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†CommissionedSista Prayer Warrior† " As soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children."Isaiah 66:8

  • I can't keep a job?

    Ok so I have been married for 3 years.My husband has a great job that he loves doing.We have a relative who we are guardians of.

    My issue is this-since I have graduated from college (psychology degree BIG mistake) I have been through a number of temp jobs.After being in a job for longer than 6 months I get fed up and want to leave.I never feel as though I am getting up and doing what I would love to do.I would of liked to have studied social work but I lacked 1 single qualification which means I would have to study another 3 years instead of another 2.

    I have only ever really wanted to be a stay at home mom homemaker sadly we have not been able to conceive so far. I am not lazy when given a task I enjoy I work very hard at it but I just dont feel like I have had the right opportunities come my way.

    My husband is very supportive but I really want to feel the strength to continue in a job to help support us as a family and not leave because I feel super depressed because I do not like the job.

    I need help or advice because I am feeling so guilty for letting us down by never working hard enough at jobs that I hate or grow to hate and want to leave within months.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • my friend always compares our lives?

    hello i need help-i have a friend who has a really good excitng life,right now for me everything is not working out how i would have liked.but one thing my friend always does is look at what she thinks is wrong in my life and says-"i don't want to do it like how you did."for example my husband treats me like a queen-opens doors,helps put my shoes on,holds open doors,massages my feet etc and she said to me "i don't want my husband to treat me like how your hubby treats you."and then when i signed to an agency to do acting it did not work out for me but she came and said "o i don't want to do it like you did signing to some agency you have to pay for (then not getting any work"basically what she was saying.and when she said it,that really got on my nerves as though she was putting down my life and lookin at my failures and judging me.

    am i being over sensitive or do i have a right to be upset by this?

    (please forgive my bad grammer )

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How long did you wait to ttc after ectopic pregnancy?

    I had an ectopic pregnancy 2 months ago which was treated by surgery.It was very horrific and traumatic. I have come a long way and I have had alot of support and life is getting back on track.I just didn't want to rush into trying again.I didn't want to feel as though I was trying to replace the baby I had lost.I don't feel ready.How long did you wait to try after your ectopic or misscarriage?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Am I asking too much of my husband?

    I had like the worst day today ever I lost my purse all my belongings therefore was stranded and had to take a cab to work which they had to pay for as i have no money (was in my purse) I then had numerous issues to deal with throughout my work day.

    Hubby had already planned to be a mens evening at our Church do you think Im being unreasonable by wanting him to be thoughtful by coming home and spending time with me given the day that I have had?Or I am just being a spoilt brat? :-(

    I havent mentioned it to him and I most probably won't but how do I let him know in times of crisis sometimes I feel as though I want him to drop everything to be there for me without me having to ask?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Christian women who have a spouse called to the ministry?

    Did you (also being saved and walking with the Lord) ever feel as though you had to put down your own dreams and aspirations to be a good godly wife?

    I have dreams of being an actress,and playwright and im really good at it I get every part which I audition for, but on the other hand my husband is quite heavily involved in ministry and needs me to support him and at times I am too busy with doing my stuff to be there for him like he needs me to be.Also in the home I am usually busy as I also work a full time job so the home stuff also suffers ie laundry cooking etc although I do those things I do feel the strain of wearing too many hats and doing too much stuff I feel as though I am being spread so thinly right now and trying to understand my ultimate purpose so that I can get on with that!

    My question is did any Christian women feel as though they had to let go of some stuff to support their husbands?

    (We dont have kids just yet but want to some day)

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • My relationship with God - I need HELP!?

    I pray I read the word of God in fact I even attend Bible college.However I still most days have this overwhelming feeling that God is not happy with me.It makes me so depressed and makes me feel as though I want to pull away from God.I try to stay near I give Him the praise but I consistently feel as though I cannot make Him happy and that others around me and in my life are more favourable to God than me...It hurts so bad,I even feel as though God is more pleased with my husband than may sound silly but I battle with this on most days..

    In fact many days I dream of experiencing that overflow of joy and acceptance which can only come from God I have it only now and again then I go back to feeling as though God is angry with me...

    I really want to move past this are there any special prayers I could say,or anything I could do I just want to KNOW in my Spirit that He is pleased with me and not angry or disgusted by me and that I am not His second choice

    Any Christian help would be great

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Discouraged with Career :-(?


    Please i really need help, I have a degree in psychosocial studies but I have worked in an office for most of my life. I want to be a counsellor or a therapist however did not get accepted onto a course straight after I had completed school so now I have had to take on another job in an office so that I am actively doing something, but I really want to pursue my career the catch is this=

    Pretty much most of the courses out there want you to have experience of workng with people in a care/therapy counselling setting and this for me is pretty muc impossible even the voluntary positions require experience.

    I feel like all doors keep on closing in my face,at the moment I am VERY discouraged.Please can I be offered some help?

    Many thanks


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Christian Marriage Help ASAP?

    Hello!!! I am currently in need of desperate help because if I dont get help soon I dont know what I will do.

    Before I got married I was a bright happy young woman in God just coming along in leaps and bounds in everything I do in God and elsewhere.However since I been married I have felt as though I am so far away from God.This is mostly because at times I wonder if I married the wrong man (although my husband is a wonderful man) I often times felt as though I didnt love him like I should.

    Because of this feeling I mostly stay far away from God in guilt that I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing I have become a shadow of my former self. I am just so sad that I cant love the man I married although I find no fault in him it eats away at me everyday.

    I try to pray and try to get to God I am just so broken. I also battle with deppression on a regular basis. I feel like my whole life i a lie. I have started to see a counsellor.I am scared to tell him how I feel about my husband because my husband was there (although I have spoken to him in the past about my feelings)

    I just feel like although financially and moving away frm home marriage has helped in this but spiritually i feel like i have taken a thousand steps back.

    Please I need to hear that God still loves me and wants me Im really at the end and cant take this feeling anymore

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I resent my husband and need advice?

    I have only been married just over a year and I feel as though I resent my husband :-( I live every day praying that I would fall in love with him in the way that a husband should love a wife instead I find myself only loving him as a friend or as a sister would love her brother (although sex is not an issue)...

    At time we laugh and enjoy each other but when we argue I explode and say that we should never have gotten married as we are VERY different people and feel our differences will drive us apart.

    I live each day in guilt hoping that love will come but it hasnt yet

    Has anyone ever felt like this?I have prayed and prayed we are both born again believers I dont want this to fail but right now I just cant see us mking it without this unhappiness of feeling as though my life is one big perfomance :-(

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I've had like driving lessons periodically since I was 18/19...?

    I am now 24 and we (hubby and I) have some responsibilities coming up where I will need to be driving.

    What is the Quickest way for me to learn by October??(We can't travel 2 church 2 hours by bus with a baby)

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • Is it ok to wear a black dress to a wedding (as a guest)?

    I just bought a stunning black mesh dress with gold/beige underneath which brightens the dress up.

    I know b4 they used to say black is unacceptable at weddings is this still true??

    15 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Would you wear a wedding ring set that wasn't real?

    I have found that im allergic to white gold :-( im so sad my fingers are still recovering from soreness,dryness and itching of wearing my white gold ring.

    I want to get another ring once I have recovered Im going to try silver sterling I cannot afford platinum...would you wear a wedding ring set which looked believable but was not real platinum?

    14 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • I like the names Sarah and Hannah-Can you think of any names?

    I wanna blend both names together please can you think of anything

    ie Hansara

    I want it to sound unique but not silly!!

    9 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Christians:How do maintain a devotional life?

    I am newly married and I am now so busy with work,marriage,church etc that i am often so tired and I find it hard to maintain the balance I have had within my devotional life.Please could you let me know how you all deal with life as well as keeping a steady devotional life unto God??

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Middle names for baby name Teresa?

    NO "Maries" or "Anne's" Please Many thanx

    15 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • What did you WANT to call your child BUT?

    Spouse or family didn't agree on and couldn't be persuaded.

    I love Emelina but my hubby won't allow me to call our child that. I also like Zemira again he objects lol..

    What were your names that you desperately wanted but other wouldnt agree on??

    16 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago