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"Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Forgive others for hurting your heart. For the things of the past, you must part. If you do not, the present will suffer, and the future will never start."

  • Why has myspace privacy change?

    I was going to delete my myspace account as i haven't used it for ages but i used to use it alot and i have some nice photo albums and stuff on there which, occasionally, i like to share with friends.

    I now have someone who is seriously getting on my nerves, so, to shut him up i added him as a friend, AFTER, i thought i had set my account viewable to 'me only', which is one of the options i had when i upgraded.

    This has shut him up, but, there are other details which, i would rather not go into which is really bugging me, and I am slightly worried that if i do delete him he'll go crazier than what he already is.

    How can i make sure he doesn't see any of my friends, photo's, blogs, comments etc without doing this?

    He has also put me as his top friend for all the world to see, and I don't want this to be the case either.

    basically, all i really want to know is............ WHY can't i have myspace set to ME ONLY?


    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Why would one feel proud of doing something for a friend?

    Pride has nothing to do with it. If a friend is in need, isn't a friend there for that friend?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why would a female want to go through another female's computer?

    I had a 'friend' visit me last year, just for the evening, and I put a password on my computer, as I didn't really know her that well, we were going to a concert together, hence why she stayed at mine for the night.

    She slept downstairs where my computer is, and I told her she could use the computer and log in as 'Guest', she seemed fine with that.

    She stopped talking to me after that, and when I queried it, she didn't reply.

    I started having problems with my computer not long after, and was a bit suspicious, but didn't have any evidence.

    I have now discovered through a file on my computer that she went through all my emails, and most of my documents/pictures and various sites on the internet, including my friends myspace sites, basically stalking them.

    I have had to change all my passwords, on all my internet logins, and download most of the software which i had, as some programmes just haven't worked properly, since.

    I am wondering whether to keep the evidence or delete it, although, I don't have any contact with her anymore, i just feel as though my computer has been totally violated and, as I am not a retributional person, just feel as though I should delete it and forget about it, just start all over again, even though I may have lost one of my friends because of her stalking.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why would someone want to blackmail someone which involves an 'innocent' person?

    I really can't understand how some people can be so selfish! without a care for someone who calls themself a 'friend'.

    I knew something was amiss, but now it's been proved and there's nothing i can do, without harming someone, to stop it, so....... guess I'll just have to continue to 'sit it out' :(

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why? Just a simple question.... Why?

    a question I have often wanted to ask (and have) but never have I got an answer from the only person that can answer it :o(

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What is the meaning of 'no number' as opposed to 'private number' on mobile phone?

    My mobile phone rang and I got to it too late, when I checked the number it just said 'Call'. So I checked the missed calls section and it said '(no number)'. They didn't leave a message either.

    I often get a call from 'private number' where the number is withheld, so I usually know who that person is, but I have no idea why '(no number)' should come up.

    I rang the 'private number' and it wasn't them who rang, so who could the '(no number)' be?

    I don't expect to know exactly who it is, but it would be nice to know the reason.

    Does anybody know?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Why do men say women have mood swings, when it is 'they' that have them?

    kdfskgaighghnvniaghvnjeioaorvnvai, grrrrr!!!!!!!

    one minute 'they' contact you, the next they don't.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Could Z be annoyed with me because I found out Z betrayed my trust?

    Please read my two recent questions.

    Z is not speaking with me (although not sure Z is speaking with anyone at the moment).

    I know trust can be regained, after all, we learn by our mistakes, and if a deep trust was there in the first place.............

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A situation re B & Z, what is your opinion?

    I found out my friend Z had a friend B, i approached B because I was/am interested in B's work, plus B has the same interest as Z and me.

    I didn't tell Z that I had made friends with B, and didn't tell B that I knew Z.

    I didn't want B asking questions about Z and I also didn't want B to tell me about Z.

    If B had mentioned Z I would have told B i knew Z, but Z never came up in our conversations.

    B asked me to go on holiday which B was planning, no dates as yet were booked, so I couldn't give a definate answer, but B was insistant i were to go.

    B also told me there was another person going, although didn't tell me the name, just that they had the same interest as us.

    B wanted to introduce me to this 'other person' via internet chat, it turned out to be Z, when I found out it was Z, i said I had to go and shut the conversation down.

    B is now no longer my friend and Z says B is no longer Z's friend, so Z has now said that trust in me has slipped.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How can someone say they trust you, yet not have any respect for the trust you have in them?

    I managed to get hold of something rare which I knew my bestest and trusted friend (Z) would really appreciate.

    I told them that I trusted them not to tell anyone about it, to which Z said 'Thank you'.

    I then found out from a recently new friend (B) (who didn't know I was a friend of Z) that Z had shared the information with B, because B shared the information with me.

    I am now no longer friends with B because B is annoyed I didn't tell B that I knew Z.

    And Z says they don't trust me as much as they did because I didn't tell Z that I was friends with B.

    I hope that makes sense and someone can enlighten me as to how Z could've said they trusted me in the first place yet not respect me or my trust in them.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why do I worry/care about someone who doesn't appear to feel the same about me?

    I can't help it, I'm sure I have a 'connection' with this someone (previous experience has proved this). My life is pretty good, yet I'm sure that when this someone is feeling 'rotten' then I feel 'rotten' too.

    It's frustrating cos I can't be 100% certain that it is them that is making me feel this way, ie if I ask how they are I don't get a reply.

    I'm feeling miserable, yet everything is going my way at the moment, so I should be happy.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really want to know what the future is going to bring?

    Just having a 'convo' with a friend of mine and am intrigued to know how many would be interested and why?

    21 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Why does one have to 'accept' things.......?

    ......just to be 'appreciated', although the 'appreciation' is not acknowledged?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Labyrinthitis cures?

    I've had labrynthitus for about 3 weeks now and it's really getting me down.

    I've been to the doctor and he's said there's nothing he can give me, but it WILL go away, although it could take a few months.

    Has anybody or anybody you know had this?: and if so, how did was it cured, if at all?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How did my best friend get on, on Tuesday?

    My best friend went out on Tuesday, I've asked how it went, but, as yet have had no reply, the excuse given is that "questions aren't answered in June".

    How do I know that? Because I asked why my question hadn't been answered. So.... if that question can be answered, why can't 'How did it go on Tuesday?' be answered?

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago