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WinterBABYs from LONDON

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lots of knowledge on lots of topics so pick my brainz...i love it :) - from LONDON

  • 2 year old toddler help?

    ive just given birth a month ago and my toddlers routine changes as well and its crazy so i was wondering if theres a way of

    - transitioning my toddler out of day time naps or making them earlier - (she wakes at 9am and used to nap at 1pm now she naps at 4pm and i cant get her down sooner or she screams the place down) so i need to either get her to sleep earlier or not sleep until bed time.

    Also how can i get her to eat better she seems to want milk more now and doesnt eat so well - she has 2x 10 oz bottles 1 at 8.30pm before bed and one in the day before nap


    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • post pregnancy any tips on how to?

    get my iron levelsup without tablets, i lost losts of blood and the iron tablets are giving me stomachache and constipation and i was wondering if anyone has quick fix tips? thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • since bringing my newborn home my toddler...?

    who is 2 wakes up and wants to climb into our bed and screams when we try to put her to bed and its becoming a daily event for her to cry herself to sleep unless we put her in our bed. we did for a few nights to comfort her but it got worse and now she wakes twice a night and tries to climb into our bed. we take her back to hers but she screams and refuses to get back in. we have tried talking to her and praising her for sleeping in her bed, bought her new bedding but she is having none of it. she has only just turned 2 but is really smart and has also slept through the night since 9 months old - she sleeps through the babys crying but randomly wakes and is tiring us out any advice pleeeaasse or techniques that might have helped you?


    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • during mot are isofix points tested?

    if not how can i ensure they are in good order?

  • baby blues or ???? help?

    iron defficiency? - hiya, i just had my baby 3 weeks ago and i lost 600ml (almost 2x coke cans) of blood due to manual placenta delivery. i was kept at the hospital for 3 nights as i had epidural and the catheter and was put on alot of medication for pain relief and for my spd. i didnt sleep at all at the hospital due to the noise.

    when i finally got home on day 4 i just couldnt stay awake i was so tired i was physically able to cook, etc but at night i just couldnt wake up for feeds (my husband has been doing nearly all night feeds but goes back to work on monday). im now on week 3 and have been given high dose of iron tablets to see if this solves the problem but i took one and it set off my hemmarroid due to becoming constipated so ive stopped til it heals. the thing is im really really tired and just want to sleep. i do feed my baby in the day and hold and play with him a little when he is awake as well as look after my 2 year old toddler but im just so exhausted all of the time and feel like im sinking coz im starting to hate the fact i cant get up when my baby cries in the night. is this coz my iron levels are low or am i depressed? i will spk to my doc at my check up in 2 weeks but for now i was asking for opinions and advice please thx

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • my daughter is 2 and really playing up since i brought baby home....any advice please?

    my daughter turned 2 last week and 2 weeks before that i gave birth to our son. i spoke to my daughter about the baby often and she would rub my belly and we would call my bump bubs

    i brought baby home and introduced him as bubs so that she would know that this is my bump (so to speak) the thing is she wanted to hold and play with the baby which after 2 days of frustration she finally started stroking him gently and kissing him and wont stop talking to him.

    but she has also become very loud, disruptibe and cries all of the time.

    my husband has been home for 3 weeks now to help me and we have made sure our daughter stays included in everything but she just wont stop screaming and crying - yet when she goes near baby she is full of love. why is she doing this - she was such a sweet loving calm baby and now she wakes in the night having slept through since 9 months, she wants more milk and refuses to eat even though im trying to make it fun.

    she throws things now and generally misbehaves and i miss my sweet little girl - is this normal or is it jealousy? we have showered her with an amazing birthday party last week, given her lots of play time attention, hugs etc... but no joy! will this last?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • when did you stop giving your baby/toddler milk?

    my daughter is 2 years old as of yesterday and has reduced food intake as she wants more milk should i continue giving her milk? she eats all foods but lately prefers milk.

    she has 9 oz with a daytime nap and 11oz at night -

    so my questions are:

    when should a toddler be weaned off milk?

    when should day time naps be cut out?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 2 week old baby wakes because?

    he needs a feed every 2 hours, my daughter did this and when i swaddled her she slept for four hours but my son hates being swaddled is there anything else that might help him sleep longer? also he was drinking 1oz from day 1 but is now on 3oz every 2 1/2 hours is this an okay amount?

    im burping him constantly and he only settles once he is burped fully which can take upto an hour or even 2 but he still only sleeps 2 hours is this normal? any tips?

    no rude comments pls i know babies have random patterns but i also have a 2 year old and im trying to juggle the two so im just looking for night time tips thank u

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • should i have more children? im really scared?

    I have been with my husband since i was 17 and we worked hard to build a nest egg and were financially strong by 2010 we decided to have a lil girl and thought it may take time to conceive but we were blessed within 2 months. I had high blood pressure and gest diabeties and a traumatic back to back 16 hour labor. I begged for epidural but no one came and i sufferred so bad. Husband and i tried for second baby 7 months later and sadly had MC. But within a couple of months were blessed again and gave birth to our son 2 weeks ago. we are moving to a bigger house in 6 months and my husband and i would love to have another child but i had such a traumatic second labor with spd and really bad pains that im wondering whether i could handle the pain again as once more the epidural never came due to shortage of staff and then i got it for a manual placenta delivery and lost 600ml of blood. i would love to have one more child maybe in 2 years but im worried because i will be 38. Also because of the hard time ive had im not sure if its wise.

    any experiences or opinions that are valid would be great - i know i have time but honestly i thought our family was cmplete since i always wanted 3 kids and hubby always wanted 2 so after having our son i thought our family was complete but now hubby wants us to have another and i thought i would instinctively say no, but i am actully thinking about it...

    9 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • implant / injection contraceptive how was it for you?

    im due my 8 week check at the doctors after giving birth where they want to set me up with a contraceptive of my choice if i choose.

    i was thinking about the injection or implant

    wanted to now if you have had either and if you could answer the following?

    which one did you have?

    was it painful to get? how painful and any after effects?

    did it affect your periods?

    did it work?

    any after effectes like weight gain etc...

    any other advice?

    if you tried conceiving afterwards did your cycle return to normal and was conception successful?

    thank you so much in advance

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • post pregnancy healing time...?

    i had my baby just over a week ago and had secondary tear due to manual placenta delivery. I gave birth naturally but had epidural for the placenta delivery and i was wondering...

    how long do stitches take to completely heal for secondary tare?

    i was given flight socks after the procedure but wasnt told how long to use them for, ive taken them off since leaving hospital but my neigbour said 6 weeks use was necassary is this true?


    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • if you had spd in one of your pregnancies is it likely you will have it again?

    i had a daughter in 2010 with no spd but i had gest diabeties, i just gave birth and had nogest diabeties but had spd and it was so bad i had a hard 7 hour labor. i want to have another baby but i wont be able to cope with the spd is it likely i would have it again?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • my toddler is acting up since i brought my newborn home a week ago and?

    im in need of advice...

    the first day my 2 year old daughter wanted to grab the baby which is so out of character as she is usually so well behaved even around other babies. the second day came tantrums and the need for being held. my husband and i decided that for 2 days we had told her off so much that we would try and occupy her is she misbehaved one of us now looks after the baby while the other attends to our toddler then we swap but he is due to go back to work in a week and i dont think i will cope. she is very loving and wants to kiss the baby but is rough, we tell her 'gently' which she understands then she goes back to being rough and now she wakes at 4am she has slept all night since 9 months old) and wants us to give her milk - im really worried as we are not sleeping but its due to our toddler than our new born - any tips please????

    also our daughter understands the word 'no'and uses it often (too often) but when i tell her 'no'she just carries on and im at my wits end with her but i wont smack her or anything as i love her so much i know i will feel awful - is there any tips on how to get her to follw the word 'no' when we say it to her?

    thanks in advance

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • tongue tie baby anyones baby have this ?

    my baby has 50% tongue tie and wondering whether to leave it to correct or should we get it cut...does it affect speech later on? any advice?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • my 1 week old was born at?

    1am and keeps us awake at this time every night for 3 hours and sleeps the rest of the time around feeds. how do i transition his times so that he sleeps in the night and wakes in the day?

    at night we keep lights off and make little noise and during the day he sleeps in a travel cot in our front room with tv on and my 24 month old toddler making so much noise yet he sleeps through and after his 1 -2am feed he keeps us awake for 3 hours and we are exhausted as our toddler wakes at 7am so we are getting no sleep help

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • post pregnancy feeding ....?

    hi, i wanted to ask - is it normal to get sore breasts like they are full after delivery even if you havent breast fed at all?

    i was on bed rest and lots of medication due to manual placenta delivery via surgery and was not able to breast feed - i wanted to start but i was in alot of pain and couldnt do it and wondering if its still normal to have full feeling sore breasts like they are badly bruised?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • manual placenta delivery ....?

    i had a manual placenta delivery under wpidural and was discharged yesterday as being fine. but i had my next day check where a community midwife comes and visits and she told me i should be bleeding bright red blood to avoid infection nd even clots. but i wasnt told this at the hospital and im only bleeding pinkish mucusy blood so im worried is she right or is she wrong?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • urgent are these contractions - times included?

    pain goes up my cervix and wraps around my back til im in tears

    5m47sec apart lastng 54 sec

    4m55sec lasting 54 sec

    5m 3sec lasting 50 sec

    5m3sec apart lastung 1m.18

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • can you feel your cervix changing before due date/ it possible?

    i am 38 wks and last few weeks i havehad increased pressure on my pelvis and cervix but last two days when i wipe there its so tender and feels very raw like and my hips have moved apart so im thinking babys head is engaged. i have an appointment next monday and hoping im dilating but im wondering if you can feel this sensation yourself?

    this is my 2nd pregnancy and it feels very very different from my 1st as her head never got engaged and this time even when i pee it feels raw and tender...any opinions / experiences?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago