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I'm Chris, a 29 year old Senior International Security Specialist, prior Air Force officer, and OIF vet who is settling into Huntsville, Al after 16 months in Baghdad. I love reading/watching sci-fi and fantasy, fencing (yes, the sport), collecting (and shooting) guns, listening to music (Dragonforce, Within Temptation, Sonata Arctica, Cruxshadows, Rock, Classical, etc- anything but rap, really twangy country, or screaming) and of course, enjoying life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! :-) I love being a bit different. I come across straight laced, and am a non-denominational Christian Conservative Constitutionalist, but I've really got a warped sense of humor, with a hint of deadpan sarcasm. Corny jokes and bad puns are great forms of entertainment too though and should be treasured... I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. That oath never expires. I live with my 2 dogs, a cat, a bird, and a couple of fish. It's a handful, and I need help! LOL

  • Is it really Tiger's fault?

    He was being honest when he said he was gonna go out and play 9 hoes- everyone just misunderstood him.

    What a role model (for scum). His wife should take him to the cleaners (and share some of that 300 million with me).

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Have you read the Sword of Truth books by Terry Goodkind?

    If so, have you noticed how the administration and the leftists seem to be stealing pages from the playbook of the various tyrants the Seeker of Truth must face/overcome? The forced charity, "greater good," and guilt to control people, with tidbits for surrendering freedom and grave repurcussions for not submitting or speaking out...

    If not, the series starts with Wizard's First Rule and I highly recommend it. It's an epic and inspirational series... I've been re-reading it so I can finish it now that it's complete. :-)

    One man can make a difference in spreading the ideals of freedom, and standing up against injustice and tyranny to expose them for what they are, no matter how sweet they may sound- our ancestors understood that. Let's not forget.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the mandatory fees for elective procedure (abortion) in health bill!?

    If this passes, when you pay your taxes, you will be paying for abortions. Yes, unfortunately they are legal- HOWEVER, they are elective procedures and it is inappropriate to mandate that our tax dollars go to pay for them.

    It is elective, and wrong we should be forced to pay for them. It's also brutal murder of a baby. If you don't think it is, I ask you to do research and see the pictures.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What was your favorite job (not career) you've had?

    You know, like a job you did in school or something...

    Mine was either working in a comic book store, or being a floor-guard at a skating rink (where I also ran go-karts on some days).

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you done this for the troops yet?

    I remember getting one when I was in Iraq. It brightened my day a little so I sent one a while back.

    Let me know if/when you've done this, sent over a care package, etc.

    Thanks Sarah, for reminding me!

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Survey: Do you hate when a contact stars a question?

    and then doesn't bother to answer it because you'd like to know what they had to say?

    Or does that not bug you because this is the internet and why should you care anyway?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this poem? (I know, another one...)?

    Distraught in daydreams

    My consciousness streams

    Wondering where to go from here-

    I’m basking in future’s hope

    While drowning in my fear

    Of life alone or love not true

    Or what I hope to do.

    Will I know you when you’re found?

    Will love be a rescue rope

    When I am nearly drowned

    In tears from dreams

    Where reality seems

    As real as you or I

    And when I wake alone

    I feel like I could die

    But for hopes held dear-

    That you’ll find me here,

    Waiting for your heart?

    In patience I will firmly cope

    Until your love does start.


    bq: needs a title.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How can the treacherous media claim the shooter had PTSD?

    Read this article:

    For you to have PTSD you actually have to go through something traumatic like this guy. The leftist traitors are attempting to sling mud at the troops during the aftermath of the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood by not laying the blame on an islamic terrorist, but on a condition that he couldn't possibly have!

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If they cut some doctor's salary by 5% for accepting Medicare, won't that lead to rationing?

    In the Senate version, the 10% of doctors who submit the most reimbursements for Medicare patients will have their pay docked by five percent. This inevitably will lead to rationing of care for seniors, and make "death panels" inevitable as doctors strain to stay below the threshold.

    Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) describes the House bill this way: "This 2,000-page bill includes a job-killing employer mandate, an individual mandate that requires Washington bureaucrats to define what kind of coverage is acceptable, burdensome tax increases, Medicare cuts, and a huge expansion of Medicaid that will break already strained state budgets."'

    Why is this monstrosity of a bill still alive?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this short one?

    Dream Girl

    3 Nov 2009

    I know you're out looking

    For me as I'm searching for you.

    Surely we'll find one another

    And time will stand still when we do.

    So come to me in dreams tonight

    My hope, it lies in you

    To save me from the empty space,

    Like only a dream girl can do.

    There never will be another

    If only your love remains true

    After my eyes open,

    But you're gone and the dream's over.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the poem Smoke and Mirrors?

    Smoke and Mirrors

    2 Nov 2009

    Fall has come and gone;

    Winter’s finally here.

    I thought I would not live alone

    To shed another tear.


    Yet divorced from wife, divorced from life

    Divorced from emotion’s chains

    I stare hard into the fireplace

    Lamenting what remains


    Of bygone days of happiness

    Who knows if they’ll return

    In the guise of someone new.

    The logs still try to burn.


    The light’s gone down from the fire’s glow

    But the burning still exists.

    Love, how I’d love to truly know you

    Before my time has called it quits


    And the betrayal of my seasons spent

    In the desert to provide

    Does harvest more than such spent could sow

    While Deception was my bride.


    Lies of love and a love of lies

    Followed me for years

    Until she left me burned out

    Alone with smoke and mirrors

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Have you run out of candy to hand out?

    If you did, what time did you run out?

    I ran out at 9pm. I think I was overly generous early on...

    12 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Poll: Why was my question about lunch removed?

    I asked what people were doing for lunch and shared that I was having Brie cheese and rolls, and it got deleted, yet other questions that are just as inane if not more so, stay.

    POLL: Why does this happen and has it ever happened to you?

    Is it because some troll violated me, or what? Either way, I feel violated. My poor question never had a chance in this world, and was robbed of its existence and a chance to benefit the Y!A community by coming up with new ideas for what to eat.

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Scientists come forward against global warming with evidence- what do you think?

    Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia states, "Observations of the sun show that as for the increase in temperature, carbon dioxide is not guilty, and as for what lies ahead in the coming decades, it is not catastrophic warming, but a global, and very prolonged temperature drop." He has a paper on pg 140 of report issued this year by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

    There are a ton more quotes from real scientists here (and a link to the report):

    Mars has undergone climate changes as well (increasing temps, melting ice-caps,etc), and we're not there producing CO2 (a couple tiny solar powered probes aren't going to impact the global temp)!

    I mean some people are talking about forced abortions and sterilization to "save the world" from global warming... and others want to destroy our economy to cut emissions, rather than find solutions to wean us off foreign oil. I'm all for clean air, but that's insane!

    What do you think? Will you admit that the global warming crisis is nothing more than politically driven mass-hysteria?

    21 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Man fired for wearing a button! What is your take on this?

    I can see firing someone for violating the dress code if they were talked to and refused to conform- so long as the standards were fairly enforced across the board.... however, this employee wore the button in question for over a year, and without warning was fired for the button.

    He was targetted for his religious beliefs. If he was a Muslim, the left would be up in arms... will they support him because he's a Christian, or will their double standard once again be evident as they persecute and ridicule him?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can a human lick their own elbow?

    My oatmeal packet I had this morning said it's not possible for a human to lick their own elbow. I'm of the mindset that nothing's impossible... and Gene Simmons could probably pull it off. How about you?

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you could have one thing on earth, what would it be?

    It can be anything but money or something you would trade (like a giant diamond or mine) for money, and nothing spiritual/religious/ficticious... no, this is one thing for you to own/have the rest of your life on earth.

    To make it interesting so you don't get stuck, name 2 things!

    one inanimate object: A castle

    one incorporial thing: True Love

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago