i dont want to cut my half sisters off.

    Because of this and the way that once i go inside it is almost impossible to leave before 12am! I informed him by email in a very direct and clear way that he clearly requires, in past birthday parties he has hovered around me and i feel it distracts from the birthday girl so on the day i take them out i dont want to go inside because the day is about the half sisters birthday...not about him spending time with me as in the past he invites himself to things and uses them as manipulative tools against me.

    He then decided to show the girls this email and because they are so young they feel i dislike them because of the direct nature of the email intended for an adult who has trouble accepting "no". They are now hurt and i do not know how to deal with my biological dad without him trying to get in the middle of everything. I have tried talking to him to back off a bit but he is unrelenting.

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How can i politely decline going into my biological fathers house when i pick up my half sisters?

    Background: my biological father was revealed to me at age 21 after he tracked me down on Facebook with no regard to my mothers comments that me and my 'dad' had a great relationship and to not cause me pain. He has been overbearing, controlling and constantly manipulative ever since I met him in person. I no longer reply to his emails or attempt to spend time with him. He has 2 daughters aged 14 and 17. I am 23.

    On Tuesday I am taking both girls out to the cinemas and lunch in celebration of the elder ones birthday a few weeks ago. I haven't seen him since late December and I refused to do something for my birthday in march with them. How can I decline politely going inside before or after as he takes his attention away from his own daughters and I feel pressured to stay til the late hours of the night. I also suspect he wishes to give me belated birthday presents which I frankly do not want since I feel they come with strings attached. How to I avoid this awkward confrontation?

    2 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • How can I get my biological father to leave me alone? ?

    Background: my biological father was revealed to me at age 21 after he tracked me down on Facebook with no regard to my mothers comments that me and my 'dad' had a great relationship and to not cause me pain. He has been overbearing, controlling and constantly manipulative ever since I met him in person. I no longer reply to his emails or attempt to spend time with him. He has 2 daughters aged 14 and 17. I am 23.

    On Tuesday I am taking both girls out to the cinemas and lunch in celebration of the elder ones birthday a few weeks ago. I haven't seen him since late December and I refused to do something for my birthday in march with them. How can I decline politely going inside before or after as he takes his attention away from his own daughters and I feel pressured to stay til the late hours of the night. I also suspect he wishes to give me belated birthday presents which I frankly do not want since I feel they come with strings attached. How to I avoid this awkward confrontation?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Is there a way to cross stitch onto a cushion/pillow cover?

    I want to keep myself occupied and was wondering if there is an easy way to cross stitch onto a cushion or pillow cover? Im no expert and quite the beginner at cross stitching but a fast learner. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • how to keep myself occupied in someone else's home?

    In a few weeks i will be travelling to see my boyfriend who is currently working in another state and staying with his parents while he does so. Some days i stay he will be at work during the day and i will obviously be at home with his mother who tends to do little other than watch dvds and surf the internet all day. She is very sensitive and lonely and will feel it rude if i stayed in another room all day. So my only option i feel is to stay in the lounge room with her while she watches her dvds.

    My Question is what can i do to keep myself entertained, ive considered reading books but i feel she will prefer me to 'watch' her dvds with her. Ive considered knitting and cross-stitch but i was wondering if there is anything else i could do?

    7 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Bleeding on yaz during 2nd month?

    I am on my second pack of yaz and since the first pack of placebo pills I have been bleeding for 16 days! Only about 4 were heavy but since has been constant light bleeding. I have heard that there can be abnormal bleeding after the first month. Anyone experienced this?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Is there a difference between silver and sterling silver?

    Just in regards to jewellry is there any difference between silver and sterling silver?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Liklihood of being pregnant?

    So i started taking the pill 'yaz' on Saturday 12th May, and i had unprotected sex on Sunday 20th May (8 days later). I know it says the pill is effective after 7 days, but i was concerned it wasn't accurate enough, because this time would normally be my ovulating time. Since i was concerned i got the morning after pill about 4 hours after the sex. On a pamphlet it said it is 95% likely to prevent pregnancy if taken on the first day. The chances are very slim right? (and please spare me the unprotected sex leads to stds lecture if possible)

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What is a good book of the bible to study for a new christian?

    I have a close friend who recently became a christian who has a little bit of knowledge of the bible and we have started to do bible studies together. I can't decide if we should study Jesus life or some of paul's letters first. Which book of the bible do you think would be the best to start off with and why?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • My dog is so lonely since our other dog died. Tips?

    Hi, my mother owned 2 dogs. One maltese and one chihuahua X mini foxie. My parents divorced back in 2006 and my mum moved to a place that did not allow dogs. My father ended up taking the dogs to his new house but they had to remain outdoors since he is moderately allergic. The chihuahua is about 4 1/2 years old and a month and a half ago our maltese died at age 17. The chihuahua now barks almost constantly during the day when outside (it sleeps indoors). We wanted to move her to my mothers new house but she unfortunately now has a new dog who is unfriendly to other dogs. Due to my fathers allergy it is not a good idea for her to be inside when he is home.

    I have taken her for a walk a few times a week around the local park since she doesnt have anyone to run around and play with, but there is minimal interaction with other dogs. i have arranged a visit for her to go see my friend's dogs but obviously this cannot be a daily thing. I have bought her toys but she just buries them. What can i do so she isn't so sad and constantly barking?

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How to i politely decline this woman's food?

    I'm very health conscious and generally eat a low fat, low carb, high protein, high veg diet because i can put on weight quite quickly if i am not strict in what i eat.

    My boyfriend is greek, and in a few weeks we are going to stay and visit his grandparents for 2 weeks. My boyfriend has warned me that she feeds people excessive amounts of food and he often goes up a pant size from his previous visits, and he has the metabolism of a cheetah!

    I do intend to consume what she cooks, carbs or no carbs, but how can i decline her massive portions and constant servings of food that seem infamous among his family without upsetting her?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What should i make for a nice dinner?

    In a few weeks i am staying with my boyfriend's family for a long weekend. I would like to cook dinner one of the nights, and am fairly capable in the kitchen. Canelloni, Lasanga, Seafood and anything spicy is apparently on the disliked list. Any suggestions?? Thanks :)

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is the last song in the movie Fast and Furious 5?

    What is the last song prior to the credits in the new Fast and Furious 5 Rio Heist.??

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago