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Lv 611,117 points

Stan M

Favorite Answers15%
  • How to continue trying to find a job when you have lost hope?

    I really hate my job and don't want to work there anymore but can't quit without finding another one because I got bills to pay. The problem is I applied for 25 jobs in the past 2 weeks and got rejected 25 times. Not after being interviewed but being denied to be interviewed. I feel really hopeless about my current situation.

    14 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • I need help with a crime novel idea?

    This particular victim happens to be the ex-husband of the killer and he is super suspicious of her. Since the ex-husband is an extreme catholic the murder would be a satanic sacrifice but don't have any ideas on how to lure him to the altar. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors2 years ago
  • How can I explain this to my boss?

    Last night I wrote a message to my boss on Facebook about putting in my 2 weeks notice. But the issue is I am not putting in my 2 weeks notice and I wrote him that message when I was under the influence of ambien cr and was completely unaware of what I was doing. What should I tell my boss?

    8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • How to go about asking my boss for a letter of recommendation?

    I have been working at my current job for a little over a year and I want to move on to something better. I found a place currently hiring and if I get the job I will be making twice as much money, weekends off, and better benefits but the competition is super stiff and a letter of recommendation can really help my chances. I am worried about how he will react because he has no idea I want to leave and because we get along well I am worried he might take my leaving personally. How do I go about asking for a letter of recommendation?

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • If God hates sin why did he create beings who he knew would sin?

    Lets see how you Christians answer that.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Would this be a good idea to get weekends off?

    Every job I had included working weekends but I was thinking about lying to get weekends off when I get a new job. The lie is I can't work Saturday because it's Shabbat and can't work Sunday because I am a big brother. Would that get me weekends off?

    23 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Employers would you hire someone like me?

    I am not going to mention any companies or industries but this is my situation. I spent 7 years in one industry with an impeccable record and all my references are from top level managers in that company speak incredibly highly of me but then I wanted to take a different path and have been in the different industry for a year but want to return to my original industry. But the kicker is the commute would be 2 hours and I would have to sort everything out with my current job for a few weeks. Would you hire me?

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Would it be a good idea to talk to my boss about this?

    It's always been a dream of mine to work in New York but I live out of state. So I want to ask my boss if there is anything I can do to help increase my chances of getting a job or at least get my foot in the door. But people I know are warning me against it because they think my boss will get angry at me for wanting to leave the company and fire me on the spot but me and my boss have a good working relationship built on respect so I don't see an issue. Should I ask my boss for advice?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • How to get an office job when you can't type?

    For the past 10 years I have been killing myself doing manual labor jobs and it is starting to catch up with me. So I want an office job so I won't have to break my back and get weekends off but the problem is I can't type. How can you get an office job when you can't type?

    16 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Is what I am doing normal?

    I have had a wide variety of jobs and each one I hated. I hate them to the point where I have intentionally made myself violently ill or hurt just so I have a reason not to go in. It's cold and flu season and I do what I can to get the flu because that guarantees me a week off from work. I got food poisoning from pizza once accidentally but kept eating so I can remain sick and get out of work. And sometimes I will intentionally hurt myself in the gym so I can get some time off. Is this normal.

    6 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    The other day I was babysitting my cousin and when Peppa Pig came on she got all of her Peppa Pig toys to watch it with her and then out of nowhere I almost cried. Reason being is I used to do the same thing at hat age with my all my pokemon toys whenever pokemon came on. The reason it made me cry because it made me think back to my childhood and made miss being a kid again. What is wrong with me.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 years ago
  • How to get a job you are under qualified for?

    There a couple shoe stores in New York I really want to work for because there is a good potential to make some serious money but they are really high end and my 7 years of selling shoes are from a really low end company.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 years ago
  • What is the best way to climb Mount Washington?

    It's one of my New Years resolutions to climb a mountain so in a few months I will got to New Hampshire to climb Mount Washington. I walk on average 15 miles a day so I am physically prepared for it but what else should I do to prepare?

    6 AnswersClimbing2 years ago
  • I have two questions about etiquette?

    Question 1: How do I repay this woman's kindness?

    Scenario: I collect shopping carts at a major supermarket and there is this one regular who always asks me to get her an electric cart and when she is done I am always there to load her car with her groceries. Yesterday the same situation went down but this time she gave me a Christmas card with 10 bucks in it. How can I repay her kindness.

    Question 2: Is what I am doing bad?

    Scenario: Despite liking my customers I really hate my job to the point where several times a day I go to the bathroom to avoid work. I just sit on the toilet and play games on my phone. One time my boss confronted me about my frequent bathroom habits so I lied and said I suffer from Crohn's disease. Was I wrong to do that.

    7 AnswersEtiquette2 years ago
  • How to get a job in another state?

    There are a couple places in New York I really want to work for but because I live in New Jersey they want nothing to do with me. They are worried the commute would hinder my availability and they don't want to risk it. What can I do?

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Which addict is worse off?

    I was watching two different documentaries about addiction to painkillers. One of them would go to different doctors faking symptoms to get their fix while the other would intentionally injure himself so he could go to the hospital and get painkillers. Which one is worse off?

    2 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • What do I do about pain?

    I am a cart collector at a supermarket and was just called in to my bosses office yesterday and was told I was working too slow but the thing during my job I walk 10-15 miles a day which causes my feet, knees, hips, and back to be in a lot of pain and it really slows me down. What can I do to work faster through my pain? I have tried everything over the counter for my pain and nothing is working. I went to the doctor and because there is no injuries they just tell me to take advil or aleve. I currently use custom made orthotodics, good work shoes, and knee braces but they don't do anything to help. what should I do.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • I need a lunch idea that will fit these macros?

    The lunch needs to be 1,315 calories

    205 grams of carbs

    27 grams of fat

    61 grams of protein

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • How to work faster through pain?

    I am a cart collector at a supermarket and was just called in to my bosses office yesterday and was told I was working too slow but the thing during my job I walk 10-15 miles a day which causes my feet, knees, and back to be in a lot of pain and it really slows me down. What can I do to work faster through my pain? I have tried everything over the counter for my pain and nothing is working. I went to the doctor and because there is no injuries they just tell me to take advil or aleve.

    11 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago