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I have been working in Animal Sheltering for almost three years now. I've worked doing adoptions and cleaning kennels, I've been in the intake department as well. I have been fortunate enough that I've never had to be the Euthanasia tech though. I dislike the name no-kill shelter it's a misleading term because a "no-kill" can euthanize up to 10% of it's population and still be able to use the term. They are also limited intake shelters, they pick and choose what they want to take in and turn people away. Your county shelter turns away no animal. I have also worked for local theaters, and various restaurant jobs. I love to study religions and different types of spirituality. I try to have a positive outlook on life and to be helpful to others to the best of my ability.

  • which do you think will be legal first?

    Equal marriage rights for LGBT brothers and sisters


    Marijuana a plant that is less harmful than alcohol and indeed does have medicinal uses.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why do people still believe hatred and anger are okay?

    I've actually heard people say that it's our nature to be evil. Hatred and Anger are evil, negative emotions. It's not okay to let the seed of anger go out of control. You have to water and work at being a positive and uplifting person, I guess these negative people just don't want to work at it. I don't know, what do you think???

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • How do i get rid of this smell?

    I recently moved into a home that was built in the 1800's and last renovated in the 1950's. The previous occupant was very elderly and apparently had no help to clean her home. We've cleaned it out but the cabinets still smell of mouse feces. We've disinfected but it still smells.

    I rewash everything in the cabinets before i use it because I'm paranoid of getting some strange disease from the dust that seems to reappear every morning.

    How do i get rid of the smell? It's caustic.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Why do i feel bad all the time?

    I've been feeling horrible lately and i don't know what it is.

    I wake up nauseous and sometimes that continues through lunch and so i can't eat at lunch. When i don't eat i get irritated and upset easily. Even when I'm not sick to my stomach food doesn't seem appetizing.

    I'm under a lot of stress and I'm pretty depressed at times but that doesn't explain the horrible morning nausea.

    I'm a dude so, no I'm not expecting. I wish i knew what was going on with me.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • How do i stop myself from doing this?

    Whenever something negative happens that raises my anger or makes me come into a high emotional state, i rehash it over and over in my head tormenting myself with better ways i could have handled the situation.

    Or if someone gets angry with me when I'm blunt and honest and not meaning to offend, it in turn ticks me off.

    My interaction with people is generally so painful that i long to be a hermit, but i know i could do the world no good that way.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Should i take up break dance?

    I want to combine my love of music with a way to get in shape. I've always been interested in break dancing. I was a high school athlete but I'm really out of shape and nearing 30, should i go for it?

    4 AnswersDancing8 years ago
  • Has anyone had success with the Thunder Shirts?

    I bought my Rottie X a thunder shirt a while back and she loves to wear it, but as I expected, it doesn't do anything to stop her from trying to bark the storm into submission. Every time it thunders she barks at the sky trying to make the thunder go away. Only thing I've found that works is giving her her favorite treat, but that never lasts the entire length of the storm.

    I'm just wondering how many other people have been ripped off by this company. I work in a shelter and we've tried them on dogs there and they've never worked for any of our dogs.

    Has the thunder shirt worked for you? or is it just a neat looking doggie vest?

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What do you think of this bumper sticker?

    It reads, "If you opposed warfare as much as welfare you could be a real Christian."

    I think it makes a great point. The Bible says "thou shalt not kill." Not thou shalt not kill unless your government tells you too.

    Also, Jesus instructed his followers to love one another and take care of each other.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Wouldn't it be cool if we could choose our channels?

    I've heard that in England and the united kingdom you are able to choose individual channels instead of choosing from packages of channels. I think that would be cool, don't you?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why do people make sweeping generalizations about others?

    I've noticed a lot of hateful sweeping generalizations on here. Like that all libs are lazy... political affiliation has nothing to do with work ethic.

    A person can be smart but people are obviously of lower intelligence.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • This is a three part question?

    What is your profession?


    What things do customers do that annoys you and why does it annoy you?

    1 AnswerEtiquette8 years ago
  • I have a question about shelters.?

    Why do people in the southeastern united states act like animal shelters and pet stores are the same thing? Pet stores are profit motivated so of course they'll hand an animal to anyone, shelters are concerned with finding loving appropriate homes for the animals in their care.

    And secondary question, why do they not follow the rules the shelter has put in place to protect the animals? For example, not using hand Sanitizer between animals or not going into the enclosures marked staff only? Do people not realize that even a sneeze can mean death for a shelter animal?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Do you think this is a good idea or not?

    I'm conflicted, i don't know if this is a good idea or not. For the most part i don't think it is.

    The shelter i work for has an adoption sponsorship program. Which means people can come in and pay the adoption fee of any adult or senior animal. Then anyone who meets our criteria can take the animal home.

    It's meant to help the less Adoptable animals find homes quicker. The intention is good, i guess.

    The problem is we have people coming in looking specifically for "free" animals. And you can tell these people about proper vet care and heartworm prevention till your blue in the face. They don't care and if they do there's still the situation of not enough funds to give the vet care.

    If they can't afford the adoption fee how are they going to pay for annual vaccinations and heartworm prevention?

    But even if they can't afford vet care, as long as they can feed it and love it thats better than the animal staying in the shelter.

    So I'm really conflicted. Heartworm is a horrible and painful way for a dog to die.

    My shelter doesn't euthanize once an animal has made it to the adoption floor unless the animal becomes to ill or has a Change in temperament. All euthanasia for space reasons takes place before they make it to the adoption floor and we haven't been forced to euth for space for many many months now.

    And save any negativity about the euth thing. We have a horrible overpopulation of animals in the southeast because we have to many people who refuse to spay/neuter their animals. If you don't spay and neuter you're contributing to the problem. And we're doing the best we can. Noone wants to euth an animal unless they're a psychopath.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Why do people act like this?

    I've been working at my current place of employment for almost two years and i generally like my coworkers but there's something i don't understand, why are they acting like they are the only ones that do anything?

    I constantly hear complaints of "if i don't do it then it doesn't get done."

    I work a job where team work is highly important and feel like everyone is doing a good job. We all have our individual strengths but i don't see anyone sitting on their thumbs.

    The other thing i hear is "not my job." Which is the biggest road block to team work. I'm thinking a lot of them don't know the meaning of team work. We do okay but the team work aspect is lacking. I do more than my fair share but i don't complain like 99% of my coworkers.

    The management also says they don't want to micromanage things but they're not managing anything or they would know what's going on with the lack of team work.

    Why are people like this though? Why choose to complain all the time instead of just doing what needs to be done.

    Starting to feel like my help isn't appreciated and i should go somewhere else. All this negativity is pointless and i know it's everywhere but this place is a cesspool.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • How do i approach this?

    Best answer goes to whoever puts the most compassion and thought into their answer.

    My wife and i moved into her grandmother's house over a year ago, when her grandmother passed away. My wife's parents were concerned that someone would break in and steal, and/or make Meth in the home.

    It's a beautiful home and i love it there with one exception. My mother in law is a compulsive hoarder and her husband is too apparently.

    We were told if we moved in and paid the utilities we could live in it and do whatever we liked. Paint it,etc but we can't even get our stuff moved in because they won't let us get rid of any of the old furniture that we dislike.

    My wife doesn't want to be a hoarder and i have a cleaning ocd. So I've been suffering all kinds of stress and anger associated with having no control over the clutter in our home. I just want to toss it all but can't because it's all my father in laws mother's belongings.

    I don't know how to let them know compassionately that i cannot tolerate this clutter and by forcing us to keep it i feel lied to. They lied to me, this is not living like we want.

    My wife is the only child of an only child so the house is rightfully hers when her father passes away. I don't understand why they want to force this on us. They don't look at the stuff and can't take it home because their home is already cluttered to pathways.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Where can i buy yak butter and yak cheese?

    I live in Tennessee and cannot find it anywhere. I've checked asian markets and middle eastern. I've checked earth fare( basically like whole foods only better). I've checked online too.

    I'll do mail order from online, but i haven't been able to find a website even.

    Please help, i want very badly to try traditional tibetan foods without using substitutes if at all possible. Yak butter and cheese are in almost every recipe i find.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Why do people bring small children to animal shelters?

    I see it all the time. People bringing toddlers with their inadequate immune systems into shelters. And they let the kids run wild like its a petting zoo.

    Don't they know about zoological diseases that can make their child very ill?

    Shelters do as much as they can to combat disease but there's still going to be a high risk just because of the dense population of animals.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Is there a correlation between breed elitism and racism?

    I've noticed the same mentality in breed elitist as in racists. I'm wondering if anyone knows a link to an actual study to prove or disprove this possible trend.

    I've googled it a couple different ways and can't find anything but other people's discussion on the topic.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Does anyone else find the self check out annoying?

    I dislike the automated voice that tells you how to do everything. It annoys me to no end. I usually mute them but the one at food city doesn't have that option.

    7 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago