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I am a Christian above all other things. I am an engineer with degrees in both physics and astronomy and a veteran of the US Armed Forces. There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine— Bought with the precious blood of Christ. --Getty and Townsend

  • What happens to the power my car's alternator makes when the battery is full?

    OK so I know that the electricity in the battery is used for many things on the car and that it is recharged by the alternator. It stands to reason that the alternator generates faster than the battery drains or else the battery would go dead eventually. So my question is: Once the battery is fully charged, what happens to the juice the alternator makes afterward?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Where would I look to research the history of traffic accidents at a dangerous intersection?

    There have been a number of accidents at a dangerous intersection and some of them have resulted in deaths. In order to compile convincing information about including a flashing signal at this intersection, how would I go about gathering such statistics? Please post links if you know of any websites.

    3 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Does the Second Law of Thermodynamics reflect the spread of immorality?

    When man rebelled against God, sin and corruption was introduced into a perfect world. As time passes, that sin spreads and festers, never being reduced, because corruption can not make itself uncorrupted, purity can not come from impurity and only perfection can create perfection. As time passes, we become more violent, more corrupt, destroy the environment in greater amounts, encounter more diseases and pollution of our physical selves and change our values to shun honor and nobility in exchange for avarice and narcissism.

    So is the Second Law of Thermodynamics a reflection of the spread of immorality due to the fall of mankind?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can circular reasoning still be true?

    When a Christian says that the Bible is the Word of God, and what we know of God is from the Bible and so the Bible tells us that God is perfect, and therefore the Word of God, too must be perfect.

    This is circular reasoning and is logically invalid as a form of proof. But does that necessarily mean that it is untrue?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can purity come from impurity?

    Can that which is imperfect create perfection?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do I remove rust from a gun barrel?

    I inherited a remington lever action 22 rifle and there is a very light, almost invisible layer of rust on a couple of spots. It is so light you can't really see it, just feel it.

    Is there a way to get the rust off without replacing the barrel? The bore and the rest of the mechanism appears to be in good shape and it functions quite well.

    6 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Did the rings of Saturn exist before Galileo saw them?

    This is a simple exercise which questions the academia maxim that in the absence of evidence, something must be assumed not to exist until proof can be found that it does exist.

    It was not until Galileo first picked up a telescope that rings around any planet were seen for the first time. By the maxim mentioned above, those rings must not have existed during the life of Copernicus or Ptolemy. This is of course ridiculous.

    Christians can not prove by emperical evidence that God exists. This is not surprising since God has asked us to believe in Him through trust and faith; and trust and faith do not coexist with proof.

    He who requires proof has no faith and he who has faith requres no proof.

    Scripture tells us that the relationship that God wants with us is that of trust/faith and love. As such, it would be self-defeating for God to provide proof of His existence while that relationship is still being formed.

    Scripture also tells us that when the age of the Church is over, God will reveal Himself and irrevocably prove to all mankind His existence. Unfortuantely, when that happens it will be too late for people to come to Him out of faith and trust. It will be much like someone saying that they are sorry for committing a crime after they have been caught (would they have been sorry if they had not been caught?).

    So the big question is this:

    Knowing that once proof of God's existence is given then it is too late to turn to God, and knowing that the penalty for rejecting God is eternal damnation, wouldn't it be wiser to investigate carefully for yourself rather than summarily reject because of a lack of proof at this time?

    Wouldn't you say that the potential negative outcome warrants a deeper investigation?

    If you open your heart and mind to the Word of God, and still decide to reject it, then it is your decision and your fate. But to reject God because you fall back on an acacemic proverb or wise crack that can easily be shown to be a non-sequitur is the path of a great fool.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What keeps a car battery from overcharging?

    As I understand it, the car's battery powers the spark plugs which fire the cylinders which turns the engine which spins the alternator which charges the battery.

    Is there some balancing mechanism that keeps the battery from being overcharged?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • What is the best way to drop 20vdc down to 12vdc?

    Last summer I built a solar panel. It works very nicely except that the cells which were rated at .35 volts actually turn out about .5 volts. And the current is around 3A, so I wound up with a panel that puts out close to 20 volts instead of the 12 volts I was planning on. The most obvious answer is to remove a few cells, but the panel is sealed closed and the cells would be damaged if I tried to open it again.

    I was thinking along the lines of just tossing a resistor (or set of resistors) in line, but where do you find a resistor that small that is rated for 60 watts?

    2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • How can a train haul 1 ton of freight 500 miles on 1 gallon of diesel?

    There is a commercial on TV by a local railroad that claims to be able to move 1 ton of freight 500 miles on 1 gallon of diesel. I realize that they are looking at that one ton of freight as a portion of the entire load of the train and how much fuel it takes to move the whole train 500 miles, but does anyone know what the math was?

    How many cars on a typical train?

    What is the weight load of a typical car?

    What is the mileage (miles per gallon) of a locomotive?

    What is the fuel capacity and range of a locomotive?

    I am trying to recreate the math that was used to make this claim.

    11 AnswersRail9 years ago
  • What is the ratio of fuel consumption between cruise and acceleration?

    I realized locomotives burn more fuel when accelerating than when they have the train up to speed and cruising. But what is the ratio?

    Granted there are a number of factors involved such as number of cars per locomotive, load weight, final velocity, incline and so forth. I not trying to get too specific, just looking for an educated estimate.

    2 AnswersRail9 years ago
  • How can a person be saved?

    Over the last week I have asked a number of questions the purpose of which was two-fold. I wanted to see what other people believed and how they answered, and I also wanted to ask a series of leading questions that would show anyone who is in search of God, how to find Him.

    TLS helped us to understand that God is righteous and as such, He does not tolerate sin, which is a rejection of Him.

    No1home2day explained that there was no way for us to do enough good to cancel our sins or to get rid of our sins on our own.

    Doug told us that the wage of sin is eternal death and separation from God.

    And Excelerate h as informed us that the only way to resolve this quandry is for us to be saved by Jesus who will cleanse us of our sins.

    So the next question must be: How does one get saved?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How can God allow us in His presence if He does not tolerate sin?

    Earlier this week I asked (paraphrased) if God can be less that wholly righteous and accept us even though we have sinned. TLS answered that He can't be less that righteous or else He would not be God.

    Then I asked if there was anything we could do to make ourselves worthy to stand before God. No1home2day answered that there is no good deed or number of good deeds that we can do to cover the stain of a single sin. Once we have sinned, we are doomed.

    I then asked what was the penalty of sin. Doug answered that the penalty of sin is to be judged and thown into the Lake of Fire, which is an everlasting punishment,

    But the Bible clearly states that God wants us to dwell with Him, and if so, then what is His plan to make this happen? How does He reconcile His intolerance for sin and our inability to cleanse ourselves of sin?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is the penalty of sin?

    In my previous questions, TLS showed that God can not and will not tolerate sin. Then no1home2day added that there is absolutely nothing we can do on our own to atone for or remove our sins. So the next question is what penalty will we face for our sins? Is there a way to reduce the sentence? Will we be eligible for parole? How do we pay for our sin?

    As before, please answer the opening question. The others are rhetorical but feel free to answer them as well if you wish.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What can we do to make ourselves worthy to stand before God?

    In my last question, TLS explained to us that God can not be anything less than completely righeous. That is to say that He can not compromise and allow any sin whatsoever into His presence. So what can we do to make ourselves worthy to stand before God?

    If we do enough good deeds will we be able to atone for our sins?

    Is there a ritual that we must go through to have our sins removed from us?

    What can we do on our own to get rid of our sins so that we can be with God?

    Please address the primary question as listed at the top. The others are rhetorical, but feel free to address them too if you want.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Would God still be God if He were not quite so righteous?

    Sin is a rejection of God, and many ask the question that if God were so loving, then wouldn't He just overlook our sins?

    The question then becomes, if He did overlook our sins, would He still be God? Would that invalidate His perfection and righteousness?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What would you do if tens of millions of people around the world suddenly vanished?

    Some Christian prophesies foretell an event known as The Rapture when before the apocalypse, Christ summons the Church to Him and the Christians will vanish in the blink of an eye.

    If you were to wake up tomorrow and tens of millions of people around the world suddenly disappeared, and the only thing that they had in common was that they were all Christians, what would you do?

    Would you have the courage to reevaluate your beliefs or would your pride refuse to allow you to consider that you might be wrong?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How can I find out every issue that a particular character has appeared in?

    How can I find out every comic book issue (on or off title) that a comic book superhero has appeared in? For example if I wanted to collect all the adventures of Spiderman, it stands to reason that I would have to collect all the Spiderman comics, but how can I find out where else he made guest appearances in X-Men or Avengers, or even some of the rare Marvel-DC crossovers?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • We know that standard home owner's insurance doesn't doesn't cover floods. The question is why not?

    Is it a marketing ploy? They exclude flood insurance to lower premiums?

    If they covered floods and simply bumped up the premiums across the board one or two dollars per person, wouldn't they cover the costs? Surely the number of people who paid that extra one or two bucks who do not suffer from floods would cover the costs.

    I don't live on a flood plain and have never had to file for flood damage, but if it were only a few dollars more, I'd take on the burden to help others out. I mean I can understand paying a higher premium if you live on a flood plain. But for people who do not live on flood plains and suddenly find themselves the victims of freak floods where there has never been a flood in recorded history, it would be great if insurance companies would be able to step up to the plate and help out.

    8 AnswersInsurance10 years ago