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  • Do cats need their nails trimmed?

    I have a wonderful little feline. He's an indoor/outdoor cat. He has a scratching post inside he does not use but I see him outside constantly scratching on the deck steps and little trees. (He always hangs around me while I tend my garden and flower beds- so I can observe.) He does occasionally get a claw hooked on something (like my shirt, etc.) Do I need to trim his nails or is he taking care of it himself? How do I know?

    Please just give kind/informative answers.

    Thank You! :-)

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • My cat likes tummy rubs?

    First- this is not exactly a serious question- so please respond in kind:)

    My funny feline likes his tummy rubbed. He rolls on his back on the floor and if you rub his tummy- he purrs. It's adorable. He tries to do this with our Lab and she just seems confused "Why is he doing that- what does he want??".

    When I hold him, he'll roll over in my arms 'till he's in the position you'd hold a baby in. I cannot resist- I give him raspberries on his tummy (which isn't easy since he's long-haired) and he starts purring.

    I don't know much of his past- I adopted him a few years ago. I suspect he's either been treated quite well in the past or he hadn't been and is the sort of creature who appreciates any love. I don't know. He's the first cat I've owned beyond barn cats as a kid.

    I'm curious about what other cat-lovers think.

    Thanks for any answers. I'd love to hear about funny things other people's cats (or any pet, honestly) does that is amusing.

    5 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Does anyone acknowledge that christians persecuted others themselves?

    I hear so much about how the christians were persecuted and tortured in the past so their god saved them. Doesn't history reflect that christians were as guilty (if not more so) of this as any other belief practice?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Does anyone know of a website for support of family members of a person with schizophrenia?

    This person will not acknowledge that he has an illness. I'd really like some way to have support for my own self in dealing with his illness. I'd appreciate any form of support anyone knows of for this illness.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • How many people really have objections to immigrants to this extent?

    I had a very disturbing conversation (via web) with a man who was really prejudice against Hispanics. He said (no exaggeration) that any person entering the u.s. illegally should be shot- then he added that any one (such as myself) advocating for the rights of these people should also be shot.

    This was in reference to a an incident where a border patrol agent was found dead in his home after he kidnapped and raped three women- two were teenagers. All were killed then bp guy killed himself.

    I was honestly really disgusted by this- he thought these women being kidnapped, raped, and murdered were what they deserved for trying to illegally enter the u.s.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • My dog is constantly licking her tush?

    This is Sunday and my vet isn't open until tomorrow (when I will obviously take her in for an exam).

    She's an 8-ish year old Lab (she's adopted from a shelter so I do not know her exact age) who is spayed.

    Just yesterday and this a.m. she's constantly licking her rear. I looked and her girly bits do not seem affected or look inflamed at all. I think her anus is swollen and I suspect that's where the problem is.

    Does anyone have any ideas of how to give her relief until Mon? I don't want to give her human med as that could make it worse. Does anyone have suggestions for natural things that could help her?

    She's a very good girl- she'd let me put an icepack on her tush if it helped.

    Any suggestions appreciated.

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Why do christians always try to explain using bible verses?

    Why would you quoting things from your religious text convince anyone who doesn't believe what you do of anything? I'm confused about your logic. If someone is not of the same faith (if any), why would you assume quoting from your book would mean anything or ever change someone's views?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Has anyone seen the movie Jesus Camp?

    Does anyone find it just a little disturbing?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do folk misinterpret the name of my cat?

    1st- this not a serious question- it's not a problem, just curious about answers.

    My kitty is an adorable long haired black and white guy who looks a whole lot like Sylvester from the Looney Tunes. When I adopted him, I called him Sylvester (huge Looney Tune fan-which dates me- I'm 32). My bf would say "I tought I taw a Puddy Tat" and kitty always came to him. So we named him Puddy Tat ( I spell it Pud E. Tat).

    Even when I explain why we say "puddy" or "pud pud" (which is his common name around the house), folk assume his name is "Pooty". Which is funny (he's been known to "poot"), but then I think folk imagined I named my cat after a fart.

    Has anyone had this experience of pet names being misinterpretted? or do I just pick bad names for pets?

    Thanks for answers- this is a question that is light hearted. Please respond in kind.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • If these were your frig contents, what would you make?

    Yes, I'm shamelessly fishing for dinner ideas. I have deli ham, mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli, cheese, sweet pepper and all the pantry and frig basics. I don't have to use everything but would like to use some veg.

    I'd love to hear any and all ideas. Thank you!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Does anyone have recipes for frozen tomatoes?

    I have a whole bunch of frozen cherry tomatoes from last summer that I need to use before this summer starts spitting out tomatoes. I've made pasta sauce (but would still welcome other people's recipes or ideas for pasta dishes very much) but I know there's more I could do with them. Any bright ideas and/or recipes?


    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Can a cat eat chicken bones?

    I have my first cat- have had him a couple years and am deeply in love. I've always owned dogs in the past (and have a lab now- she loves Cat but is suspicious of him...:).

    Anyway, I never give Dog chicken bones- obviously- but is it OK for Cat to have them??

    All answers appreciated!

    6 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Does anyone have good recipes for fava beans?

    I have some I got at the farmer's market this summer and froze. I've never used them before so I was hoping someone here has- with good results (lol).

    I'd love to hear ideas. I cook a lot of Italian and Asian foods- but I'll try basically any recipe that appeals. Thanks so much for any answers.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Has anyone ever used frozen crayfish?

    I was gifted a package of frozen crayfish. Has anyone ever tried them frozen- they're red so presumably they are cooked. I was thinking of using them in a fish stew since their flavor probably won't be good enough to stand on their own. Any past experience or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Thoughts and definitions of Satan worship?

    I've heard so many different opinions- many wrong - and I'd like to hear other opinions. I'd also love to hear from folks who truly practice this-thanx.(and what the hel*- lets just debate the whole idea...

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Have any MRA men read?

    Have you ever read "Half the Sky"? Do you ever comprehend real issues facing women worldwide?

    There are a lot of real men who appreciate the **** women have always dealt with and still do in many places- these men care and work very hard to empower women. These men know what horrors women face in everyday life and they want to change it. These are real men. They aren't seeking attention- they simply believe in doing what is right.

    Why can't men (especially in the usa) dedicate themselves to a worthwhile cause like helping people in the world who are actually in danger rather than snivel and whine because women have a 'right's movement' and they don't?

    A men's right's movement makes no sense when they have not ever been denied any rights!

    5 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What do you do when people try to convert you?

    I do not understand why anyone would go door-to-door trying to convert others into their religion. I deal with that constantly (despite "no soliciting" signs) and I don't get it. What makes a person think they know how anyone else should believe??

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any good phyllo recipes or ideas?

    I have some phyllo dough I need to use and I'm hoping for creative ideas. I want any recipe- or even just ideas- whether sweet or savory. Thanks a bunch!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Are there truly people who believe gay marriage threatens straight marriage?

    I just have trouble believing anyone would ever try to prove homosexual marriage in any way threatens heterosexual marriage. It makes no sense at all. How? I am relieved to know that within probably ten years at most, homophobia will be treated the same as racism in society i.e. not acceptable.

  • Any other Survivor fans?

    Who do you think will win the current season, and who do you think should win? I have no friends or family who like the show, so I'm asking you all. Be nice (to me, not the show :)

    Thanks- we should figure out a way to make bets...

    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago