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  • I'm really skinny and unattractive to girls, how can I change that?

    I have really bad self esteem because I m a bottom of the barrel (lookwise) male. I m Really skinny (130 lbs @ 5 9") and thats ponly because I gained a few pounds in the gym. I dress well at the very least. So I go to the gym and I dress well, that seems to be the only things I can do.

    Also this makes me kinda miserable because I love to skateboard and I deny myself that just so I don t lose the weight I m gaining. My life has become dull and boring. I m starting to feel really depressed but I want to be attractive so when I finally break and go skateboarding I an t enjoy it because I get anxious about lossing the little weight I worked so hard to gain.

    This is a very conflicting situation.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I'm really skinny and unattractive to girls, how can I change that?

    I have really bad self esteem because I m a bottom of the barrel (lookwise) male. I m Really skinny (130 lbs @ 5 9") and thats ponly because I gained a few pounds in the gym. I dress well at the very least. So I go to the gym and I dress well, that seems to be the only things I can do.

    Also this makes me kinda miserable because I love to skateboard and I deny myself that just so I don t lose the weight I m gaining. My life has become dull and boring. I m starting to feel really depressed but I want to be attractive so when I finally break and go skateboarding I an t enjoy it because I get anxious about lossing the little weight I worked so hard to gain.

    This is a very conflicting situation.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Can they fire me from my job if I skip a few days because of depression?

    I'm suffering from mayor depression at the moment and I have been getting treated with a psycologist. I know I have to go to work at some point and I've never missed a day of work.

    I just need time to myself I wish I could get like a week off. I don't know if this is possible without losing my job.

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Will Klonopin give me errectile disfunction in low doses?

    Im 26 male and my generalized anxiety was wrecking my life so I opted for using medicine all the natural stuff I tried didnt work psychoterapy has been good but I need to calm the anxiety untill the therapy does its job.

    So my shrink gives me klonopin. .5 mg very low doze and its been great. Focus is back no more anger or impulsiveness. Im worried about sexual disfuction since Im in a relationship. So will klonopin in this doze cause ED? Any way to prevent it doess without stopping the medication? Because as soon as my penis cant become errect I will stop imediately, not worth it

    3 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • I'm paranoid about my girlfriends intentions?

    My girl is a great girl and she really, really tires. I get paranoid about if she has a hidden agenda against me ( that she might cheat on me, or play me for a fool) I seem to lash out at her even when we are fine over the smallest of things. This time over a conversation over facebook with a guy. She replied"if it bothers you that much I'll let you have my password so you see that I never did anything wrong" I refused of course(don't want to be controling)

    I have bad past with women VERY bad bunch of girls in my life and I see her as the enemy and pull only to my side and Am very defensive. She patiently sits waits untill my anger fit is over and talks to me calmly she suggested we go to theraphy together(she knows about my past) and that she loves me.

    I'm just really paranoid and don't know what to do about it. If anyone can give me some advice that would be great!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My current partner kissed her ex, I'm a little confused.Advice anyone?

    By current partner I mean A girl I've been dating but not officially in a relationship. she had ended it with her ex a few months back but where still talking every now and then. She told me this from the very start very honestly.

    We started hooking up but we sorta kinda developed into something more. One time she went out with her sister and after that she was a bit weird she fessed to kissing her ex all on her own, she had the perfect crime but she told me.

    I tried not to judge and just listened. She said She Wanted to start a relationship with me like a real boyfriend and girlfriend thing.

    She said she wanted to close that chapter of her life or whatever. She is really trying she even hand me her phone when we hang out just so I know shes not even talking to the guy anymore.

    I'm just not sure if it's worth it tho shes a nice girl and I know she was trying to set everything straight but I'm not sure if one can trust a person like that.

    Or Am I just making a big deal of a little thing?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My girlfriend moans real loud and it bothers the neiboors.advice?

    Well my girlfriend claims she can't control the moaning because when we have sex it hurts her(in a good way she claims) we like really REALLY rough sex and she moans very loudly but I live in an apartment complex and sometimes we want to have sex during daytime(in the bath or kitchen counter) but we don't because we feel it will be innapropiate and akward for the neiboors.

    Is it true some girls can't help but moan?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My penis goes limp when changing positions, help!?

    My new girlfriend and I started our relationship about a month ago and the first few times the sex was great and I didnt lose my woodie but it felt less hard than usual(with other girls)

    My ex and I had our sex life and this never happened with her. I'm attracted to my current girlfriend A LOT but problem is that after I get hard the first time we do our deed and then change positions it goes limp. she tries to arouse me and SOMETIMES It gets back up but other times it doesn't

    I'm freaking out that i might be impotent and I'm only 25!

    1 AnswerMen's Health7 years ago
  • I last to long in bed girlfriend gets upset what should I do?

    Okay most guys problems is premature ejaculation when I see this type of question. Me on the other hand last too long my girlfriend thinks that she sucks in bed but I always last long in bed.

    This frustrates her no matter what I tell her. This gives rise to another problem I take even longer because it builds anxiety that she might be thinking negatively. What should I do about this. Its a weird subject

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I have dry lips(chapped) and my tongue feel rough?

    Dry lips and rought tongue also the little bumps that are usually small in my tongue are now bigger. Thishappe.ed out of the blue hasnt gone away in like four days. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • I have genital warts will they goa way without treatment?

    I got fla few warts I did blood test for stds and came back negative for all the mayor more serious illnesses.

    Ive read sonewhere that warts can go away on thir own in a few months. Im not big on the whole having nitrogen or chemicals on my pubic area. Can my body fight the infection on its own?

    I always been the health freak type I stuff myself with good foods and water and I take good care of general health and higiene.

    So will I be okay if left untreated? Im not planing on having sex any time soon anyway

    4 AnswersSTDs7 years ago
  • I like this girl but I have genital warts , help?

    Well My ex gave me genital warts so I stopped dating after we broke up. I resigned myself to never have another girlfriend because I dony want to spread the virus.

    I found a great job and made a good life for myself my friend and his girlfriend wanted me to introduce me to her cusin since they know ive been single for a long time.

    They kept bugging me so I met her and to my suprise she is an amazing girl but I cant be with her. I will not disclose my status or be with her without telling her.

    She really seems to like me and she wants and explanation for my rejection but I just cant tell her . Im really ashamed and grossed out of my condition.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • This girl likes me but I think I have genital warts, help?

    Well I'm heavily suspecting genital warts because I have itchy spots on my penis since like 3 months ago. My doctor said that It might or might not be HPV which doesn't tell me anything. I've refrained from all sex and dating ever since I broke up with my ex.

    I seem to catch a lot of female atention and I keep rejecting them. This Really nice girl is flirting with me and we've gotten really close. She tried kissing me today which I was glad but I turned her down.

    I would rather never have to discuss my STD with anyone. I will not under any cirmscumstances tell anyone but it doesn't feel right to go out with her while keeping it in the dark. I really like the girl but this is a complicated issue.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • OMG I stole some ring from walmart without knowing what do I do?

    So I went to walmart to get some new earings for someone but they gave them to me and I carried on shoping and completely forgot I had them in my hands. I never steal things and I had the money it was only 7 dollars but I eneded up not buying anything and since the rings had no security tag thing. the alarm didnt go off.

    I have been worried about going back I'm willing to pay for it but should I even tell them? could I get in legal problems for this?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • I'm self concius about being skinny, no girls like me, advice please?

    I'm 25 and I'm 118 at 5'9" VERY skinny. I feel that being skinny kills my chances with girls I know in the US A lot of girls tend to like the skinny guys since I noticed american girls give me more attention, hell most my girlfriends where american here living or on vacation.

    This is Puerto Rico here skinny guys are not attractive at all. Only muscle boys. I'm working on trying to build muscle at the gym with proper nutrition but this will take years obiously. While I work on this I feel really down on myself. I just plain don't like myself.

    I never even try to ask girls out anymore. I really don't know how to improve or cope with these feelings can anyone please give me some advice.

    PD: saying "just accept yourself" is not advice thanks

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I get over my insecurities?

    I'm a guy and I'm 25 But I'm just way to insecure it's just not normal. I know a lot of people suffer from insecurities but I'm insecure about everything. I dislike my skinny body and my face, and penis size so I think I'm 100% not attractive to girls. I always feel that no matter what I do I can't be good at something.

    I went to college and studied graphic design then desided I wasn't cut for it so I started something else, this has been a pattern that has ruined my life so far. I tried the whole affirtmation thing but it hasnt worked

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • I'm really insecure because of my weight. how can I get over this?

    I'm 25 and I'm a GUY MY problem is that I'm way to skinny and weights don't work Yesh I'm doing it right Heavy weights low resp 3 times a day all that jazz 1.5 gm of protein per lb and caloric surplus adding more food "eat more" like they say.

    I'm not gonna turn to steroids problem is that being skinny makes me feel inferior. Women don't like skinny men they tend to preffer the bigger healthier looking guys.

    Even when I do manage to get into a relationship it's always someone very wrong for me because I feel I don't deserve better. I really don't know how to get over this. because of this I eneded up contracting HPV so thats how you know I choose badly

    I want to stop this before I end up with aids or something

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • I like this girl but I have Genital Warts what should I do?

    I have white itchy spots on my penis tested negative for herpes and aids so thank god for that. Dr told me that HPV "clears " from the body in 1 - 2 years time but I'm still contagious even with no warts and even if I use a Condom.

    My options where pretty much :

    Infect a girl



    I chose the latter of course.but...

    I really like this girl in my university. She seems to like me too but I constantly reject her and try to avoid her like the plague( to try and not do something stupid)

    Her Friend came to me asking me why I sudently avoid her which I never answered so she told me she keeps crying about it which really bothers me.

    I WON'T Disclose my STATUS to ANYONE because I feel ashamed to be a walking HPV infection. So what can I do? Like I said disclosing status or Being with her and not telling her are not options.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I have genital warts does this mean I'm single forever?

    Okay so I think i have tiny genital warts (theres no way of testing this since I'm a guy) in my country they only do the vinergar on spots for about 10 minutes and if they turn white they diagnose with warts. Mine didn't turn white but I'm sure they are genital warts because they are like fordyce that pop after some unprotected sex and they itch slightly.

    So of what I've read online it says that the warts will disappear on their own which is good but the virus is still contagious even with a condom after that.

    So I got two options:

    Infect some poor girl


    Never have sex,

    This girl in my university likes me and I keep rejecting her because I don't want to infect her. I WON"T tell a single soul that I'm a nasty walking STD risk. I haven't had sex but I really like this girl and I don't want to put her at risk.

    So I'm just avoiding this girl like the plague and her friend came to me and told me she was upset thinking she did something wrong what should I do? (telling her is NOT an option so anything asides from that)

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should I do about this girl?

    This girl and I used to hang out a lot in college. We went out once and I met her family and they usually ask me to go to their house for thanksgiving. So I haven't seen her in a while I got her number and she text back sometimes we are still "cool" but we are not close friends either.

    We used to be so good together but we drifted appart and I saw her and she looks gorgeous( to me). I try to set up hang out but still a bit cold and we never really hang out.

    I'm the really bold type and she seemed to like that before so I was thinking maybe steal a kiss from her see how she reacts? thats how I got her to date me the first time. She doesn't seem to have a boyfriend that I know off so should I do this? or is there another option?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago