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  • To the Poets of YAP, would you please read?


    I will not pretend to dislike 

    This virtual reality

    Having a mask that empowers

    Hyperbolized honesty.  

    Living a Self-Created caricature 

    In a synthetically governed space

    No consequence or accountability

    A recipe for a Sub-Human race. 

    Our minds are fully engaged

    And feelings often exaggerated

    Our true hearts remain hidden

    Behind levels, over-rated. 

    I am not content to be contained

    Within the limits of this identity

    "Relationships" that might exist

    With conditional sincerity. 

    Though it's time to go outside to play

    There are some I'll miss a bunch

    And if we meet in real life one day,

    I'll take you out to lunch. 

    With real food... 


    13 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • April Fools! Would you please comment?

    Can a lie become truth

    If I try to show proof

    To convince that what I said is right?

    When you choose what you believe

     Is it a ruse, the web I weave

     Or do the facts reveal events in plain sight?

    Can I manipulate the view

    Articulate and spew

    To make your mind betray your heart?

    Passionate and clear

    I'll play upon your fear

    Until your doubt simply breaks you apart.

    I will tickle and tease

    Your insecurities

    Until you lean upon me as your friend,

    And with your heart in my hand

    I will tell you where you stand

    My lies will be your truth in the end.


    If you follow your heart in the mire

    Stay true when your love's under fire

    Have faith and live by the golden rule,

    Learn to laugh at your mistakes

    You may have what it takes

    To avoid becoming April's fool. 

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • From D's back porch 6 months ago, care to enjoy?

    Back porch reflectin, written by our dear friend, Dallas:

    It's a wind chime morning

    with a steaming cup of tea.

    Sunrise brought an West to East, heated breeze

    teased Bamboo into a melody of sorts.

    A test of will or just a thrill?

    It entranced, caused me to want to dance.

    The rocker, squeaky, older than I

    added to the abstraction

    in some awkward sense of harmony.

    Responding I reacted, setting the cup

    and rising, stretching

    I reflected,

    saying "Thank you."

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A Dallas Poem from last month, care to enjoy?

    Words written by our dear friend, Dallas-

    If I had a way to say with no character limits

    I could spend the day in thousands of minutes

    sayin thanks to all those I know

    Y'all took me in, adopted me kinda and ya help me grow.

    The list of those I care for could be way long

    but I have expressed it sometimes pretty strong.

    So many have come to my back porch musins

    so many have met my family, and endured my poetic choosins.

    So in this what I'm tryin to truthfully say,

    I so love ya all, look forward to seein Y'all every day.


    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Another Dallas favorite: Re-Named Days of the Week, care to read?

    Soon it's gonna be MOONday

    so ya gotta do that as ya commute

    on the interstate, just silly play

    Oh but don't crash, OK?

    TUnESday, turn yer car radio loud,

    sing in a traffic jam windows down

    as ya cuss the time it takes gettin to town,

    but proud.

    WHenDay will be before ya know

    like a count down startin

    avoid the tacos fer lunch

    they set out too long and "stuff" really grows.

    Thirstday, yeah ya probly want a hundred proof lunch

    only one more day, then ya can hear

    the 5 PM release, clink glasses and cheer.

    Just my hunch.

    FRYday, bring in yer grille

    do BBQ in yer office cubicle

    yeah the boss may stress

    but share some, they will feel the thrill.

    SATIREday, my fave will arrive

    Goofin, playin, scoopin,

    shufflin lazy through the day

    a deep breath knowin I survived

    SOMEday, more quiet by choice

    big meals cooked

    family falls in, It's OK

    cept Bubba's boardin house reach and voice.

    Hope Y'all have a strong, not weak comin week

    --no need to comment, just posting for you to enjoy the read...

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Flutterby- from D's Back Porch, one of my favorites, smiles?

    Written by Dallas 3 weeks ago

    Fuzzy, ticklin caterpillar

    does more than crawl

    touched its back, it's a dance

    a last chance before metamorphin

    in a natural, driven call

    inchin on my back porch rail

    I pray it makes it's way

    so I nudge it toward

    the vertical post

    a host, cocooned today

    Soon I know, tented it will change

    emerge with beautiful wings

    I'll go out each day and watch

    patience is what it takes

    and when its beauty is released, I will sing

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A Simpleton's Sonnet, would you please comment?

    A Recipe For Disaster?

    Just follow the recipe when you bake

    Seemingly something anyone could do,

    There is no magic in making a cake

    Something declared universally true.

    But I question that wisdom I’m given

    For what you have made tastes incredible.

    Though to make something sweet I am driven

    My result is often inedible.

    Perhaps the real truth is that I should stop

    And accept that I have imperfections,

    Enjoy the sweets at the bakery shop

    Feasting upon the grandest confections.

    Sadly, I will remain in denial

    My baking will continue for a while.


    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on my poem?

    (something silly)

    Individual loops;

    Stretched, then forced

    Up then down,

    For better, for worse

    Woven together

    Colors entwine

    Bound as one

    Of perfect design

    Now having purpose

    To endure scorching heat

    Lasting forever

    My pot holder’s complete.


    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Care to Critique my Critique?

    In an effort to improve my critique flaccidity, I'm seeking advise for improvement (a Poet was offended by this critique, if there is a different critique that I've given that you'd like to critique, please feel free.)

    >> Imagine in this space

    >> Observations

    >> That don't say much

    >> Of anything

    >> Written in rhyme by

    >> A Human Being

    It's a nice poem, some good thoughts and your rhymes are good. I think it would be better if you balanced out your meter. Given that there is no hidden meanings or serious impact, to have it read more smoothly would help.


    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Should Poets be issued a Poetic License?

    There are times in rhymes 

    When tension climbs

    And Grammar Primes 

    Nickel dime our crimes

    Well I say poets 

    Aren't fools who bend rules

    They're jewels forming pools of thought

    Are they naught?

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Beckoning the 5th Season... c/c?

    Beckoning the 5th season...

    Still buried in snow, up to our eyes

    It really came as a big surplus 

    this year, and with temps below zero

    Since the last storm

    It's been quite a challenge for us to keep wardrobes

    Stocked, with dry winter clothes

    How long will this last? I'm sure somebody noticed

    What the forecasters said

    It's gonna stay cold so go back to beckon

    Mother Nature to bring

    Sunshine and warm weather,

    The Season of Mud. 

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Does your schnoz take over?? C/C?

    Does your nose take the helm

    Without any warning

    And interrupt your day

    With incessant bullhorning

    Have you ever been halted

    In awe of the power

    While the innocent you face

    Receive a snot shower

    Do you curl one finger

    Under your beak

    As you sneeze so demure

    With a light mousy squeak

    Do you mimic a train

    With your choo choo choo song

    Snapping your head

    Like a game of ping-pong

    Or do people move over

    Without making a fuss

    As your schnoz starts honking

    Like the horn of a bus

    I don't mean to sound snotty

    So if it's alright

    Happy sneezing to all

    And to all Gesundheit 

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you find this surprising?

    A couple days ago, I saw a question I answered was resolved. The other answerer received BA, and I noticed they were Level 3 with 100% BA.

    Curious, I checked out the other answers they gave that were chosen as best, and it led to no less than 50 accounts all linked, all created on Feb.19

    20 of these accounts were level 3 with 100%BA, the other accounts only generated questions. Most of the questions posted were taken from other sites, many of them from a few years ago.

    Why would someone create so many accounts and push them all to level 3? Is it possible they are just for reporting?

    Are you surprised?

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Are you ever shocked by the reviews you receive?

    Do people say things

    You'd never expect?

    Writers you respect

    That leave you perplexed?

    Do you hold your breath in wait

    For the answer that's just right

    "Maybe if I keep it posted

    Just one more day... and night" :)

    Are there answers that arrive

    That take your breath away

    That make you stop and think

    "I wish I always wrote that way"

    Just curious how it is for you when you receive critique, good or bad, that you weren't expecting?

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Inspired by HD's poem... C/C ? please?

    When a writer encourages another to go deeper, it is a tremendous gift. Thanks HD.

    With lights off,

    I would sometimes just sit 

    at my piano. Rest 

    my head on my arm

    and softly, place my hand,

    Her softness 

    instantly reassures.

    Press two keys.

    Slowly. Three keys

    And... four.

    F sharp minor seven, Now


    Listen, pressing the 

    expression pedal;

    She breathes


    I have called

    to her, and she has

    whispered back.

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Care to write your obituary?

    Romeo's question about writing a suicide note inspired this challenge. Write your own obituary assuming you live for several more undetermined number of years... (Not as much what it would say if you died soon, but what you hope to be true of you in the future)

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • After falling down, do you look around? C/C?

    After falling down

    Do you look around

    Before you check to see what's broken?

    Then stand in pain, 

    Composure regain

    And grumble "I was only jokin' "

    Have you stepped in poop

    Or spilled your soup 

    Down the front of your shirt or dress?

    Ever mess up like a fool

    And try to act cool

    And be tragically lacking finesse?

    Ever drive through town

    Get cut-off by some clown

    Who ignores that you're even there?

    Do you let your rage linger

    Respond with a finger

    Or just give back an evil glare?

    Are we getting delirious 

    Taking life way too serious

    Always responding with stress or rage

    Perhaps laughing gas would do

    For some, one dose; some two

    Wars of merriment we could wage

    What it would look like, I can only guess

    If it was joy that we suppress

    Instead of anger when we finally snap

    Attacking with a smile

    Giggling all the while

    Experiencing laughter without holding back.

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you please comment on my poem?

    I wrote this poem as an answer to a question. My answer was deleted and I received a violation notice with a 10 point penalty. They said it did not follow the correct question/answer format. So now I'm posting it as a question, what do you think?

    Won't someone please help poor old Guess Who

    She most certainly in turn, will bless you

    She'll come wash your car

    Give 10 points and 5 stars

    Just do her homework so she won't have to?

    Such a sincere plea for help and assistance

    How could we deny her existence?

    Think of the times

    You didn't read those rhymes

    And chose cheating rather than persistence.

    Guess who should read some poetry? Guess Who

    Guess who should do her own homework? Guess Who

    Guess who will get a 0 if she doesn't? Guess Who *insert pouty lip here*

    9 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago