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  • memories of those who've died?

    I have a song or time of day, month or year that has to go to family members who have passed. Is that normal? When police found my dad dead due to self inflicted carbon monoxide, Only The Good Die Young was playing in his truck. Weird yes. After my grandpa died my grandma had a digital clock that would read 'goodbye' if the batteries were low. When we walked into the house after the last visit to the nursing home, it said 'goodbye'.

    Yes, people look and reach too far into things. And there are also those people who say its nothing. gave me a chance to talk about my grandma. But I'm the only one posting and it makes me sad because she had a world of love. Dolina Maude Burdick. Tributes. Can you look it up and tell me if making small lists like this is healthy or not?

    And while you are there, it's free if you want to look up someone yourself:)

    7 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • how can I cut my own hair?

    Need to take a few inches off. Hair is thick and down to my elbows while standing. I have a very important night coming up. Last time, I did a middle part, two pigtails and cut it across evenly. But of course it isn't even when I let it down. I just need to know how to cut it evenly, myself.

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • does anyone else live with agorophobia?

    It's the fear of open spaces. My mom hasn't left her trailor in years. (not even to a convience store). She's normal wieght but has no muscle due to sitting on the couch. Shes my best friend and a caring mom.I've asked this here before, but I asked what I could do to get her out and about. Not happening. So, if anyone is going through this (panic disorder too though) or am in my situation of wanting to help, how can I help?

    She just started doing word finds. She's 56. There is no hobby she want to take up, just watch t.v......doesn't even get visitors because she's turned everyone away and claims she doesn't want them, and has even told me she wants to live her life thru t.v., which she has obviously demonstrated. So, word finds. Can anyone else think of of (besides the obvious) of more...I don't even know my question for this anymore.

    She doesn't and can't (long story) get health insurance. I guess I'm so fed up that my real question is would it be abuse it I went to her trailor and TOLD her we are going for a walk around the trailor (start it off slow) and if she says no I might cry at some point. Is that emotional abuse.........what should I do??????

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • where is the categorie?

    I haven't come across the categorie pertaining to work. Jobs, careers, whatever. That's the cat. I have the most questions on. And when I type that title in, the questions and answers are from years ago.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • sump pump problems with flooding?

    I have a friend who has no help and can't afford to hire a professional. Her basement floods all the time. The water comes into her basement through the concrete floor, and the walls. I don't know alot of specifics. She bought carpet to lay before she knew this would become a reaccuring problema and since it was cut to reach wall to wall, she can't return it for a refund. She also found out tonight she owes ten thousand dollars to the IRS due to property taxes with her ex husband.

    But back to the flooding. She has city water. Her sump pump isn't working properly, and the past owners were people who had careers in knowing what to do with this problem.

    She wants to move, she hates the town she lives in. But she can't sell her house the way it is. I really want to help her, (I don't know anything to help her).

    What do you think she should do? How can I help her?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • receiving my tax refund?

    my uncle filed for me as usual, but this year I it's required I open a savings or checking account. I know certain banks will put money in for you if you sign papers I can't afford to sign. But I can't afford the 50 dollars to open an account at my local bank. And my bank is fine, all the tellers know me and my uncle is the manager (community bank). The last time I opened an account was to get a gym membership.

    My question is, when I was on unemployment from the company I am actively working at now (the same company 5 years...) I had to get a debit card to collect unemployment. All states are different, I think. I live in Minnesota. Do you think I could use my debit card to receive my tax money?

    1 AnswerUnited States8 years ago
  • blaming God for misfortune?

    I love that out of every category I visit, this one is the most passionate and opinionated (mind I haven't visited every category). So I guess I'd like to get feedback on one thing that I wonder about. Ahh...I can just feel the heated comments and bible versus already..(sorry for sarcasm.)

    I don't like (don't mix this with 'understand') when people blame God or say "How could he let this happen?" "Where was He?" ect..........

    I'm not religious as in church going, but I have strong beliefs. Where was he?

    I believe we are all here to learn. Test of faith. When something awful happens, I don't wonder where God was. I believe he was right there.

    There will always be evil on this earth. Whether it happens close to home with you or not.

    Anyways, I have this vision. It's gonna sound completely stupid. But here goes. Before you are born you are given a pair of socks. Striped, colored, whatever. The farther they go up to your knees, the harder life you have chosen or are given to you. I put my socks on and look at everyone elses to compare, and they do the same and we hug eachother after seeing the length of eachothers socks. Stupid. I know. But it will never leave me. My question?

    I don't have one which is against the rules. Just feedback please.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • forklift training in a factory?

    I know I will receive one on one training for this at some point. I've worked in a factory for 6 yrs while going to school online, but still have a while to go before I get a degree. I'm bored with my job but it has great benefits and pay. So I decided to learn forklift for a change. I just watched the video 2day and did well with the test......but I'm so nervous for when the day comes when I am going to be operating one. It's simple forklift. No deep inclines or alot of pedestrians. But besides my training and being careful, ect....does anyone have any tips about what it 's like to start operating one and what I should do to not freak out?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • depression meds what a mess?

    I have dr.s appointment tomorrow and I need to switch antideppresants. I am on remeron and have been for 7 years, but sometimes it stops working. The dr...he or she .....always asks how I know its not working. I don't have then patience to answer that question but I try my best. I've been on 13 different antideppresant since the age of 17. I'm a walking PDR. Physicians desk reference. How the hell do I talk to an ear nose and throat dr about this? the nearest psychiatrist or ph..any phs are too expensive and far away and its winter and the roads arent good for my little geo. Tomorrow, how do I say I need a different medication and receive an answer without a referall, which I don't need. I've been on every pill in the pharmacy and know more about my condition and medication than they could imagine.

    But forget about the questions I asked above. The answer will be simple, but living through it won't be, so maybe just give me feedback? I honestly don't want advice. I know what it will be. But this really sucks. Can anybody relate? That's all I want to know.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • when you have a bad day?

    And you're driving home from work....what's the only song on the radio (not many people listen to the radio anymore) or your c.d. player than brings you a bit of solace, rage, or allows you to let off steam? It doesn't have to be hardcore, just that one song that helps you deal with things. Even outside of driving from work.........??? Mine varies.....

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • a daughter who's tired of being her own mother?

    I didn't make it to my moms place, the next town over;10 miles for thanksgiving. I was sick. She is a reclusive widow that doesn't leave her trailor to even get the mail which is 10 feet from the front door. She blames this on her panic disorder, which I inherited, but chose to get help for. It sux. I have panic attacks all the time, but she won't take whatever she has left for panic due to no insurance. She has too much in the bank to qualify after selling the farm after my dad died. I am watching her body give out since she does not get off the couch. She is about 130 pounds but without a pound of muscle.

    My boyfriend was disappointed that I didn't see her today since its christmas. I told her yesterday I would be there, even though she said she was not going to celebrate and she has given up on life. And I understand that all that matters was for me to visit her, but it is hard for me to see her because she lives with my brother who has anger problems.Hate. She has an escape plan and has had to lock herself in the bathroom because of him. And i understand. She's dying. My aunts and uncles don't do anything for her. They blame me and my brother for supplying her with booze, even though they are alcoholics too.

    I honestly have had the stomach flu for weeks.....but I couldn't even call my mom. I can't get out of bed. I've just turned 29 and the mere thought of visiting her makes me scringe BECAUSE shes my best friend and not the latter.

    My boyfriend came home to our apartment and yelled at me for isolating myself and being down. He comes from a big healthy family. We've been together for 11 years and he knows my situation.

    I feel terrible. I could have atleast called my mom to say I was sick (which I was) but didn't. This is the third holiday I"ve been too depressed to visit my mom. I feel like a piece of crap. The only people she has in her life are me and my brother.

    I just didn't want to go to the trailor (and my bf's apt. and mine isn't that great)....and try to put a smile on my face. But I could have.......instead I isolated myself and could'nt bear to pretend (like we all would) that things aren't messed up.

    And say I would have went. I would have complained that I have the stomach flue and blah blah.....

    The only thing that gets me out of bed is work because I know if I don't get up, I won't survive.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • what is the number one thing?

    the ONE thing you feel you couldn't go without? Not physically...

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • what do you feel you were born to do?

    just an open question

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • insomnia......Don't Lay Down!!!?

    do you ever put off laying down to sleep? I cringe at the thought.......been on every pill in the pharmacy....I don't need advice about the condition itself.......but when I gotta be up in 3 or 4 hours, or 12 for that matter......I'm afraid to try to sleep. Sounds ridiculous....just wondering if anyone else procrastinates going to bed in fear of insomnia.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • cold sweats at night?

    For the past few months, I've had to go to bed with the window open (it's december in Minnesota). It's the only way my pillow doesn't feel like a hot coal. I quit drinking at night to see if this would help, but it's only getting worse. I can wake up two hours, four hours, whatever......cold, but my neck, bra straps, and my hair is drenched in sweat. I'm always cold when I get out of bed, but it doesn't matter how cold I am. I'm female, late twenties and not pregnant. But what is going on? It's only at night and as soon as I lay down or get ready for bed my body feels like a space heater.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • without meds for the weekend?

    I was running late for work a few days ago and asked my boyfriend as I was getting ready to leave to call in a refill for my anxiety meds, which he's done before, and it's never been a problem. I didn't have refills, (they don't come with them, I have to have the pharm. fax the dr. every month).

    Before I left the apartment I asked him if he did (he was playing a video game) and he said, yup.....they said they'll fax the dr.

    I waited 2 days then b4 work 2day I was gonna pick them up. They aren't there, so I call the dr. office, who says they never got a fax, but they would make sure the dr. was told of this issue before she left for the day. I call the pharmacy again, and there is no word. I ask them to fax the dr. office again. They say ok, they will. So a couple of hrs later, (after calling into work sick, which I am) I go to the pharmacy to get them and they still don't have a fax.

    I checked my boyfriends cell (which he left for me today, I don't have minutes on mine) call history. It goes back 3 weeks. There is no call dialed out to the pharmacy. But every other call I know we've made (or don't know or care about) is there.

    I know he said he did, then forgot. Then lied. Long story. He's been a compulsive liar and screwing me over for a long time. (different story) Last week he lied to me about how he got fired from work, then yelled at me because his lie didn't make sense. I know he lied because he confessed about what happened. Don't know why I had to add all that in there......

    But I've gone cold turkey for days without these pills. It's only 2 mg's and I don't abuse them, but I go through withdrawal anyways. It's hell. Does anyone know how to get through this withdrawal for 3 days? (besides alcohol)? (and besides any illegal drugs?)

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • freaking over antibiotic?

    Metronidazole. You cannot drink alcohol for a couple of days after and during the course. I'm an alcoholic. I've taken two; as prescribed, and I"m on my second drink. I don't care if I throw up. But I can't quit drinking cold turkey and I have to take these pills for an infection. Consuming alcohol with this is cramping, nausea, throwing up and facial redness (which could mean broken capillaries) low blood pressure, which I already have, and speeding heart rate.

    I know: DONT DRINK!!!!!!!!

    Easy. But it's not. Quitting alcohol all of a sudden could be a seizure and all sorts of things. (ever been through withdrawal?)

    Is there anyone who knows if the hype over alcohol and this med is as bad as claimed?

    (yes, I know, alcohol with any med is BAD. And I know everyone reacts differently, but I'm freakin out)

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • 24 hour nurse hotline (phone)?

    I need advice from a nurse since I don't know when I can make it to a dr. I used to have a number on the back of my insurance card (blue cross blue shield)....does anyone know of a FREE number? It's important. Women issue.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • vaginal problem woman or drs only pls?

    ok just gonna go for it. This is for a friend. Symptoms are brown puss and smells terrible, back and lower than abdomin cramps and pain, history of chronic yeast and uti infections, nausea, dizziness and painful intercourse. Can she just get some monistat? last pap 6 months ago. Has had too many dr visits....try monistat first? Even though its been 3 weeks of physiacal pain n ect (listed above)?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • parents: scale of 1 to 100?

    1 being not at all and 100 being already in this situation; how afraid are you of turning out like your parents?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago