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I think a lot. I am very into theology and philosophy. I have a very nature/universe based spirituality and enjoyed the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" except for the corny cut scenes.

  • How much is my El Camino worth?

    People are lowballing me big time. I need money for rent but I don't want to get ripped off either.

    Specs: 1985, v6 engine needs to be replaced, recently rebuilt transmission with receipt to show work, newer cd player with axillary input for mp3 players

    Has significant body damage - one big ugly dent near the rear tire, some scraped paint, and lots of little dents. So it needs body work and paint. But I've drove it that was just fine until the engine blew out on me.

    This car barely runs as it needs a new engine. So I don't expect much. But as it's steel and has some decent parts not to mention a fixable El Camino frame with decent upholstery, I figure the parts alone are worth a certain amount. People have offered as little as 300. So please, anyone, give me an idea of some sort of range I can fairly sell it for. My brother in law says the steel alone is probably worth more then 300.

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • What am I doing wrong with my calathea?

    The leaves look fine in the center but are yellow and curly at the tips. Soil is kept moist and I mist it an average of once a day since I live in a drier climate. I've had it about a month and keep it out of direct sunlight but it does get some light from an east facing window.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Which puts more weight burden on the back? Bicycling or running?

    For someone with a sore back due to playing basketball, which would cause the least stress on the back? Please explain using physics. Thank you all in advance.

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Christians- what if someone's life doesn't really need improvement?

    You always hear Christian testamonies about how awful or meaningless their lives were before they were saved. What if you are actually just happy, in a nice marriage, with a nice family and friends, not on drugs and just living a simple, happy, content, fulfilling life? What if you feel at peace in nature and have quiet reflection and spiritual time there?

    Take away the threat of hell for a moment. What would Christianity do for someone like that in this life? Wouldn't it just make you busier (going to church, bible studies, etc) and poorer (tithing) and add more stress to your life?

    It is easy to tell someone who is feeling low that you can make their life better by them just letting Jesus into their heart. What would your argument be (aside from threats of hell) for someone that was just plain happy?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What can restaurant servers do when their jobs are threatened by scam artists complaining about their service?

    I work at a chain restaurant where we have online customer satisfaction surveys. Lately, scam complaints have gotten really bad. People want to get something for free, so they make up that their service was bad and that complaint gets forwarded to our managers and the corporate office. Now they are saying that if we get 3 complaints we could get fired. These people keep getting free stuff so they just send in more and more complaints and now we're all worried for our jobs. It doesn't make sense that they keep giving these people free things. Do we have any rights as employees in this situation? We're set up to lose in this situation, because no matter how great of service we give, they just lie and say we did things that aren't true. What can we do?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • If you had been raised away from all religious influence, what would you believe?

    Imagine for the sake of this that you grew up on a desert island or something, and religion was never discussed, but you could have your own time alone to reflect or think about spirituality. What do you think you would believe if you had never been taught what you should believe, or influenced into believing what others do?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How do you go about cutting bangs like this?

    My friend wants me to cut her bangs. I've cut bangs a few times, but these look a little trickier. Any tips?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be half Native American and have naturally platinum blond hair and blue eyes?

    Genetically I was thinking if someone of Northern European descent and very light coloring mated with someone who was Native American the child could be blond and blue eyed right? I'm trying to find out if my ancestry is what my mother said it is. I know not all Native Americans are stereotypical very tan and dark haired people, but is such a light blond common? If so are there any tribes this is more common with so I can find more information?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be half Native American and have very light blond hair and blue eyes?

    Genetically I was thinking if someone of Northern European descent and very light coloring mated with someone who was Native American the child could be blond and blue eyed right? I'm trying to find out if my ancestry is what my mother said it is. I know not all Native Americans are stereotypical very tan and dark haired people, but is such a light blond common? If so are there any tribes this is more common with so I can find more information?

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Please identify this household bug for me I keep seeing them!?

    This is the best picture I could get. They are tiny and I keep seeing them, especially in the kitchen area. I want to find out what they are so I can get them out of my apartment! I live in a second story apartment in coastal Southern California if that helps. They are really fast- this one I found in a cup of water on the kitchen counter- it had drowned so it's not the greatest example, but if you are familiar with different types of bugs you might still be able to tell what it is. Thank you so much.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Would your childhood self be happy with how you live now? Are you still that person but older and wiser?

    Or have you changed to conform to what you think people expect of you? Did you give up on your dreams and hobbies to be more practical? Think back to when you were a kid and how you thought and what you liked. Are you still you?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like a cold? Flu? I'm miserable. Please help.?

