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  • What kind of icing is on the shortbread cookies at Panera?

    I have a free birthday pastry reward and I'm thinking about getting one of those yummy-looking, frosted, shortbread cookies. But, I wanted to know what kind of frosting is on them before I waste my reward. I have been disappointed twice by Starbucks, whose cookie frosting turned out to be white chocolate. BLEGGGHGHHGHHAHSLKASDFJLASJDFJSL!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Dining Out7 years ago
  • Do you tip at the Starbucks drive-thru?

    I always forget they even have a tip jar until I see it in the corner of my eye as I'm driving off anyways. But, do you tip them? I don't think I would be opposed to it if the barista was exemplary, but they don't have a chance to be exemplary when the whole interaction is only 30 seconds-2 minutes long. Also, they already make minimum wage, so it's not like they are depending on it.

    12 AnswersFast Food7 years ago
  • What is the therapeutic injection for wisdom teeth removal?

    I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow (two of which are impacted--one completely) and as I was looking over the treatment plan again, I realized there was something labeled "09610 Therapeutic/inject'n" on there. Does anyone know what that is? I'm already getting IV sedation.

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • At what age were you allowed/did you allow your child to wear what he or she wanted?

    I'm almost 19 years old. I live at my mom's house because I am a college student for most of the year and therefore cannot work enough to make enough money to move out. I can't live on campus because I can't afford to pay back student loans and am receiving absolutely 0 financial assistance from them for my education.

    Since I do have a part-time job (two part-time jobs for the summer), I buy my own clothes. The only time my mother buys me clothes is for Christmas and she bought me a suit skirt today because she's forcing me to go to the funeral of a family member I've never met or seen in my entire life (which has also caused me to cancel all of my shifts this week at work >:0/) and I didn't have anything to wear. However, she always dictates what I wear. If I try to walk out of the house in something she deems too short, she won't let me leave and constantly chastises me about how I should care more about how I look and how men will want to rape me and yada yada. Her definition of too short is anything more than 3" above the knee. I'm also not allowed to have cleavage--which, I never try to, but if a shirt happens to hang low, she won't let me wear it. I'm not allowed to wear crop tops even though I style them to where only 0-3" of flesh is showing. I understand I live under her roof and must follow her rules, but SHE'S NOT PAYING FOR THE CLOTHES. Therefore, why should I have to dress like a 40-year-old?

    12 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Can you exercise at all after wisdom tooth extraction?

    I'm getting my wisdom teeth out sometime within the next month and know that for the first few days after surgery, you're not supposed to do strenuous exercising. I am in the process of losing weight and have a horrible metabolism. I cannot be forced to eat well (so I don't puke my guts up from the pain meds) and then not exercise for almost a week--especially since I have a deadline to lose the weight. Can you at least do abs and strength training? I know you can walk, but that's not going to burn calories or do much of anything unless you walk at a moderate pace for like 2 hours.

    3 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Best smartphone besides the iPhone (Verizon Wireless)?

    I currently have an iPhone 4s and thanks to the stupid iOS 7 update, my phone's software has been destroyed. I still have a few months left on my plan and am considering getting a different type of phone with my next upgrade. I fear that if I get the iPhone 5, the same thing will eventually happen where the iPhones 6 and 7 will come out, then Apple will gradually force iOS updates with software that is too advanced for the iPhone 5.

    *I'm not too concerned with bells and whistles. I don't store music on my phone. I love the amount of apps available to the iPhone, but I'm not one of those people who has an app for everything.

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • How long can you wait to accept a job offer?

    I called Employer A just to ask if they were hiring on Tuesday and the manager automatically offered me an interview the next day. He unexpectedly hired me on the spot and I asked if I could have a few days just to consider and look over everything. He said sure, but if I wanted to start next week, I need to put my application/tax forms in on Saturday. I put in an application for a Employer B (which I would prefer) yesterday (I was waiting on permission from my references) and planned on calling to check up on Sunday. I am also putting in another application to Employer C (which would be the most ideal of all 3 jobs) tomorrow. He seemed really interested since he hired and interviewed me so fast. But, if Employers B and C offer the same pay & hours or better, I'm most likely not going to accept the offer at Employer A. How long can I wait to respond to Employer A? Is a full week too long?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Is anyone else having issues with the new iOS update for iPhones?

    I only sporadically had wifi problems with my iPhone 4s before the last update. Now, my phone is acting berzerk. I've only dropped it a few times with an Otterbox Defender on in the 1.5 years that I've had it and it has never been water damaged. The screen is not cracked and works fine with the exception of slightly off-center calibration. So, I'm pretty sure it's not the hardware.

    Ever since the update, my wifi either won't toggle to allow me to turn it on, freezes when I click on wifi in the setting menu, or turns on but doesn't search or connect to any networks. Sometimes it just crashes and restarts itself on it's own--occasionally twice on it's own before it actually turns on. The settings menu crashes and freezes often. I backed up and restored my phone (losing all my contacts and calendar events in the process because iCloud and the default back up programs on my computer won't respond) and the problem was only fixed for like 10 minutes before my phone started acting up again. The wifi will go from working to not working for a day or two. Then, it works for a couple hours, then the entire settings menu crashes if I try to fix it. Seriously, every single update either has no impact or makes my phone worse. Is this happening to anyone else's iPhone? I can't wait to get a new phone.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Is anyone else not getting this Lea Michele/Fanny Brice connection?

    The only similarity Lea Michele has to Barbra Streisand is they look alike. Other than that, I could NOT see Lea Michele playing Fanny Brice--which might actually happen on Broadway. Yes, she has a great voice, yes she looks like Streisand (which is irrelevant to the role), but she's not funny. That's the point of the role. You have to be effortlessly funny. I would be shocked if Lea Michele could pull it off. Maybe Lea could play Streisand herself if they shoot a biopic of her or something, but I don't see her as Fanny Brice.

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting7 years ago
  • I gained 2.5 lbs. overnight?!?

    Wth. I've been on a diet for a little over a week now. I had already lost almost 5 lbs from Mar. 24-yesterday. I went 132 calories over yesterday because I read the nutrition labels on my lunch wrong and didn't realize until after I had already purchased the food. I also slacked up on my water and only drank about 4 cups instead of 6 (which I'm working to get up to 8+). Then, at around 12:30 AM I ate a 255 calorie sandwich because I worked 5-10 and missed dinner.

    I exercised everyday but Sunday last week and was going to work out yesterday, but I was up until almost 1:00 doing homework (and still didn't finish everything) and was barely awake enough to finish one (of many) of my assignments. While I could have and have got by on 2 hours of sleep and less, I just could not motivate myself to do exercise last night/this morning.

    I got on the scale this morning and it read +2.5 pounds.

    >:-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I weighed myself again just to make sure it and it still said +2.5 lbs. WTFFFFFFFFF

    Is this normal or just water weight?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How much to alter this dress?

    I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding. She is planning on having the wedding in the winter of this year or in the spring of next year. But, she's very indecisive and her fiancee is training to go into the Marine Corp, so who knows when the wedding will actually be?

    I'm in the process of losing weight. At my smallest (134 lbs.), I was a junior's dress size 13. I've since gained a ton of weight (usually a women's dress size 18) and want to get as small as possible again. I love my friend, but my health and mental well-being are more important than a wedding; so I will not maintain this hideous weight of mine until December at the earliest.

    I talked to the David's Bridal consultant at the dress fitting and she said I would be able to exchange the dress if I were to lose weight. However, if they don't have my new size at the time of the wedding and I have to get this altered, how much should I expect? I'm currently a 14 in this dress because it runs big (I'm usually an 18) and have 7 months at least to lose weight.

    5 AnswersWeddings7 years ago
  • How long do guys wait to text a girl?

    Me and this guy were in a play together for like a month. I caught him looking at me a few times and whenever I walked by him, he would look up at me. When we had our first dress rehearsal with makeup, I'm pretty sure he did a double-take lol. He almost always looks directly into my eyes when I'm talking to him and literally always listens to me. Sometimes I turned around after talking to someone else only to find that he was listening the whole time. Sometimes he faced me when we talked & he purposefully sat by me once or twice. I drew on a beauty mark for my costume and he noticed the 1st time he was close enough to see--most guys wouldn't. We also had staring contests, which were an easy segway into flirting. After I won our second staring contest (he challenged me to best 2 out of 3), I tried hinting at him to go to out just to see how he would react ("I won the staring contest. That means I get a prize. I like Starbucks"). He bailed out with the "poor college kid" schpeal, but gave me two hugs. But, he hugs anyone who asks. Once, I was joking about how cute this old man was & all the fun things I wanted to do with him & he seriously replied "My mom would do that". Another time, I was talking about my emetophobia because a stomach virus was going around & he looked me in the eyes and assured me that I wouldn't get sick. I asked for his number on FB and he gave it to me with a smiley face. However, I ALWAYS have to start the convo in text & in person. Wth?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • On a scale of 1-10, how awkward is eating alone at a restaurant?

    SIGH! I hate eating in front of people as is. But, for one of my classes I have to write a review on a jazz performance. The only performance I can make it to is at a restaurant...which means I have to buy food. But, since it's a weeknight, chances are I will be eating alone. It appears to be a 3/4-star restaurant. The dishes are very nice (I looked at the online menu), but the average dish price is $25, so certainly it's not a black tie affair restaurant.

    How awkward/uncomfortable is it to eat alone at a restaurant?

    1-completely average

    10-Create an alter identity so no one knows it's you being so awk.

    31 AnswersOther - Dining Out7 years ago
  • DIY (do it yourself) contact solution?

    BAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZzz. My car is in the shop and I forgot to go get some contact solution while I had a ride. Are there any homemade solutions I can make? I'd like to avoid sleeping in my contacts and this is my last pair, so I can't throw them out. (Why does my life suck?)

    3 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • How often does your dog potty?

    My dog is a senior (14 years) and this past year he has developed this extremely annoying condition/habit of having to potty ALL THE TIME. I'm really not exaggerating, if he eats ANY food, he will need to potty within the next 15 minutes. If he drinks anything, he will need to potty. He literally has to potty every 3 hours or so like a puppy. In addition to that, his bladder is basically timed to have to potty by default at certain times of day. In the morning? Potty. Several times throughout the day? Potty. 10 PM? Potty. 12 AM? Potty. 2 AM? Potty. Sleep.....Oh! It's time to wake up? *30 minutes later* potty. Is it because he's old?

    His only existing medical problems to date are Cushing's Disease and basically doggy IBS. But, he is on prescription food and medication for the Cushing's, so sensitive bowels is not the issue.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I spilled water in the cable box?

    I just spilled a maybe a teaspoon of water on my cable box. It immediately shut off and won't respond to the remote or being plugged in. Is it completely shot?

    I don't see how putting it in rice will work with this. The top of the box is a perforated grate to prevent overheating, so all I will end up with is a cable box with half-cooked rice in it.

    3 AnswersTVs7 years ago
  • How do you feel about Ashley Wagner making the Olympic team?

    I will root for all of the Americans regardless. But, I think it's bull and another example of how political and unfair figure skating can be. Yes, Mirai has been inconsistent in the season leading up to the Olympics, but she skated her way onto the Olympic team fair and square and Ashley didn't. Also, Ashley is unfortunately infamous for choking once she gets to the higher rungs of competition. Doesn't that make her just as much of a gamble as Mirai? And someone else also mentioned, if consistency and experience is so important, how did Polina Edmunds make the team? Not saying she didn't deserve it, but she has the least international experience of them all. I swear just having a Russian name gets you ahead.

    4 AnswersIce Skating7 years ago
  • How do you feel about Ashley Wagner making the Olympic team?

    I will root for all of the Americans regardless. But, I think it's bull and another example of how political and unfair figure skating can be. Yes, Mirai has been inconsistent in the season leading up to the Olympics, but she skated her way onto the Olympic team fair and square and Ashley didn't. Also, Ashley is unfortunately infamous for choking once she gets to the higher rungs of competition. Doesn't that make her just as much of a gamble as Mirai? And someone else also mentioned, if consistency and experience is so important, how did Polina Edmunds make the team? Not saying she didn't deserve it, but she has the least international experience of them all. I swear just having a Russian name gets you ahead.

    1 AnswerOlympics7 years ago
  • Dashboard lights going out?

    Balls. My dashboard lights are about to go out. They were completely out yesterday, but today they were very dim. Could this be a sign of a major problem or can I delay getting this fixed until I have enough money?

    *All other lights work fine. The headlights (both low and high beam) and overhead lights inside of the car are both functioning properly.

    **I have a 2003 Nissan Sentra

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Transmission flush damage?

    I have a 2003 Nissan Sentra. It is used, so it has approx 161,000 miles on it. I got a transmission flush with an oil change today and am hearing that it could damage my car? The fluid was a greasy orange color.

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago