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Lv 2807 points

Mia b

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  • How to solve Probabilty?

    I have a math problem that ask if the probability of selling a car today is 0.30. Find the odd against selling the car today. How can I solve this problem?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • where I can find the factorial sign in my calculator?

    I'm using a Casio fx-9750G Plus Power Graphic calculator. I have some Factorial notation problems but I don't know how to solve them because I can't seem to find the factorial symbol anywhere in the calculator.

    I know I can multiply backwards for example 4!= 4x3x2x1.

    But I have one problem that is 31! which is way to much.

    Is there some I can find the factorial symbol on this calculator, if not is the some easier way for me to solve factorial problems?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How can I change my decimals into a proper fractions on the calculator?

    Example. after solving a problem off of my calculator the calculator gave me the answer 1.2. But I need the answer to be in a fraction form. How can I do this?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What do they look for when they ask?

    Solve for B when A= 1/B+C

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Confused with Addition method problem?

    So my teacher has given us some examples of what problems we should look out for on the up coming test. Some of the problems are going to be Addition method problem.

    One of the examples is



    He showed us what steps to take to solve so he did:


    3x 4y=3

    This is where I get confused because I don't understand where -8 came from.

    Then goes on to

    -5x =-5

    x = 1






    x=1 and y=0

    Which all of that I understand. Can some please explain to me where the -8x-4y=-8 came from?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • World problems need help?

    Ok so I have a lot of math homework and there are something I am not getting.

    1. I have a problem that says points A,B, and C are three vertices of a rectangle. Plot the three points. (a) find the coordination of the fourth point, D, to complete the rectangle. (b) Find the area of the rectangle; use A=lw. Than gives me problems A(-4,2), B(7,2), C(7,8).

    Than I have one where I have to graph p= 15n-300 for n ≤ 60.

    Not looking for answers just need to know what steps I am suppose to take.

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Not understanding math problem can you help me?

    So the book says that I need to determine the slope of the line through the given points. If the slope is undefined, so state.

    The problem is (-3,-5) and (-1,-2).

    What steps am I suppose to take?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with my math question?

    I need help with this problem.


    I don't want the answer I am just not sure what step I am suppose to take next being that one of the x is in fraction form.

    Do I just turn 2x into 2x/1 and the it will be come x/4+2x/1=1/3?

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Are there any prestigious Colleges in New York?

    I was wondering are there any prestigious colleges in New York for students that wants to major in Film Making?

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What did you Guys think about the final epidsod?

    What did you guys think about the ending of the final epidsod of the Sopranos?

    33 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • How is this possible for racist people?

    I always wondered how can you be racist and be religious or spritral at the same time? Like every time you see racist people on T.V. their always saying in the name of the holy spirit or in Jeuse name I pray or they claim the preach the word of God. How can you be follower of God and so racist at the same time, thats not holly like and I'm sure God does not like racist because in the bible it says we should not judge each other.

    14 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Do you men agree?

    My mom and other older women has always told me a woman should never ask man out or propose to a man because if the woman has to do it then they guy is not really in to her. So if a guy does not ask a woman out or propose to her do you think the man is not ready to go to that level with her also do you think its ok for a woman to ask man on a date or in to marrige?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to build model of bridges?

    I have to do a school project on the Verrazano Bridge and I have to build a model of the bridge. Im not good with using wood and other tools and i was wondering what other type of materials could i use to build a bridge like the verrazzano?

    4 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Are white men afraid of black women?

    Many of my male white friends date other women out of their race like asian or hispanic but not black women. I also have white male friends who find many black women attractive or they secretly like them but they won't apporch them. Is this because they are afraid of black women or are they just afraid there going to get rejected because they think black women won't date white men?

  • How does the Mini DV Camcorder work?

    With a Mini DV Camcorder do you record with a tape or by memory?

    3 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • What do men prefer?

    Do you men Like Blondes, Brunnets, Red hair girls or Black hair girls better and why?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago