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Lv 610,749 points


Favorite Answers15%

I like- Hockey, Baseball, Football, Beer, and BBQ. Living the dream in FLA Teams: Yanks, Rangers, and I'm adopting the TBL this year. I don't give thumbs downs. Say what you want, it's a free country. That's all you need to know.

  • Greatest NHL Teams Tourny....?

    Were going to have an playoff of (IMO) the greatest teams in the history of NHL Hockey (Seeding is arbitrary. Now, I know I will leave some teams out, so please just go along with it. Best answer goes to the best explination.

    1. Late 70's Canadians

    8. Early 1990's Penguins

    2. Mid-Late 80's Oilers

    7. Early 60's Maple Leafs

    3. Early 80's Islanders

    6. 2000's Detroit Red Wings

    4. Late 1990's-Early 2000's Colorado Avalanche

    5. Mid-Late 50's Canadians

    10 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Some hockey questions...?

    1.) If you have played hockey or any competitive sport, do you find it hard to explain certain things (nuances, reasons for certain actions, etc) to non-athletes?

    2.) Do you watch the first period as passionately as you watch the third period? Or do you kind of talk it up with friends, flip around a little, or play cards until the game heats up?

    3.) Are you a homer? (Admitting a problem is the first step to recovery)

    4.) Your team is in first place by 10 points with 3 games to go. A secondary team that you enjoy watching is fighting for a playoff spot. The two teams meet, who do you root for?

    5.) What one game on your teams schedule are you dying to see?

    The Iceman reserves the right to give the best answer to the question that makes him laugh, staving off his inevitable keyboard nap.

    22 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • What type of case would this be? Do we have a strong position?

    My girlfriend went to the dentist a couple of months ago. He told her she needed a root canal. He did the procedure and told her that she needed to come back because it wasn't finished. She came back, and he did another one on the tooth next to it. Then told her to come back and be fitted for a cap. He stopped returning her calls and kept putting off capping the tooth, so she got a second opinion. Turns out he overfilled the root canal and severely damaged the tooth, and the second tooth didn't need a root canal at all. Now she is facing MAJOR dental surgery and the possibily of losing both teeth. She confronted him on this and asked that she not be charged for the procedure, and he promptly sent her a letter terminating her as a patient and billed her insurance. She has already missed 2 weeks of work. She is now looking at missing another 2-3 weeks for the major surgery. She is in severe pain, and doesn't know what to do?

    Is legal action an option? Who should we contact?


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Line Chemistry....?

    What makes a good NHL line?

    Is it players that play the same type of game and fit together nicely? Or is it a mix of players that compliment each other. I ask this because I have noticed over the years that very good players can rarely do it alone, and when coaches mix things up sometimes it sparks production and other times it fails miserably.

    Types of players (for converstations sake)

    Grinders (think Malone or LeClair), All-Around Players (Iginla), Finess Players (Straka), Snipers (Shanny or Hull), Playmakers (Datsuyk, Crosby).


    9 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Favorite Contributors...?

    Here is my list of favorite contributors.....Do you agree?

    Everyone in every section in all of Yahoo answers except Homes and Sammy.

    The End.


    Hockey Question:

    Is there anyone in particular from the 2008 draft that you think will have a significant impact in the NHL this year?

    10 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Yankees agree to terms with Richie Sexson... Thoughts?

    If you are going to say something stupid, please don't waste your time....

    He's hitting .344 against leftys this year and that is when he will play. Hopefully negating the "bring anyone who throws lefthanded up from the minors when the Yankees come to town" method. I think its a win win, he won't be any worse than Betemit, and if he decides he wants to prove something, Cash looks like a genius signing him for the league minimum.

    What do you think?

    10 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • GM for a day?

    As a publicity stunt, your team ownership holds a contest for a fan to be GM for the day. YOU WIN! They promise to sign off on any deal you make.

    1.) What trade would you make (it has to be fairly even), draft picks, prospects, and current NHLer's are in play?

    2.) What current free agent would you target? What would you offer him?

    3.) Would you keep the coaching staff? If you want to fire them, who do you hire?

    4.) In keeping with the fan appreciation theme, what fan event would you set up? Meet and greet? Free skate? Family Night?

    5.) You are also required to schedule one "special game" with another team to drum up interest (think winter classic, game in Europe, etc.). What is it? Who is it against?

    I like detail, humor, and longs walks on the beach. Eh, I'll take 2/3.

    10 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • It's very slow in the Hockey Section today! So......?

    I think this has been asked before, but I will revisit it and sacrific my 5 points to amuse you (hopefully).

    You have just won the lottery. You decide that a fun way to spend some of the money is to open up a Sports Bar and Grille! Congratulations, lets get to work. It must be an NHL theme.

    1.) What is it called? Where is it located?

    2.) What player would you want to co-own it with you?

    3.) What would your signature dish be?

    4.) How would it be decorated? More detail the better.

    5.) Any in game specials?

    6.) Any other key details you want to add?

    I'll post mine in a minute.

    21 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Some "Own up to it" Hockey Questions?

    1.) Who is one player who you consistantly put down, but secretly respect (or wish was on your team)?

    2.) Name one popular hockey joke that you don't think is true (example, Sidney Crosby went to The Mark Spitz hockey school).

    3.) If you could start your hockey fan career over, would you pick the same team (you can live anywhere)?

    4.) Could you ever change teams? Say you moved to Atlanta and Ilya Kovalchuk saved your puppy from drowning then gave you season tickets?

    5.) Do you come on here because you like it? Have nothing better to do? Or you are in a position where killing time is necessary?


    27 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Why don't stories like this get reported more often/more widely?

    I am 100% a Tampa Bay Lightning Fan after reading this.

    Great story. Thoughts?

    27 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • The most random hockey questions of ALL TIME...?

    1.) If you owned a deli and wanted to name a sandwich after your favorite player, what would it be called and what would be in it?

    2.) You are on your way to a date with a great looking "person". You hail a cab (you only have 10 bucks) and your credit card (to pay for the date). Mike Modano runs up behind you and says "Hey, I lost my wallet and I'm late for our game tonight. Can you spot me 10$ for this cab, I'll give you my number, call me and I'll hook you up with tickets for the next game". Your already late for your date..... What do you do?

    3.) What has the sexual orientation of "Hammerhan's" wife?

    4.) Would you rather have extraordinary hockey skills, or the ability to charm anyone (love life, jobs, friends, etc.)?

    5.) Season tickets or Playoff tickets?

    6.) You betrayed the hockey gods. The punishment is one of the following....

    Fight Georges Laraque, Take a slap shot in the gut from Chara, or have Avery follow you around for a week talking smack?

    29 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Do you suffer from EHFWS?

    Extreme Hockey Fan Withdrawl Syndrome has claimed many relationships, jobs, and friendships across the country. Here are the warning signs.

    1.) Do you find yourself getting irritatble when a player you desire for your team signs elsewhere?

    2.) Do you check the rumor wire hourly (borderline compulsively)?

    3.) Do you feel stressed when teams in your divison land big free agents?

    4.) Have you resorted to watching games from the 1980's on NHL network?

    5.) Has your personal life suffered as a result of this dabilitating afflication?

    If you answered yes to more than 2 of these questions, please call 1-800-YOURNOTALONE.

    How's your team doing in free agency? Also, on a personal note, how do you think the Rangers have done?

    17 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • The First Annual Molson "Get in the Game" Contest?

    (The following question is for fun, the Iceman does not take responsibility for any misguided excitement it may cause.)

    Ladies and Gentleman, with a valid UPC code you can enter the First Annual Molson "Get in the Game" contest. Enter your UPC from the bottle of any participating Molson product and win the following.

    Grand Prize- 1 game as Player/Coach of your favorite team (exhibition). Play with your favorite NHLers! Wear the Sweater of your Hometown squad! Put together the lines you've always dreamed of! **What would you do? Detail your experience**

    1st Place- Have your favorite team volunteer at the event of your choice! Where do they go?

    2nd Place- Special advisor to the coach. Your standing on the bench with your favorite teams coach, he asks you who to send out for the shootout, he says your picks are final... Who do you send?

    3rd Prize- 1 day with your favorite player! What do you do?

    Final question, which prize would you want to win the most?

    3 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Some hockey "what happened" questions?

    I'm honor of the story about the man who was denied a marriage license because he got married (drunk) 30 years ago and forgot.... Here are some "how did this happen" questions.

    Funniest answer gets the coveted ten gold dabbloons.

    1.) You wake up in a ripped tee-shirt in a Florida Jail, there is a guy in a Lightning jersey laying across from you but his back is turned, and you can't make out the number because he's got a towel wrapped around him.... What the hell happened?

    2.) You wake up in Sweden cuddling with the Stanley Cup, you quickly remove your thumb from your mouth, and look around... There is some Red Wings Memorbelia on the walls, and some Blondes laying on the couches... What happened?

    3.) You wake up in the hospital in NYC, your eye really hurts and you feel a front tooth loose. You look over and Colton Orr, Ryan Hollweg, and Nigel Dawes start laughing at you! What happened?

    More to come....

    20 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Somewhat-Kinda-Sorta Hockey Q's?

    1.) Will the elders of the hockey section accept my petition to become a part-time Tampa Bay Lightning Fan? I found myself getting quite excited at the prospect of going to some games next year... Is this blasphemy?

    2.) How much wood would an Andreychuk chuck if an Andreychuk could chuck wood?

    3.) Are the occasional "weak" free agent classes to blame for rapid inflation of salarys across sports? Do teams rush things and settle for B list free agents at A list prices due to scarcity?

    4.) I'm opening a bar (hopefully someday) invent a hockey themed drink for me to put on the menu?

    5.) Not to beat a dead horse, but did you gain a little respect for our boy Tiger after it came out what was really wrong with him?

    16 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • A Twighlight Zone Hockey Question....?

    Bettman suddenly went on a huge power trip and snatched all of the power over the league away from the owners! His first edict as "Grand Poohbah" of the NHL is that every player revert back to the team that drafted them. All undrafted players will be redistributed through a lottery and draft.

    Which teams look the best? Why?

    6 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • It's Draft Day!!!?

    Some draft day questions to pass the time...

    1.) Are you watching the draft? Following it online? Checking Later? Or missing it entirely?

    2.) How much effect do you think a teams draft has on the players outlook for the upcoming season? The fans?

    3.) I brought the beer and snacks last year! It's your turn... What are we having?

    4.) Deep down somewhere (for those of you with full time jobs) does it bother you that a crop of 18 years olds will become (almost certainly) millionares today? I know I would play for a Gatorade!

    5.) You've made friends with some of the players on your favorite team. They tell you that the new first round picks coming in to meet everyone today and they want to play a prank on him, they ask your advice... What's the prank?

    6.) Your out at the bar or a bar/grill with your parent(s) (I like to include everyone) last night, and you see the guy your team is thinking about taking with the top pick (18) getting HAMMERED at the bar, what do you do?

    16 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • A Hockey and Not So Hockey Set of Questions...?

    A little explaination and some humor gets the points.

    1.) Miami FL, or Tampa, FL?

    2.) College Hockey or AHL Hockey?

    3.) Good NHL game between two teams you don't care about or a Blowout of your team? (Watching)

    4.) Beer, Wine, or Liquor (or Chocolate Milk for the youngsters)

    5.) What sports did you play growing up?

    6.) The Mighty Ducks Beat the ______ in the league final in the first movie, team _______ in the championship of the second, and the __________ team from their school in the 3rd.

    Bonus question (Northeast Bumper Sticker): "Jesus Saves, and ___________ scores on the rebound."

    35 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Does it still mean as much....?

    KG, Ray Allen, and Paul Pierce all just won their first NBA Championship. My question is, does it really cement their legacy? All of them were knocked a various times in their careers for not being able to elevate their respective teams to the next level, but by bringing three #1 guys together to win the championship, does it really make them any different than say, Kobe? Everyones talking about how he couldn't do it without Shaq... Well, these guys needed each other to get it done. What do you think.

    Note: Not taking anything away from the accomplishment, I was actually pulling for the Celts, I just wonder if it really answers the questions about these players?

    6 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Some Iceman's B-Day Questions???

    So I'm 22 now... Woo hoo, and I am bored at work, so lets see what we've got...

    1.) As you get older, do you necessarily get wiser, or just more opinionated and set in your ways?

    (To make it a hockey question, if your team is going for the cup, do you want the young guy who's a little green, but has more skill, or the older guy with more experience but less skill).

    2.) I'm a Rangers fan, what are you getting me for my B-Day. (I won't take offense to FUNNY shots at the team.)

    3.) Are you always optimistic going into a new season? Or are there some years where you expect failure and end up eating crow at points during the season.

    4.) You are tabbed by the NHL to make a spin-off gimmick league on FOX to expand the brand (Think XFL or Slam-Ball). What is the gimmick you would use for hockey? What would the league be called?

    5.) The recent firings in the NHL and MLB have got me thinking... Whats more important to the success of a team, Good Manager and coaches? Or good GM?

    26 AnswersHockey1 decade ago