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Do i really have to wear my retainer at school too?
I have to wear it day and night apparently for 3 months but honestly I look horrible with it and can barely talk right without sounding like i have a serriousss lisp. If i wore my retainer from the moment i got out of school to the moment i got out of the car to go to school the next day + wearing it in classes I don't talk that much in (4 periods out of eight), would my teeth still be okay?
I'd really only not be wearing my retainer for 6 hours 2-3 times a week. I will wear it every single day this week though.
4 AnswersDental4 years agocrush asked me out.. not allowed to date?
me and this boy have been talking for awhile. We really like each other. today he asked me out and i said ok (tons of peer pressure) but i really dont wanna sneak it from my parents. im only planning on telling my mom, shes more understanding because shes a girl and my dad really doesnt care that much. But hes mexican and hes really nice and sweet and shy and stuff. Im white and im not allowed to date black guys, but he sorta looks black/brown. But he also looks mexican, no offense to any black people, you guys are great its just a rule i guess.. but im not a stingy and picky and spoiled white person. anyway how can i tell my mom that i really wanna date him? im in middle school, and im aware the relationships dont last long im just doing it because i dont know really.. But please help? thanks and no rude answers please :))
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoAlways tired when im on the soccer field? Help?
Hello. ive been playing soccer for 8 years. Recently ive noticed i get extremely dry mouth as soon as i start running, its not even about the actual tired and out of breath thing, i hate having a dry mouth. i do get tired and out of breath too but i can do that without stopping because i dont care about that. What should i do about this help?
3 AnswersRunning7 years agoTied my first soccer game now i lost all motivation, how to gain it back?
this is my fourth year on this team.Usually the first game we win. Today, we tied 0-0. i feel horrible, i lost all motivation, i was so exhausted the whole game i was letting my team down i had a few shots and missed. i got tired very easily and couldnt breathe, i play forward and defense. how do i regain motivation from this tie? please help? Thank you
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoIve been so depressed lately?
lets just start to say i have an amazing life and family and im so grateful for it so please dont say it could be worse because im aware. anyway, im been so stressed out because weightloss, school work, homework, soccer, friends, family
fighting, dissapointing my self, feeling left out, feeling hated or unknown and unwanted.. ive been struggling with finding outfits for school because im so insecure i feel like i never look good in anything. when im hanging with my friends, i feel like im not even wanted there. they laugh at my jokes and stuff and im outgoing but im not at the same time. i feel like a boring friend, i hate myself at school because no one seems to know me, sometimes im mad and i dont even know why? ;( please help ? What should i do ? I hate everything rn.
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoIs it true if you have muscular legs your gonna have a bigger toned and round butt?
Hello. so atm i have muscular legs very athletic looking and i have a butt for a white girl no offense to anyone, my butt isnt really flabby its just not toned. id love to get a bigger and rounder butt, but i dont know how? Please help
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoHate physical education at school?
I LOVE exercising any time its a stress reliever but when it comes to school, like miles pacers and half miles, i DREAD them. im not sure if its because im being timed or what. Please help me, i wanna start loving cardio days at school? I need advice? Thanks!
1 AnswerRunning7 years agoT25 reviews?
Hello. so i recently ordered T25 by shawn. Its a 25 minute workout that is intense. no breaks or rest for 25 minutes straight. but i was wondering, have you tried it? How was it? Did it take long before reuslts also, ladies, did your butt get more toned as well? Thanks!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoI dont know if this girl wheres a booty popper or not?
Ok so theres this girl at my school with a "huge butt" . Anyway all the guys like her for it and stuff but honestly i think she wears a booty popper? She was wearing these hollister shorts today and she had a huge butt in them but from the side it was all pointy and stuff and from the back it looked rough and mushy like she stuffed it or something. I wasnt lookin there for fun its cause someone pointed it out. what do you think?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years agoI feel so bad for people so easily?
I could be fighting with my sister and then i say something and i feel automatically bad. for example, we were just fighting about something and this slipped out, "kill yourself." and i SOOOO didnt mean it i promise!! it just spilled out. i feel so bad. but shes not the type to care what people think, even though she knows i dont mean it, i still feel bad. and then i was talking to my mom about my dad turning on he ac so much and it wasnt necessarily bad or mean, i just said he puts it on too much. and i felt bad. and now my brother just said this "joke" and i didnt laugh and now i feel bad. Take note, i am so grateful for my life and that i have food on my plate and a roof over my head. There are people dying out there. i promise im not selfish or a typical teenager. How can i stop this?
3 AnswersMental Health7 years agoname a food and i wont eat it for 5 months.?
just 1 food. as many people can answer this is for my own good. But it cant be like meals, it has to be a certain thing. you cant cut out chicken, eggs, stuff like that because thats what i need. Thanks
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoIs it really possible to get a bigger butt with leg exercises?
Hello. im 5'4 128 lbs. Im not overweight, i have a bmi of about 22. something. So im normal. Anyway, I already have a butt. not flat. but i want a bigger one. i want a rounder full butt. Any ladies have some exercises youve done that actually worked? im willing to wait and be patient and let my booty and thighs take their time. i just want to know. thanks
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoDread working out?
hi. ive been trying to lose weight since january of 2014. its been extremely hard to lose these 12-14 pounds because o never stay motivated and i always crash. i have a terrible time trying to get off my *** and working out. im not sure why though. i love love love to watch and play ANY sport. but i hate my workout. i do 40 minutes of hiit and 15 minute butt and thighs and 15-20 minute upper body strength. i honestly think the reason is the just how long it takes i dont like that. maybe its i have no patience kind of attitude for working out. how can i change this please? thanks!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoWorkout help please?
i am having the toughest time trying to find a workout schedule and plan. ive tried so hard for so long to lose weight but i never stick to the workout i have no patience. i dont want to work myself hard to the point where i can barely move im fine with being sore though but just to burn 600 calories. Can you please please please design a workout schedule i can do with youtube videos im fine with time or how long it takes i dont care if its an hour or if its hiit, just design something please. btw im 128 pounds and 5'4 , please no hate. thanks
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agohow many calories a day should i be burning? information about me in the details?
Hello. i am 5'4 and 128 pounds. i eat 1200 calories a day. my workout i decided, was 15 minutes strength 15 minutes glute and thigh, and 2 hours of moderate to hard soccer training on monday wednesday and friday. then on tuesday and thursday i do 20 minutes of hiit and 1 hr 30 min of soccer practice with my team, do you think this should burn a good amount of calories for weightloss? Thanks. (i have no access to a gym, or gym equipment)
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoi gained weight?
Hello, im 128.5 i just checked this morning, and i ate under my calorie limit and only did 20 minutes of hiit but still, how did i GAIN Weight?! btw my original weight is 126 in the morning and usually 127 128 at night, but this was 128 in the morning? its upsetting. very upsetting. What do i do and why did i gain do you think?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agois my workout too hard?
So this is day 1 of weightloss. so ive decided i wanted to do 20 minutes of hiit 20 minutes of strength, 15 minutes of butt and thigh, and 2 hours of soccer. this might be too much. but i need to burn as much as i can. what i mean by two hours of soccer is 15 minutes juggling, 15 minutes practice kicking, 15 minutes sprinting (breaks in between) and 15 minutes of dribbling, repeat. i am not doing the soccer to lose weight, im doing it to become better.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agowill losing 16 pounds make a difference on me?
Hi! im 5'4 And i weigh 128-129 i want to lose 16-18 pounds, to be 112 or 110. Will it be a significant difference or nothing, or kind of? Thanks. btw my bmi is is about 21.9 to 22 something.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoi keep taking breaks in my hiit workout?
Hello. So this is day 1 of workout, i decided i want to do 2 hours of soccer and 20 minutes of high intensity interval training along with 15 minutes of strength, no im not getting ahead of myself. im doing 2 hours for soccer because i love it, and i need to practice a lot so 2 hours a day is good for me. but i just did 10 minutes of my hiit workout and i paused like 5 times ! it really affects my calorie burning because my heart rate goes down . but afterall this IS my first day, im sweating badly though! and i was exhausted easily (not overweight ) i just dont have a good endurance. Should i just pause when i need to until the point where i dont pause at all? like work my way up to the point of NO stopping? Thanks!!
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago