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  • Overweight, need to lose 15-20 lbs?

    I am 39 years old, 5'5 and I weigh 166. I have gained about 26 lbs in the last 2 years from lack of exercise, poor diet and anti-depressants. I would like to try to lose at least 15-20 lbs by Christmas. How can I do this and where do I start? I am not big on crash diets and I have recently given up pop hoping that will help a little bit. I am very unhappy since I went from a size 10 to a size 16 in two years and I have a wedding to go to soon so it is tripping me out. Please give me some good advice.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • My cat keeps throwing up?

    I have two cats, one of my cats just started throwing up. I think it might be a hairball and I will try some hairball remedy. It's only the IAMS dry food (he doesn't really chew it) that he is throwing up. He is okay if I give him a small amount of wet food. Otherwise, he is fine, he is having a problem pooping though, very small poops. I will take him to the vet if this doesn't get better, anybody else experience this problem.? My other cat is okay, no problems.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Horrible haircut?

    I went to my salon on Saturday where I've been going for two years. Unfortunately, my hairdresser gave me the worst haircut I have had since I was 3 years old. I told her to trim it and she hacked it and left me with a mullet. I had her give me a perm in February that is barely 2 months old and now I have tight frizzy curls all over my very short hair style now. I am so angry with her for doing this and had to have another salon fix the "mullet" (which they did for free since they felt bad for me). I grew my hair out for 1 year before getting this perm! Should I call and complain about it and try to get a refund or move on? Everybody tells me they love my new short hair, but I hate it!

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Exterior painting?

    I need help! I have a 1400 sq ft house (bungalow style) that needs exterior painting. This includes power washing, lots of scraping of wood trim. The house is all white and I want to leave it white but paint the trim around the windows black, and paint my front door red. I have been getting quotes and they seem quite high. I live in Michigan by the way and the siding is the old 1950's asbestos siding. If I could afford to re-side I would but painting must be done this spring. Any ideas on cost?????

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Car loans after bankruptcy?

    I have a bankruptcy just discharged in October. I had my car totalled last week and I need a new/used car. I found out today from two dealers that I cannot lease a new vehicle but I am approved for $11000 with 13-15% interest for 60 months. Should I go for it and finance something for 60 months. I can afford $200 - $250 a month with $1000 - $3000 down. They told me also that I have to finance something newer than a 2002 with low miles. So I cannot pick a 2001 car with 80,000 miles on it. Weird. So what is the best thing to do then? Is this interest rate reasonable?

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What is the first thing to do once my bankruptcy is discharged?

    Hi, I just filed for bankruptcy and have to go to court the end of this month. I guess I get discharged after 3 months, why does it take 3 months? Once it is discharged, then what? What do I need to do to restore the once awesome credit I used to have. My score was 720 befor job loss, etc. I need some good advice here.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know anything about Hydrangeas?

    I live in Michigan (zone 5) and I'm just learning how to plant things in my yard. I love Hydrangea's and would love to grow some outside, any tips? sun or shade? best time to plant? Any advice on Tulips, Daylilies are appreciated also!

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I have a 1990 Mustang Covertible?

    I'm afraid when I drive it with the top down it may or may not go back up because the car is so old (i bought it used). How long do those motors last? If it goes, can I put the top up manually and how much would it cost to fix the motor?

    Also, the top has two rips in the back by the back window where the top goes down, how much to repair or replace the top?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Anyone own a 1990 Ford Mustang GT, I need a new rack an pinion?

    Steering is weird and I was told I probably need a new rack and pinion, what is that and who installs them for how much?

    4 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Anyone own a Pontiac Sunfire?

    My car's exhaust is just hanging there and I've noticed many Sunfire's with the same problem and the Chevy Cavalier. I have had this thing fixed twice but it keeps falling, who should I take my car to to have the thing fixed right?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Druggies next door to me?

    My next door neighbors are major pot heads and deal drugs. I've called the police and now they know and the one girl that lives there came over and challenged me to a fight. What kills me is that these people have kids. Most of the neighbors hate them but are afraid to call the police because of retaliation. I know someone else has called the cops besides me but the police said they cannot do much about the pot even if they are on their front lawn smoking it. They play loud music and have parties during the day, at night and every weekend. I'm so sick of this! Now what? Let someone else call the cops on them?

    19 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Contact lenses?

    I heard there is a product out there called Clean and Clear that you can use on Acuvue 2 disposable lenses? Is this true and has anyone tried it. I wear contacts and throw them out every two weeks, this seems like a waste of money if I can use this product and make them last longer and not make the eye doctors richer and richer. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Wage garnishment?

    I live in MI but my employer is in NC. I'm about to get my wages garnished, can they garnish me even though my employer is in N.C? and I live in Michigan? Also the amount of the original bill was $125.00 a month but if I get garnished they can take up to 25% of my pay which equals $500/month, will they take $125 a month or $500 a month which is the max? I've already talked to an attoryney about bankruptcy to avoid all of this, but I was served a summons on April 2nd and want to know how much time I have before garnishment starts.

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend constantly takes my car w/o asking, we live together?

    he has no license, it's suspended for DUI's, how do I get him to stop, he takes my keys and goes.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago