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Arthur B. Chaney
26 year old male whom is tired of American's and the media only focusing on the negative things going on in the world. We each have the power to speak and make changes. So let's do something about it !!!!!
What Office Suite do I buy for my new Microsoft Surface Pro?
I just ordered my Surface Pro on ebay and it should be shipped within a few days but I need to have an Office Suite that is compatible with Surface Pro? Does anyone know where I can buy this for cheap or which one I actually need. I know it comes with it but you have to buy it separate to get full access after 6 months. Thank you
3 AnswersSoftware7 years agoDoes my employer have to pay me for training?
I was told at a new job I just got via email that I would be paid for training. So I got a babysitter and paid for a cab to make sure I was there on time. Some things went on a the training that had nothing to do with me. I was professional at all times and did what was asked of me. Now because of others actions at the training I am being told I wont be paid as well. Is this legal. Can an employer not pay me after they already told me they would and I paid for babysitter and cab. This seems illegal to me. I still have the email stating I would be paid.
2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years agowhat is a great city to live in, weather and public transit wise.?
So I currently live in Chicago but I need to relocate, as wonderful as this city is culturally and its great public transit system I have to move. I suffer from season depression and the cold weather 6 months out of the year is literally killing me. I was thinking San Diego but I have read so many bad things about it. I was also thinking Miami but not really familiar with the city itself. I am asking for suggestions on a city that is like Chicago but where I can be outside and active most months.
5 AnswersOther - United States8 years agoWhat should I know about moving to San Diego?
I have lived in Chicago for 11 years now and I am ready to make a change in my life. I am trying to decide between San Diego or Miami. I am like 98 percent SD but I wanted to know what are some things that I should know about the city. Like is living expenses high? Neighborhoods? How much should I have saved up? etc etc
4 AnswersSan Diego8 years agoWhere the Tanzimat reforms 1839-1876 a success or a failure? Please explain?
Please give examples of why. If you only know sources that would be helpful too(not wikipedia)
1 AnswerHistory9 years agoWhere is the worst place to be gay in the Middle East?
I am doing a project on the Middle East and decided to pick the topic of being gay there. But my teacher wants me to only do one country, so I am asking which is the worst place to be gay in the Middle East. Like where there is death and punishment and examples of that from that country. Thanks
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years ago30 yo with bad credit, can I get funding for college?
I am a 30 year old going back to school. I have 400 credit score and no co-signer. I have a part time job and no savings. I got an 0 on my EFC for Fafsa what are my options for funding school? I heard some loans are not based on credit and don't need co-signers but I can't seem to find that information anywhere. Please do not send me links to or I need direct answers here.
4 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years agotwo sides of a right triangle are 20 cm and 21 cm find the third side?
please explain how to get the answer thats more important then the answer itself
11 AnswersMathematics10 years agoThere is a song that has the lyrics oh they think im crazy, you know they think im crazy but maybe well get al?
There is a song that has the lyrics in it somewhere that says oh they think im crazy you know they think im crazy but maybe will ........
Rosie O'Donnell used to play it on her old talk show all the time
1 AnswerLyrics10 years agoI am transferring from a community college to a university next year. Can you help me with Student Loan advise?
I am not sure about student loans, how to get them or what I need to know. I applied for the FAFSA and I get the full amount from them for pell grant but when I get a loan do I need at co-signer at the age of 30 and is it from the school or bank im so confused
1 AnswerFinancial Aid10 years agoThe largest angle of a triangle is 70 degrees, find the two other angles if they differ by 6 degrees?
not sure how to set up this problem, can anyone help?
3 AnswersMathematics10 years agoComplement of an angle is 15 degrees more then twice the angle, find the angle?
I am stuck with what does twice the angle mean
Would the problem be 2x +15 = 90?
2 AnswersMathematics10 years agoI am writing a letter to my manage about reducing my hours so I may go to college what should I include?
My manager has asked that if I am going to cut my hours at work he needs it in writing. What all should I include in the letter so that it is professional and to the point.
2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agoCan a landlord charge you for damages to a neighbors unit?
So last week I put the wrong detergent in the dishwasher and it flooded over and got the floors wet. My neighbor complained there was water damage on her ceiling! My landlord/owner of the condo I rent and reside is trying to have me paid for the damages and a mold inspection as well. Can my landlord do this legally? It only has in my lease about water damages caused by pipes have to be fixed by her and noithing else.
10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agojob decision?
I am currently at a job that I am unhappy and have been at for 4 years. I got an offer at another job making a very minimal increase in pay. My question is, my current job now wants to negotiate and maybe over meet the rate and I would be getting a large increase in pay. The new job is pretty similar but a larger and more populated property. So it could be a toss up if I would like it just the same but it would be more opportunity later on.
What should I do keep the old job with good pay or new job with minimal increase but its a different job and may be later on other opportunities?
4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoHow do you start to feel good enough to be in a relationship!?
I keep having relationship after relationship fail. I have dated and put my heart and myself out there many times and I seem to fail at every attempt. With my last ex I am starting to feel as though I am never good enough and don't have the power to keep a relationship past a year. What can I do to feel good enough and deliver this as well?
10 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWho has been your favorite Big Brother Castmate and why?
Who is been the best player on Big Brother(any season) and why?
10 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoDoes anyone know how Ali is back on the Biggest Loser? I havent watched in a bit!?
I have not watched for about a month and I noticed today that Ali who got kicked out way back when is back on the show. How did this happen?
3 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoI want to go to college- Where do I start?
I have tried to apply for the financial aid before and didnt qualify. What other steps can i take so that I can go to a nice college and get a degree without having to pay every dime of my paycheck to do so?
3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago