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I like books, baseball, poetry, systems analysis, history, springboard diving and mountain biking .

  • What if? scenario. JFK runs for President in 1964?

    The assassination never happens. JFK runs for a second term in 1964.

    Would he have kept Lyndon Johnson on the Democratic ticket, or dumped him for someone else?

    (Clickable links would be appreciated)

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • General Robert E Lee as a Union general?

    IN 1861, Lee was the premier organizer of the US Army. Lincoln offered him the top spot to lead the army, but Lee turned it down to follow his state of Virginia into the Confederacy and subsequently became their top general.

    So what if Lee had followed Lincoln and been the top commander of the Union forces? How would the Civil War have been affected?

    6 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Writing poetry about the people I meet. Comments?

    Walked into a restaurant one day and met Sherrie, my waitress. She sparked poetry.


    All I wanted

    was a bite to eat

    Instead I got

    swept off my feet.

    Greeted with

    a killer smile

    Big bright eyes

    Interesting style.

    Delicate fingers

    write my need

    Then jauntily off

    to retrieve my feed.

    She floats about

    on angel wings

    Distracting my thoughts

    Her movements sing.

    Beautiful blonde

    Tall and slim

    A very nice girl

    Perfect for Tim!

    All I wanted

    was a bite to eat

    But a taste of Sherrie

    is the ultimate treat.


    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • .44 Magnum suggestions?

    I like my medium frame Taurus Tracker .357 Magnum and want to move up. Give me your thoughts on any .44 Magnum that's accurate, reliable and easy to use for my small hand size.

    I'm not a hunter nor marksman - just want to be able to comfortably handle a variety of weapons.

    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Shotgun shells and how to choose?

    What shotgun shell size and type gives less "kick" with best effective spread?

    Are 3" shells more powerful than 2 3/4"? How does shell type (5 shot, 8 shot) affect recoil versus spread?

    I have a new Stoeger 12 gauge Coach double-barreled - kicks like an elephant! I used 3" 5 shot. Too powerful? My 870 20 gauge feels fine with 2 3/4" 5 shot.

    Not asking for "how I want to use it" opinions. Just looking for info on how shotgun shells work.

    9 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Stoeger Coach gun 12 gauge chamber size?

    Recently purchased a Stoeger 12 gauge SxS Coach gun. The barrels indicate a 3" chamber. Can I safely assume that it will shoot both 2 3/4" and 3" shells?

    The manual is useless. But I found 1 website that indicates that it will handle shells below 3".

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Life on Two Wheels. Biking in the summertime. Comments?


    My dual-wheeled vehicle

    Its exquisite tours

    Fresh points of view

    fling open new doors

    Where nuance of adventure is explored.

    There's flora and fauna

    all of God's creatures

    New people, their faces

    architectural features

    The world is my ultimate teacher.

    It opens new paths

    in more ways than one

    Adding good value

    releasing my Sun

    Plus chicks love tight buns!

    I greet all the walkers

    and familys' on bike

    A Beautiful Day!

    On that we're alike

    Connections are the bread of life.

    Get close to the earth

    push hard in the turn

    Peddle furiously,

    feel muscle burn.

    'Tis good to occasionally churn.

    Safety is key

    I'm totally exposed

    I do all the work

    "Watch out! Bozo!"

    The adverse of what I chose.

    I'm one with my bike

    and it with me

    Another connnection

    yet 'object'ively

    Together, both of us are free.

    I'll leave unsaid

    all additional info

    Unable to say

    what fills life's bowlful

    Biking? For me? Almost sinful!

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Chessboard of Life. Comments?


    Should I be King?

    My movement encased

    Maybe the Queen

    All over the place

    A Bishop? A Knight?

    A Rook who castles

    The elite have power

    Clothed in bright tassels

    But Pawn I remain

    Just one of the crowd

    My strength is numbers

    Both flanks I surround

    To move 'cross a board

    A Queen in due time

    I'll finish the journey

    One space at a time.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Springboard Diving (Part 2). Comments?


    Conquering fear

    Platform's ascent

    Confidence quaked

    Emotions amess

    Past failure laments

    Butterflys queer

    Never content

    Aiming my zeal

    Surrendering thought

    Accepting fate

    Ego doth pull

    Leap of faith

    Airborne aloft

    Body's display

    Vision blurred

    Twisting away

    Tail would help

    Like balanced cat

    Always to land

    Feet first, not back

    Lifelong wishes

    Soar like the birds

    Fulfilling passions

    To fly are my words.

    Conquering fear

    Found secret door

    Trust be the knob

    Turning, the core

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • No more winter, skip spring, go right to Summer. Comments?


    It's scary to soar

    off a 3-meter board

    with a lifelong fear of height!

    So I trust to fate

    a Leap of Faith

    for launching my body in flight.

    One step then two

    t'ward the edge of a plank

    concocting my plan of attack

    Last strong leap

    to lift me aloft

    praying I don't land

    Flat on my back!

    At takeoff time

    I calculate odds

    of successfully sailing to port

    If mistake is made

    Or focus doth fade

    Just moments to push the abort.

    Practicing more

    disasters galore

    I've trained my body to soar

    I flip and flame

    above the wet plain

    'tis confidence open'd the door.

    It keeps me alive

    the ability to dive

    to trust my body to act

    When it does not

    and I fail to fly

    to accept my failure as fact.

    One final truth

    'bout learning to dive

    "Success is far in the future"

    It takes many tries

    and hopes you won't die

    Diving's a talent you nurture.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • More HD Love Poetry. Comments?

    She comes into my life with beauty and kindness

    One who gives love and forgives my thoughtlessness

    All others fade into the distance

    My horizon is filled with only her essence.

    Dreams awaken, hope doth arise again

    Life's desperate journey combines in her touch

    The realization occurs, with no hesitation

    All things are possible amidst her faith.

    Though the spirit at times be soakingly dampened

    Or put to the fire from man's nature sharpened

    Her Sun contains the power to spur on this soul

    To dry out the Black Dog, put flame to desire.

    Is blessedness deigned upon all who live?

    Can fortune's favor be so randomly spread?

    Banish the questions! Think not so much more!

    I accept God's gift


    Your love

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Moments in Time. Comments?


    We have No Past.

    The Future? No View.

    There's only this Moment

    Just Me.

    Just You.

    There is no Season.

    No Winter.

    No Fall.

    No Work where the Drones

    Prance about in the Hall.

    No Christmas with Santa

    And Donner

    And Blitzen,

    No Evil either.

    No Bast@rds.

    No Vixens.

    Absent are Clocks

    Or other Timepieces.

    No War.

    No Killing.

    No Cons.

    No Fleeces.

    Negated as such

    Is Old Age

    And Despair.

    No Sadness.

    No Sickness.

    No Death in the Air.

    No Rat Race.

    No Speeders.

    No Deadlines to meet.

    No Meetings to make.

    No Stoplights to beat.

    All that is left

    Is Your Sweetness and Mine.

    Just Me.

    Just You.

    Our Moment in Time.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • My Heavy Duty Love Poetry. Comments?


    Come, take my hand

    Let us walk in unison upon the bridge

    that spans our rivers of hesitation.

    Amidst that courage we shall breathe freely

    and sculpt our love's redoubt.

    Come, take my heart

    Entwine it with your golden ring of Emotions.

    You've captured me, enraptured me.

    Touch the fire of your Sun's bestowment.

    For all that you give me

    I redeem in you


    Come, take my soul

    Rend from me the false facades of fear.

    Invest within me of your virtuous Truth.

    Our beings, fused as one

    shall rewrite mankind's love

    as heaven and earth meet

    in the Union that is Us.

    Come, take me

    And join in my sonnet of celestial bliss.

    Together to dance in rejoiceful harmony

    of life

    of love

    of We.

    9 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Miss Victoria. Comments?

    Becoming short skirts and lovely long legs,

    And plenty of coffee with her easy-up eggs;

    Candles and poetry, a kiss on the cheek,

    Asleep on the couch, her dreams she doth seek.

    Bundles of pics and letters and cards,

    Inspires me to be nothing less than her Bard;

    Glances and smiles over upturned collars,

    A mere look from her is worth countless dollars.

    Long black dresses and glasses of wine,

    Dinner's at eight, soaked suits are at nine;

    Be it Sal's or Tony's or Rosewood or Ki's,

    Wherever she goes, the men use their eyes.

    Sheer black hose with a seam up the back,

    'Pleasures' is right, her charms do not lack;

    Clanking and clinking with bracelets and rings,

    The sound of her nearing makes my heart sing.

    Puppies and Kats, and imagination galore!

    Sweetness and light, with truth as its core;

    All of the Angels, and more, that is she,

    The only conclusion is that God has blessed me.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Words. A rewrite. Comments?



    650,000 of them!

    Shall we use every one?

    Tapestry to weave in our way


    Audiovisual magic

    Sensual, enigmatic

    Touching all things, all days


    Gently falling

    Or forcefully jarring

    Ultimately us, omega popinjays


    Syntax & grammar &

    Mispellings mean naught

    In the end, we will have our say

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • My life as a Computer Programmer. Comments?


    25 years

    Digital thought

    Logical, exact

    Vulcan's loft

    Rigidly sane

    Solidly plane

    1 + 1 = 2

    Never to change

    Using this canvas

    Flexibility cruel

    Find satisfaction

    In changing the rules

    Logic doth trump in

    Hexadecimal world

    My only recourse

    Imagination's whirl

    Click OK

    Your fate I decide

    Thoughtful skills

    Guiding your ride

    Aiming to give you

    The ride of your life

    While making work

    Less adding strife

    Combining rational

    With creative being

    I offer the world

    My true feeling.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Television. Comments?


    Most useful invention in the history of Earth

    is squandered in the most hurtful ways

    Violence and killings and sex and drugs

    About us, it has much more to say.

    This wonderful tool of teaching and mirth

    is filled with the most awful bullsh!t

    Commercials and ads, most of them sad

    Completely bereft of all benefit.

    Shows are comprised of trite silly lies

    that add zero to thought and reflection

    Nothing is learned, nothing affirmed

    absent is any connection.

    Worldwide News! You're right there now!

    But do any us really see it?

    We tune out the crys. We tune out the sighs

    'Til one us ultimately gets hit.

    So grab the remote and push the OFF button

    And grasp for yourself a life

    One that has love flowing over your cup

    Absent the media's strife.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Can you cite me a site where I can learn more about poetry?

    All I ask of you is to post a web address that will give a good overview of poetic styles (iambic, pentameter, etc.) and a history of poetry, along with info/links where I can explore each one more intimately. I'm looking for more of a reference guide than a 'how to write poetry' guide.

    I could grind through a bunch of websites using a search and learn nothing. I figured the best recommendations would be gotten from some people who know (that means you, Elaine :).

    I love words but know zero about poetry. Can you help me combine these two interests by answering with your favorite poetry reference website?

    Will this question get deleted like many of my others?



    650,000 of them!

    Shall I use every one?

    Tapestry I can weave in any way.


    Audiovisual magic

    Sensual, enigmatic

    Touching all things, all days.


    Gently falling

    Or forcefully jarring

    Ultimately me, omega popinjay.


    Syntax & grammar &

    Mispellings mean nought

    In the end, I will have my say.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Short observation, Comments?

    Life is unfair

    Anything you can do

    To tip the scales in your favor

    Will make it a little less so.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Halloween poetry.....Comments?


    On Halloween night, my Mother did say

    No treats for the trickers who didn't obey

    The rules were simple, all must invoke

    "Sing me a song, or tell me a joke"

    Watching the bums, clowns, ballerinas

    Stand 'fore Mom, finding arena

    Horrible voices, terrible puns

    Getting their treat, strange task doth done.

    Year after year, song and dance recalled

    Poor little children, some ready to bawl

    Mom forces voice, allows them to call

    To taste of her smile, sweetness the draw

    On Halloween night, everything right

    Darkness the theme, but home is all bright

    One more chapter, with Mom at the crest

    On so many levels, She was the Best!

    13 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago