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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Would you mind your child meeting her classmate's gay parents at meet my family day?

Your daughter's Pre-K class is having a 'meet my family day', a pre-k 'holiday' to help children understand that not every family is the same.

A little girl in the class, Greer, has gay parents, two dads. half the other children's parents want them banned from coming to the holiday because they feel it would cause their children to think that being gay is okay. Other parents disagree and say they should have as much of a right to go as any other parent, Guardian or foster parent.

You're the deciding vote, should Greer's parents be allowed to attend? explain why or why not.

( I asked this in R&S but I want to see how real parents react)

60 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where on earth can people be BANNED from somewhere for being gay? Nazi Germany?

    What parents choose to tell their kids about being gay is up to them, but to think that they will never be exposed to homosexuality somewhere sometime is stupid.

    Won't it be worse for the little girl if her parents do not come out of shame or being ostracized? Won't the kids think of her as some outsider then? Wonder if her parents don't love her?

    What if the girl had two moms? Was adopted? Was mulatto?

    At pre-K level, the kids do not and will not need to understand what being gay means. All they will know is the girl had two dads for some reason. If they ask why, it could certainly be responded to by saying, sometimes, kids have two mommies or daddies.They both love her very much.

  • 1 decade ago

    Children of this age would probably not even notice nor remember that Greer's family consists of 2 daddies and no mommy any more than they would remember if another classmate only lives with a mom, but not a dad. To not allow this couple to attend an event such as this would open up the school to a myriad of troublesome legal issues involving discrimination. Whether a person agrees with the homosexual lifestyle or not does not give them a right to ban a legitimate family from participating in a family event. What if a family had mixed race parents and someone opposed Blacks marrying Whites? Would they be able to say ban this family from attendance? Or, if a child's parents are divorced and someone was against divorcing, would they want to see them banned as well? No matter where you go in life, you will meet people who live in a way that is not in keeping with the way you live. Children learn first from their parents and if the parents make a big fuss over this classmate's family situation than the kids will, too. No one has to approve of this couple's lifestyle choices, but everyone should give them the respect that is allowed under their legal rights. I would be fine with my child meeting all the members of her classmates' families. For the record, I am a mom to 4 kids who are now 28, 26, 23, and 10. I understand the controversy surrounding homosexuality. I am a Christian, strong in my faith. I also have a son who is gay. He is a great person, smart, honest, hard-working, talented, and compassionate. His father and I love him with a love that never waivered when he "came out" to us. Yes, it was, and sometimes still is, hard to understand, but I have learned first hand that to judge a person solely on their sexual preferences can result in some devastating and unneccessary hardships. I say there is nothing wrong with allowing this family the priviledge of attending "meet my family day" and anyone who has a problem with it should be asked to stay home if they can not be respectful and polite.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Greer's parents should be allowed to attend. They are the child's family. Think about it. 3 or 4 of the parents attending that class are cheating on their spouse. Another 2 or 3 regularly abuse someone in the home. Several have only one parent because Dad is not around. At least one of those children is living with their mother's boyfriend. Life is not all about the traditional 2 parent family.

  • 1 decade ago

    Umm.. that would be a big YES!!!!!

    Its not not called Meet the Straight Family Day. Even though her parents are gay - they are still a family and shouldnt be teated as anything different.

    The parents who said they should not attend are ignorant... Im sorry if that sounds harsh - but not only is that not fair to Greer but its not fair to the other children. Its not like the parents have to go into detail if their kids ask why Greer has two dads, a simple explination will suffice a Pre-K child.

    Besides, this might be a good time for those parents to teach their kids about tolerance and that everyone si different.

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  • They should be welcomed just the same as straight couples. It's not as if they're going to tell all the kids how they have sex....or make out in front of them. I've known kids with two dads, and sometimes the two men make better parents than some women/men couples. I would have no problem with them being there, I think I would have more of one if they were excluded. Imagine what little Greer would feel if she was told her daddies weren't allowed to come, I think a child's feelings come before close-minded adults. I'd say it's the parents worrying about the inevitable question "Mommy, why does Greer get two daddies and I only get one?"

    Source(s): One of my kids has a friend who has two mommies.
  • 1 decade ago

    How horrible of those parents to think they have a right to judge people that way, it makes me sick!

    They should be allowed to go, or it goes against everything that dinner is meant to stand for. They should have all the same rights as any other family in the school. And if other parents don't like it, they don't have to participate.

    It would be the same thing as a muslim family requesting there be no Christmas play. Why ruin things for other people when YOU aren't satisfied with the ongoings? Why not just disclude yourself like a grown up?

    If Greer's family isn't allowed to attend, then neither should the blacks, the jews, or the muslims. Just to be fair. Because you know that there are plenty of people in this world who would voice their hatred for homosexuality instead of a race or religion. Because that's just horrible, but still, it's a choice that people make to be a part of a religion. It is Greer's dad's choices to be together and raise a family. You cannot disclude someone due to their personal choices.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im sorry but I think the parents SHOULD be able to attend. You cant become gay while being around gay people. These parents, are just that, parents. They do have all the rights as any other parents. If the school lets the parents ban them from comming to the school activities, then the parents who are gay can sue the school, and most likely they will win. Its not 1990 where gays are some horrible people. If the parents ban the gay parents then your just teaching your kids to hate people who are different. What are the parents who want to ban these guys going to do when their child comes to them as a young adult and tells them that they are gay themselfs. Are their parents going to ban them from being their child until they become ungay?

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't have them banned. They are in fact Greer's parents, which has nothing to do with my beliefs or the way I raise my child. I don't believe in punishing a child for the actions of a parent, which is what the ban would do. And, this is her family~ so it is entirely appropriate that they be there for "Meet My Family" day. Pretty open and closed for me.

    Source(s): Just me... another person with lots of faults doing the best I can and being the best Mommy I know how to be.
  • 1 decade ago

    They should have every right to go. By the other parents not agreeing and wanting to ban them isnt fair for there child. How do they think that childs going to feel by not having his parents there. There are so many gays out there now and people just have to learn to except and not judge everyone. If you dont agree with being gay then dont be, but everyone has there own life and no one is entitle to tell someone else how they should live theres. And they are the ones actually being bad by teaching there kids to judge and not accept others!! If the parents have a problem with it, then they can just choose to stay home.

  • 1 decade ago

    These parents have just as much of a right to join the festivities as any other parents. And it wouldn't be fair for the little girl to not be able to introduce her parents to her class just because they're different. Tell these other parents to grow up. I'd hate to be the ***hole that has to sit down and tell little Greer and explain to her that her parents are not allowed to come because they don't want a gay couple there.

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