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Lv 59,146 points

Christy V

Favorite Answers17%
  • Bleach ate through bathtub?

    Hello everyone,

    I have used several cleaning products on my bathtub.. Ajax, Scrubbing Bubbles, and bleach...

    Normally I never have a problem cleaning the tub but one time I ran out of Ajax so I just filled the bathtub about half way and poured some bleach in there with it. I left it there while I continued to clean the other two bathrooms then I came back to it... I drained out the water and then scrubbed the bottom of the tub with some of that lysol that you use for the inside of the toilets ( a small amount) and I rinsed thoroughly...

    I think that that combo may have damaged the bottom of the tub... now I have a 'ring around the tub' situation where the tub is lighter on the half of the tub where I left it with the bleachy water and darker above that.. and the bottom of the tub gets strange soap scum stains but not in a normal flat pattern or anything.. kinda like a layer was scraped off the bottom and soap or shampoo has collected there throughout showers and such.

    Is there any way to fix this problem? Maybe some thing I could by at a hardware store to reapply to the bottom of the tub? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

    I have learned from my over zealousness to keep a sterile tub! lol

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Classy Reception on a budget? - Miami FL?

    My parents have offered to pay for the reception. I know they will want to make me happy but I'd feel bad choosing places that are excessive. I'm Hispanic, and you may or may not know, we travel in herds. LOL. The guestlist is going to be approximately 115.. and thats cutting down liberally. I realize that cutting the guest list down would decrease the cost of it all but its not an option... not because of me, just that my parents want to share this event with the people they love. You know how it goes.

    I was just wondering if anyone knew of any hidden gems in the south florida area that I may to check out. The date is 6-4-11 so it has to be indoors, dont want anyones faces melting off in the summer heat.

    I'm already planning on cutting the booze cost by sticking to a signature drink and beer and wine.. and we're already talking buffet though we're still going to do the math in case we'd break even.

    I'm trying to cut costs as much as possible but I'd really like to know if there is a venue that anyone knows of that is beautiful, accommodating, and budget friendly. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Branching out????????????????

    My boyfriend and I pretty much got abandoned by our friends when we decided to move in together (apparently singles are afraid of couples or something). Anyway, we are looking to expand our friendship circles a bit. We have some immediate family (siblings, cousins) that we occasionally go out with but aren't into the same things we are like: Nightlife, Restaurants, Galleries, Charity Events, Ect. We'd love to have a group of friends that are as enthusiastic as we are about experiencing Miami. (we have lived here our whole lives and love it)

    It's really difficult to make friends in your twenties as anyone who has tried probably knows. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMiami1 decade ago
  • Would you Confront?????????

    To make a long story short my friends ditched me when I started dating my boyfriend.No matter what lengths I went to to keep the friendships alive they we just never returned (lame, I know). About two weeks ago my boyfriend ran into two of my former friends and started chatting. According to one of the friends he felt that the friendships falling apart was 'foolish' and he was open to bridging the gaps that have formed. About a week later my boyfriend and I extend an invite to that friend for an outing, he said he was available, all seemed to be going well. The day of we tried to contact him various times... mostly without luck and once he answered the phone and said 'i'll call you right back' .. he never did. We went out and had a great time but I am left feeling like maybe I should say something. How hard is it to make phone call and say 'hey, Im not gonna be able to make it.'?? I was just going to chalk it up to ' he doesn't really want to mend the friendships' and not talk to him again but he is the type of person who will definitely let someone know that he doesn't agree with their behaviors... so it kinda makes me want to point out his lack of ettiquite. What would you do??

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Have you ever felt...?

    Like everything you've ever wanted/deserved/earned is never given to you. And that everyone around you seems to attain all of these things effortlessly? I have been suffering a long string of what I choose to believe is bad luck. I'm greatful for the things that I have, dont get me wrong, but I seem to always have to fight and fight for things and always fall short. I dont even want things that are so extravegant.. just regular, simple things... I dunno, maybe I'm being dramatic. What do you guys think?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is it either one or the other?

    About a year ago I was extremely satisfied with every department of my life except one.. my love life. Seven months or so after getting laid off due to company downsizing I got into a relationship with an amazing man who I care for deeply. I found a job but it's not good. My friends are seeming to grow more distant, and my home life is less then desirable. I know that normally when one are of your life seems to improve another falls apart.. but can't you ever have it all?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I'm on the verge of losing it?

    Ok, so I live with my parents and siblings. I got laid off and since then I have taken over all of the house chores. It's only fair. Now.. since I have begun this my family has grown lazier and lazier.. they have gotten to the point where they don't even pick up after themselves at all. (Example: If they make themselves a sandwich they leave everything they used all over the place. Knife, ham, mayo, etc.) They don't cook for themselves, fold their own laundry, or even wash a single dish. I realize that maybe I have fault in this because I felt like it is the only way I can contribute since I am out of work. But, I feel like they're getting to an extreme level. Talking to them doesn't work. I even get crap if I have to ask them for things like laundry detergent when we run out. Like, its so horrible for me to ask them for something that only benefits them. What do you guys think I should do?? I am looking for work.. but that's not even the point.

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Have any of you ever been in this situation?

    Ok.. last night I organized a little 'Happy Hour' which I assumed would only be a couple of close friends. But as the night continued turned into a larger group then I had anticipated. All was fine until this one friend of mine brought a guy with her.. a guy who interviewed and NOT hired me a couple of months ago. I pretended I didn't know him and treated him like I would treat any other guest (glasses filled, tummies happy, everyone laughing, etc.) and he kept asking me where he could know me from because I 'looked familiar'.

    Moving on.. he was there with some girl he was dating.. a 17 year old (he is in his mid thirties). The entire night I treated him as an esteemed guest even though all I wanted to shout out was that he was a moron for not hiring me and that he was a pervert for dating a child!!!! It took every ounce of self control I could muster. Has anyone else been in an awkward situation like this??? Tell me everything! lol (best answer 10 points!)

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • If you were to.....???

    cut someone out of your life, do you think they deserve an explanation?

    (Someone who has been in your life for eight years but has recently become toxic)

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How do you truly rid yourself of someone who is completely toxic?

    I have this ex who I have remained miserably loyal to for 8 years (since my parents forced me to break up with him). Every time I see him/talk to him I always feel like this sense of obligation. Like since I was the one who broke up with him and he has never 'betrayed' me like that then I need to tolerate things.. and sort of punish myself. I have tolerated things from him like.. him being very vulgar in front of my family, him treating me in a less then respectful way in public ( not like.. anything crazy like touching me or screaming at me.. but stuff he should know not to do). Basically.. if he were ANYONE else I wouldn't tolerate any of it. But something inside feels like since I broke his heart so long ago that this is like.. punishment. Anyway, I want to rid myself of this.. I changed his name to 'Toxic' on my phone so I wont answer.. I want to be rid of this burden. How can I do it successfully???

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Just when its safe?.. (warning.. its long)?

    Ok so there is this guy that I have been miserably and unnecessarily loyal to since we broke up 8 years ago. Like, I was forced to break up with him by my parents so I always felt like there was unfinished business there, you know? Anyway.. I always kept in touch with him, and we lived our separate lives. Every time we'd see each other (which is only a handful in these 8 years) we would go back to 'gf/bf/ mode instantly. I think we both felt like it was just 'what we did'. Now he is here for the week.. and is talking about how we are meant to be together and how we are gonna get married and stuff. I have to admit that I always wanted to hear those words from his lips but when he said them I honestly felt nothing. See, I admit in being loyal.. but I never but him up to be something he isn't. Anyway, after a particularly shitty year for me.. I was feeling really low. At a party at my grandmothers house I made a connection with an old family friend and suddenly my old love is not causing even the tiniest flicker inside me..I'm wondering at this point if I was merely holding on to my old love just to push others (that I didn't really like) away by creating a barrier. Or if I just went running back to him when I was feeling low. (This other connection has given me a bit of a confidence boost) What do you guys think, sorry for this being so long.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Disrespecting women and setting an example?

    Ever since I can remember my father has given me example after example of how NOT to treat women. I even remember at an early age him pointing out attractive women to my younger brother so they can both gock at them. (something that I always felt was both a slap in the face to my mother and also not the best example for his children, considering two of them are girls) Even now he does/says things that are demeaning to women. I am conflicted because of course I love him, he's my father, but I grow angrier and angrier at him for doing these things. I once gave him the chance to explain his stupid behaviors but all he did was dig himself into a deeper hole. What would you do in this situation??

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • To all the housewives out there?

    I'm not technically a "housewife" I live with my parents and was laid off several months ago amd still unable to find work. (Irrelevant) Anyway... I've taken over all the chores of the house since I'm here most of the time. But there is this thing that my dad does that irritates me to no end..

    He works nights and gets home from work at around noon everyday.. by then I'm usually well into my chores for the day. Anyway.. he does not speak one word to me until I head into the kitchen to start dinner. It's always the same crap.. he hears pans clinking in the kitchen, he comes over, and asks: "What are you making?" To which I always reply: "I don't know" because I find it extremely annoying that he hears a noise in the kitchen and runs over.. suddenly I'm worth talking to.

    I have had minor arguments with him due to this idiotic (for lack of a better word) behavior.. but honestly, its useless. Is there anyone else who finds themselves in this situation?? If so, how can I make it stop?? lol Any positive jokes would also be appreciated.. thanks guys.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Something bad happened and I'm not sure what to do?

    Ok, I'm sorry if this is a little long but I'm just looking for opinions on what I should do.

    I was out last night with my two girl friends (J) and (L) and we went to this place called 'Riverfront' in Ft Lauderdale FL.. its essentially a few blocks with a bunch of bars/restaurants/lounges/night clubs all along the main streets. Ok, so we started out at this place called 'Capones' and we had a drink each there.. then we were crossing the street to go to this place called the 'Art Bar' to dance when this dude approaches us with these flyers that entitle women to a free entrance and one free drink. We had never heard of the place but it was literally 10 feet away from us so we decided to pop in and grab our free drink before continuing to our next location. Ok, so the way this place was doing it was that when you give the hostess your flyer, she hands you a cup, in which is supposed to go your complementary cocktail. Fine, I gave my cup to one of my girfriends (J) as she was gonna hang on to them so we could just get our drinks faster. So, we get to the bar and the bartender pours us the drinks and says we owe him $3 for each drink.. to which my friend (J) shows him the flyer with the advertisement and points out the 'Free Drink' offer. He said that he didnt care that we had to pay it.. we were put off but were going to pay anyway.. I mean, its only three bucks. The only problem was that we were a buck short since we had used most of our cash on a meter for parking. We offered him a credit card but he refused to take it, his exact words were: Thats not good enough, I want cash. So when we didnt have it he dumped two of the three drinks out on the counter in front of us. At this point I just turned around to leave because honestly the drinks didnt mean that much to me anyway.. they were free and probably mostly water anyway. But at the moment that I turned to leave my friend (J) threw her drink at him. He jumped over the counted, grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into my other friend (L), he then threw (J) on the floor and dragged her out of the place all the while shoving myself and (L) out of the lounge. At this point I didnt really know what was going on.. I just wanted to get away from that guy.. I spoke to two different police officers who were outside and they both discouraged me from filing any reports claiming that no one would care that he put his hands on me and that it would be a huge waste of time. I went home feeling violated and woke up today extremely angry.. I am a few minutes away from going to file a police report and tomorrow I intend on speaking to a lawyer.. is there anything else I should do to make sure this maniac isnt treating people like this???

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had one of those days?

    Where you try on everything in your closet and nothing seems to look right? And you just feel like a huge fat gigantic heifer??.. Ugh, I'm having one right now.

    9 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Am I being a hypocrite here? ?

    I had this really close friend for about 8 years, we were best friends. Then one day over a very minor dispute he decides he will disappear and stop talking to me. Three years later he emerges and wants to be friends again. During these three years I had understandably developed some anger towards his cowardly display and met up with him to tell him all the things I wanted to tell him. Now he is trying so hard to be friends with me.. its kind of sad. I sometimes go out with him in a group but I feel like such a hypocrite when he is there.. I am never going to trust him again and we will never be "friends" you know? What do you guys think?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My dog goes nuts for ice cubes!!!?

    My new puppy loses her mind whenever I give her an ice cube. Its so adorable.. does anyone else's dogs do this or any other funny thing??

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Whats the best book you've ever read and why?

    I really want some good ideas for the next book I will throw myself into. ( I'd prefer something with a happy ending.. but if it doesn't have one I'll probably give it a go anyway)

    17 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Men in my life really confused?

    So I got into a little debate with a friend (male) of mine about how we want to raise our children when we finally have them. I expressed how I will do whatever I have to to raise all my children exactly the same male or female because my father has many double standards here at home that my sister and I have had to tolerate throughout our lives. Anyway, my friend said that "you have to raise girls different then you raise boys" and I disagree completely. Actually that comment made me feel like he thinks he is superior to me just because he has a cock.. even though he and I went to the same schools and I actually have a better GPA then he does. I feel like all the men around me feel like no matter what accomplishments the women around may have they are less important because they're the wrong sex. Is it wrong of me to think that THEY are inferior for having such stupid ways of thinking??

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Is this a boy thing or what?

    Ok so my brother (21) is really lame about food. He picks out onions from his food (even if it takes him 30 minute) and even takes the shredded lettuce off of tacos. I cant say that it makes me 'angry' per say but it does make feel like he is a moron for picking out stuff from his food that basically has no flavor. Anyway, my friends brother does more or less the same thing. So I'm wondering if all boys are so stupid when it comes to their food or if we are just super lucky to be surrounded by a couple of them?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago