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  • How do you feel about Trump’s handling of the Florida school shooting?

    Democrat or Republican, has anything he has said or proposed surprised you? Or is this pretty much what you expected?

    17 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Weird side effect of a stroke?

    Before I start, I am seeing a doctor very soon. The only reason I haven't is because ive been in the hospital and haven't been out long. I work very hard to get better. But there are many negative side effects of what happened that require physical and occupational therapy as well as questions that cannot be answered by anyone here. I am not asking about that. And what I am asking about I will verify with a doctor, I'm just impatient. Because strokes tend to scare you a bit.

    What I'm asking about is nutrition. Ever since this happened, my tastes have completely changed for the better. I used to kind of like vegetables but would gag when trying to eat them. Now I love everything. No gag reflex at all. Is there anyone here who can tell me if this can be explained by something as simple as dramatic changes to the brain after a stroke, or if it's a bit more complicated than that?

    1 AnswerMedicine5 years ago
  • A question about hell?

    Before I start, understand that I am not mocking anyone or their beliefs.

    I hear a lot about the fact that I'm going to hell, and that I should be terrified of it. But in the past when I've asked about why (not on YA), all of the punishments were either physical or mental/psychological types of torture. This was always a bit bizarre to me if we do indeed lose our bodies when we die. Even the idea of "eternal hellfire" seems a bit weak...burning is something a physical body fears. But does a spirit?

    This is when Christians who say hell is simply eternal separation from God start to make a lot of sense. I don't know how else you punish a spiritual being, if what your spirit desires is to be with God in heaven after this life.

    So can someone reconcile these ideas for me? How does hell actually go about "torturing" souls? What am I supposed to be dreading exactly?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Question for JWs?

    Every time the word "Trinity" is mentioned on R&S, I want to ask this question, but I forget.

    I'm just curious what you believe. I think I know you don't believe in the concept of the Trinity. I think I know you don't believe Jesus and the Father are the the same being. But can you clarify how this "works"? How this fits into the Christian narrative? I guess I'm basically asking who you believe Jesus was and why he was crucified. If he was a god but not God Almighty, then aren't you polytheistic?

    I hope this is clear. I really don't know anything so any information is helpful. Just please don't preach.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Why oppose gay marriage based on the Bible?

    Hear me out!

    This is NOT an attack on the character of anyone who does not agree with gay marriage, I just have a question about the bible and its definitions.

    I do not doubt that the bible defines marriage as between a man and a woman. HOWEVER, we know that this definition was not necessarily agreed upon by those at the time. We see that the men of the Old Testament had multiple wives and slept with other women when they needed to; for reproductive purposes (Abraham), when they had more than one wife (David, soloman), etc. If they needed a wife, they even took virgins from neighboring towns they conquered. Jesus and Paul never provided models for proper relationships. So clearly, the definition is not black and white. There's a little wiggle room (even if it's only for men).

    Second, I looked up the verses on what the definitions of marriage are, to see if a marriage "ceremony" is ever mentioned in the Bible. I can't find one anywhere. Everything we associate with "traditional" marriage is absent from the bible. It is only defined as leaving ones parents and uniting as one. That's it. Everything else we associate with marriage is just tradition that we added over the years.

    Correct me on any point, but based on what I see, marriage is fluid. It was more open at the time the bible was written and surely we can allow it to be more open today.

    So to those who are opposed, what do you think? Am I wrong?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians- What do you think?

    I have always said that one of the reasons I am...uncomfortable with religion is that it claims to give you all the answers. To the big questions, anyway. Where did we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here? That's all taken care of for us, and I've said that this destroys (for me) any sense of wonder, any desire to know more about the universe, and any room for questions and discovery.

    Then I got a very interesting answer to a question that I wanted to address.

    Without calling this person out (although they may recognize what they said), this was part of a response: "The same principles of questioning and discovery apply when you follow Him".

    Now, while I can guess what this refers to, I wanted to get a religious viewpoint on this. What does this mean to you?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Help me understand Satan?

    I am not trying to be a smarta**, I just don't understand the God/satan relationship.

    Satan is a fallen angel and hell was created by God for him, right? But God is clearly more powerful than satan. He must be.

    Satan interferes in our lives. There are examples of this in the bible (book of Job). He, in a way, tests our faith. And God knows he is doing it and, in the case of Job, permits it.

    God, being all-knowing, must know the results of the outcomes of our encounters with satan.

    God could, at any time, command satan to stop without effecting his knowledge that God exists (his free will). This would also help out his creation and also would not effect OUR free will. If satan doesn't listen's an all-powerful God, right?

    You can use bible verses if you want, but I'd really just like to hear you're opinion on why my logic is faulty. Don't tell me I'm wrong, or that I don't understand anything, just tell me why.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Evidence (Christians)?

    Ok this isn't what you think...I'm not just trolling here. I believe that everyone should challenge even their most deep-set beliefs every once in a while. It is healthy, in my opinion, and keeps one continually searching for the truth.

    In that vein, and being one who likes religion, I am asking Christians where you read how the Bible was put together, information about the Dead Sea scrolls, information about historians during the time of Jesus who wrote about him (outside of the Gospels); anything that helps you believe the Bible is true.

    I'd appreciate no comments about me "questioning my faith". That is not what I'm doing.

    Thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Evidence (Christians)?

    Ok this isn't what you think...I'm not just trolling here. I believe that everyone should challenge even their most deep-set beliefs every once in a while. It is healthy, in my opinion, and keeps one continually searching for the truth.

    In that vein, and being one who likes religion, I am asking Christians where you read how the Bible was put together, information about the Dead Sea scrolls, information about historians during the time of Jesus who wrote about him (outside of the Gospels); anything that helps you believe the Bible is true.

    I'd appreciate no comments about me "questioning my faith". That is not what I'm doing.

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • A question about the nature of God (for Christians)?

    I have a genuine question about the most frequent terms that have become associated with the Biblical God's nature. Basically, are they Biblical, or are they terms created by religious scholars and other church leaders? Terms like omniscient, omnipresent, benevolent, the Trinity (which hasn't always existed).

    Are all of these terms Biblical, or are we attempting to making God more (or less) understandable to us? If they aren't Biblical, why not define God the way the Bible defines him?

    Christians on this forum have always been very helpful. Thanks in advance.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians- how do you interpret the Book of Revelation?

    Please, I don't want to hear from any atheists.

    I am going to re-read Revelation and I just want to hear some thoughts on how you interpret what it says.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • If we are all sinners in the eyes of God...?

    why the extra bigotry toward the LGBTQ community?

    For those of you who are going to try and tell me it doesn't exist: there is no equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church for adultery or murder or stealing; there is no Pray Away the Lies.

    So what is it? What is special about being gay that is so offensive that requires all of this special attention? I ask because I see so much hatred on Yahoo Answers. You may say "hate the sin, love the sinner", but I don't really buy that after seeing so many comments obviously directed toward the "sinner".

    I AM NOT SPEAKING TO ALL CHRISTIANS. I know most Christians do not feel this way.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is tolerance condescending?

    I was watching an interview with Penn Jillette about religion, and he said something I've never heard before. He said he prefers talking with fundamentalists rather than those who say things like "believe what you want, there are many ways to find god". He likes those conversations better because fundies will actually say "you are wrong" and it will lead to a productive discussion.

    What I found interesting, though, is that he said he finds tolerance ("believe whatever you want") to be condescending. Whatever you want to believe is fine, but I know I'm right- that is basically what you are saying.

    I think he's forgetting that some just don't have strong opinions, but what do you think? Have you heard this before?

    (I'm sure when he says fundamentalists, he means those with strong beliefs, not the negative connotation that we give that word today).

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Christians help me out here?

    It was recently pointed out to me (wish I remembered the name) that I point out scripture but I don't understand. And as much as this is said to me, it's probably actually true. Understanding scripture won't convert me, but Christians, what am I missing??

    The Bible simply seems like a violent book with some nice parts. And understand that I was Christian for 20 years. God never spoke to me. I never saw change in my life or change in those I asked him to help. And I never a asked for miracles. Just small things that I would work on too.

    So tell me, what was/am I missing here? I genuinely want to know?

    (Atheists, I don't plan on converting so I don't need your encouragement).

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why did God exist before Creation?

    If it was simply for the purpose of creation, then doesn't that seem like a cop-out? Like God is just the best answer to a difficult, but really a human, question?

    I'm asking purely out of curiosity, I'm not attacking anyone! This has bugged me for a while and I just want an honest answer.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians help me out here?

    I read a very recent question related to this verse:

    1 Timothy 2:5-6

    5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

    6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

    I posted this and all I got was a thumbs down. A lot of them:


    Jesus is a mediator? I thought Jesus is God? (I haven't read this book yet).

    How do you reconcile this? Those are completely different ideas! This means Jesus is on the same level as a saint!

    Edit: ok...maybe a little different...he did die for our sins. But still. He's not God, he's a mediator. Right?

    Edit: I'm not trying to be offensive here I honestly don't get it!

    I honestly wasn't trying to be offensive. I KNOW that according to Christians, Jesus is not a saint, he's VERY different, but what the guy was asking was this: "Catholics why do ye believe that saints can intercede for us?". It just threw me off.

    So can someone reconcile this for me without throwing me in jail?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why are we (or was I) taught that America is SO amazing and special?

    I love this country and wouldn't live anywhere else, but being taught that you are special and unique is the equivalent of treating you like a child and it is dangerous, especially when it damages your education.

    This is an example: I was never told that England had a checks and balances system of government before the Revolutionary War. (Thomas Paine talks about the failures of their government in Common Sense). How many "dumb American" jokes can you make from hearing that?

    I don't need to be told this to know it (because I know), and make all of the jokes that you want; that is not the point. I want to know why Americans are told we are one-of-a-kind. We aren't. We are one country among many and we live in history just like everyone else.

    (If you were taught that England had this system of government, that's great. Again, that's beside the point; it's only an example I'm using to make my point).

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Can Christians explain this to me?

    I am trying to understand the Gospel of Mark when compared to other Gospels. And when I read the Gospels, I really want a Christian perspective, so please, ONLY CHRISTIANS answer this.

    Why does Jesus hide who he is and run away so much in this Gospel?

    1) After he healed Simons mother-in-law, and people brought in others to be healed, he asked the demons who were brought out to keep his identity secret

    2) After healing the man with leprosy, Mark mentions that there were too many people, and Jesus had to stay outside of the city "in lonely places". Jesus also gives him a STRONG warning not to tell anyone.

    3) After he healed the man with the shriveled hand, any spirits he drove out after that who recognized him were told to keep his identity a secret

    4) When Jesus calms the storm, his disciples have no idea who he is

    5) Jairus' daughter who was brought back to life was told not to tell anyone what happened

    6) Jesus always prayed alone (poor example)

    7) When he heals the blind man @ bethsaida, he tells him not to go into the village, but to go directly home

    8) When Peter finally recognizes him, he asks peter to tell no one about him

    9) The Transfiguration was only before 3 of the 12 disciples (poor example, but I don't understand)

    It seems that only when Jesus is teaching that he wants people to see him. Does this contradict the other Gospels (haven't studied them as much but don't remember him doing this. Can someone explain why Jesus want to hide who he is?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do Muslims get so much sh*t for this?

    Why do Muslims get so much sh*t from some people when women are seen with their heads covered when Paul recommends that Christian women do the exact same thing for the exact same reason (modesty)?

    "... If a woman does not cover her head, she should should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man...For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head."

    1 Corinthians 6-10 NIV

    Seems pretty clear. Why is this ignored? Why do Muslims get this horrible reputation when Christians are supposed to do the same? (I am not a Muslim).

    I realize there is hypocrisy in this world, but this is beyond ridiculous. Christians- stop cherry-picking your favorite verses and follow the Bible!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I have an honest question for Christians?

    I am just trying to understand this concept. I am not trying to attack Christians; I promise.

    I'm having trouble understanding the idea that "God cannot possibly be understood" and "His ways are mysterious and we cannot know Him completely" or...I probably shouldn't put those in quotations but...I hear things similar to that. But I hear Christians say that God cannot POSSIBLY be understood, but when they hear that science has yet to (but might in the future) find an answer for something, they cry wolf on science?

    Why is a God that we cannot ever know an ideal explanation and science, which we do in fact understand and is a self-correcting mechanism, so faulty?

    Perhaps I don't understand the "we will never truly understand God"? Or perhaps those Christians are wrong?

    Again, this is not an attack. And please, I only want answers from Christians.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago