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  • im worried if something will happen...?

    ok, so to make a long story short. my son began to see a woman that lives in the buidling next to our house. he started to see her alot and always made it clear he was not looking for a relationsip and she always made it clear she wasnt either. well i guess they did have sex a couple times throughout the past 6 months we lived here but were just "friends". she eventually started to have feelings for him and for the past 4months has had a attitude due to my son having other female friends and spending time with them instead of her.

    well the other night one of his female friends spent the nite at our house , the entire next day and at 2am when she went to leave two of her tires were slashed. prior to this the girl next door had seen the car in front of our house and called him asking whos car it was. he told her it was his friends and she began to ask if she could come over , he told her no. she began to start saying " why not ? we're just freinds right !" over and over again so he hung up on her. so its obvious she slashed the girls tires. what would any one else do in this situation ? i told them to call the police the nite it happened but she didnt.

  • sometimes getting so overwhelmed about finding a job i get chest pains from worry , frustration and anxiety?

    i know this is the wrong category but it has the most mature answers. so like i was saying sometimes i get so frustrated about finding a job , like this morning , i get chest pains. i've been putting in apps everywhere and will take any job so i can pay my rent and not become homeless at 50 yrs of age. i'm wondering what other people do when they become so overwhelmed from looking for a job to help them relax.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • why has my chihuahua taken a dump on my sons bed?

    the first time he did it was some months back and he did it again this morning while my son was in the shower. its pretty strange and nasty so i was wondering if there is a reason behind it or if he was just too lazy to get off the bed to do it. my son has been gone for about three days celebrating the holiday weekend so i was thinking he may have been madd at him and thats why he did it but i dont know.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • ok, i know i already asked this but the answer i recieved wasnt clear enough.?

    when i turn my computer on the screen , like yahoo for instance , does not go across the full monitor. its off to the right leaving an inch of space to the left. how do i fix this. i went to my control panel but didnt see anything about how to fix that problem.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • how do i fix my computer screen ? i have about an inch and a half of just black on the side.?

    its like the yahoo page is shifted to the right. how do i fix it ?

    1 AnswerMonitors9 years ago
  • if your unemployed how are you handling this holiday season ?

    im one of the millions unemployed right now and have been for over a year now. im not a proud person when it comes to were im applying for , i dont care if a check comes from mcdonalds or taco bell...i just want a job and have been applying for everything .

    i was just wondering what others are doing to try and make this holiday season bright while unemployed. i was able to put some gifts under the tree for my son but the thought of being a few checks from being homeless looms over me and i just get so depressed.

    please santa....all i want for christmas is a job !

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • what would you do if in 8 weeks your unemployment was going to run out?

    and you still havent found a job ? i do have a small savings that would help me out for another six months as far as rent and utilities but im just so deathly afraid of becoming a homeless 50 yr. old woman . i cant even sleep over this. fyi, i was laid off , not fired or quit my last job.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • i was told to try and get a waver for a felony i have that is 18 yrs old and dont know how to go about it?

    i live in wisconsin and would like to go back to school for cna. my felony is a drug charge. not sure how to go about it. can anyone point me in the right direction ?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • i could really use some words of encouragement right about now?

    im trying not to let myself get depressed due to not having a job for the last year due to a lay off and only six months left of unemployment . its rough out there . but to add to this my son has had two jobs in the last month and messed up both of them. seriously , how messed up is that . im praying that when i go to a temp agency they will be able to place me in a job since it seems that i cant depend on my son, who is 27 , to help me out . its really quite sad. but like i said i could use some words of encouragement to keep my from falling into a deep depression.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • i have a nine month old chihuahua and lately he has begun to pee on my bed and on the couch?

    is he trying to mark his territory ? i dont have any other dogs or pets and this is very frustrating to me. i let him sleep with me at night and i also get up around 3 or 4 am and let him outside but this morning even after he went outside he peed on my bed while i was in the kitchen and then he dug at a throw on the couch and peed on that.....ugh ! what is going on ?

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • im tired amd im hopeless?

    the problem as I see it is i know i give my son every thing and he comes home drunk and disrespects me each and every time. he has even resorted to throwing my lil chihuahua around which really upsets and depresses so lost. my son is 27 and i love him but he is making my home misreable.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • has anyone else suffered an extreme panick/anxiety attack were?

    you couldnt follow through on something ? i was suppose to go to new york this morning but the thought of getting on a plane made me so sick i couldnt go. needless to say im out of the money i spent for the plane tickets but i just couldnt do it ! now i dont know what to think of myself for losing that much money . i feel soooo awful . my son is making fun of me now because of it BUT I JUST COULDNT GO FROM THE ANXIETY !

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • why does it feel cold in my house when the thermostat says its 72 ?

    i have a two bedroom main level of a house and there is two doors between the outside and the inside. im trying to keep my energy bill low but i dont want to have to wear a coat inside. what is anyone elses heating bill during the heating time of year ??

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • my 8 month old chihuahua is starting to chew on the wood in the house?

    from the coffee table legs to the floor boards ( which have an oill based paint on them ) and im worried he will get sick not to mention the damage he could do while im gone.

    has anyone else had to deal with this and if so what did you do to deter that behavior ? i was thinking of wiping a thin layer of vicks to try and stop him.

    13 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • im getting an upper denture tomorrow and i was wondering?

    what to expect as far as how it feels. im scared if i made the right decision to do this but my upper teeth needed to be removed so here i am. i know my dentist told me to not use those overnight cleaners and to only use toothpaste. does anyone have anything that would help me ?

    4 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • someone please tell me why my 8 month old chihuahua is shedding like freaking madd !?

    its crazy the amount of hair coming off of him. he is a short haired chihuahuah.

    10 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • im trying to think of things to buy my son who is 27 for x mas.?

    he is impossible to buy for since he wont wear any clothes i buy so im trying to come up with ideas. so far im going to get him a robe, boxers and cologne. any other ideas of what i could get him ? i appreciate your help.

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays10 years ago
  • where can i view and print out a copy of my civil rights?

    i tried to look on the net but i must not be typing in a good format of it. anyone know were i can view and then be able to print them out ?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • how do you take someone to court that borrowed money and doesnt want to pay it back now ?

    he signed paper stating how much he borrowed and how much he would be paying back every week and now has told me to my face he isnt going to pay me back any more and for me to take him to court.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • so i was drunk the other night and got angry because?

    i had loaned my ex some money and he was to make a payment every friday till it was paid in full but this past friday he says he cant pay me because he had to fix HIS car which i found out later it wasnt his car it was his GIRLS car. after about a six pack and stewing on this imformation for awhile i called his phone and left him a message basicly telling him i wasnt going to tolerate his paying me short of missing any more payments or i would take him to court . now in a way i dont feel to dumb for calling and leaving that message because i had him sign a contract stating he would pay EVERY friday till it was paid in full but on the other had i feel dumb because i was drunk when i did and now im feeling foolish ? should i or should i just let go of that ?

    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago