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  • How to buy Vaseline?

    Um... When one goes into a chemist's and one buys Vaseline, how does one deal with the intense awkwardness at the till? Or concealing one's purchases until one gets home? How do you buy Vaseline?

    7 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Should I learn Swedish?

    Hej! So basically, I'm a teenager, British, native English speaker and I have a weird interest for languages. At school, I do French and Spanish for IGCSE. I speak Spanish to around an A2/B1 level on the CEFR. French (which is my absolute favourite language) to a B2 and I am definitely doing it for A2-Level. I used to teach myself German and I quite enjoyed it so I have some experience in learning languages.

    I specifically like European Languages and I love Scandinavia. I plan on spending part of my life in Sweden (or maybe Denmark). I watch a lot of Scandinavian TV: Borgen, Rita, Fobrydelsen, and The Bridge which is simply the best television programme the world has ever seen.

    I understand most Swedes speak fluent English. Is this the same for Danes and is there any point in spending time learning Swedish in anticipation of perhaps living there at some point in the future? Maybe I should learn another language instead?

    4 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • At what age can you leave your EU member state?

    I'm a British citizen, if I want to leave the United Kingdom and travel to another member state outside the CTA without parental permission, how hold do I have to be? 16? 18?

    Does it vary on whether one is entering the Schengen Zone or non-Schengen states?

    4 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • How to transfer photos from iPhone to iPad?

    Hello. I recently got an iPad Air 64GB and I'd like to free up some space on my 32GB iPhone 5 on which I take many photos. I have around 4500 photos on my iPhone which is about 15GB. So you can understand why I'd like to move it all to my iPad.

    How could I go about moving the existing photos from my iPhone to my iPad - preferably without having to upload to then download from my Mac (but if this is necessary then I suppose I haven't got a choice)?

    Secondly, a question about 'My Photo Stream' which is that: if I take a photo on my iPhone and iCloud pushes it to my iPad, will it be deleted from my iPad if I remove it from my iPhone?

    Many thanks!

    7 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds7 years ago
  • What would the capital city of Europe be?

    If Europe became a country, like the United States of Europe or something like that, which place would YOU choose to be the capital city?

    -London (largest city)

    -Munich (central)

    -Brussels (already home to EU)




    -Vienna (also central)


    9 AnswersOther - Europe8 years ago
  • Is saying 'a gay' or 'gays' pejorative?

    ...if you're describing a homosexual. I personally think it is and that you should say 'gay person' or 'gay people', 'gay man', etc, etc.

    What is your opinion? Is using 'gay' as a noun pejorative or derogatory?

  • 3mbps download speed?

    Hi, I live so close to London, I am literally a couple of km from the M25 but my broadband download speed is a measly 3mbps. I don't understand why Ofcom says the avg Speed in rural areas is 4mbps but I, next to the largest city in Europe, have only 3. It's always been around 3 but sometimes the connexion loves to get a bit frisky and go up to a WHOPPING FIVE MBPS. It's absolutely crap. Today, I had BT infinity installed with the promise of 15mbps download speeds, I still have 3mbps and it is horrendously annoying. You see people online complaining that they 'only' have 38mbps but I'm sitting there for hours waiting for the very same forum to load. Why, oh why, do I have slower speeds in London than people in the Scottish Highlands and I am doubtful it is due to the 'new installation' of BT Infinity.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Can you have two WiFi Routers?

    Recently, we got a new WiFi router with BT Infinity and now have the BTHub4. But we still have our BTHub3 and I think our very old Hub2 is lying around somewhere. The layout of our house is very awkward, our Hub4 is on one side of the house and we can't get signal on the other side of the house which happens to be my bedroom. Is it possible to just plug in the old router to the telephone line in my room and use it as a second router. I would keep the original Hub3 SSID and password and IP or whatever other techie stuff there is involved. But would it still work correctly, would BT charge more to use this second router and would it interfere with our new Hub4. It isn't necessary that I get Infinity speeds with the old Hub3.

    Many thanks.

    7 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Why isn't everyone Atheist?

    When I was younger, my school force fed religious bullsh*t down my throat and I just sort of accepted it. We weren't forced to pray but we got the sense that we might get into trouble for not praying. We would be taught in lessons 'God definitely did this' rather than the more PC 'Christians believe...'. We all believed in God. Until I was in one of our weekly assemblies listening to our headmaster tell us that his cat, Oliver, was now in heaven with God and he would see him again when he [the headmaster] eventually passed away. I just sat there and thought:


    I had a revelation, it was completely mind-blowing. I knew now that some invisible hippy in the sky cannot possibly exist and that when we die (it is sad but true) we just die. Why had we invented some imaginary story just to comfort us and give us hope. It's stupid.

    Why doesn't everyone just realise that this whole thing is impossible and stupid! It doesn't make sense to me how people can actually REALLY believe in a deity. It's really stupid.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What's your coming out story?

    I'm really interested to know how you came out, how different people reacted and how where you lived at the time affected this stage in your lives.

    Thanks :)

  • Is it murder if you're drunk?

    I'm trying to write a novel and a man walks into a cinema and is extremely drunk, when he wakes up he cannot remember a thing, and he shoots people randomly. Would he be tried for murder or manslaughter or something else?

    Many thanks!

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • America! I love you! Do you love me back?

    I'm British and I love you America, you're our awesome cousins that are funny and amuse us (don't worry, we laugh with you, not at you). You've given us so much and we share with you too.

    Thanks for being awesome, and keep loving us too!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you hate Republicans?

    This is an actual question: Is it okay to hate Republicans and why, if you do, do you hate them?

    I'm a British Conservative, which is wildly different to American Conservatism. I'm right wing, and believe in capitalism but I still support certain aspects of the welfare state, especially free healthcare. But I also believe that abortion should be supported up till about 24 weeks, and I am a strong supporter of gay marriage and strongly opposed to homophobia and racism.

    But I just cannot stand republicans. They p*ss me off so, so, so much. Why the hell are they all Bible-bashing, homophobic, lunatic FREAKS?! You hear about these 60 year old Republican women who have radio shows and you hear the abuse they hurl at the gay community. These people who are just exactly the same as her, but live one aspect of their lives differently (and who are most likely a hell of a lot more accepting of multiculturalism).

    Their whole beliefs are f*cked up! It's disgusting how the treat some other people. Mitt Romney, what an idiot. He would have brought a virtual Mormon state upon the US. He's a homophobe and is severely opposed to allowing a woman to CHOOSE what happens to HER body, and whether she should have a baby or not. These idiot senators who bang on about babies from rape being a 'gift from God'. And talking about 'acceptable rape' or women who really 'enjoyed it'. It makes me so sick that this is such a large community. Even though I am right wing, there is absolutely no way on this earth that I would ever vote for anyone like the Republicans, I would always vote for Obama and the Democrats if I was an American. I feel the same for the British Nationalist Party and the social policies of the United Kingdom Independence Party (although I support their policies on the economy, Europe and Immigration).

    Is it wrong to hate people because they hold these beliefs or does this make me as bad as homophobes. Are all Republicans like this, or is this just an impression given by the media? Are you a Republican? Is this an unfair representation of Republicans in the US? And what do you think of Republicans, is really what I'm asking.


    16 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do people insist that gays choose to be gay?!?

    I find it absolutely CRAZY! Who would actually WANT to live a life where you are, essentially, a second-class citizen, looked upon as abnormal or weird, discriminated against simply because your heart beats towards someone else.

    I'm very comfortable with being gay, I wouldn't choose to be straight and I wouldn't use the phrase 'come to terms with being gay' as though it's something I have to get used to. It isn't. It's something I have to embrace, like a cat getting used to a new toy mouse.

    But why do people say they can choose to be gay or straight? I said to my 'friend': 'Go on, then; feel attracted to Zac Efron or Daniel Craig or Brad Pitt.'

    He then said: 'No, cos I don't want to.'

    I keep telling him, you can choose to be attracted to men as much as you can choose to be attracted to Kim Kardashian whilst she weighs 200kg and is high on cocaine...impossible. So gay people can't choose to be gay or straight, they never have chosen, and they never will.

    Does anyone know WHY people think gay people choose to be that way? And please, nobody say: 'Cos God made us that way'......grow up.


  • Is hostility to other nations just a part of being patriotic?

    I wonder what everyone thinks of this, whether you're British (WOO!), American, Australian, Canadian, French, whateva. If you're patriotic, does it mean you're hostile to other countries? Can you be really patriotic without being hostile to other nations?

    Many thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • Racism against myself for being British!?


    I have a kind of weird scenario, I go to a school near London, Britain. There are one or two Americans in our year, one of them is particularly unpleasant towards me.

    I have an RP accent, your typical posh-ish British accent, and he kind of holds this against me. Always talking about my drinking tea and eating scones (...guilty pleasure, maybe...) or he'll take the p*ss out of my accent, talk about my being British, to run back to the Queen, how American Eagles are better than British Lions....a little strange. I'm so proud to be British and I'd do anything for my country, I've told him that several of the things he says to me offends me and that I really take it personally. He recently became a British Citizen (immigration is too easy) if that makes any difference. I don't know if this is racism or what I can actually do about it. And please, no one, say 'just ignore him' because I've tried. I get so angry and disappointed when he says stuff like this. He says he hates Britain, and that Ireland and the US are better.

    So...anything I can do?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Which flags look the same from front and back?

    Please could someone give me a full list of flags which look the same when viewed from the front or behind. Thank you.

    6 AnswersTrivia8 years ago
  • Why is Australia all about 7?

    Hi, I often see a lot of things related to Australia with like the number 7, what's it all about?


    7 AnswersGeneral - Australia8 years ago
  • How does gay marriage affect you?

    This is a civil rights issue! Homosexuals are being treated as second class citizens, denied the right to marriage. Those opposed to gay marriage: how does it affect you?! So, two men get married....I'm sorry did that hurt you?! I just don't understand how it affects you at all. And you see like 18 year old students in the States voting against gay marriage to 'protect out future'. Because, quite obviously, gay men are going marry and take over the world....excuse me but where is the logic in their arguments!?

    Love is love. As clichéd as it sounds it's about the only thing we know to be the truth on our planet. Why can't men marry? Why can't women marry? I don't understand how it affects you or harms you in any way!

    Someone, please, fill me in.

  • Who did the Boston Bombing?

    What do you think?

    I personally don't think it's al-Quaeda, they would already have claimed responsibility for the attack. And nobody bloody say conspiracy theory...cos you're just thick. I'm so scared, I think that until I know who did it, I can't go outside. I live in London, so the threat of Jihadist terrorism is pretty high, is it US Domestic terrorism. I saw one report saying the 26 children killed in Newtown and the 26 miles in the marathon were significant...but I'm not sure.

    America is not doing great, Obama almost being poisoned, Boston, Newtown and now it's kicking off down in TEXAS?!

    I'm so scared :o

    9 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago