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  • My parakeet is dying?

    Cracker is my white female budgie, at least 6 years old, maybe older (bought from pet store 6 years ago). She had weird feather issues, bald patches, a stopped posture, and brown crust on her nose. I took her to Vet #1, who pulled a few blood feathers and said the pet store gave her a bad wing trim.

    Nothing got better. A few months later, I took her to Vet #2. She said she had Clamydia (?) and gave me cream for her cere. It worked a little, but soon grew back again. She has always had a little wheezing sound ever since.

    A few months ago, she started acting strange. She got all fluffed up, didn't want to eat, and sat at the bottom of the cage. I know that means they are sick, so I took her to Vet #3. Vet 3 said there was nothing wrong with her but dehydration, charged me $147 for some meds and water, and sent me home.

    She's not better. In fact, she's worse. Now she falls headfirst into the seed bowl and scratches all the seed out without eating it. She goes to the bottom of the cage and frantically scratches like she wants to get out. It's so weird. She hangs upside down and squawks in a weird voice. When out of the cage, because she is hand tame, she tries to hide in dark places which she never did before. She wants to be out and on me all the time. She closes her eyes a lot, but sings sometimes. She goes to the male budgie and makes high pitched squeaking sounds and he feeds her. I've never heard her do this before. Please help!

    1 AnswerBirds6 years ago
  • Why does my cat bite me?

    My husband and I adopted a little Persian/Siamese mix from the animal shelter about 5 months ago. She was really skittish at first and hid under the bed for 3 whole days (I think she had been abused), but then she got used to us and was friendly, playful, and nice. For the most part.

    We have a problem with her biting me. Just me, never my husband. And it never seems mean. When I come home and open the door, she runs up to me meowing and happy, but then chomps on my leg. For no reason! I haven't even had a chance to put down groceries yet!

    She rubs up against me for food, and I get the food bag out, but hardly begin to pour when she bites my hand - hard! This happens throughout the day. But no hissing or puffing up or acting mad. She actually acts happy when she does it.

    I've had cats before, and none of them ever bit me, so I don't know what her problem is. As soon as she bites me, I yell "NO!" and instantly withdraw, ignoring her or going into another room. She tries to follow me and scratches at the door meowing sadly. As soon as I come out, she rubs up against me and BITES my leg again!!

    Any help would be nice. I'm getting to where I don't want her around at all. Tired of being bit for no reason whatsoever.

    4 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Why do I keep getting an error message when I sign into hotmail?

    I keep getting this:

    You're currently signed in with an Office 365 email account, which can't be used with Please click here to sign out of your Office 365 account, then use another Microsoft account to sign in to (for example, your,, or account).

    But I don't HAVE AN OFFICE 365 ACCOUNT!!! I don't know what to do!!!!

    1 AnswerMSN8 years ago
  • Do I have to play Super Mario Galaxy before Super Mario Galaxy 2?

    Do I have to play them in order?

    7 AnswersNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • Two hours late taking the pill - am I ok?

    I just realized I was 2 hours late taking my birth control pill tonight. Do you think I am still ok?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Can someone tell me what this is?

    What exactly are the two dark things on the sides of the main big black thing.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can someone please read my MRI?

    There are 2 photos at the site. Can you please tell me if it looks like a herniated disk?

    Injuries9 years ago
  • Can a C4 herniated disk only cause foot tingling and numbness?

    Just had an MRI for my foot numbness and 'buzzing' feelings. I have a very small herniated disk at C4. Could this be causing the problem? My neurologist says I may need surgery.

    Injuries9 years ago
  • What is wrong with me - afraid of MS?

    I am a 26 year old female with no history of any medical problems at all (except my back goes out once in a while and I go to the chiropractor to fix it).

    About 2 weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and could not feel my legs. They were numb, cold, and tingling. I can move them fine and walk fine and have no balance issues. I went to the chiropractor thinking it was a pinched nerve. He adjusted my back but told me I probably have MS. It really scared me so I went to the ER right away. They refused to do an MRI (needed more evidence) and sent me home after drawing blood.

    I went to my primary physician and he said the bloodwork was fine and he had no idea what I had. He put me on Prednisone and Nifedeprine, neither of which helped at all. I just returned to him today and he took me off of both and said it was pointless and maybe I should learn to live with this.

    I made an appointment with a neurologist but that isn't for 2 more weeks and I'm very scared. Everyone just tells me I probably have MS and need to live with it. The women at work say it's probably a brain tumor and I'll die. I think they're gloating about it. But moving on...

    I have numbness in my legs, tingling in my feet, and a cold left foot. I get joint pain too, very mild right now, even in my hands. My heart has been beating irregularly a bit and my blood pressure at the doctor's about 4 hours ago was 90/60, which he said was not a big deal but I feel a bit lightheaded.

    What should I do? Any ideas? The doc did say my Vitamin D level was 15, which is supposed to be low, but he wasn't concerned and said it couldn't cause my symptoms.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Question about boyfriend and sex?

    I grew up with OCD, but with Zoloft and counseling, I am much better now.

    Five months ago, I began dating a guy I had known for many years, and always liked. He and I are nearly perfect together, and get along fine.

    The problem is that he has OCD as well, and to a worse degree than I ever did. That is ok with me for most things, because I understand where he is coming from and can help him cope with it.

    However, he has a sexual problem that bothers me.

    I am a highly sexual individual, and would have sex every day if I could. However, he is only turned on maybe twice a week. This seriously damages my self-esteem, although he assures me he was like this with his ex-girlfriends too, and it's not "me". That is the reason why most of them broke up with him after only a few months.

    He gets aroused, so it's not a physical problem. He just says he to mentally "get ready" before doing it, and it takes time for him to do that.

    Does anyone else here experience that, and if so, what can be done for it? Like I said, he and I have the exact same values and goals in other areas, and we are great together. This is our only problem. Am I making too big of a deal about it? We do have sex once or twice a week, and when we do, it is great. Should I just resign myself to not having it as much as I'd like, and focus on other parts of the relationship?

    9 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Could taking my birth control pills late make me nauseated?

    I have been on birth control for almost 2 months. Last night I was really busy and forgot to take my pill for two hours. Today I am very nauseated. Could this be because I took it late?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Could taking the birth control pill cause light spotting between periods?

    I finished my period last week and am on my second month of birth control pills. I am very regular with them and have not skipped any or taken them late.

    Yesterday afternoon I began spotting a little, and it has continued off and on today. It is extremely light, but still enough so that I'm a bit worried. I feel fine and have no cramps or anything.

    Could it be the pill that is making me bleed?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • How do I get pine sap out of my cat's fur?

    I'm not sure how she got into it, but it feels sticky and hard, and is clumping her fur. I've tried everything, even water, which she hates.

    11 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • How do I handle criticism from my boyfriend's family?

    I have problems with being criticized a lot. I am white and my boyfriend is Hispanic. We have been dating for about 3 years now and get along great; we plan to marry someday. The problem is with his family. I am very reserved, and so is my family. His family is open, touchy, argumentative, and generally makes me uncomfortable.

    They constantly criticize me (both in front of me in Spanish, which I can speak more than they know, and behind my back) for being “cold” and “aloof”. It really hurts, because I have genuinely tried to be more open, even hugging them (which my family never does with each other).

    I have told them many times that I am trying to be friendly, but they never believe me. I am simply uncomfortable with people shouting around me and always trying to touch me.

    What can I do? The criticism is starting to get to me and my boyfriend and I have been having lots of fights lately about it.

    1 AnswerFamily10 years ago
  • Can I feed my parakeet black-eyed peas?

    Just wondering if they are poisonous to birds. And should I could them first, or just rinse them?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Can I get arrested for marijuana if my friends are taking it but I'm not?

    Sometimes I like to go to parties. I have never done any drugs, but sometimes people there will light up a joint. If the cops come, can I get arrested? It is not my house or property.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What Thor comic book should I start with?

    Just saw the movie and loved it! I knew nothing about Thor to start with (except the Norse mythology). What Thor comic book is good for starters? I went to the bookstore tonight and there's so much to chose from.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Do I put eyeliner over my eyeshadow, or under, or next to?

    Just bought eyeliner for the first time, and am nervous.

    12 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How to stop pages from going under my Mac dock?

    When I'm working in an window, the buttons at the bottom are going under my mac dock. Is there any way to make the window stop at the dock and not go below it?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago