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Time frame of disclosing rent information from Landlord to tenant?
I currently have the lovely CRA looking into my previous year tax assesment, mainly rent paid.
I am contacting previous landlord for a copy of all rent paid, dated and letter head.
How long do they have to respond? As I have tried contacting this landlord previously for other things and was being ducked every time
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate3 years agoCan I be the Primary Driver on my car insurance, but my wife drive the vehicle more than me?
My wife has gotten a new job out of town. And we are looking for a vehicle. She will be driving the vehicle more than me but it's cheaper for me to be the Primary due to no claims, tickets, and full licence.
Is it considered fraud? We both would be driving the vehicle on a regular basis, but she would be driving father and longer than me.
7 AnswersInsurance & Registration5 years agoMy eyelid is swollen.?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoWhat should I do?
My situation is, my brother and his girlfriend moved into the house I am renting and they are smoking weed (it is still and illegal drug in Ontario, Canada) in the house at times when I do have my two year old child and when i do not have my child. How it goes is that i get my child literally 50% if the time. I have been living in my parents second house as a renter for 11 months now. My brother decided he needs a place to live with his girlfriend and moved into this house. We are currently renovating the basement in which they where meant to reside, but the reno is ongoing so they are currently in my son's room, while my son is in mine. My brother insists that because he is paying rent and the basement reno is incomplete, which he is in no hurry to complete, that he has all rights as a tenant to smoke weed in the house regardless when i have my son. My parents have told him and his girlfriend a few times to not smoke it in the house but they disregard what was been said.
Should I call the police on them the next time they smoke it in the house. Should I take the risk of Childrens Aid Society being called in because the illegal substance is being used in the residence of a child? The last thing I need is CAS being called, but I do not know what else to do. My brother is not listening to me when I say to him that i cannot have it smoked in the house.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoCan I move away with my child and not have the other parent call the police and file a kidnapping?
we have a shared agreement with each other where we both get 50/50 of our child.
My concern is that my child is living in an unsafe environment at the other parents house. The other parent was dating someone who was a coke addict and also rented a room out to a coke head. The police have been called to that place for domestic disturbances, but unfortionately the neighbour had taken my child out of the house just before the police arrived so the Childrens Aid wouldnt take him away.
So really my question is since we kept it out of court and both agreed to a 50/50 agreement, could the police arrest me for kidnapping if I wanted to move and take my child away with me.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoMy penis is swollen on the side, with some tenderness in one vein, should I go to the ER?
To start off. NO STUPID COMMENTS! Need honest opinions.
My fiance and I had sex yesterday morning. It was not the roughest sex we have had. It was more gentle with a little roughness. But now, we were about to have sex again today and we noticed that I was swollen when we tried to put a condom on. It kinda looked like a blister that hasn't made it to the surface. It is swollen about an inch and half past the head of my penis 8===*=D. I also have a vein that is tender and sore at the bottom of my penis right where it starts.
Could I have popped a vein?
Has anyone else had or known of someone who has had this problem?
Also should I just consult my doctor or should I go to the ER?
2 AnswersMen's Health8 years agoHow much will it be register my pitbull?
My mother-inlaw cannot handle her pitbull anymore due to noise complaints in her apartment. We love this dog so much that we are going to take him. And this is not the scary sterotype pitbull where its vicious, this dog is sooo LOVING!.
My question is how much will it be to register him? He has had all his shots. So we just need to register him.
Easy 5 stars.
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhat parts do I need to make my own computer?
I am wanting to build my own computer from scratch, I was wondering what parts would be the best parts for a beginner.
I know I will need;
Power Supply
Mother board
hard Drives
Graphic card
I am just not sure what ones to buy and use.
The type of computer I am looking to build will have to be great for a lot of university studies and work, but also have the capability to amuse the owner when studying gets boring and they want to play their online games.
If you know anything that would work and or will be compatible please feel free to answer with the part(s) and their functions and if you happen to know the price that will be even better.
Please note that I will not be able to buy the most expensive parts so lets keep the price range to just above minimum .
Thanks =)
3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoWhat does this mean? Aggression while sleeping?
My fiancé and I have knoticed that lately I am having more aggressive dreams and I will end up literally throwing kicks and punches while sleeping and I will yell and scream at people. All of this while sleeping. What really bothered me was last night I actually grabbed my fiancés head and bit her. While sleeping and woke up to her screaming at me.
Wtf is wrong with me?
I have talked previously while sleeping and only a few times while I was a kid did I sleep walk.
Could it be medication? I'm on pristiq(anti depression) and delexilant(acid reflex)
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoWhy are phone company's so annoying?
This is more of a rant and question in one.
Today I was watching television and saw my phone carrier, Fido, has a new promotion. I called up Fido to see if it would be worth the switch to the new promotion. while the customer service lady was going through my profile, she mentioned that I had a "Grand Father Promotion". Apparently the promotion ended almost a year ago and I was actually paying more for the GFP than I would be with any new promotion. And I also had a 5$ discount toward that plan. So the previous plan was unlimited txt, unlim calling after 7, and 500mb of data, with 2 calling features, This new plan is unlim canada wide calling, unlim text, 2 GB of data and the same calling features. So I was paying more for less.
The response I got from the lady when i asked, why wasnt I informed of the promotion ending/change? her answer, well we dont call all of our clients, its up to them to find out the promotions.
So you steal from previous customers? That is how it feels.
So my question.
If you own a cell phone and are on a plan, do you call your provider often to find any new promotions that could save you money?
Does anyone else feel abused / or robbed by your phone carrier(s)?
2 AnswersCorporations8 years agohow to get photos off my iphone to my dell laptop?
How to I transfer my 400+ photos from my Iphone 4 to my Dell Laptop? I know of one way, and that is email, but that would chew up my internet usage, and it would take hours.
Is there a way to do it manually through computer connections? Same goes with videos and music. Anyway possible?
Easy 5 * * * * *
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoWhat is the most efficient washer dryer?
What would be the most efficient apartment sized washer and dry(electric)? And how much would it cost to use? Or if someone has one, how much of a different in you bill(if you don't mind saying) does it end up being.
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry9 years agoIs it safe to switch from milk based formula to soy based?
Is it safe to switch from milk based formula to soy formula. What differences might I notice in my son if/when we switch him?
Also what pro and cons to switching to soy based formula?
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoIs it legal to hunt on a farmers field that near by residential houses?
Today I seen a hunter set up some dummy ducks and is off to the side in a hunting trailer. He is only 150 feet from the road and is aiming towards the road which has a house on the other side.
Is that legal?
4 AnswersHunting9 years agoWorld of War Craft help?
I want to get into playing WoW, but i find the price to play as member is way to high. 15$ a month. I know that sometime people will buy a membership card and sell it for in game gold.
My question is does anyone know how much people sell the memberships for?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCan you use a Jeep remote on another vehicle?
So I lost my remote for my Jeep. And instead of buying a new one, I found a couple at the Auto Wreckers. Would I be able to use those remotes? Of course I would have to get the access code changed on the remote to work with my vehicle. I am just wondering if it is possible to get them changed over and if so, where and how much? roughly
easy 5*****
3 AnswersJeep9 years agoWhat lawyer should I get?
My fiancé and I subleased an apartment at the begining of July. We where failed to be informed that the unit was infested in bed bugs.
My fiancé is pregnant and we are expecting our first child in just over 3 weeks. We are up all night because of the bed bugs biting us, we had to rent a power steamer to clean the apartment base boards.
We where failed to be informed that we had this problem and if we where we would not of accepted the unit.
Who should I go after the guy who subleased or the building company because they both failed to inform us.
I would like compensation for pain and suffering, new mattress, love seat and sofa chair, kitchen chairs and clothing due to the amount of bugs crawling around.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhat rights do I have?
My fiance and I have just moved into an apartment building. Now that after we moved in we found out that the building has been infested with bedbugs for the last 3 years. Our apartment itself doesn't have them, that we have noticed.
Now I do know that since they Landlord did not disclose the information about the bed bugs we can terminate our lease without troubles.
But we have just moved 3 times this year and we actually love the apartment. We are just scared that we will be getting the bugs soon enough...
What legal rights do we have on getting the building owners to correct the problem? ALSO THIS BUILDING IS OWNED BY "EFFORT TRUST" Can we get the landlord to spray the suite every few months? or should I get it sprayed and get a lawyer to get it deducted from my rent every month?
Or I have even herd that some people have been able to get the court to get their rent deducted and have the building sprayed often.
Is there anything else we can do? We really do not want to move once again. I cannot afford the time off work and we are also expecting our first born child in just over 4 weeks....
Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhat to do for lower back pain?
What should I do for my lower back pain. I find I get most of my pain when I am sitting down or standing g for long periods of time. At y job I got to wear steel toe boots and I stand in the same spot literally for hours at a time for 8 hour shift.
I am a 22yr old male. Previous medical history, broken my left leg twice withing 6 months at the age of 13.
I've tried a chiropractor. But I seem to be wasting money going there. I have to take extra strength tylonel capsules for pain relief.
Should I think about surgery or any type of work to be done
The pain will scale from 7/10 to sometimes 8/10 daily
5 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years agoMy cat is in heat. Would this work?
My cat is under a year old, female and has not been spayed. She has gone through roughly 4 heat cycles this year so far. I was wondering if anyone has and helpful tips to stopping the cycle or minimizing the pain I have to go through. I am also expecting a newborn within 8 weeks. Would it be safe to have my cat around the newborn while in heat??
Need reasonable and helpful advise.
Also. If I was to get a male cat that has been fixed and tossed the 2 cats in a closest to shag. Would it stop the female from being in heat? It deffinately would prevent a litter.
AND NO I DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO TOSS AROUND TO GET THE CAT SPAYED. Like I said I am expecting my newborn in 8 weeks! So please don't be smart and tell me to get the cat fixed. Ah'duh!
Thanks for your time.
5 AnswersCats9 years ago