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Hey, wassup! About me? Well, I've got a 16 month old golden retriever named Connor and a kitten (not sure how old) named Misty, and I'm hopefully going to get a labrador. I love dogs and I know a lot about them, and I want to be a vet when I'm older, and I'll do anything I can to become on. Oh, and I love Pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all! Yep, that's it.

  • Question about Pokemon breeding?

    I've recently become interested in breeding my Pokemon and training them strong.

    Just wondering that if you catch a male and female of a Pokemon, such as Pikachu, and EV train them so they have pretty good defence, and I make them breed, will the baby Pichu have good defence, too? Or will it be normal defence?


    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • Can you breed normal Pokemon with legendaries?

    I know that you can't, say, breed a Rayquaza with ditto and get a baby Rayquazam but can you breed a female Pikachu with a legendary Pokemon, such as Mewtwo, and get a baby Pichu?

    I'm just wondering.


    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How to get ash off my dog?

    Um, I think it's called ash, anyways. I'm not too sure.

    Anyways, I was walking my dog and there was a patch of burnt grass (actually, there was no grass, just burnt stuff) and my dog decided to roll in the black stuff (whatever it's called, soot, ash, whatever) and now I can't get it off him.

    When I got home, after taking a few photos (he looks cool when he's half black) I tried rubbing it off, and then I tried bathing him, but I can't get it off.

    Does anyone know anything that can help?

    Also, he got some on his face, pretty close to his eyes, so I have to be careful.

    Please help!

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Really scary horror movies?


    I'm planning to have some friends over on Halloween, and we're gonna watch some really scary horror movies.

    The problem is, we can't think of any.

    What are some really scary movies that you've watched?

    The scariest ones you've ever seen, ones that made you scream.

    Thanks, guys.

    9 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Why is Zimbabwe in poverty?

    This is for a school assignment.

    Remind me to never take Food Tech again (it's boring, and mostly theory work instead of cooking).

    So yeah, please answer.

    I've tried to find the answer myself, believe me, I have, but I can't find a good answer. I did find one answer, saying something about a family of six in Zimbabwe needs $1,400, 386 per month, but I didn't really understand what they were talking about.

    So please answer.

    Thank you so much.

    Have a nice day.

    1 AnswerGeography9 years ago
  • How do you become a dog breeder?

    You know, those official dog breeders that you find on official sites and have all those awards and stuff.

    I'm just wondering, this is just out of interest.

    I'm don't want to be one of these breeders, I'm just wondering.

    Thanks, guys.

    Be polite.

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Dog walking trouble. Help?

    My dog, Connor, used to wear a Halti while walking. He walks nicely, almost perfectly, but he gets excited when he sees other dogs, so I make him wear it so I don't have any troubles.

    But people always think he's wearing a muzzle, and that he's a dangerous dog because of it, so the other day I bought him a non-pull harness. It does the same thing as the Halti, except it doesn't look like a muzzle.

    I introduced it to him. First, I let him sniff it (he mistook it for a toy, and tried to tear it apart), then I gently put it on him, gave him some treats while doing so, then I took it off. Then, about an hour later, I put it back on him and got some treats, and got him to do all of his tricks to make sure that he can move around in it properly. Then this morning I took him for what was supposed to be a quick walk around the block while wearing the harness, but he refused to walk. I had to drag him half of the way. I took him for another walk this afternoon, and he did the same thing. But this afternoon, I brought treats with me and gave him one whenever he walked beside me (which wasn't that often, which is strange for him).

    What can I do to stop this? I don't like dragging him, I want him to see the harness as something positive. What can I do? Did I introduce it right? Did I do something wrong? What can I do about it?

    Please help!

    And be polite.

    Impolite answers will not be chosen as best answer.

    Also, he has worn a harness before. When he was a little pup, I walked him with a harness (only because he looked so cute in it) and he was fine with it. He also wears a harness in the car, because here, the law states that a dog has to be restrained by either a harness or a dog seat belt while traveling in a car. I don't know what the problem is with this one, though.


    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How do you know if two toys are in love?

    I have a toy white tiger (boy), and my friend also has a toy white tiger (girl).

    They spend a lot of time together, and are always leaning on each other.

    How do you know if two toys have fallen in love?


    3 AnswersToys9 years ago
  • Who here is excited for the new Doctor Who series?

    Doctor Who series 7!

    I cant wait!

    Anyone else?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • If you have braces, does getting hit in the mouth hurt more?

    I might need braces, but I also tend to get hit in the mouth quite often. I get hit in the mouth my by 4-year-old neighbour, I get hit in the mouth by my friends, I get hit in the mouth by dogs when they're jumping up to lick my face, and I sometimes get hit my my brothers. Once, my friend hit me in the mouth with his hockey stick. Accidentally. It hurt like hell.

    So, would it hurt more to get hit in the mouth if I have braces? I handle pain well, but I still don't like pain.


    6 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • If you saw a herd of angry Pikachu running at you, what would you do?

    I'd grab a weapon, then run for my life.

    What would you guys do?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Who can get the answer to this?


    So there was this man, and he had a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage.

    They had to get across a river.

    There was no bridge, only a boat, but the boat was only big enough to fit the man and either the wolf, the goat, or the cabbage. It wasn't big enough for all of them to fit.

    If the man took the cabbage across the river first, then the wolf would eat the goat.

    If the man took the wolf, then the goat would eat the cabbage.

    If the man took the goat, then when the man brought the wolf across, then the wolf would eat the goat.

    If the man took the goat, then when the man brought the cabbage across, then the goat would eat the cabbage.

    What can the man do?

    I hope I covered it all.

    If it's confusing, let me know, and I'll fix it up.

    If the man took the cabbage

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Who would win a fight between Pikachu and Spiderman?

    I bet Pikachu would win.

    What do you guys think?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • My cat ate Comfortis for dogs! Will she be okay?!?

    My dog didn't eat the Comfortis that I put in his bowl this morning, so my mum put it next to me while I was on the computer. Later, I was busy playing Pokemon Tower Defense (best game ever!) and I noticed my cat was next to me, so I looked at her. That's when I noticed that she was eating the Comfortis. I quickly took it off her, but she must have eaten about either half or a quarter of it, I'm not sure.

    She's a young cat, maybe a kitten. I'm not sure exactly how old she is, I adopted her from a vet hospital.

    The Comfortis is for dogs, 27.1 - 54kg.

    It says that it contains 1620mg Spinosad, if that helps.

    My cat is small.

    Will she be alright, or should I take her to a vet?

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Can anyone here tell me all the Pokemon games?

    I haven't been playing and watching Pokemon as much as I used to, so I decided to buy and complete every single Pokemon game, just to make up for it. I'm gonna try and catch 'em all, and if I can't, then I'll just use cheats :)

    Can anyone here name every single Pokemon game, and maybe tell me what the game is on? Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, etc?


    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • How to become a veterinarian?

    I really, really want to be a vet, I'm just not sure how to be one.

    I looked it up, and the internet says that I need to do 4 years at uni and then do 4 years at a vet school.

    Does this mean that I go to uni and study vet science, and then go to a school that only teaches vet science?

    Or does it mean that I go to uni for 4 years and study something like biology, chemistry, and physics, and maybe zoology if the school does it, and then one I get a degree from that, then I go and get a degree in vet science?

    Please help, I'm really confused.

    I'm 15, and I'm in high school, and I'm going to be doing biology, chemistry, and physics next year, as well as math and science.

    Math and science are my favourite subjects :)

  • Do most Atheists even break Gods laws?

    Okay, here are the 10 commandments:

    1) You shall have no other Gods but me.

    2) You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.

    3) You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

    4) You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.

    5) Respect your father and mother.

    6) You must not kill.

    7) You must not commit adultery.

    8) You must not steal.

    9) You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.

    19) You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.

    The only real difference between Atheists and Christians is that Atheists don't believe in any god. But there isn't a law about that. The rule says that we can't have any other gods but him, but us Atheists don't have any gods, so we're not breaking the rule.

    And as for all those other rules, most Atheists don't break them, anyway. The good ones, anyway.

    So I'm just wondering why Christians hate us so much?

    I mean, we aren't breaking any of the rules, so why do you guys keep saying that we're going to hell?

    Please be polite as possible in your answer.

    Oh, and I'm sorry if I got any of the Commandments wrong, or I put them in the wrong order.

    I was raised Christian, but I've always had trouble memorising them.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Don't you just love it when you ask a question here and no one says rude things to you?

    Every time I asked a question here on the Dogs section, there is always at least one person who says really rude and hurtful things to you.

    But I asked a question this morning and no one said anything rude! I was so surprised!

    Don't you love it when this happens?

    Or have you always had at least one rude person answer your questions?


    Be polite.

    Being rude gets you nowhere.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What's it like to be a vet?

    I want to be a vet, but I want to know more about it first.

    I have my life planned out: Get a job, maybe get married, buy a nice house, and have a kid.

    I just need to find a good job first.

    I decided to be a vet, the pay is good, plus I work with animals.

    And I know what I need to do to be a vet, and I'm okay with it.

    But what about the hours?

    When I have my kid, I want to be there to pick him up from school and I want to be there to pick him up from school, and I want to be there for him, and spend time with him.

    But if I'm working all the time, then I can't do that.

    Can anyone here please tell me what the hours are like?


    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is it possible to have a St Bernard cross Chihuahua?

    'Cause for that to happen, the Saint and the Chihuahua would have to... well, 'do it'.

    How would that go? 'Cause if you've ever seen a Saint and a Chihuahua together, well, then you'd know that it'd be kinda hard for that to happen.

    And what if it's the Chihuahua that's female? Will she even be able to give birth to those puppies?

    I'm just wondering.

    Be polite.

    11 AnswersDogs9 years ago