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I Try to live by the Golden Rule.

  • Santa Was Here!!! Care to read?

    She placed her little foot inside the large footprint in the snow

    wondering how and when it got there and which direction it did go

    a smile as large as ever broke out upon her face

    she was sure it belonged to Santa Claus and followed his each pace

    Grandma, Look! she said, I know it's really true

    I know I've put my foot inside the mark of his black boot

    HE was here! HE was here! His print is really clear

    I wonder when he came and if he left anything near?

    Running inside she spotted the evidence there

    brightly wrapped packages were all placed with care

    but how did he know to come to Grandma's house?

    why she didn't even have a chimney, how did he get in?

    Grandma explained that Santa always knows

    that if there is no chimney through the back door he goes

    he visits all the houses where the little children play

    that is why he came to grandma's house and visited that day

    That's why you see his footprints left upon the snow

    leading to the back door just for us to know

    P.S. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    10 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • A Poem About Neighbor"hood" boys. Care to read?

    Standing alone on the playground

    looking down at his shoe as he

    kicks the gravel around thinking

    how can I get a hit?

    Pals of consequence join

    the now verbal conversation

    pondering the anxiety of

    how can we get lit?

    The store owner's keys fit

    snugly into the lock opening

    the only business still surviving

    on this decrepit block

    We'll just quickly sneak inside

    pretending to make a buy

    you come through the front alone

    I'll be right behind

    The store owner's instinct is alert

    and quickly on guard

    the gun, too big for the boy

    shown through his pants, a bulge

    store owner is on the ready

    has a piece all his own

    quickly draws in defense of himself

    two boys run as one drops in his place

    This night went down real bad

    boys lost to the neighborhood,


    10 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Don't You LOVE That Smell?

    Not thinking

    I grabed his hand

    and squeezed it gently

    in our shared excitement

    The smell, unique in this world

    one not duplicated except

    sometimes in cans

    phoney replication

    I smiled at him

    he winked at me and said

    "Are you happy?"

    "Of course I am" thinking,

    who wouldn't be with that smell

    that one of a kind smell

    We went on our way

    smug and shiney feeling

    like everyone could tell

    we had a new car

    10 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Does Anyone Get S.A.D?

    As the leaves fall

    so does my mood

    seasonally affected

    like a leafless gloom

    sunlight disappearing

    from shortened days

    as I chase these moods

    from a cloudy haze

    I'd like to dis-order

    these seasonal ways

    and bring the sunshine

    back to my days

    14 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Sometimes I'm Very Alone. How About You?

    The graying sky only reminds me

    of how very alone I really am

    family members go on their way

    and leave me alone to reflect

    upon lost loves, lost lives

    lost hopes and lost dreams

    a reflection of innermost digs

    I sometimes wish I could reverse

    the story and replay events that

    changed the course of my history

    uncontrolled life decisions and

    a Godless lifestyle that created

    remorse in the soul

    But I have....changed that is

    God is in my heart

    God is in my soul

    He's forgiven me my sins

    So why can't I?

    The graying sky reminds me

    of how very alone I am.....

    13 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • My Borrowed Love Interest. Care to Read?

    "My Borrowed Love Interest"

    (aka: Granddaughters sleepover)

    Tippy-toeing to the doorway

    taking a peek to see if they're asleep

    blond hair shuffled all over her head

    mouth parted open, deep in dreams

    older girl still playing, making

    shadow puppets on the wall

    God's blessed me with these little ones

    that I'm allowed to share for awhile

    with parents rushed for time

    so, for this one weekend night

    I can pretend they're truly mine

    Pancakes for breakfast with strawberry

    topping and syrup-ed up for consumption

    barefoot noises say they're coming down

    all giggles and full of gumption

    I've been blessed, oh did I say that already?

    I guess I can't say it enough

    those crazy boys who played so hard

    brought me girls to fill my heart

    12 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • I Knew A Soldier Once. Care to Read?

    "I Knew A Soldier Once"

    It was a crazy time, nineteen seventy three

    we were all surviving cause

    we thought the love was "free"

    every one of us had long hair

    trailing down our backs

    drugs for recreational fun

    not involving tracks

    we believed it would last forever

    those carefree times back then

    didn't realize it was temporary as

    the times were always a changin'

    the music was instrumental in it's

    lasting affect upon our souls

    I fell in love with a soldier when

    he came home from Viet Nam

    his tortured soul cried out at night with

    memories to vile to repeat

    my love unable to comfort him

    as he fought to go to sleep

    he lost the ability to share his heart

    with others it was clear

    so we parted our ways and

    I pray to this day that

    his soul has finally found peace

    12 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Do You Know A Family Like This?

    They were an accidental family

    together by accidental circumstance

    playing house with live babies

    pretending to be mom and dad

    if only I'd listened to ma, she'd think

    and had some self control

    I should have done as Dad said

    and kept it in my pants

    now no prom dress for mommy

    no hanging with the guys for him

    just an accidental family that

    started on an accidental whim

    12 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Did You Know There Is A Stalker Waiting?

    His shadow can be seen slightly

    from his hiding spot behind the tree

    a quiet stalker of souls he will

    wait for his appointed moment

    to step out and place his hand

    on the shoulder of the living

    once touched it is a downhill slide

    toward the pit of no-man's land

    the forever after of nothingness

    as always his life plan

    you can pull away all you want

    his hand has an eternal grip

    and once chosen you may escape, but

    he'll lay in wait again behind the tree

    until he escorts you down the dark path

    10 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Have You Ever Met A Can-Can Girl?

    She'd flip her skirt

    in a flirty fashion

    the edge with lace

    just for the occasion

    shoes tap-a-tap-a-tap

    dark eyes a smilin

    come be with me

    just for the night

    the can-can of love

    for the won't-won't boy

    just for one night

    be my can-can toy

    she smiled again

    this time with demand

    skirt rustled high up

    in a flurry of can-can

    eagerly she leans

    toward his blushing cheek

    as he finally looks up

    and gives a can-can nod

    14 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Can You Tell Halloween Is Near?

    ripened apples fall from the tree

    cider mist fills the air

    pumpkins sit on every porch

    ghosts are haunting everywhere

    leaves crunch under every step

    bats fly low to catch the hair

    witches silhouettes on the moon

    this fallen time comes every year

    little goblins getting ready

    to stir their mischief among the living

    houses loaded with wrapped candy

    dad stands by for the giving

    all the children dress in costume

    innocently collecting their sugary stash

    danger lurking in the background

    apples ready to cut a gash

    beware my little ones this day

    when all the nasties are out to play

    11 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • "The Piece" Care to Read?

    "The Piece"

    It was fully loaded

    and placed in the center of the table

    as they looked at each other

    with the latest low

    life had become


    with drugs being the


    purpose at all

    she'd given up on herself

    kids left on their own

    he lived in the moment

    jacking whoever came along

    who cares anymore

    if we live or if we die

    the gun, a game of fun

    to either end it or

    start anew in Hell

    she laughed and flung her hair

    to one side with glossed eyes

    he laughed back

    reached for the piece

    and said

    "Hey, Baby,

    wanna' go for a spin?"

    10 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Do You Think of Life's Cycle?

    the droplets of rain

    hanging from the pine tree

    glistening with life

    for what's needed below

    the blessed cycle of

    nourishing liquid from

    sky to earth to all

    another cycle

    in one little day

    we take for granted

    will return again

    the cycle, the pattern, the day,

    the life will

    come again

    we assume.

    12 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Have You Ever Seen A Vision?

    I thought I saw you today

    as I looked into the

    dress shop window

    a face was looking back at me

    a slight smile was there

    that drew me in

    I longed to reach and touch you

    as your face was turning away

    but, it was then I realized

    you weren't there, just a hope

    that tricked my silly heart

    6 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Want To Come Sit With Me?

    Come here, dear

    sit with me

    it's a beautiful day

    and I'm feeling lonely

    so many people have

    come and gone

    I wonder how it is I

    ended up alone

    we can share our day

    watching birds in the park

    come sit with me

    just for awhile

    oh, oh,

    they're coming for us

    do you think they know

    how we opened that door?

    6 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • DON'T Give in to the thought, Okay?

    "Suicide is Death's Whore"

    DON'T let her lure you

    with her sweet calmness

    and her innocent grin

    She'll open wide

    and let you in

    she's all but innocent

    in her flirtatious way

    like going with her

    makes it all okay

    when she motions to you

    fight with all your might

    run don't walk

    she'll get her share tonight

    sometimes we think

    she's the way to go

    but fight this B**ch

    and just say NO

    cause in the end

    she'll win somehow

    she's no innocent, I promise

    this whore of death

    she's standing there

    just to inhale your last breath

    6 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Can You Tell This Is Inspired By Introversity's Love Poem?

    I reached across the bed

    and you were gone

    I smelled the sheets

    it hadn't been long

    a little scratch and sniff

    reminded me when

    our romantic fun

    was a roll in the hay

    I miss your beer breath

    when we first wake up

    your cigarette ashes

    in my coffee cup

    I'll always remember how

    we fell from the bed

    I sat all day with

    a cold pack on my head

    you left without even

    leaving your number

    It's the bar fly's most

    common blunder

    Ain't Love Grand?

    7 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Have You Ever Known a Cheater?

    The sex had been better than expected

    so they kept up the romance for a little while longer

    since the chemistry was well worth the farce

    stealing away for pleasures not really their own

    robbing others of what should be theirs

    a sin beyond the sinners the sex was that good

    trying to pretend no one would really get hurt

    what harm in their desires they would ask

    even though they knew they were living the lie

    and speaking of lies, who did they think they were kidding

    when at home the physical body was never even given

    to the one that should have owned that time stolen away

    but the desire was worth it as the mind had convinced

    that what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them

    11 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • I'm Trying To Age Gracefully, Are You?

    Fingers intertwined

    sharing a glass of wine

    toast! to all the years we've shared

    kids are grown and gone

    grandkids come along

    where do all the years go?

    I don't really know

    we've weathered many a storm

    our love has held strong

    now, if we can only make it through

    another year or two

    without keeling over in

    these old chairs!

    9 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Do You Claim To Be a Writer?

    I never claimed to be a writer

    the words just fell out there

    spilling onto paper

    not always making sense

    started out as a little diary

    as most girls usually do

    writing about life

    like it is important

    when probably, it's just life

    I've loved a few people

    probably hated many more

    wasted lots of days wanting

    and wanting and wanting

    had major bouts of depression

    laid in bed for days on end

    but I never claimed to be a writer

    did you?

    Survey says: NO WAY!

    11 AnswersPoetry10 years ago