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Lv 42,692 points

Mommy of Lily, Daisy, and Jayson

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  • What happens when you limit your calorie intake to around 500-700?

    I am overweight and since my husband left me I have been really trying at loosing weight. First it was because I was depressed and then the longer I went without eating the harder it was to start. I have only been able to bring myself to eat between 500-700 calories a day. And the only reason I started eating that was because I needed some energy to keep up with my kids. I was wondering what this could do to my body? I am eating healthy foods and not just empty calories. I looked on a website and found for my body type I should be consuming around 1600 calories a day to loose weight. I am obviously very under that. I have already lost about 30 pounds and it's only been a few weeks. Could this be harmful or is it a good way to diet?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do I get my husband back?

    My husband moved out little over a week ago. He told me he has been unhappy for a long time and we have grown apart. He says he still loves me and stills wants to be there for me but he wants to be separated. We have three kids together and he is a devoted dad. I have seen him more now then when he was living with us. When we are in the same room we laugh and have a good time together. I have to admit for the past year we have been growing apart. I was resentful of him for how much he worked and he was unhappy with his situation. He has already been with another woman but says it was for companionship not anything serious because he has been so hurt. I want him to come home desperately. He seems to like being around me more now that he doesn't have to be. Since it's his choice and there isn't so much pressure on him. The more steps I take to become independent and strong the more he seems to be drawn to me. How do I get him to come home?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My one year old son is scared of his penis. Is this normal?

    About three months ago my son was playing in the bathroom without his diaper on when I was getting his bath ready. While he was standing up he started urinating and it seemed to startle him because he suddenly stopped urinating and looked at me. I laughed and quickly put him in the tub. Ever since that day my son has been scared of his penis. He hates diaper changes and cries as soon as his diaper is off. If he accidentally touches his penis he will act startled and quickly move his leg away. He hates being naked and prior to that event he would do everything in his power to get undressed. I am starting to worry? Should I or will he get over it? He looks at the dang thing like it's a monster. Any other mother go through this with their one year old son?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How far is too far for a kid to walk? (in general)?

    I walk a lot. I love it. Even though I have a truck a lot of the time I will opt to walk than to drive. My kids are sick of it though. I have two girls 6 and 4. I also have a 1 year old son, but all he does it sit in the stroller so he doesn't count. I have my kids walk to the store with me, to the mail box, to the corner store, park, and to and from school. Today alone we walked a total of 3 hours. My daughters didn't complain but were relieved when we got home. My question is do you think that's too much for children their age? My mother said enough was enough I am running my kids too hard. I told her to leave it alone, she's very overweight and drives everywhere. It should be fine as long as my kids aren't complaining of pain or discomfort or don't seem overly tired when we get home, right?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My one year old son won't stop crying and hasn't been sleeping or eating, help!?

    I am at a loss. My son for the past three days has been crying, not eating, and sleeping only tiny spurts at a time. He has cried so much his voice is hoarse. I have tried tylenol, thinking he's having problems with teething. Didn't work. I have tried letting him sleep in bed with me, thinking he needed comfort, didn't work. He will only eat his yogurt in the morning and then spit everything else out. He will drink no problem. I don't know what to do. He wants to be comforted and soothed every minute of the day. He is screaming at this very minute but I am unable to calm him. What should I do? He is usually a fun happy baby who loves to chase his sisters around. Now, he's angry, upset, and frustrated with whatever. He has even started hitting his head against things if I don't respond to him. What could be the problem?! He's only one for pete's sake. Should I take him to the doctor?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone gotten a vaginal rash after using nonoxyol 9 spermicide?

    My husband and I used condoms with nonoxyol 9 spermicide on monday and I got a rash right after using them. It's been a few days and the rash hasn't subsided. It is very sore and I went to the doctor today and surprise surprise the doctors at the county hosp. were less than helpful. I ended up leaving with more questions than answers. So, I was wondering if anyone else has had an reaction to nonoxyol 9 spermicide and how long did your symptoms last. I have redness, burning, and itching. No foul odor or discharge. It really feels like a irritated rash. Can anyone give me some insite?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What could cause fluttering movements in lower abdomen?

    These have been going on for 3 days now. I have been on birth control for 6 months after having my son 7 months ago. The flutters feel like the movements in early pregnancy and it's all in my lower abdomen. I have been having my period like clockwork for the past six months and just had a period a week ago so doubtful it could be that. What could be causing these fluttering sensations? Has anyone else had this? Thanks!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to be outside with a 5 month old when it's in the upper 90's?

    Recently my truck has had to get parked because of issues with the tires so I am having to walk quite a bit. I stay out of the heat of day as much as possible but I have to pick my daughter up from school everyday at 3:00. So, we have to walk when it's pretty hot. Today it was 97 degrees F and it's only set to get worse. My son rides in his travel system under the canopies and I keep him in just his diaper. I also always bring a bottle with cool water in it, which he is more than eager to drink. He seems to be doing pretty well with it. But I was wondering how unsafe this could be for him. We are gone a little less than an hour. Should this be fine and is there anything more I can do for him to keep him cool?

    I have always had transportation with my kids so walking in the summer with an infant is pretty unnerving to me even though I am sure tons of moms do it.

    note: my daughter cannot walk home alone because she is only six. They won't even release her from her classroom unless I am there to pick her up.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Could it be dangerous driving on these tires?

    About a week or two ago my front end started bouncing and vibrating slightly. We concluded pretty quickly that the tires are the culprit. Well, since this all started the bouncing has gotten worse and I have noticed a bulge on one of my tires in the tread. The bulge is so bad it's making the steering wheel pull to the right when I am driving. They are pro comp mud terrains (which I have heard now, are awful tires for the size truck I have, 2003 GMC Sierra 2500 HD Durmax). Could this be dangerous to continue to drive on them till I can afford two new tires or should I park my truck for the next couple weeks till I get the money in for new tires?

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Would it bother you if a perfect stranger tried to verbally discipline you children in the store?

    I was at the store earlier and when I turned my back on my kids they started fighting like it was world war III. Well, all of a sudden and older woman started telling my kids to stop and they weren't being nice. That they shouldn't be hitting. And my three year old started to cry. The woman said sorry to me and walked away after I looked at her. I just kind of passed it off and finished my shopping. But I was wondering if maybe it should of bothered me more. Maybe I should of said something, she made my daughter cry for heavens sake. What would you of done? Was it inappropriate for the woman to step in and do what she did? I truly think it was out of the kindness of her heart but maybe she did overstep.

    21 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My son is almost 5 months old, do you think it would be okay to take him in the pool?

    I know, I know, I am a mother of three and I still don't have an answer for this. I have waited with my girls till they were like a year before I took them to the pool we have in my apartments. I am a worry wort. I was wondering what other parents views on this were. Do you think it's okay to take my 5 month old to my apartments pool or do you think it could be unwise? Maybe because of germs or the water being too cold. Opinions, advice, experience. My husband thinks I am being too overprotective.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have suggestion on what could be causing my lung troubles?

    I have been having trouble with my lungs for over four weeks now. When it first happened I thought it was congestion from a cold because it started with coughing and mucus. I didn't think anything of it but my coughing has gotten worse and I have boughs where I feel like I am trying to breathe through a straw and it seems like my lungs just won't expand. I got stuck downstairs in my truck the other night after shopping because I was coughing so hard it was making me vomit and I couldn't breathe. It literally feels like my lungs are in a box and can't expand. When I cough it does bring up a lot of mucus and it makes my chest burn. I don't smoke and no one smokes around me. I've never had a hard time getting up the stairs and now it feels like a marathon with my lungs. Could I still have a cold or is it past time to see a doctor?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • A couple questions about seizures, please help!?

    My sister has supposedly been having seizures for 8+ months now. She has always been a major hypochondriac and has been in and out of the hospital for two years for a variety of things so when this seizure thing popped up last year we have all been very weary. We were wondering if she could be faking it. No one has seen her have a seizure, she is always found after a seizure laying on the ground unresponsive. She says she can feel a seizure coming on. And the doctors have said to her that they can't find what is causing these seizures and have her on a ton of medication. Now, after a bit of history my questions are what does a seizure look like when someone is having it and can it be easily faked? Secondly, can you feel a seizure coming on? Lastly, after having seizures for 8+ months a diagnosis should of been figured out right? Any thoughts answers suggestions on what we can do. Help please! This is getting exhausting. We are always getting calls that she has been found somewhere, no one saw her have the seizure but she has said she had one and so far this week she has been taken to the hospital by an ambulance three times after being found laying on the ground after supposedly having a seizure.

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I have been having a lot of pain and congestion in my nose for a week now, time to go to doc?

    I have been sick now for two weeks. It started off as the flu with high fevers and chills for four days and now for the last 5-6 days I have had sinus pressure/pain, stuffiness, and thick yellow mucus comes out when I blow my nose. Is it time to see the doctor or am I still just getting over the flu?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • My husband has been urinating blood and having pain in his lower abdomen, any ideas?

    This pain seems to come and go along with the blood. He peed clear for a day then all of a sudden it came back. He says at it's worst it looks like he is peeing cranberry juice. We have no insurance so he won't go to the hospital so I was wondering if anyone has an idea as to what this could be?

    8 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do you do when your husband doesn't come home?

    My husband and I were having fun at a friends until I had to leave and get the kids to bed. He said he would be home shortly. 4 hours later he still hasn't come home and I have been trying to call him for 1 1/2 hours and can't get ahold of him. He rides a motorcycle and a ton of things are swimming in my head. What should I do? I am litterally freaking out. This isn't like him at all.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How long did your first period last after giving birth?

    I gave birth to my son on dec 31st and started my period again ten days ago. The bleeding won't stop and I was wondering if the first period you have after giving birth is irregular and can last a while. so how long did your first period last after giving birth?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever filed an amendment to their taxes and received more money back?

    I have to file an amendment to my add my newborn son, which entitles me to a higher refund than I already received. I have been told that I will get my amended refund in 8-12 weeks and also have been told it could be 4-6 weeks. I'm having my tax preparer fill out the necessary paper work and will be mailing out the amendment on saturday he says I have another 1300 dollars coming to me when the amendment is processed. I was wondering if anyone knew when I could expect my amended refund from experience or if someone knows because I don't want to get too excited if it's going to be a long wait.

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had a problem with Similac Advance making their baby sick?

    When my son was born I put him on similac advance and he was okay for the first few days and then he started acting sick. He got diarrhea, was extremely fussy, gassy, and was hard to calm down. I got two free samples of enfamil in the mail so I started feeding him the enfamil and I have had absolutely no problems with him since. He is a happy little baby on the enfamil. I tried to put him back on similac for a few days because it is cheaper than enfamil and all his problems returned so he has to feed only on the enfamil formula. So, I know it wasn't an intolerance to the milk based formula, it was just the similac. Has anyone else had this problem with similac?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How long after you gave birth did you start having sex again?

    With my first two daughters it was four weeks but this time around that is the last thing on my mind. I am in way more pain this time (probably because my son was almost nine pounds!) and can't imagine ever having sex again. When did you have sex again after giving birth, was it the same? was your spouse/signifcant other understanding in you needing to take your time or was it an issue?

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago