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Favorite Answers30%
  • Desperate for wise advice, please! ?

    I have a 2yo boy and a 4yo boy who share a bedroom, and for the past couple nights they have been waking up around 1-1:30am and staying up for an hour or two. I am currently 26 weeks + 2 days pregnant with our 3rd boy, so this is very disruptive to my much needed sleep pattern, and is messing up my children's daily and nightly routine too. The thing that is so frustrating about this is that I have been a firm believer in sleep training, and in fact they've both been sleeping through the night without waking up since they were 2-3 months. Here's the thing; my boys have not been feeling well for the past week, and I took my older son to the urgent care with an ear infection yesterday. But this isn't the first time they've been sick, so I don't understand why they're suddenly thinking they need to be up and talking or playing at these ungodly hours! We tried putting one child in our room and leaving the other in his room, but the one who gets left alone sits at the door and cries, and the one in our bed will think it's time to chit chat with us. We leave the bedroom doors open so they're never left completely alone or in complete darkness. We have worship or smooth jazz instrumental music playing all night. If we turn the music off, we get tears about that. My husband is suffering too, because he works an extremely physical job (construction) early in the am. What do we do? How do we get our children back on a sleeping regiment? How do we get them to stop conversing with each other at 2am? How do we make them understand the importance of sleep? This mama is so tired, and if this doesn't stop soon, I'll be cranky and temperamental as well. Please help!

    2 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • How do i program a jensen jr300 remote control to my pioneer dvd player?

    I googled it and pulled up a site that gave me instructions, but for some reason none of the codes worked. The led light blinked like it should, but I couldn't turn the dvd player off when the instructions told me I should be able to. It's kinda frustrating to not be able to play some dvd's (like my workout ones) because I need to be able to pick specific titles. Help please asap! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for the maintenance guy at an apartment to take pictures of you without your permission?

    My husband and I, His twin and fiancee all live in the same apartment complex. We sometimes will go outside in the evening (after the children are sleeping) and hang out just to have some time with other adults and converse. We smoke, but maintain at least 25 feet between us and the building as is the law. We will chit chat sometimes for an hour or so, but never cause any problems. We are courteous to our neighbors and keep quiet voices (we all have children, so we understand how frustrating it can be when neighbors are loud). Tonight, My BIL's fiancee and I were inside and the guys were outside. During that time, the maintenance guy came out of his apartment, took a picture of them, and then took off and disappeared around the building. I want to know by the Laws of WA state, if that is legal to take pics without permission or knowledge of why he is taking them. Please, mature answers only. Thank you!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do you make sparkly hardened Paper Snowflakes?

    I remember doing a project in elementary school where we made paper snowflakes, dipped them in a glue/water mixture, and then sprinkled or dipped them in sugar or salt. I can't remember completely how to do it, but I want to know how so I can make a bunch and hang them on my tree this year. I'm doing mostly handmade ornaments this year, and my theme is snowflakes. Please help me! I already cut out a bunch of snowflakes, I just need to figure out how to harden them and make them sparkle using just stuff I have in my kitchen! Thanks!

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • If your baby was tongue tied...?

    My 6 week old son is tongue tied. He has a difficult time breastfeeding, swallows lots of air, dribbles a lot (which means he needs to feed more often), and often has tummy aches (most likely due to the amount of air he swallows.) All of these are very likely caused by the fact that he's tongue tied. Well, I am thinking I'd want to get the simple procedure done on him so the poor baby can feed correctly, not have tummy aches, not be constantly gulping down air, and not having to work so hard to nurse. But... My husband thinks he needs to be in control of the situation and says, "nobody is going to be touching my son or cutting his tongue" (all they do, btw, is snip the membrane under his tongue, it's virtually painless and most likely will not even bleed. Recovery time is very short, and this will help out my son immensely!) Basically, my husband is just being a brat about this (we are also having marital issues that have NOTHING to do with our children, but my husband is being unreasonable). Anyhow, now that I've vented a little bit, the question is, would you just go ahead and get the procedure done for the sake of your baby or not do it because your husband said not to? I'm so torn, because I want to respect my husband, but I really want my son to be able to get the nourishment he needs without the side effects he has now. I think it is unfair to our son to not get this done. Am I wrong in feeling this way? What are some suggestions?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do YOU think my true due date is?

    I have asked this question to just about everyone I know, and no one seems to be able to tell me a straightforward answer. Here's why: I had my last period Dec 4, 2008 which would make my due date Sept 10, 2009. My first ultrasound showed the baby a little smaller than average, so the U/S tech pushed my due date out to the 24th of Sept. BUT, I got a very clear positive reading on a dollar store test on January 21, 2009. IF my due date is in fact the 24th, would I have gotten such a strong reading in January? This has been a question that has rolled around in my head since the moment the U/S tech changed my due date. Just curious to hear what others think. Thanks, in advance!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How did YOU prep for natural childbirth?

    I am 36 weeks + 4 days pregnant with baby boy #2! I am planning an at home water birth with a midwife. I am very excited, but would be lying if I said I'm not a little scared as well. This is my second child, and I have very healthy and "normal" pregnancies and deliveries. This will be the first time doing it all natural without medicinal aid, and would LOVE to hear from you mamas that have had babies naturally without medicine. How did you prepare? Were you at home or a birthing center? Have you had other children in a hospital with or without medicine? How do home births compare to hospital? Those are just some samples of questions you could answer, or just tell me of YOUR experiences. If you can be specific, please do! I would LOVE to hear and be encouraged! Thank you all in advance for answering!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My husband sold my favorite decorations! Am I wrong to be hurt?

    My husband and I are in the process of moving 3000 miles from SC to WA state. He is in SC, and I am in WA right now. We weren't able to afford a U-Haul, so we've had to sell a lot of stuff that won't fit in our car. I asked him specifically NOT to sell my decorations, and yet he went ahead and sold my TWO FAVORITE framed pictures! Both of which were wedding gifts that I won't ever be able to get back. Then, he got mad and cussed me out when I told him I was upset (I was crying too (I'm 7 months pregnant)). Am I wrong to be upset? What would you do? I know they're just "silly decorations," but now we'll have to spend MORE money just to replace them. He hasn't been thinking realistically, and it really hurts me that he wouldn't at least respect this ONE little thing I asked of him. We can replace beds and things, but the little stuff really adds up, and we can't afford to replace it all right now. I'm sad because we won't even have a nice looking home for many months because he's selling everything. Am I just being overly pregnant and hormonal, or do I have valid reason to be hurt?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • IS there a way you can tell?

    Is there a way to tell who is giving you a high or low rating on YA? I've been wondering that for a little while, and just figured I'd ask. Sometimes I think people just give low ratings to be obnoxious. I've read questions where about 6-7 people will give an answer that is similar (AND, right on if I may add) and yet, each of those people will have a thumbs down. I wanna know WHO is giving them low ratings! It's a weird question, but I doubt I'm the only one who wants to know if it's possible to find out!

    I put this in the pregnancy section, cause this is where I usually am.. And, I know that pregnant women are honest! LOL!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • To Annika 38 weeks pregnant who asked about naturally inducing labor...?

    Reflexology or foot massage will NOT necessarily work. I had a reflexology massage when I was a week overdue, and they still had to induce me with pitocin at ten days over. I tried everything: sex, walking, squats, black and blue cohash, spicy foods, and more... I tried it all! There is basically NOTHING that will guarantee you to go into labor naturally, but your own body taking control. Even after I was on pit, my body STILL wouldnt take over. I was on pit for 18 hours before my son finally came. You can try all the wives' tales, but nothing is guaranteed. If it works, it's basically because your body was already ready, and you just gave a little jump start! Good luck, and God bless! (I had to write it here, cause Annika doesn't allow messages)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are my odds of having twins?

    My husband is an identical twin, and there are twins on my side of the family. There are twins on my dad's side, and twins on my mom's side.I'm nearly 20 weeks along and I'm finding out on monday if there is one or two babies. (This is my first prenatal visit... Don't judge, it's my decision, and 2nd pregnancy... Everything's fine!) But I just wanted to know if anyone knew of anybody who was a twin and ended up having twins. Was it typically the mother or the father? I know of a woman who is a twin and has twins, but never knew any fathers that were twins and had twins. This is a very long winded question, but I'm just curious. :) I'd like answers from people with experience if possible! Thanks for answering this silly question! :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a delicious peanut butter dessert recipe?

    I am a peanut butter addict, (Especially when I'm pregnant... Which is now), and I am looking for the BEST peanut butter dessert recipe! It can be cake, bars, finger food type, etc. I just want something delicious! If it has chocolate in it, that would make it even better! YUM! I just don't have any scrumptious recipes myself! Please help!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the recipe?

    I want ot make that delicious pumpkin dessert. It looks kinda like a "crumble" and it has the coolest crunchy, sweet, salty, pumpkin-ny taste! I don't know what it's called or how to make it! I'm so sorry that's all the info I have, but I'm pregnant and I'm TOTALLY craving it right now! If someone has the recipe (Or something close), then I will pick yours as the top answer! Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why does my 8 month old son do this?

    My husband and I have an 8 month old son who is an exceptionally good baby. My husband works nights and is often sleeping during the day. Our son is SO good with me, rarely ever cries, eats and sleeps well with me, takes baths/showers very well. But... When my husband tries to do anything with him (ie feed him, bathe him, dress him) my son freaks out! He cries til he almost can't breathe, that sad hiccup-py cry. But the second he sees me, he calms down. I understand that he's a mama's boy right now, but I'm wondering if he'll ever get over this and let his daddy be his buddy too! It makes me sad, cause my husband wants so badly to have a "buddy" relationship with his son. And, I hate having to hear the baby crying cause it breaks my heart. But, I don't want to impose on the little time my husband gets with our son. What should I do? How should we get through this? Please, educated answers only!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has this happened to anyone around the end of trimester 1?

    I'm 11 weeks along with baby #2, and I have been feeling GREAT... Until today when I went to put my 8 month old son down for his nap. I was "dancing" with him and singing to him, then I laid him down to rest. As soon as I turned to walk out of his room, my stomach heaved and I almost didn't make it to the bathroom before I blew my breakfast. I have not been sick at ALL this pregnancy, and typically the end of trimester 1 is when the sickness should be going away. Why am I just feeling it now? Has this happened to you? What did you do, and how long did it last? P.S. With my son's pregnancy, I was sick everyday for the first 3 months and when I hit 12 weeks, the sickness was GONE and I never threw up again.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far along EXACTLY am I?

    I know this sounds like a silly question, but I want to know if someone knows of a website I can go to or someway to find out how many weeks AND days I am pregnant? I want to know what day of the week it changes for me so I can keep count on my own calendar. Thanks so much! I'm due September 10... A appreciate all your help! ps.. I'm a little computer illiterate so I figured I'd just ask someone! LOL!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Second pregnancy... Is it normal to feel like this?

    I really shouldn't be complaining but I guess since I was SO sick with my first pregnancy, I'm a little worried. I am 9 weeks along with baby #2, my baby right now is only 7 months old. (I am happily married, and we planned it this way. We wanted them close) Anyhow, I haven't felt much of anything. I don't feel sick like I did with my 1st. I don't get as nauseous, not quite as tired, etc.... For the most part, I feel great. Almost how I did before I got pregnant. I guess my question is this: Am I just comparing this pregnancy too much with my first? Am I just "pregnant" and hormonal and that's why I'm so worried. I guess I just would like some mature adult thoughts. Thanks for all your time!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Only mature women who have had children please answer! Question about losing your mucous plug.?

    Ok... Totally a "TMI" kind of question, but I NEED to know the answer. I'm almost to term, (39 1/2 weeks), and I was wondering what was it like when you lost your mucous plug? I'm getting anxious, and would like to know asap. What did it look like, feel like,... Would it be possible to lose it and not be completely certain? Have you ever lost it when you were not "going to the bathroom?" Please, be as specific as you can. If I don't get an answer soon, I'll just call the dr, but I would like to get some input from other experienced women before I have to call the dr in the middle of the night! Thanks so much! :)

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Painful sex at 30 weeks pregnant?

    I'm 30 weeks pregnant and just recently started having cramping pains while making love to my husband. It usually happens right when I'm about to orgasm and only when we're in a position where he's really deep (ie, "doggy style"). It's a cramping that almost feels like a side ache, only down in my lower abdomen. Is this unhealthy for my baby? Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone KNOW for a FACT what is going on? Would love some answers. I'll be talking to my dr on Friday for an appt, but I'm a little embarrassed to ask her face to face. ;) Thanks for your time and answers

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • He's in my ribs! How can I get the baby to move?

    I'm almost 28 weeks pregnant with my first baby (It's a boy!) and he's just recently decided that he likes sitting under the right side of my rib cage! It's cute that he's found a comfortable place, but it's SO uncomfortable. Is there any way to make him move so I can function without being so darn uncomfortable?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago