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  • What should I do?

    I have this one friend who SPOILS me. He's always there for me, always reaches out to me, always calls me, spends so much on me (okay but he is rich, so it's not that much to him). He often tells me that he enjoys my company too and flirts with me. He also tells me that he would date me if not for his girlfriend. Despite this - he is very loyal to his girlfriend and has never so much tried to make a move on me romantically. 

    Problem is, it's a one-sided friendship and I don't know what to do. We've known each other for 4 years and we're only so close because we lived near each other and took the same bus home every day after high school. He was always just a friend to me but when we went our separate ways to college, he was always reaching out to me and I started to find it a little annoying. I mean, he's a great friend and all, I can't complain - but I just don't have fun around him, and I don't feel like we *get* each other, even though it did to him.

    I don't want to be that ******** friend who takes advantage of him, because he's a great friend. I just feel that we don't click and I don't want to be this close to him. But he keeps reaching out and coming over to my place and I can't really say anything. What should I do?

    In a different universe, he'd be a great friend. I'm just not getting the same chemistry and feel-good vibes when I'm around him compared to any of my other friends.

    1 AnswerFriends3 months ago
  • Am I just spoilt? Has anyone faced something like that and has advice on what to do? I hate my dad so much but feel guilty for hating him?

    My dad's always been a workaholic and short-tempered, but still a father figure. We had a normal dad-daughter relationship up till 3 years ago, when I applied to college for Film. He was really annoyed, because he thought that it was a waste of money and that I should've gone for something more financially stable like Law or Finance. We argued a lot during the college application process, him constantly putting me down ("oh, but you've never touched a camera in your life", "what do you know", "do you even watch films"). It's true my passion for film wasn't always obvious. However, I'd been interested in Theatre and decided that Film was a career I wanted to try out. I studied 1.5 years of Film & enjoyed it - I did everything I could to excel in this industry - internships, student film sets, everything. I have made short films. I play around on Premiere Pro in my free time. My dad still refuses so acknowledge my passion for film and thinks it's "useless", despite being a banker and knowing NOTHING (keeps saying he does, when he doesn't even have a single friend in the industry.). He assumes that I've done nothing during college, not knowing anything about the films I've made. With all his sarcastic remarks getting to me, I finally dropped out of Film and am now studying Medicine, which I HATE. Ever since then, I've not had a normal conversation with my father. He brings up Film from time to time and it gets on my nerves so much. It always ends in a heated argument.

    1 AnswerMovies8 months ago
  • Do I need to bring a gift?

    It's my friend's birthday this Saturday and she's hosting a birthday party at her apartment at night. 100 people are invited. Do I need to bring a gift? We're not super duper close but are friends.

    9 AnswersFriends2 years ago
  • Am I annoying him?

    I have this crush on someone. Over the past few weeks we have been on 4 dates. However, it s always the situations whereby he suggests we hang out very casually - "let s go for ice cream one day", "let s have dinner together" etc. He s always suggesting these but it s always me who ends up initiating the exact day, the time etc.

    We also don t usually talk on social media, but when we do, I usually start the conversations and he replies. I m not sure if I m being annoying and clingy?

    In May, he said, "let s go to the amusement park next month", and I really want to go too. Does he really mean it? Should I set up the date and time? Or am I too clingy?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • In Chemistry SAT Subject Test 2017, What is the molar volume of gas at STP?

    Is it 22.7 litres per mole or 22.4 litres per mole?

    THanks in advance for all the help!

    Chemistry4 years ago
  • What can I do at home?

    My birthday's coming up and I intend to invite some guys and girls to my house. No drinking or anything. Was just wondering what I could do at home other than board games?

    2 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Will this make me fat in the long term?

    I have dinner at 7.30pm normally. But twice a week, I have it at 8.30pm. This is inevitable because of my work schedule.

    I sleep at 11pm everyday and wake at 7am. I'm wondering if the late dinners will make me fat? Should I sleep later (12am) if that's the case?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • College students: Please tell me more about the course you're studying and what you think of it?

    I'm applying for college next year, but I've yet to decide what degree/ course I want to do. I was hoping that you guys could give me some insight into your courses, what career you intend to have, and what you think about your course? What's fun, what's not?

    Thank you so much x

  • URGENT! Which cake should I bake for a friend's birthday?

    Carrot cake

    Banana cake

    Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

    For carrrot and banana please suggest frosting flavour too if possible. Which one should I bake? Which flavour is most populat? Thanks !!

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • What do you think of this poem?

    Has he or has he not,

    intentional of unplanned;

    he has hurt me.

    Darkness was my home...

    where I once roamed.

    In silence, in fear, in blackness;

    all alone.

    He smiled at me,

    my heart soared.

    A feeling deprived of two years:


    happiness. Flooding my heart and pulsing through the veins; ready to burst out


    Lent a hand,

    was a friend.

    Helped me up,

    asked me, "sup".

    The games we shared; you taught me.

    The bruises you had; I felt sympathy.

    If only you knew,

    how much you meant to me.

    If only you knew,

    we could be happy.

    Why did it have to stop?

    Ignorance should drop.

    Was it something I did?

    I won t know,

    because you kept me hid,

    away from the secrets,

    from the depth of your thoughts.

    Brother. Great friend. Enemy.

    Who are you to me?

    I wrote this poem when I was feeling really down. Interested to know what you guys think about it? and your interpretations? :)

    7 AnswersPoetry5 years ago
  • Overate 2 days and now feeling stuffed?

    I feel stuffed and kinda guilty. I'm not on a diet or anything, but just feeling uncomfortable and heavy. Anyone has any suggestions to help relieve this?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • College students: How did you decide the course/ degree that you want to study?

    I'm 17 this year, and I'll be applying to university really soon. But I still have completely NO IDEA on what I want to do.

    I'm wondering, did anyone used to be like me when they were choosing degrees? Could you tell me more about how you made the choice, etc...?

    I used to want to be a police officer and wanted to study criminal justice, but now I'm not so sure and I'm leaning towards law; but I don't like reading that much... so I don't know if that'll suit me.

    Thanks in advance! Any feedback/ personal experience is great!

  • My tortillas turn out crispy and hard? Why?

    I made tortillas with water and flour but it turned out hard and crispy. I've tried wheat flour, semolina, cake flour, but they all turn out that way. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Should I offer my friend some cheesecake?

    Recently, when I offered a friend a piece of cookie, she told me that she was on a no baked goods diet.

    And today, I am baking a cheesecake, which I intend to bring to school tomorrow. I'll offer all my friends some, but should I offer this dieting friend some too, even though I know she won't want it? Is it polite to at least ask her?

    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Is it okay to ask your teacher "How are you?"?

    So my teacher has just been sick, and I don't know if asking "How are you?" sounds too personal?

    3 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • Do you have to put in-text citations if you paraphrased something?

    How about when you write something you read from a variety of sources but it's not from any specific book/ website? Like a compilation? Do you need to in-text cite this too?

    3 AnswersHomework Help5 years ago
  • Which one's nicer?

    "Do you know where the toilets are?"

    "May I know where the toilets are?"

    Which one is less rude?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Is this how a true friend behaves?

    Recently there's been rumours going around about me and I'm being hated on. It was about something I did, and it wasn't meant to offend anyone but it did anyway.

    I consulted in a close friend (not my best friend, if this matters), and she agreed that what I had done was right. However, she said that she didn't want to take sides, but still came with me to consult in authority.

    When other people were talking behind my back, she didn't come to my defense; she just listened but she didn't say anything bad about me either.

    Is this a true friend? What do you guys think?

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Do I say "thank you"?

    So there was this drama performance that took place yesterday. I was involved backstage, changing the set and things like that. I wasn t an actor.

    But after the show, when I talk to people, they d be like "that was one of the greatest performances I ve watched"; should I say "thank you"? Or should I say "I know. The cast did an amazing job."

    Does "thank you" sound weird? because I m not an actor? and i didn t really make the show great?

    Theater & Acting5 years ago