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  • What to do when your husband says he wants space or more freedom...?

    So this last month my husband (of one year, we also have a daughter together) has wanted to go out more and has told me he wants more freedom...some quick background info..

    I have trust issues because of an ex husband, and he has issues with me not trusting him and snooping when we first moved in together and he's since then been closed off when it comes to me asking questions and "spying" he says.

    This last month he's been going out a lot and staying out till the next this makes me mad but I also Try to understand that he was forced into fatherhood too soon and for two years put his party side on hold for us (hes 24 now)..being military and overseas this whole time he never did go out much and now we are about to leave and I'm thinking he's wanting to just let loose and do what he missed out on. But it doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off because not only is he going out with a bunch of young single horny guys and girls but he's getting mad when I ask questions or ask him to be home by like 4am. Also I NEVER go out I'm always home watching our daughter. He's saying he wants more freedom and that me always asking questions pisses him off. He basically wants to do what he wants and not answer to anyone. He swears he's not cheating but he wants space to have fun. We still have lots of intimacy and he still hugs me and says love you.

    Is it safe to continue just assuming he's trying to get this party side out of his system? I'm just worried...

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • How does PcSing work when hubby is stationed overseas and we live in the states..BUT we are now with him here and moving together?

    Not sure how the military handles this...if they try to get me and my daughter a plane ticket to the next base from our home state can we just deny it and do that all ourselves? They don't have to handle all of me and my daughters travel do they?

    4 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • Question for married people?

    How do you handle social media in your relationship? Is it an issue at all? If it has been an issue, why? Is it because past experiences make you suspicious now? I'm curious to see if social media has more of a negative impact on relationships then a positive one..or neutral.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Survey for married men, have you ever...?

    This is for personal curiousity, but in your relationship have you ever emotionally cheated on your wife? Or hid stuff from her, such as messages to other women, or maybe hid the fact you even talked to certain women? If you have is it because your relationship is or was a little rocky or do you truly love your wife but just found yourself doing this and then stopping or telling her?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • I need help with my dog and her reaction to other dogs?

    So I've got my basic understanding of dog training but my 3 year old German Shepherd/golden retriever mix is seriously testing me! She's extremely stubborn and smart. I've tried to redirect her attention using treats and even Turkey and chicken but she could care less about that when another dog walks by. I try startling her and that only works a couple times till she's used to it. I can't think of a reason that brings this on. And I used to think it was just because she had fence aggression but it's still bad outside of the fence and yard. Any advice?! Much appreciated!

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Did they mess up on our wedding invites?? The wording seems weird!?

    it says..

    Mr Geoge Haney and Ms. Darci Haney

    and Mr Chad and Colleen Schumacher

    invite you to join them as they celebrate the marriage of their daughter

    Amber Linn Haney


    Chris Robert Schumacher...

    Ok to me that just seems weird..and I can't send them back now!! Do you think people will think it's completely stupid the way it's worded? I don't think too many will really care but's strange...and I'm not TOO upset because we are technically already married we are just having the actual wedding now...

    Is it weird the way they did that?

    6 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • question about USAF SSgt pay?

    Ok my hubby is going to be putting his stripe on in probably April or May of next year and we want to plan to save some and pay off some bills but I'm not for sure how much he will be getting after he ranks up and he doesn't want to ask anyone else he knows. We are living in base housing so we don't get the BAH and we have no children. Does anyone know about how much it will be that he will be getting?? He really wants to save up for a new truck!

    4 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • I need help finding a good manga pleeaassee!!!!?

    OK I'm looking for a more mature one that is along the lines of the girl falling in love or two guys fighting for her love. But i don't want one that is just the same old lame story. I want there to be some drama to it.

    And if possible if there are any out there were there is either magic in a sense or something supernatural involved that would be great!!!

    5 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • Do you ever feel this way about your spouses past?

    Ok we have been together 3yrs almost and married 8 months and I used to be EXTREMELY insecure and jealous (because he had emotionaly cheated on me (via skype and text) and so it took a bit to get over but obviously we did and we married. Now we joke and laugh about his past and really I've gotten over it. But every once in a VERY great while I get pissed and upset about what he did and not only that I just saw this picture of him and one of his ex's kissing that he didn't know he had still on facebook (he rarely checks it) and I don't know I just got really upset..not at him or anything..just upset, I'm over it already it was just a short burst of WTF..and then I let it go and he delteted it.

    But does any other couple get like this at all if you've been in a bad situation before marriage (cheating, playboys, men like that) and some moments when you just sitting there you think about it and get upset?!? I didn't now if this was normal or I said I've gotten past it and dragging it out and being insecure and moopy etc. But it normal?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Not wanting sex as much as I did before...advice?

    Me and my hubby have been married 8months now (been together almost 3 yrs). He was deployed for a year before we got married so we had ALOT of sex the past year (He got back last august)...but now I don't seem to want it as much. We still have sex about 2-4 times a week and I still do enjoy it but it's more like I can't get myself into the mood for it. Usually he teases me and fools around and gets me in the mood and I don't mind that and have never told him to stop or anything because I still enjoy HAVING's getting myself in the mood and wanting it myself without him initiating it (and no he doesn't mind initiating it he likes it). Is this normal though? That after so long you just kind of go "ehh" to sex? Also he's been working alot the past month so usually we are both pretty tired. And last night we had sex but he never finished and he always does (except maybe once) and the past couple times we have had sex it took him longer then usual to finish (or at least I thought so). Could it just be that when we do have sex it's usually a couple days in a row and so it makes it a bit tougher to finish? Since it's usually the days he has off. So is this normal? For both of these things (for me and for him?) Thank you!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • How to become a certified dog trainer/behaviorist--and advice from people in the field?

    does anyone know how to do this? I've heard about the ABC on tv but wanted to know if this was good or not. Also anyone that is currently doing this as a profession if you could give me some insight (pros and cons) I believe that working with animals (specially dogs/puppies) is the only thing that will really make me happy. So any advice is needed! Thank you in advance

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How to word wedding invitations when the groom's parents are paying for so much!?

    I didn't know if it matter whos paying and who's not..but his parents are paying for all the wedding/reception (the rental fee and DJ, and almost if not more then $2,500) my dad is paying for all the food (so a bit over $2,000) and my mom is only paying for the flowers and cake (they are divorced) does it matter if I put my parents names first or what??

    9 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • PetCo vs. PetSmart..which one..?

    is there really a difference between these two? And if so which is better? We usually go to the one near us so it's the PetCo...which one do you choose?

    20 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • I'm getting very upset and frustrated with my! (sorry sort of long but please help!!)?

    Ok I have 3 dogs and a puppy. I'm only having some troubles with the one (she's 1 yr adn a couple months old, german shepherd/golden retriever mix, c. 80lbs) At home she listens to me and my husband. She plays with our other dogs and is fine at times they get kind of rough but we stop them. She tends to pin them down and go for their collars and it looks like she's trying to go for their throat but she NEVER has hurt them or any other dog. She also is quiet noisey when she plays we are trying to break her of this but it's extremely hard. But when we go to the dog park she tries to play with some of the other dogs she tries to play like she does at home and she goes for dogs about her size. She barks and chases them and rolls around and some of the dogs get scared I guess you could say. I KNOW she's not being vicious or hurting them she has NEVER hurt them. But their owners (not all of them since most of them understand that she's playing) make such a big I tell her to stop but she gets sooo fixated it's hard to get her to stop so I usually have to go grab her. My deal is that its so hard to get her to actually LISTEN to me and to stop! Also it's so frustrating that these other owners thinks she's being "vicious" because she (and one of my other dogs who is half huskey) are very vocal when they play. They are dogs they bark and make noise! It is how they COMMUNICATE but they don't understand!!! We've been trying to get her to stop playing so rough at home thinking it will help but so far no good. I just got so mad the other day because this one lady bring her a DOG park where there are OTHER dogs wanting to chase and play and socialize..and as soon as other dogs come to play with her's she freaks and tells them to get away. So bailey (the one i'm having troubles with) went to go and chase her dog and he was trying to play back and she started doing her thing and barked at him and tried to push him over and what not..and she FREAKS and tried to KICK my dog!! I was FURIOUS! She doesn't understand what dogs do and how they socialize AT ALL!!! Like I said my dog has NEVER EVER hurt another dog while playing this way but some thinks she's being mean. Also when one dog starts doing this she tries to join with and the owner freaks..UGH!! I'm at my wits end with these people...We are going to put her into some obiedence classes (she's already trained pretty well) but we thought this might help. Any advice please?! We were thinking to get a shock collar that you can shock yourself so that we can tell her no and try to get her to stop and if that doesn't work THEN give her just a small shock..but that is a last resort I do NOT want this for my dog!!!

    She also is obsessed with other dogs that come by the house..and even on the TV she will bark and go NUTS!! We've been trying to work on this too...kind of working but not the best..

    Also I have a mini aussie and sometimes she tries to "herd" (very rarely though) and some people think she's being mean too..I swear people don't know dogs at all!!!!

    11 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Would you like to be able to do this to your spouse/SO?

    This sounds corny or weird..but i was thinking..would you like to be able to hear what your spouse is thinking? And yes i'm talking about mind reading lol. I was trying to fall asleep and thought about this. Personally I don't know if I'd want to or not. On the one had I would to see if he's telling the truth but at the same time I think I'd rather just take his word for stuff. It would be so weird though to be able to hear what they are actually thinking at random moments or during an argument or during sex! what's your thoughts? Would you want to or not?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Is it normal for my puppy to not want alot of water?? Advice please?

    I just got an 9 week old mini schnauzer and she really doesn't drink that much water..only here and there and not too much. She also doesn't potty too much. When my mini aussie was this age she drank ALOT of water and had to go out every half hour or so...So how much should a puppy drink? I have water available for her all day..she doesn't get any at night though (in her crate) Does this sound normal or no?

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • what do you this kind of like porn to him or no? Should i be worried?

    I found out my hubby checked out the "casual encounters" section on craigslist a week or so ago and freaked out..we had it out and he said it's just funny and he looks at it here and there. I get it can be funny but it bugs me that they are people from OUR area posting this kind of stuff. I know he won't contact them (at leat i'm 99% sure he won't) but since then he said he wouldn't look again and he did and we argued a bit again but i dropped it quickly because i had to work. But should i still worry about him looking at this or should I just let him? Is it just kind of like porn maybe to him along with something to possibly chuckle about?? I mean he did show me some that were kind of funny but still...he looks at porn when he gets bored and I really don't care about porn no biggie about maybe should I just think of this as a type of porn as long as he doesn't look at it every day all the time?? Opinions please!

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Are we really crazy? is 4 dogs too many?

    We have 4 dogs and are currently watching my sisters also. The 4th is a mini schnauzer puppy n the others are: 2yr old mini aussie 1yr old german shephard/golden retreiver mix and a 5yr old border collie/blue heeler mix. They are trained n are very good girls. They get tons of exercise (dog park every day too) we also don't go out very much so they spend a lot of time playing n running in our backyard and my sisters dog is basically like a cat you don't even notice her she's in her own world almost all the time she's a good girl. To us its not that bad at all! Me n my hubby don't get why ppl think we are crazy for having all these dogs (my sisters is only here for a bit) we really don't see why ppl think its so hard n nuts to have this many. What's your opinion are we really crazy or wrong to have our babies :(

    15 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • I'm so hurt and pissed...should i do this?

    my husband got caught a week or so ago looking at the casual encounters section on craigslist and we had it out and he said it was just "funny" that he wasn't gunna do anything and didn't see the big deal so i just let it go if he promised not to do it again. Low and behold he looked at it yesterday and I found out and he denied it until he got so mad he threw me up against a wall and hurt me..he then calmed down adn admitted it and still doesn't see why it upsets me so much specially when he promises NOT to look at it nemore!! So to make him understand should I look it up on my phone and then justl leave it up so he can notice it and see what he does?? He says he wouldnt' care but i highly doubt that's the case

    And as a side note he broke down and cried about hurting me and was really upset he had done that and was sorry. I don't even mind that as much as he's lying to me about looking at this stuff and not understanding it's wrong.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Ok crunch time..pug..or mini schnauzer? I'm down to these two and need help!!?

    Ok i've posted a couple things about me and my hubby getting a 4th (yes 4th) dog. We are down to deciding between these two.

    -- We are active and play with our current dogs alot we give them TONS of attention and they get training.

    --We do have a fenced in yard and room in the house to play.

    -- We go to the dog park every day for an hour-hour 1/2 (even in winter we try to go as much as we can)

    --My currents dogs (2 yr old mini aussie, 4/5ish yr old border collie/husky mix, and 1yr 2 mnth old german shephard/golden retriever) are very good dogs and trained. They listen to me and my hubby (the aussie is extremely intelligent!)

    --We want to get pregnant sometime later next year so we would have about a year to train the puppy if not more before the child is actually here

    So with these things in mind which of the two would be better for us..we are both slightly leaning towards the mini schnauzer (my dad has one and he's a good boy!) What would you say??? Thank you!

    12 AnswersDogs10 years ago