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What will happen to email that i have sent to blocked email address?
I have this person whose email address i have blocked since i didnt want to receive emails from him. I also dont want him to receive any emails from me or my account. My family uses a shared account and would like to block send/receive emails to an email address. I have figured out how to not recieve emails from the person but i have no way to find out how can i block emails to be sent to the same address. Please help
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade agoWhat will happen to email that i have sent to blocked email address?
I have this person whose email address i have blocked since i didnt want to receive emails from him. I also dont want him to receive any emails from me or my account. My family uses a shared account and would like to block send/receive emails to an email address. I have figured out how to not recieve emails from the person but i have no way to find out how can i block emails to be sent to the same address. Please help
1 AnswerAbuse and Spam1 decade agoWhich Dietary Supplement can i use?
I am mother to 7 month old boy so i am limited to working out from home only. I do 30-35 dancing 5 days a week and started doing strength training floor exercises, occasionally i get lucky and find time to go to gym. My diet is portion controlled and i eat 4-5 times a day. My problem is slow weight loss or none at all, in last 2 months, i have only lost 5 lbs all together. I work my butt off and i m frustrated. I am thinking of including weight loss supplements in my day like Hydroxycut or Ali. What do you think is the effective pill in market, i have wedding to attend in less than a month and have 15 lbs that are stuck on me.... even little more weight loss would help. In ladt two weeks, scale hasnt moved at all. i need help.
17 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoDoes Hydroxycut work?
I am mother to 7 month old boy so i am limited to working out from home only. I do 30-35 dancing 5 days a week and started doing strength training floor exercises, occasionally i get lucky and find time to go to gym. My diet is portion controlled and i eat 4-5 times a day. My problem is slow weight loss or none at all, in last 2 months, i have only lost 5 lbs all together. I work my butt off and i m frustrated. I am thinking of including weight loss supplements in my day like Hydroxycut or Ali. What do you think is the effective pill in market, i have wedding to attend in less than a month and have 15 lbs that are stuck on me.... even little more weight loss would help. In ladt two weeks, scale hasnt moved at all. i need help.
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoSlow weight loss or Weight loss plateau?
I am mother to 7 month old boy so i am limited to working out from home only. I do 30-35 dancing 5 days a week and started doing strength training floor exercises, occasionally i get lucky and find time to go to gym. My diet is portion controlled and i eat 4-5 times a day. My problem is slow weight loss or none at all, in last 2 months, i have only lost 5 lbs all together. I work my butt off and i m frustrated. I am thinking of including weight loss supplements in my day like Hydroxycut or Ali. What do you think is the effective pill in market, i have wedding to attend in less than a month and have 15 lbs that are stuck on me.... even little more weight loss would help. In ladt two weeks, scale hasnt moved at all. i need help.
33 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoSister in Law Problems, please help me save my marriage!?
First of all, I don't want Divorce as a solution. I am asking for your views to help me save my marriage. I don't want to break my marriage, my husband may be out of line and weak but still its my relationship that i wish to maintain.
My husband has four elder sisters and 3 of them are totally dominating. My husband loves his sisters, sometimes more than his wife and 3 month old baby. I get along with them to but there is silent rivalry as they are scared of losing thier brother to this marriage. Somehow this family believes that spouses take you away from their families. They speak sarcastically about me to my husband and manipulate thier words in such a way that it doesn't even sound like they are turning him against me. Its not in my mind, coz i have heard voicemails, heard conversations and they talk **** about me in very diplomatic way where they will point out my mistakes and also act like they like me. They dont tell me this on my face, if they are really sincere, why can't they tell me their issues. If my husband praises me, they tease my husband and tell him that he is running after his wife. During any argument if my husband supports me, they manipulate his emotionally and he ends up supporting them. I know my husband is at fault because he doesnt know where to draw lines, i have talked to my husband multiple times to no avail. He thinks i should not bother about this as it will cause rift in family, he tells me that i misunderstand them. I can swear its not misunderstanding, I see it everyday. They call my husband twice everyday and take up his time that he should be spending with his son and me. My husband is probably scared that if he asks them to not call everyday, it might hurt his sisters so he obliges. I dont understand why he feels that he needs to answer their every call. I am frustrated with my husband, i confronted him and asked him to spend time with me and our son. He thinks i have something against his sisters. All i want on this earth is them to let me live my life peacefully with my son and husband. they can call their brother and meet but there has to be limit to it when he needs to give sometime to his family as well. I know its more of my husband's problem but I know how much his sisters have contributed to this problem. I won't let them succeed in breaking my marriage, i want to save it but I need God's advice to know what to do. How to deal with this sisters, how to convince my husband that he needs to find balance. My husband gets upset when i talk to him coz he thinks its a balanced life, i dont think it is. May be someone's suggestion here can help me, please.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI am worried coz i am measuring big at 33 weeks? What should i expect? Please help!?
Last week my doctor said my baby is measuring big. I had ultrasound scheduled for today. Today I am 33 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Baby weighed 5.7 pounds approx. What should I expect in the coming weeks? Its definitely above average. I dont have GD, my tests came all normal.... I am just worried and dont know what to expect. Please help and share your experiences.
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIs it Preeclampsia? Should I be worried? What can I do to cure it?
I had doc't appointment this morning. My BP was 130/70 and 1+K protein in Urine. Doc said it seems like a sign of preeclampsia. I have to do 24 hr urine test. I measured little big today also. All my appointments before had been great. My pregnancy so far had been pretty uneventful so it was all good until this morning. Should I be worried? If it really is Preeclampsia, I know she would want C-section or labor induction. Has any of you been through it? Will my baby be okay?
P.S. Baby is moving and kicking.
I am posting this question to understand this situation better so i am prepared for good and bad.
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPlease help. I dont know what to do in this situation.?
I am 29 weeks pregnant and my husband and I are going for weekend vacation tonight. I found out from a common friend yesterday that my husband's exwife is moving out of town on monday. She invited her friends and my husband for drinks on sat. night, obviously my husband cant go because he is going for a vacation with me. My husband and his exwife claims that they are friends, when i had objection about their friendship and so called meetings, my husband (atleast thats what i think) stopped meeting her and we never discussed her again in our lives. Everything is going great between me and my husband and we have never been this close. I read his email and found out that he is meeting her today for coffee at 1:30, my husband probably didnt tell me about this meeting because he knows i wont like it. Now this is bothering me so much that I dont know how to react when he picks me up from work to go for vacation. If i confront, it will be a fight and disappointment and ruined vacation. Help?
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat do I do? Please help.?
I am 29 weeks pregnant and my husband and I are going for weekend vacation tonight. I found out from a common friend yesterday that my husband's exwife is moving out of town on monday. She invited her friends and my husband for drinks on sat. night, obviously my husband cant go because he is going for a vacation with me. My husband and his exwife claims that they are friends, when i had objection about their friendship and so called meetings, my husband (atleast thats what i think) stopped meeting her and we never discussed her again in our lives. Everything is going great between me and my husband and we have never been this close. I read his email and found out that he is meeting her today for coffee at 1:30, my husband probably didnt tell me about this meeting because he knows i wont like it. Now this is bothering me so much that I dont know how to react when he picks me up from work to go for vacation. If i confront, it will be a fight and disappointment and ruined vacation. Help?
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPregnant and father in law problems.?
I am 5 months pregnant and my father in law has come in to stay with us. We live in one bedroom apartment and it is very uncomfortable having him spread in the living room all the time. He is sarcastic and keeps criticizing me all the time. He is very messy and has only increased work load for me. I work full time and I have it hard enough to cope with everything. My husband understands what I am going through but he is not willing to ask his father to leave. Its also a culture thing where in-laws stays with the son’s family. My husband and I are having fights over him all the time. I go to bed crying every night but this old man is so selfish and has no self respect, he is so unwanted here but still wants to live with us. My husband says he can’t ask his father to leave as when he was growing up, his father didn’t ask him to leave many times when he could. I understand all this but his father is mean to me and creating lots of problems between my husband and me.
19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago1st time Father's Day gift ideas?
I am 22 weeks pregnant and this is our first child. My husband treated me really well on mother's day where we took me for lots of shopping, movies and at favorite restaurant. I was so touched.
I want to do something special for him and want to present him something from his son to be born. Like a gift which I can wrap and leave a message like "Dad, can't wait to meet you."
My husband is working that day so it will be hard to do much except for dinner. What do you guys suggest that I buy for him which apparently would be a gift from son to father?
19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoNeed help with family stress! any advice or suggestions please?
My husband and i married 6 months ago and now I am 5 months pregnant. My widowed F-I-L claims that he is ecstatic about having his grandchild and so he came to visit us and spend couple of weeks. But now it seems like he has plans to permanently stay with us. My husband and i live in one bedroom apartment and don't want to move to another apartment as we are moving to texas in 6 months. So FIL is spread in the living room. I am disturbed with this living situation on permanent basis and especially when my baby comes, its going to be crowded. I asked my mom to come stay with me and help me recover and with my baby. Now i dont want him to stay here and will never want my mom and him in one house. My husband understands this but he thinks he can't ask his father to move out or leave as he is his only son but he said he will discuss with his sisters and have them take him for few weeks while my mom is here. The other problem i have with him is his behaviour towards me.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPlease Help me? I need to calm down in my head, i am very stressed?
My husband and i married 6 months ago. I am 5 months pregnant and after ups and downs in new relationship, we have finally understood each other and are happy. My widowed F-I-L claims that he is ecstatic about having his grandchild and so he came to visit us and spend couple of weeks. He asked my husband to buy his ticket, my husband and i are going back to where his family is for a weekend in 2 weeks so my husband booked his return ticket as well. But now it seems like he has plans to permanently stay with us. First of all, my and my husband lives in one bedroom apartment and don't want to move to another apartment as we are moving to texas in 6 months. So FIL is spread in the living room. I am disturbed with this living situation on permanent basis and especially when my baby comes, its going to be crowded. I have also asked my mom to come stay with me for few weeks to help me recover and with my baby. Now i dont want him to stay here and will never want my mom and him in one house
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago21 weeks pregnant and suffering from back pain.... advice?
I have this back pain and its not lower back. Strangely, its on the sides of my middle back. Pain is on both sides and sometimes i can feel it in ribs. I can associate similar pain when you workout too hard and you get sore muscles. I haven't done anything like this at all. The pain is so discomforting sometimes that I wake up at night. I have called my doctor but is there anyone else who has experienced similar pain? Any suggestions are appreciated.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMy husband - I am just scared to lose him forever.?
My husband's family will not like us to get separated, netiher mine. Especially when I am pregnant and everyone is so excited about the baby. Why myhusband is the only one who feels different. I know what you all saying, I think that too that I should move on with my life where I don't need to feel like this. My husband is not physically abusive to me but yes he gives me lots of strain mentally. When we are happy, we are genuinely happy but then there comes a day where he will totally forget that I am his wife and he should respect me. In my last 2 posts, I told you about our situation and I know leaving him won't be easy. I married him love, He is a good guy, he is doc with very busy schedule, he is nice to me when he is nice to me but when he is mean, he leaves no stone unturned to hurt me. I know he is stubborn and has lots of ego, saying sorry is biggest deal for him. But is it so easy for guys to let go their pergnant wives. Don't they feel bad?
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI am pregnant and don't want to leave my husband. I just want him to realize that he is mean to me.?
Based on the question I asked yesterday, I still don't know what to do. I thought last night, hoping my husband would apologise. He ofcourse didn't. He is away for next 4 days and I am all by myself. His sister and her husband is coming to see me tomorrow. Do you think I should talk to them? Or should I just move out quietly? My mom is against my decision as she says every marriage has its problems and I should not move out especially when I am pregnant. My husband is not a bad guy but he is just mean and rude to me when it comes to his family. I just want him to realize my worth. I want him to value me and my child in his life as well. I fear if I leave him, I may lose him forever. What if he doesn't come after me? To be very honest, I don't want to live away from him. I can just ignore the whole thing and go on living normal with him. But at the same time, I want him to realize my place in his life. Help me!
22 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoShould I separate from my husband? I am pregnant. We married 5 months ago and I am 13 weeks pregnant now.?
My husband is in Miami on temporary work project. His family is in Illinois, he has 4 sisters. My husband always treats me as an outsider. He says things which hurt me as he is my only family here, I get along with his family very well but its him where he says his family is his parents and sister and I and my child would always come after his other family. I never have tried to separate him away from his family but he somewhere has negative feelings inside his mind where he thinks he can't let his wife and kid take him away from his family. His sisters are married and have kids, their family is their husband and kids and my husband can't accept me as his family and I hate to see my child go through this. I fear he will neglect my child and me always, I hate to be second fiddle. I don't want to be his top priority but by all means I deserve a respect of wife and should be accepted equally as his family. Other day, he told his sister that my pregnancy and this kid has screwed his plans,
14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoLonely in Pregnancy? Do you also alone in pregnancy?
I am married, my husband is a doctor. So ofcourse he has busy schedule but I miss having him around emotionally. I feel i am alone in this pregnancy. When he is home, he is occupied with something or the other. I too work, I cook for us in the evening but I feel sad to know that my husband least cares of my health and about this baby. I have never seen him excited about the baby. Although he says he is very happy but I miss his support. I don't feel 100% as before when i was not pregnant, I am going through a change but in this change, I feel I have lost him somewhere. I love him and he loves me too then what happened. We don't fight but I feel lack of support from him. I want to be spoiled by him, I want him to spend time with me, go for walks, talk about my pregnancy, share feelings. I don't know where is every emotion disappeared. I don't want to fight with him but how do i make him realise. And I don't want to talk emotional. Can he realise something by himself? Pls Help!!!
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago