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Tina Michael

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  • wedding vows God's way?

    I'm getting married in two weeks. We went to the baptist church to talk to the pasture, he decided that he will do the marriage. Not long in the conversation, did the subject of vows come up and he asked if we wrote our own or would we like to choose from a template? I was a little confused, I thought there pretty much a set biblical way that vows must be given so that marriage would reflect God's intended purpose?

    Any how, some thoughts on this subject... I also found these vows online and hope these are well rooted in God's word.

    Name of bridegroom , will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy estate of matrimony as God ordained it? Will you nourish and cherish her as Christ loved His body the Church, giving Himself up for her? Will you love, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others remain united to her alone, as long as you both shall live? Then say: I will.

    Name of bride , will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in the holy estate of matrimony as God ordained it? Will you submit to him as the Church submits to Christ? Will you love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others remain united to him alone, as long as you both shall live? Then say: I will.

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • cell phone addiction?

    My partner whom I am due to marry in two months has cell phone addiction. We've been together for a year and some change. I knew she used her cell phone allot, but here lately it has increased. I've brought it up a few times and she does hear my concerns, but continues anyway. By this I mean the last hour of the day when we take "our" time together to watch a show on t.v. or talk, or be intimate. She's back and forth between me and her cell phone chatting on face book or sms. Considering we have full on days and literally have only three times we see each other that total about two hours a day. The 20 minute drive taking her to work, meeting her for lunch, and then the hour before we go to sleep. I would think it possible to put the cell phone down so we can have couple time right?

    I'm not sure what to do. She's 44 and I'm 39. Leaving her isn't an option for me, but she's not making it easy to cope right now. I've brought it up to her but we seem to be at an brick wall on this issue. At least for me its an issue because I'm not even sure if I'm over reacting. All I know is what I see. From the start of the morning till the lights go off at night, the cell phone doesn't get a break most days it seems. So I'm calling it an addiction. Please tell me what I might should do about this.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • always an Ex in the picture?

    I'll keep it short. She has an Ex she talks too and I don't. Makes me un comfortable. I didn't used to be this way but I got cheated on 7 years ago and haven't been the same since. I really wish I could get over my fears.

    Yesterday evening she tells me of a trip out of town she might make because her boss may want her to go for a meeting with a product rep. Of course this struck me the only way it could. Even more so when its after work hours.

    I wish I could get over my fears. Its not just about the Ex, though I do feel the burden of an uneven yoke there that matter is concerned because I know she wouldn't like it if I were speaking to my Ex's.

    How do I get over these fears?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • hospice neglect and harassment?

    This hospice company we are with has been aggressive and harassing for a good while now. There just wasn't something right from the start with then hospice manager popped in the hospital uninvited. Much like an ambulance chancer trying to retain a new patent. Whom at the time was septic and likely not to survive the day. She was then adamant for acquiring her and really pushy about a no code status on her. Which we did then nor now want to sign.

    Its been a few months and looks like her health has really stabilized and will likely live for at least the remainder of this year if not a couple or few years more. The manager of the hospice company came by two days ago with her nurse and social worker, again pushing for "do not resuscitate papers" signed, plus a short list of addition care demands (mainly concerning a medication log) she wants us to do under threat of force removal of the patient to a nursing home. Both were not signed, and yesterday the CNA did come bay and only stayed 20 minutes tops where she used to stay an hour. Also requiring that we hire a 24 hour sitter even though her son is across the street and her husband does live in the house where his wife is taken care of by hospice.

    My question is some what general so I'm asking for experienced people here. Wtf is up with hospice; why is a DNR so fcking important to them, and what are they doing their best to tell us what to do when in fact they work for us? Just want to know b4 they are fired.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • gun owner verses mental person?

    I am thinking about buying a gun and getting licensed. The reason why is that my future brother in law keeps making threats on me and his family. In the last ten months, I've had to fight him twice and he lost pretty hard. That being a rare occurrence, it looks like he's testing his limits again.

    He lives across the street and I often encounter him at his parents house where I tend his mother who is bed ridden. He is diagnosed bi polar and schizophrenia. I'm to the point that I can predict we are going to have yet another throw down this week or next. Not sure what its going to take to get the message across to him. Do I have the right to shoot him if I ask him to depart my presence when I'm working on this woman and he continues to challenge and provoke me?

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Talk about your Ex to your boyfriend.?

    I had lunch with my fiancee today. Towards the end of the meal she brought up that her Ex will be sending flowers to her mother from his job because his dad died and he didn't want them him self. Then did continued to tell me about his bad history with his dad to me.

    Needless to say my attention waned suddenly and frankly ruined the mood for me. I have said in the past I did not enjoy him being brought up and on a personal note I believe their so called friendship isn't proper. This being just my opinion, I simply don't enjoy talking about a guy that once saw the woman I love naked and shared her carnal pleasures. I don't know, just call me old fashion I guess.

    Anyhow am I over reacting?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Whats the difference in marriage and just living together?

    I'm in a serious committed relationship with a 43 year old woman (I am 39) We've been living together for about 10 months. I asked her to marry 4 months ago so we are engaged now. My thing is I had hoped that the engagement would have really... I don't know... make her empowered to the idea of a long future with me in life.

    Well I'm not going to say she's the same ole same ole from when I first met her. She's come along way, but I still get the feeling her heart just isn't in to it and maybe both feet aren't in the circle of our relationship. Sure she goes though the motions well and from outward appearances it looks fine. But that heart feeling isn't there most of the time.

    I don't know what else to say, I'm not sure our ideas on marriage are the same and I wonder if time is all I need.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • personal problem with her Ex?

    Okay, I admit I have a personal problem here. But the situation is extreme.

    Here's the thing, my 42yo girl friend whom I'm engaged too still talks with her Ex. Now he does live some 100 miles away that's true but the cell phone age negates distance I think and does make a medium for a great deal of privacy.

    In this special case she shares a rather expensive truck with him, in that I mean she provided the co sign so that he may get it and make payments on it.

    That said further, most of his mail does come here, except for the creature comfort bills of course (electricity and water rent of course).

    I've seen her cell phone, they converse rather energetically and always close with love you. As a friend I'm sure... right ?

    Am I being over emotional ?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • blue cross blue shield or obama care ?

    I have two part time jobs. I make 1000.00 a month, I'm not married but do live with someone whom I intend to. Which health insurance is better ?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • dealing with someone mentally ill?

    I have this soon to be brother in law, he's schizophrenic and bipolar. 37 years old which is only a year older than my self. This guys is a thorn in the family, his parents are in their late 65+ years, the other brother and sister don't know what to do with him short of taking him outside for a beating three or four times a week. He spends his parent's money behind their back, even though he doesn't pay rent and gets a disability check for 800$ a month. Most times he's harmless doing really odd stuff like taking the bricks out of the foundation of the house he lives in just because its a different shade of red, then there times he just gets in the way, and I have to beat him down my self just to get him back in his right mind. He's on medications to suppress his dopamine, but he drinks caffine drinks to the tune of 72 cans every two days. Which if you didn't know, increases the reward neurotransmitter to just enables him further to do what he does.

    He needs to go to a sanitarium, but I don't know how to tell the family about how to do that against their ill brother's will. Does anyone have experience in this and know what to do.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • help with elderly mother?

    Okay here is the situation. My partner and I take care of this 67 year old woman which happens to be her mom. We have hospice because it gives us access to a nurse, doctor, and meds, as well as a nurse assistant everyday but only for bout an hour. We have been getting buy for about five months dealing with the reality of a woman whom can't walk has a healing bed sore from many more months back from a hospital stay, a tract, and a Gastro tube. I work at night she, my partner works in the day time. Aside from that her brother is has server mental disability, the other brother works while away for long periods, and the patient's husband has age related issues also that don't allow him to remember what he's done often.

    To top it off, my partner and I are coming down with strep. There has got to be another way, We don't even have time to look at options. Does anyone have experience in this situation and know what we should do?

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • Overnight stays in a marriage.?

    I have been with this woman for nine months now. We are engaged and I have to admit I know her very well. Better than she knows her self so my question is this. Generally speaking, in a marriage, is it okay for a "friend" (in this case who happens to be an X boyfriend) come to stay over for a few days from time to time?

    This is one of those things that her and I don't share the same views on. Its a one bedroom house and indeed her house. I know for a fact she would take issue with a friend of mine whom be the opposite gender staying over night. Sorry I have to ask these questions like this but my nature is rather extreme. I take hard lines with all the soft social issues. My believes in this matter are yes a marriage is based on trust, but we are all human and its always best to not borrow trouble when you have none.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • healthy relationship bonds?

    I'm 38, in a relationship with a great 43 year old woman. Been seeing each other for almost 9 months. Where seriously exclusive and talk some about marriage.

    However, I don't feel the connection I think we should have this far in the relationship. I'm not asking for passion, rose colored days, I just want to know her better. Instead, she does chat on her smart phone a bit much at all hours of day and night. Maybe she doesn't talk to me as much as she should and we do have a few moments of comfortable silences that happen often. I love her, but I feel like she doesn't love me the same degree. Sex is great, when we do have time together its so good to be with her. So yes also

    Its unfortunate that we meet at a time of extreme trails. Her mom is bed bound and requires 24 hour care, she works only to come to work with me after words so that I can take care of her mom the next day. Her dad is not dependable as his memory and reasoning is effected by his age. Her brothers, on works and the other deals with schitzophernia and bi polor disorder.

    At the end of the day, I'm left with allot of faith, and the knowledge that its not going to be any different the next day. Do I have unrealistic expectations? Is this a case where patience is key, or do you think this is as good as it gets and I need to adapt a more mature acceptance, or is this all wrong?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • questionable relationship activity?

    I have this girl friend whom we have a view for marriage later on. But I am worried about what she does on her smart phone. You see she was once on very active on an adult for sex site. And though in eight months, the entire span of our relationship, I know she still talks to her contacts from that site. I have dared to pick up her phone and look for my self a couple of times and always its distraught me. Things like "are you up for some play time?"; her reply would be, not right now I have something good going... OR "when are you going to send me some nudes?"; her reply would be, "I don't have any on my phone". Its clear that she wants to be passive in redirecting these people without putting them off.

    In the past, when I've attempted talk about how I feel on certain aspects of our relationship. She does get defensive and bashes me most sternly with the obvious valid points. In this case, she would just say that she hasn't done anything with them. And then make the issue about trust until your left with nothing but the obvious stay or go situation. Which isn't a fair position because I want her, I just don't want that in the back ground of our relationship.

    Thoughts please... I'm 38: she's 43. I don't understand this, relationship or not, why would someone not close the door on this life style so late in life and is this something I should really be concerned?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • wiring a walk in closet?

    okay, this walk in closet I didn't build, but I had a mind to finish it anyway. After buying a light fixture I realized that the wiring behind the wall was never finished. I found the end of the wiring under the house in such a length that it would have never reached the breaker box. Not that I understand why someone would want a breaker switch for just ONE light bulb and why it wasn't just wired to the near by wall outlet some two feet away.

    But that's a moot point not because the walls are up, I was wondering if I couldn't just wire the cut end of a computer plug and plug it in to that wall outlet. Is that safe?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • how important is sex in a relationship?

    Your male counter part, boyfriend or husband, suffers a medical condition; doesn't matter which one; and is unable to achieve an erection. Given that said partner is in every other way a good and suitable as a companion, is this grounds for termination of that relationship?

    I prefer opinions from straight people, but do comment if your gay so I can count those opinions separately.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • slow erection by dieting?

    I have a moderate sensitivity to gluten. After almost a year on this way of eating, I have found my self from time to time combating allot of minor problems like sleepiness, and a few emotional things because i'm doing it on my own. One of which I've noted that my sex drive is some what reduced. I wonder if there is a particular substance i'm not getting that is directly involved.

    I pretty much have vitamins covered. Minerals a little less so (zinc, iron, calcium), and essential amino acids i'm only taking one (lysine) .

    For the most part, my body is quite now and all the associated problems with gluten's disease are gone, but i'm certainly a different person now and I feel at being 38 years old, I should still want sex more and give my girlfriend a session that's allot more involved like I used to when I was younger.

    Thoughts please and reference information if you can.

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • bible verse; stoning rape victoms if they didn't marry?

    someone told me that there is a bible story where if a woman gets raped, then doesn't marry her rapist, she gets stoned?

    I know the old testament has some pretty off the wall stories that can be a bit of a culture shock to our times so i'm not surprised.

    Please tell me where, if true, this is in the bible.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • bumps on my gf back for three years?

    my girl friend has these bumps on her back now for three years, they tend to itch allot from time to time and seem to have no apparent cause nor do they change in size or numbers. They are just there it seems. Does anyone have a clue or similar experience they can relate. Btw, my gf is 43.

    The link is a picture...

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Should an X relationship remain a friendship?

    A little survey here to find out what the social opinion is out there. A YES or NO answer is fine followed by a very short reason. Do remember to consider both positive, if any, as well as negative consequences, all so if any.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago