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The Constitution Matters
I am a political science major. I go to school at BYU -Idaho (yes, I'm a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more commonly known as Mormons). I used to be a very conservative Republican, but became a constitutionalist in 2011 and supported Ron Paul in the primaries (I watched him closely in 2008 but couldn't convince myself we weren't following the constitution. Since then, I have studied the constitution closely, and realized that most of the the government is doing is unconstitutional). My favorite sport is soccer, but I enjoy most other sports as well.
Does anyone else think that the conventional wisdom about the 2016 presidential election is wrong?
I am using several examples in this poll as examples of things I believe conventional wisdom may wrong about.
1. In the poll in the Republican primary, it was found that Rand Paul received a higher percentage of the female vote than the male vote. Rand Paul also did the best among women the general election. Conventional wisdom is that Rand Paul will do poorly with females because most libertarians are male.
2. In the general election poll, it showed that the "moderate" candidates (Jeb Bush and Chris Christie) did the worst among Hispanics. Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul were all withing 5 percentage points of Hillary Clinton among Hispanics. Conventional wisdom is the opposite.
3. Conventional wisdom is that one of the candidates that are in the top three in the primary will be strongest in the general election. However, in this poll, Rand Paul get's tied for fourth in the primary but does the best in the general election, notably doing equal or best with men, women, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, the only candidate to win whites, and every age group.
1 AnswerElections7 years agoIs Rick Santorum afraid of Rand Paul running for president?
In this clip starting at 1:22 Sean Hannity asks Rick Santorum who will run in 2016 and Santorum makes a face at the idea of Rand Paul when Sean Hannity mentions him.
2 AnswersElections7 years agoAre Ted Cruz and Rand Paul going to split the Ron Paul vote? The tea party vote?
I don't think there is room for both Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to competitively compete in the 2016 Republican primary. I think most of Ted Cruz's supporters would have Rand Paul as their second pick, and most of Rand Paul's supporters would have Ted Cruz as their second pick. None of these men's supporters want the establishment to win. What shall we do?
This is of course assumes Ted Cruz no longer has his Canadian citizenship and both men run.
I partly ask because I notice Ted Cruz is trying to court Ron Paul supporters in addition to tea party supporters (yes, there is some overlap in this group, but wanted to clarify). To see Ted Cruz trying to court Ron Paul supporters, watch 7:58-8:43 of this clip.
9 AnswersElections7 years agoWhich of the following agricultural methods led to the greatest yield?
Which of the following agricultural methods led to the greatest yield? three-field system, four-field system or one field fallow for every two
1 AnswerAgriculture7 years agoIn a Magic the Gathering commander deck can "Ambush Commander" be the commander?
it isn't legendary, but it has commander in the name, so I thought I'd ask.
2 AnswersCard Games8 years agoSurvey for Ron Paul Supporters about 2016?
Which of the following candidates (if any) would you support for President in a general election?
1. Chris Chris
2. Ted Cruz
3. Marco Rubio
4. Jeb Bush
5. Rand Paul
6. Paul Ryan
7. Hillary Clinton
8. Joe Biden
Also, in 2012 in the general election, did you back Mitt Romney, Barrack Obama, a third party candidate, stay home, or can't remember?
12 AnswersElections8 years agoWhat would happen if conservative christians defended opposition to gay marriage like Ahmadinejad?
Appearing on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," Ahmadinejad was asked by host Piers Morgan whether he might willing to acknowledge that “everyone is entitled to be whatever sexuality they are born to be.”
Speaking through a translator, Ahmadinejad responded by asking Morgan, “Do you really believe that someone is born homosexual?” When Morgan answered that he “absolutely” believes that some people are born gay, Ahmadinejad pressed him further.
"I'm sorry. Let me ask you this. Do you believe that anyone is giving birth through homosexuality? Homosexuality ceases procreation,” countered the Iranian leader. “Who has said that if you like or believe in doing something ugly, and others do not accept your behavior, that they're denying your freedom? Who says that? Perhaps in a country they wish to legitimize stealing."
Ahmadinejad, who is expected to address the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, also was asked how he would react if one of his two sons or daughter turned out to be gay.
"Proper education must be given,” he said in the interview that was taped over the weekend. “The education system must be revamped. The political system must be revamped. And these must be also reformed and revamped along the way. But if you — if a group recognizes an ugly behavior or ugly deed as legitimate — you must not expect other countries or other groups to give it the same recognition."
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIf Ron Paul would have become the Republican Nominee, who would have been the speakers at the GOP Convention?
I ask because almost none of his fellow politicians supported him and he'd have to fill the Republican Convention with something.
11 AnswersElections9 years agoWhy do people keep trying to link Romney to the "white horse prophecy"?
The white horse prophecy (which isn't official mormon doctrine, but some members do believe it) says that Mormons are going to save the constitution. I have news for you. Romney isn't going to try and save the constitution, if he did, he would be running on Ron Paul's platform.
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIs this enough evidence that Tea Parties need to start studying the constitiution?
ObamaCare is still unconstitutional, the supreme court has screwed up. Of course, if Tea Partiers were to start studying the constitution and understood it, they would have all supported Ron Paul.
4 AnswersGovernment9 years agoHow many constitutionalist in the media are left?
I'm asking because I miss watching Judge Napolitano's show.
1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years agoWho do you trust to tell you the truth about the costs of RomneyCare?
Do you trust most politicians from Massachusetts from both sides parties like Republicans Scott Brown and Mitt Romney and Democrats such as John Kerry and Ted Kennedy?
Do you trust Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation which says"the cost to taxpayers of achieving near universal coverage has been relatively modest and well within initial projections of how much the state would have to spend to implement reform, in part because many of the newly insured have enrolled in employer-sponsored plans at no public expense."?
Or do you trust the far right?
It doesn't race taxes, and it's only about 1.5% of the Massachusetts budget.
6 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAm I just seeing what I want to see, or does Mitt Romney have the 2012 primaries in the bag?
I mean, if he gets lucky, he can win Iowa. Unless someone runs to his left, he wins New Hampshire by default. He'll win Nevada because of Mormons. He'll probably lose South Carolina, but he'll have won at least 2/4 of these first primaries, so he won't lose too much momentum on it. He's polling over 50% in Florida, which will give him more momentum going into super Tuesday. Romney can even win certain southern states like Texas, win by double digits in some western states like Colorado, looks fine in the Midwest, and we all know the northeast is his.
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoHow can Gov Palin win the GOP nomination when even some Tea Party GOP politicians don't like her?
Tom Tancredo (another key note speaker at the Tea Party convention, very conservative guy) has said some things about her. "I really don't have this feeling about her as being presidential," Tancredo said. "I don't know what it is exactly. I don't know if the issues really are that difficult for her or not." When asked if Palin was "just as much an unprincipled politician as all the rest of them," Tancredo replied "to a large extent.''
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs this enough evidence evidence to suggest Mitt Romney can compete in at least some states down south?
It shows Romney winning with one third of the vote in a three way race with Huckabee and Palin in both New Mexico and Texas.
(yes, I know New Mexico isn't really part of the south, but was in the same poll)
3 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy does Mike Huckabee keep going after libertarians?
He attacks them in his book "Do the Right Thing", and he said "CPAC has becoming increasingly more libertarian and less Republican over the last years, one of the reasons I didn't go this year."
Shouldn't he and other Republicans be trying to court libertarians, rather than attacking them? Shouldn't Republicans be looking for common ground with them, especially on issues like shrinking the size of government, and fiscal conservatism?
6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago