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Very old but still manages to write the odd ( very ) book or two . Rugby fanatic and lectures on history and genealogy at the local college .
What do you think of Scotland ?
In view of the somewhat moronic attitude of both Asker and Responder to the previous question on this subject , I am giving sane and responsible persons a chance to touch reality .
7 AnswersOther - United Kingdom8 years agoUKIP loses its deposit in the Aberdeen By Election for the Scottish Parliament . What now Mr Farage ?
The result saw the SNP win the seat with a clear majority and the hapless UKIP loose its deposit . Does Mr Farage now realise that his somewaht myopic and introverted metrocentrics have little relevance in the Scottish political scene .
5 AnswersAberdeen8 years agoWhy has UKIP just lost it's deposit in the Aberdeen Scottish By Election?
The result saw the SNP win the seat with a clear majority and the hapless UKIP loose its deposit . Does Mr Farage now realise that his somewaht myopic and introverted metrocentrics have little relevance in the Scottish political scene .
10 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWhy are a normally sane populous like those of the USA so stupid as to endorse the policies of the NRA ?
Totally inept thinking and back to the days of the Wild West ! Very , very sad . Dunblane etc etc
6 AnswersGovernment8 years agoNational anthem : English choice ?
The 6 Nations have been a lesson on fan support and the influence of passionate anthems . Wales derived a bonus start - France although struggling on the park this season have a superb anthem
England seen unique in not having an anthem of their own . Any suggestions ?
8 AnswersGovernment8 years agoNational Anthems ? English choice ?
The 6 Nations have been a lesson on fan support and the influence of passionate anthems . Wales derived a bonus start - France although struggling on the park this season have a superb anthem
England seen unique in not having an anthem of their own . Any suggestions ?
5 AnswersRugby8 years agoAbout London 2012 Olympic Games and GSTQ?
Regarding th silence of non English football/soccer players when GSTQ is played .
Disappointed to read the questions and answers concerning this - they seemeed to miss the point entirely ! The National Anthem of Great Britain/UK has been hi jacked by the English sporting authorities and blasts out a at Twickenham and Wembley as the National Anthem of England which it is not ! Quite ludicrous especially when oppisition is one of the other home Nations ! Suggestions please for a suitable candidate to replace that tired dirge ! Jerusalem ? Land of Hope and Glory ?? Please be positive and inspirational !
4 AnswersLondon9 years agoDevo Max for England : The obvious corollary ?
With recent polls in both England and Scotland showing majority support for Devo Max ( increased fiscal autonomy ) in the forthcoming 2014 Referendum in Scotland one wonders why the Cameron / Clegg coalition are clouding the issue with a diatribe of irrelevancies . By adopting such a policy south of the Border they would not only solve the West Lothian problem but provide a Parliament for Britain’ s largest nation.
2 AnswersGovernment9 years agoDevo Max for England : The obvious corollary ?
With recent polls in both England and Scotland showing majority support for Devo Max ( increased fiscal autonomy ) in the forthcoming 2014 Referendum in Scotland one wonders why the Cameron / Clegg coalition are clouding the issue with a diatribe of irrelevancies . By adopting such a policy south of the Border they would not only solve the West Lothian problem but provide a Parliament for Britain’ s largest nation.
3 AnswersLondon9 years agoIs it true that Scotland has twice the number of Giant Pandas than Tory MPs ?
Do none of these blighters read the Telegraph or Daily Mail ??
8 AnswersEdinburgh9 years agoJust read today that Scotland now has double the number of Giant Pandas than Tory MPs?
Do none of these blighters read the Telegraph or Daily Mail ( Scots not Pandas ) ??
12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWhy are the SNP ahead of Labour in the Opinion Polls for the 5 May Scottish Elections ?
Alex Salmond is in all probability the best and most successful UK politician at present .Will he sent a precedent by defeating Labour at the forthcoming election . Cameron and the conservatives are at 10%.
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoEngland is the only country in the UK to pay medication prescription charges . Why ?
England is the only country in the UK not to have its own devolved Parliament and now , as from the 1st of April the only part of the UK where citizens have to pay prescription charges ( £ 7.40 per item of medication) .Scotland , N Ireland and Wales have all legislated for free prescriptions . Seems to be an obvious point .
7 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade agoYahoo Answers have a strange button called "Show " USA Questions or English Questions .The rest ?
Odd alternative .Perhaps the originator had a somewhat limited upbringing .Why ??
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhich " national" newspaper printed this yesterday ?
"the Scot is only the third English male player to reach the last four of the Wimbledon Mens Singles since 1968 after Henman and Rodger Taylor " . Was it the Daily Telegraph , the Scotsman or the Sun ? Answers on the back of Andy's Saltire sweat band SVP !!!! And i am not going to mention Lynford Christie , Prince Obolenski or Lawrence Dayglow !
1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade agoWhy do English sporting teams NOT have their own National Anthem ?
It seems most peculiar that for the most part English national teams do not have their own anthem but persist in the singing of God Save the Queen which of course is the nominal anthem for the four nations of the United Kingdom . This lack of imagination perhaps accounts for the non performance of the current fifteen in recent matches at home and away . Suggestions for a viable non chariot alternative .
9 AnswersRugby1 decade agoWhy do the USA avidly follow minority sports such as American Football and baseball ?
Would not the rest of the World benefit from their partisipation of gameds such as soccer ( football ) and particularly rugby ! Come on you guys !
9 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoWill Queen Elizabeth the First of Scotland knight Andy Murray ?
Made your point Andy !!
12 AnswersRoyalty1 decade agoWill Queen Elizabeth the First of Scotland knight Andy Murray ? ?
3 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago