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Is Donald Trump going to cause WW3?
12 AnswersPolitics5 years agowhy did we call things "tubular" in the eighties?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoWhy does my boyfriend lick my face so much?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agowhy does he lick my face?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhy must people start every answer with the word "So"?
How did the subject feel about the fact that you wrote this book about them?
"So... before I wrote the book, I asked for their blessing and they said they were happy about it."
How long did it take to write?
"So... I was in India when I wrote it, and I as able to finish it in two months because I had lots of free time."
Why do you keep saying "So..." before every answer?
"So... I dont really know, but I think it's becaseu it makes me sound like I am about to give a really technical, smart response and that makes me feel like I am superior to you. Yay!"
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoWhy must people start every answer with the word "So"?
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoWhy do people get so possessive with me?
From the time I was 4 years old I can remember that I would always end up in the middle of two friends that would always fight over me. This continued through school always two people fighting over me and being very possessive of my time. I am a pretty easy going, passive, I guess submissive to some extents person and I would never act the way they act to try to control a person like that. Why would you want to be around someone that doesnt want to be around you?
I always end up with super controlling people. Even boyfriends and husbands (2 of them). Do I just attract these people like a magnet? Or am I so submissive that it turns anyone that I am around into super controlling monsters against their will. If the former is true, how can it be that I always manage to find these people? Or is everyone really like that, but some people just hide it really well.
There must be other people like me out there, right? People who are not trying to control and persuade and manipulate people? People who are REALLY easy-going, even when you get to know them and let them in your life? Are there any? Am I alone?
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agoI just paid off my mustang and I want another vehicle, but I...Truck or Commuter? ack. Help.?
Finally paid off my Mustang (Yay) and Im thinking about a second vehicle. But, I have two things I sort of "need" and cant decide.
I always need a truck to haul things, buy furniture, etc and always wish I had a truck..
But... I also live 15 miles from my workplace so I feel like I should be good and buy a little gas efficient car to get to work in and save the planet and whatnot.
What do you think?
1 AnswerBuying & Selling7 years agoWhere is a good place for window tinting in san diego.?
Obviously I want it to look great and not be too expensive. I want a window tint craftsman, not someone who is lazy and using sub-par materials. I know nothing about it, nor do I know anyone who dies, so I dont want to get suckered and end up with my Mustang looking ghetto. Any help appreciated.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years agoWhy do people cheat on those they claim to love, and then claim to love them some more?
I, for example, could not do that because if I have someone that I love, then my brain tells me not to takeoff my clothes and bump uglies with a person who is a different person than the one I love. Is the problem that people who cheat dont have actual brains and instead their heads are full of semen?
Also, why do I forgive the brainless idiot that I (for some reason) love. Why do I love him even though he is a rotten, stupid, jerk?
Also, when he comes and looks really pathetic and tells me that he made the biggest mistake of his lfe and he wants to "off" himself because he hurt me so bad, should I have rewarded him with an Oscar instead of understanding and forgiving and comforting him like I did? Have I gone overboard with thinking that I am of a higher consciousness, up there with tthe Dalai Lama? (sp)
Lastly, why do I even want to be with him?
Thanks in advance.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWHAT IS THE DEAL WITH YAHOO COMMENTS SECTION?
Sorry about the caps :) But I can no longer access my comments. I am wondering if there was an upgrade a few months ago that cause problems for the comments section that havent been corrected yet (its been several months), but I dont think thats it becaseu I think the comments are still there but I just cant see them, so I wonder if they banned me personally from comments becaseu I was getting too mouthy about my critiques of the Yahoo authors and whoever designed the new GUI (so poorly >.<) ... ahem, OR is it something about my own browser being stupid and needing an upgrade. Anyone have any ideas or input about this.
Also, if my Yahoo Answers gets banned suddenly, I guess I will have my answer. But if thats the case, I vehemently disagree with the process and am outraged, incidentally.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoHow can I handle stress and pain without medication?
This is complicated and I would really appreciate some advice, ideas or just kind words to help me cope. My boyfriend (5 years) and I are having problems. He says he loves me and then he constantly texts and sexts these other girls, including his ex, whom he is still technically married to, and lies to me about it. I let him get away with it for years becaseu I love him even though he is such a jerk. He can also be very great to me, and things would be perfect, I mean really perfect if only I would never find out about his secret life, but I always find out little things here and there because I am smart and I have intuition. When we fight about it, he will get angry ans start to try to blame me and tell me I gained weight, or I am lazy, or other ridiculous insults and excuses for his bad behavior. (No, I have not gained much weight since we met).
To put this in perspective, I have a lot going for me. I am smart, have a good job, nice car, financially independant, talented- I paint, I sing (in a band), I am a nice person and I have a great family who love me. I am a giving person, no kids, sense of humor, I'm open and very honest. I am no super model, but I am a decent catch for a good man. He has some baggage. Like a lot. But he has a great personality and he is funny and great in bed (sorry if thats tmi, but its true.)
We got in yet another fight last week and he told me he wanted to move. Then he said he's stuck because he cant afford to move. Then later in the day he called and said he was sorry and he loves me. Later we talked some more and he said he wanted to stay together for the long run.
Now, he has a medical issue where he has to be tested for bone cancer today. He is scared, of course.
I know you will say that I need to drop him and that he doesnt love or respect me. The idea of that is so hard it hurts me and scares me to the point that I feel like I am going to have a heart attack. Seriously. Even if I gathered the courage to tell him that we need to break up, I couldn't do that to him with what he is going through because I have a heart.
I know that is all a big mess and I am probably being weak and letting him walk all over me and use me. Here's my question- How do I cope with the sadness and anxienty that all this is causing. I dont think I deserve to have to go through each day like this. It's too hard to feel this way every day and still function at work and in life. I so depressed and nervous and scared I cant handle it. I feel like I need medication or to start drinking heavily or drugs or something to stop all the pain. What can I do and why is this so hard?
5 AnswersMental Health8 years agoWhy is everyone always soooo mad at me?
I would REALLY appreciate any opinions you have becaseu this is starting to drive me insane.
I try to please people. Sometimes I feel that I never do anything for myself and EVERYTHING I do is just what everyone wants me to do. (This includes family, boyfriend and friends.) Yet, I cant please everyone all the time because they all want different things and they all want me to spend time with them a lot and then they get mad when I am not always available to spend time with everyone.
Now, I realize that I have to please myself first, but I like to do these things with them, but they get SO jealous of each other or something and they get mad at me. Then they act mean and rude to me and ignore me. But I dont understand because if the problem is that they want to spend more time with me, why would they try to damage our relationship and spend less time together?
So my questions are as follows: Is this normal and does anyone else experience this? Am I just being too sensitive? Are they all too domineering and being jerks and trying to manipulate me becasue I am too nice?
Please help. I am a nice person and I dont want to be taken advantage of.
2 AnswersFriends8 years agoCan a physicist explain comedy?
What makes the emotion of comedy exist according to a physicists mind?
5 AnswersPhysics8 years agoWould a loving God only give the correct religious information to the inhabitants of one area of the world?
And would he then let all the other people (Asians, Africans, etc.) be left to make up silly fantasies about who god is and then eventually end up in hell after not having the knowledge available to them to go get baptized and what-not? Becaseu I have to say, wow, that is really the ultimate in "working in mysterious ways."
Doesnt this sort of make him a racist?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoShould I buy a handgun?
I have felt that I was leaning toward gun control for the greater good, plus I hate the idea that so many crazy people I see out there on a daily basis could have guns, but I am beginning to feel that it may be a lost cause. Even if there were restrictions on gun ownership, removing guns from Americans would be a political impossibility as well as a logistic nightmare. So, should I just get a gun so that I can at least protect myself from all those people packing heat?
And if I do, how can I be sure that I will only use it when it is completely legal and right to do so? I definitely don't want to be a Zimmerman.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoShould I buy a handgun?
I have felt that I was leaning toward gun control for the greater good, plus I hate the idea that so many crazy people I see out there on a daily basis could have guns, but I am beginning to feel that it may be a lost cause. Even if there were restrictions on gun ownership, removing guns from Americans would be a political impossibility as well as a logistic nightmare. So, should I just get a gun so that I can at least protect myself from all those people packing heat?
And if I do, how can I be sure that I will only use it when it is completely legal and right to do so? I definitely don't want to be a Zimmerman.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoWould the deportation of 11 million illegals result in a drastic reduction in the unemployment rate?
Would it open up jobs for natural Americans? And for the ones who are not working, would it not result in savings to the welfare system? Would this be greater for the country than any amount we would lose in tax collection from them?
3 AnswersImmigration8 years agoDid the Boston Bombing make you feel more Republican?
I have been voting Democrat for the few elections, but prior to that I was a Republican (Reagan years, but stopped at Bush Sr.) However, this episode made me want to buy a gun and deport 11 million illegals. I actually think that it would improve the unemployment rate and reduce the expense of welfare so as to help the deficit. Did anyone else feel affected in this way?
7 AnswersElections8 years agoWhy does everyone start every sentence with the word "SO" now?
It is completely unneccessary and I find it terribly annoying. Whenever people do this, I feel that whatever else they say has no merit because it does not sound like an intelligent way to use the English language properly. It's as bad as saying "like" too much and it reminds me of old valley girl-speak of the 80's.
Also, normally that word is used to politely start a new topic. But now people use it when directly answering a question, but yet it makes you feel that they were not paying attention or are ignoring your question to talk about something more important. Is is a way for people to feel superior and take the "upper-hand" alpha role in a conversation? If so, that is rude.
When did this start and who started it? Because I sort of want to kick them in the shins.
Please tell me if you have noticed this, if you do this and what your thoughts are on this. And then please vow to me that if you do it, you will stop.
12 AnswersLanguages8 years ago