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  • I think he cheated?

    So I've been with my husband 8 years. He never had any friends throughout the whole time. We were so good with each other and had two kids also.... Then a few months ago he tells me he used to talk to this girl ( online, never met her) before we were together. She found him on Facebook and they started talking. A few weeks after that he comes home and tells me he met her and almost had sex with her but he got soft and felt bad because he was going to hurt me.... I forgave him because it felt like a really sincere apology. He still kept her as a friend and I was trying to b ok with it, but a few weeks later he comes home with a hickey and he said " I didn't have sex with her. I made a mistake by making out with her" I didn't really forgive him for that. I felt really betrayed and didn't trust them anymore, but they still stayed friends cause I didn't know what to say or do. He knows I don't like her and I think they r playing me, but he says " don't worry it's nothing ". Well yesterday I texted her from his phone saying " I can't do my wife dirty" and she said " then why do you kiss me and do the stuff you do" I got pissed and told him and then he didn't talk to me all night since his brothers were over, but he did try to say " I don't know why she say that nothing even happened " .... Now he's mad at me and idk what to do. Do I give him silent treatment?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Good movies I can find in Spanish language?

    I'm trying to get my mother and father in law some movies that are spoken in the Spanish language. I don't want them to have to read subtitles. They always watch English movies but my mother in law would like to watch movies in her native language. Any suggestions..... Also do you know any 70's music artist?

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Volunteering at chiropractor.........?

    What can I expect while volunteering at a chiropractic office? Do I wear scrubs? How can I aventually get hired?

    4 AnswersHealth Care7 years ago

    I graduated two years ago from a medical assistant program and now I am trying to start my medical assisting career. ( I waited two years because I had a baby). everyone wants experience so on Monday I will start volunteering for a chiropractor, but im wondering if there are any good job searching sites for medical assistants. I am a board certified medical assistant and board certified EKG Technician. I live in Sacramento,CA.

    2 AnswersHealth Care7 years ago
  • how can i lose the last 30 pounds?

    Since my daughter was born a year ago I've lost 100 pounds and it was kinda easy. I just ate clean and exercised, but this last month I've been stuck. I want to lose the last 30 pounds and get a flat tummy. I used to ha e an awesome body and now I really want it back......I've been eating small meals throughout the day, drinking a lot of water, and going to the gym to do cardio five days a week. What else should I be doing?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Help me please.....i want to lose 30 pounds?

    Hi there everyone! So my $econd baby just turned one a few months ago and I have lost 40 pounds already. I weigh 194 right now but I want to weigh about 150-160 in six months.....i jog for 10 minutes every couple of hours almost every day and I eat veggies and fruit every three hours. I drink tons of water all day and oatmeal for this a good way to lose it or should I b eating more variety or anything? Thanks for the help

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • becoming Catholic......some questions?

    So my husband and I had a wedding ceremony at the courthouse. So not married in a church , but i want to know why its a big belief that one should get married in a church.

    He grew up Catholic but never really went to church once he was a teen. I grew up going to a Christian church and I hated it. I want to learn more about Catholic teachings but i cant go to church since no car is available. How can I learn about the beliefs?

    Also what is a first communion?

    Thanx for answering

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Teaching a three year old......?

    My daughter just turned three and she knows the abc song and a few different shapes as well as counting to ten. She loves me reading books to her and she colors and tells me what it's about.... But what else can I teach her and what is the best way to teach her. I really want her to know what a preschooler should know

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • My husband doesn't show affection???????

    My husband always tells me to b safe and cares for me and worries bout me and spends his money on me, but he doesn't kiss me and hug me a lot. It's rare that he compliments my looks and holds my hand. I'm just wondering if he's falling out of love or is it just fuse his dad was never around to show affection to his mom when growing up? Is it just his nature to not b affectionate?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • where can i find a diabetic friendly birthday cake?

    I live in Sacramento California and I'm trying to find a diabetic friendly cake.... any suggestions??

    8 AnswersDiabetes7 years ago
  • What can I make with ground beef?

    I have ground beef and I don't know what to make. I usually do meatloaf or hamburgers, but I want to try something different.....

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • What is everyone getting their significant ithe for Christmas?

    So I'm kinda broke this Christmas, but I managed to get my husband a jacket and then went to the dollar store and found a chocolate toolset to wrap up and share some laughs. And I found his favorite candies for his stocking.

    What r u getting ur significant other? What do u want to receive ?

    2 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • Christmas for the in laws?????

    I love my in laws and want to get them something nice. My father in law is a truck driver and loves movies. I wanted to get him a candy jar but he's diabetic :(.... My mommy in law likes perfume but everyone always gets her that. And she likes statues for her garden and religious catholic pictures.

    2 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • What to get dad for Christmas? ?

    He drives a big rig truck and he likes movies but has alot of movies already

    3 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • I'm looking for some different dinner ideas?

    Usually I cook meatloaf, spaghetti or turkey and mashed potatoes.... what are some other ideas

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • How to show him I appreciate him.......?

    My man does a lot for me. He works so I can b stay at home mom. He always gets me what I need and stands up for me, but I don't think he knows I appreciate him. I already have sex with him, but I want to show him in a different way.... Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Winter fashion for women????

    So I had a baby eight months ago and I've lost a lot of weight since. Im tall and have big boobs and almost a flat stumach ( but I still gotta work on it a lil) and my but is kinda flat( working on it) and I have thick thighs...... I usually wear jeans and a t shirt, but I'm looking for different fashion styles that will flatter my figure. Please help me :)

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • i dont know why my stumache aches??

    hi this might be tmi but three days ago out of no where I started feeling nauseated and then was having diarrhea all that night. the next day the nausea went away but im still having diarrhea (but it calmed down a lot) and im having very light pain in my stomach and then shoots to my sides. I noticed the pain after eating an orange this morning and then again after I got mad at my kids. the pain comes and goes. I have looked up kidney stones on google but it said that I would be in a lot of pain.....I am on the nuvaring if that makes a wondering if I should go to doctors?? or is it just the flu or something minor?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Christmas decorating for a small apartment?

    So it's almost time to start decorating for Christmas, but I live in a small one bedroom apartment. I already have a Christmas tree with all the decorations. I am going to get some red slip covers for my couchs, but I don't know what else I can do? I'm looking for different ideas to hang from the ceiling or on the wall because I have little ones that will mess it up.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • How much to feed eight month old?

    My baby does not like baby food she never has. She would rather have cereal and different finger food so she could feed herself. I feed her 6 ounces of a bottle. She gets about three to four bottles a day plus 2 to 3 at night..... I'm wondering if she's getting enough nutrition. And what are some good finger foods that I can give her... I already gave her little pieces of beans. Meat. Nd veggies

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago