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  • Platter tutu storage?

    I recently purchased a platter tutu. I will provide the link for all the details. I need to wear it next week and was wondering the best way to store it before then. Currently it is lying upside down on a cotton sheet, with another sheet over it, and then some light books. I want it to be nice and flat when i need to wear it.

    What is the best way to store it until i need it? I don't have access to a tutu bag or tutu hangers

    What should i do for long term storage of the tutu?

    heres the tutu

    4 AnswersDancing10 years ago
  • Iphone in water for 10 seconds max?

    i dropped my iphone in the bathtub. it was in the water for about ten seconds. I took it out towel dried it and put it in rice. It was still on and worked perfectly. I turned it off took the simcard out and put it in a bowl of rice. In everything that i have found so far people who dropped their phones say they turned off, mine didn't. Was it not in the water long enough to do any damage

    what is the best thing for me to do


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • advice from dancers about schools?

    Which ballet school should i go to, do i stay where i am or switch?

    I am 16 years old and have been dancing for five years, i started late and have been working like crazy to catch up, i want to dance proffessionaly, or at least major in dance in college, the school i currently dance at is ok, i take 9 classes a week including a jr compnay, varriations, and 2 pointe classes. But because i started late the directer pays little attention to me, he is more focused on the other girls who are younger, mostly because he still thinks of me as the girl who started late and is awkard. I found another school, about ten min farther away than the one i go to, its smaller and the studio space is less nice but the instruction is fabulous. I am taking two classes there a week right now on top of my lessons at the first school. the teacher is wonderful and corrects me often, she pays lots of attention and is interested in having me improve. naturaly my other teacher doesnt like that i am dancing at two schools. And the teacher at the new school would love to have me full time. I am torn about what to do, i want to do what is best for me but i am not sure what this is.

    the things holding me back from switching full time are my friends at the other school, my concerns that the new school isn't as good (i really dont know how to tell) and the fact i feel loyal and debted to my current teachers who taught me evertyhing, i feel like leaving them would be insulting to them. since they helped me so much. but i just want to become the best dancer i can be. once i make the descision to switch though it will be extremly hard to switch back. At the school i go to i am in a lower level, and have no chance of making company given my age, at the new school i would be in company. I dont know what to do, when i confrotend the director of my school he told me he didnt think switching was a good idea, but he is business oriented and very much not interested in loosing the tutiton my family pays. he said i am just trying to make my self better by having a smaller "pond" he naturalry said his instruiction was the best.

    i just dont know what to do and i am worried i will make the wrong descision.

    please help, any advvice from pros, teachers or students in the same situation would be really helpfull, i will include the links to both schools websites.

    vbts is my current school, i am in int 4 there, and jr company,

    at teh ballet school i would be a combination pt prep and en pointe with company class.

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • which ballet school should i go to, do i stay where i am or switch?

    I am 16 years old and have been dancing for five years, i started late and have been working like crazy to catch up, i want to dance proffessionaly, or at least major in dance in college, the school i currently dance at is ok, i take 9 classes a week including a jr compnay, varriations, and 2 pointe classes. But because i started late the directer pays little attention to me, he is more focused on the other girls who are younger, mostly because he still thinks of me as the girl who started late and is awkard. I found another school, about ten min farther away than the one i go to, its smaller and the studio space is less nice but the instruction is fabulous. I am taking two classes there a week right now on top of my lessons at the first school. the teacher is wonderful and corrects me often, she pays lots of attention and is interested in having me improve. naturaly my other teacher doesnt like that i am dancing at two schools. And the teacher at the new school would love to have me full time. I am torn about what to do, i want to do what is best for me but i am not sure what this is.

    the things holding me back from switching full time are my friends at the other school, my concerns that the new school isn't as good (i really dont know how to tell) and the fact i feel loyal and debted to my current teachers who taught me evertyhing, i feel like leaving them would be insulting to them. since they helped me so much. but i just want to become the best dancer i can be. once i make the descision to switch though it will be extremly hard to switch back. At the school i go to i am in a lower level, and have no chance of making company given my age, at the new school i would be in company. I dont know what to do, when i confrotend the director of my school he told me he didnt think switching was a good idea, but he is business oriented and very much not interested in loosing the tutiton my family pays. he said i am just trying to make my self better by having a smaller "pond" he naturalry said his instruiction was the best.

    i just dont know what to do and i am worried i will make the wrong descision.

    please help, any advvice from pros, teachers or students in the same situation would be really helpfull, i will include the links to both schools websites.

    vbts is my current school, i am in int 4 there, and jr company,

    at teh ballet school i would be a combination pt prep and en pointe with company class.

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • wart or callus?? or something else?

    a couple of days ago i noticed a small hard bumb on the top of my pointer finger about 3 centimeters from the nail on the side with the finger print.

    i bought saliac acid and have beeen using it and also go the freeze stuff

    that area of my finger is now white but the skin does not look like the warts that come up on immage seach

    i read that you could file a wart down so i used a nail file and now there is a red circle surrounded by the white dead skin

    it looks like when you scratch a mosquito bite to hard.

    is it wart

    or a callus or something else

    if it is a wart how can i make sure i am not spreading it

    i know you are not supposed to touch it but if i alredy did is there anything i can do

    i really dont want more

    they are really gross

    please help

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • why does sodiam effect weight gain during period?

    trying to drop a few pounds and wondering how sodiam effects weight gain

    all the weight from your period goes away right

    because i have been diet and exercising and GAINed weight

    but i am starting my period so that could be it

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I had my pointe shoes fitted with ouch pouches but my teacher decided we cant use them anymore now what?

    its not a big deal but how do i ensure that when i switch padding my shoes still fit. i like the shoes i have and can not get them where i live so it would mean a two hour drive to get another size fitted.

    She wants us to use papertowels or handi whips

    3 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • dance teacher from hell? Help?

    My summer intensive has a guest teacher this week from texas and she is awefull. There are kids who just got their pointe shoes this week and she made them leave the barre and do passes in the center even though our real teacher said they should stay on two feet at the barre. She also told us we were doing everything wrong and yelled at us. She insulted our technique and yelled at the ten year olds when they had to yawn. When we told her waht our teacher wanted she just said, oh well i know what i am doing because i am a professional. Should we tell our teacher we are upset. i dont know if i can deal with her class for another whole week. I feel like it is hurting my technique not helping it. She also gave us a long lecutre about how if we had injuries we should tell her and when people did tell her she just said. BE careful. obviously we should be careful

    she is friends with the owner of our studio so we dont know if he will listen to us but we want to learn and improve not get yelled at and taught the wrong thing. what should we do?

    5 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • how do i stop yoyo dieting?

    I keep trying to lose weight for dance, i am 140 and 5'6''. i know some of it is mucslce but a couple months ago my teacher recomended that i loose weight, i want to get down to 120 or 115, i dont really se my self as fat but i have a buble belly that i cant seem to loose, I seem to always loose 10 pounds and then gain it back

    i need a way to stay on track and eat healty, i have sweat tooth but i love salad i need some ideas of healthy filling foods.

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do i stop yo yo dieting?

    I keep trying to lose weight for dance, i am 140 and 5'6''. i know some of it is mucslce but a couple months ago my teacher recomended that i loose weight, i want to get down to 120 or 115, i dont really se my self as fat but i have a buble belly that i cant seem to loose, I seem to always loose 10 pounds and then gain it back

    i need a way to stay on track and eat healty, i have sweat tooth but i love salad i need some ideas of healthy filling foods.

    5 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Trying to get my splits should i keep going if im sore?

    i have been working at it everyday and today i am stiff and sore from doing it. Should i still do my split today or give it a day off

    i dont want to pull something

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Dancer diet advice what to eat?

    Im 5'6 and weigh 140 i want to get down to 120. i know 140 is healthy but i want to make senoir company this year and i know i need to bring everything ive got. Please dont tell me that i shouldnt loose weight im looking for advice as to what to eat for each meal. i am ok not mixing it up

    so i would like

    Breakfast(what to eat and drink)

    Lunch(small, but what to eat and again drink)

    Dinner(eat and drink)

    2 snacks to be eaten on days when i dance between classes

    i dont eat seafood but i do eat meat

    please give me some ideas

    1 AnswerDancing1 decade ago
  • do you agree with what the person said about my pointe?

    they said

    You have no turnout. No ballet technique. It is hard to believe you have been dancing for 5 years. Your fifth looks like a third. There is no way you should be dancing en pointe.

    it was really hurtfull

    do you think it is true?

    i know i need to work on turn out

    in the end of the video you can see i am trying to do so

    advice about turn out would be great

    i do the frog streach

    what else should i do?

    5 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Pointe Critique and help?

    this is the most recent video

    if the link dosnt; work youtube search


    also feel free to post a link of you on pointe for otheres to critique too

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Do the grishko pro 2007 have a bendyish shank or just the pro flex 2007?

    i bought a pair and forgot to ask what they are. i got them in florida and i live in vt so i cant go back to the store and ask. the shank is pre arched i guess it bends and flexes, i want to re order the shoe but i dont know if it is the proflex or the regular 2007

    1 AnswerDancing1 decade ago
  • Dancers, How do you not stress about auditions and placement?

    next week i will find out what group i am in for summer intensive and at the end of the summer i will find out if i am being moved up to senior company or if i have to stay in jr

    how do you keep from freaking out

    its all i cant think about right now

    i dont know how to stop stressing

    3 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Dancing in College: best schools?

    I am a fifteen year old girl and i am about to finish my sophmore year. i dance 5 days a week at my studio and i am begining to think about college, i want to pursue a dance career although maybe not as a pro dancer.

    i need advice about good dance colleges - i get ok grades mostly a's and b's one or two c's

    i want to dance and still get an education but i want the education to be based on a dance career im thinking like dance medicine

    my other option is to stay in my home town and attend uvm for free because my father teaches there

    and dance at the school i still go to

    i would be a little older than everyone but i would get to dacne somewhre i know i like

    apart from cost - since uvm would be free which is the better decsion

    advice would be great because i really need to start thinking about schools

    3 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • I hate my pointe shoes, but there no where near dead, should i wait until they die or toss them for good ones?

    i have russian pointe which i thought i would love but the vamp is too long for my feet and i have trouple dancing in them

    what should i do

    i want to improve and i odnt feel llike i can in a bad pair of shoes

    my friends think i just have crappy feet

    3 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • My teacher hates grishkos but i tried a pair on and they work really well for my feet Do i get them or not?

    I tried on a pair of grishkos at teh store and they are the best shoes ive tried but my teacher hates them

    some other girls in older classes have them so i dont know if i should go for it or not

    4 AnswersDancing1 decade ago