    I had a sore throat yesterday with post nasal drip and felt really cold, but I'm in college so I couldn't miss class. I came home and ate dinner although I wasn't super hungry. Within a couple hours I had a low grade fever- under 100. My body started aching really bad and I couldn't get warm so I turned the heater up high. Last night I could not sleep. I needed to blow my nose every 10 minutes or so so it wouldn't go in my throat. My fever went up to 101. I kept getting really thirsty so I'd drink water and a little bit better had to go to the bathroom and this happened several times during the night. I felt like I was sleeping on rocks because of my body aches. I eventually went to the couch and was able to sleep for a little bit but I can't sleep anymore. I'm really hot but if I take blankets off I get really cold. I'm so tired.

    What kind of OTC med works good for these symptoms? I'm calling in today of course.

    7 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • TV turning off after just a second being on. Happened after it tried to eat a VHS. Any idea why?

    I'm trying to help out my neighbor. She has a little 15 inch TV in her kitchen. She has an antenna with a digital converter box hooked up to it. The TV has a built in VHS. This morning the VHS cassette she was using kept trying to suck back into the TV. She finally yanked it out really hard. She wants to know why that would happen and also now the TV turns of just after the picture warms up and turns on. Should she repair it or is it just done? Also if you have any knowledge of this, what's a fair price? She's afraid of being taken advantage of because she's elderly.

    Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Shopping around for new cell phones- Sprint or T-Mobile?

    Our contract is up and we have some choices but since we'll be stuck with whoever we choose for 2 years I want to make the right decision.

    The prices are about the same at each company. At T-Mobile I'm looking at a T-Mobile Dash with internet and a Samsung Gravity 2 with unlmited texting. At Sprint I'm looking at an HTC Snap for both of us and unlimited text and data. Like I said both would be about the same price, both the phones and the monthly plans.

    Judging from your experience with these companies what would you recommend? I am currently with T-Mobile and am happy with their customer service but that isn't the end all decision for me as long as Sprint's is something I can deal with. I'd get more for my money with Sprint as I would get 2 smartphones with unlimited data and text there vs. one smartphone with unlimited data and text and a regular phone with unlimited text with T-Mobile.

    Please help!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • For my credit score this fall is it best to settle with Macys or leave the account open and make payments?

    I'm trying to improve my credit before I move this fall as I will need to pass a credit check for a new apartment. My credit is borderline poor and is moving up but I'm so borderline these decisions seem important. Right now I have a Macy's account that was with a creditor, and was referred back to Macy's. They said if it doesn't get referred to a new collection agency by next week they can settle with me and close the account or I can make payments and leave it open. Which would be best for my credit? The financial hit is about the same for me as far as the sacrifice of paying this one lump sum settlement or making monthly payments, I'm just interested in what will help my credit most by fall.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Why does my cat meow/yell in the bathroom at midnight every night?

    This has been happening for over a week now. It's not normal late night behavior- both my cats get their fun late night/nocturnal playtime in sometimes, streaking through the house chasing each other.

    This is different. One of my cats goes into the bathroom, either sits on my bathmat, or lately in the tub/shower staring obsessively at the back tile of the shower and meows hysterically and frantically. If I move her she goes back. If I close the door but don't close it all the way she pushes it open and runs in. This happens at midnight every night. It's kind of spooking me at this point because although she can be a stubborn and persistent cat I've never seen her freak out like this. In fact other than telling me she wants to eat or wants to be petted she is pretty quiet and sleeps a lot.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why do people think Earthquakes and other natural disastors are new and a punishment from God?

    The Earth's crust has been shifting much longer than humans have existed. There have always been hurricanes and rainstorms and tsunamis and Earthquakes. These are all natural processes. It is something we have always and will always have to deal with living on this planet.

    I was struck by an earlier question and answer regarding how these things are some sort of new punishment by God- the question was about Pat Robertson's statement about Haiti originally. The answerer also stated that the US is suddenly becoming evil because we are taking God out of our country. What about how rape used to be legal unless there was a witness? What about slavery? What about the holocaust brought about on the native tribes of the Americas by the Europeans? Was this the perfect God fearing US of the past? Were there no storms? No Earthquakes? Of course they happened back then just as they do now.

    Why do people who believe in God make some crazy claims and assumptions? Can't you just believe in what you believe without blaming a shift in the Earth's crust on someone's sin? Can't you realize how seriously messed up most people were treated in those "God fearing times" in our country's history?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In reference to Where was God on 9/11...if the answer is God doesn't change things then why pray?

    I mean other than a prayer of thanks? Why pray for God to change anything? If he did that kind of stuff wouldn't he have helped on 9/11 and the Holocaust like the other person pointed out? Do you think God interferes with life on Earth at all?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What packing materials should I use to send these War Machine models to a buyer?

    Here's an example of what they look like. This is not my ebay listing but mine will be similar. I will be shipping about 30 of them in one package. They are about 2 inches tall and very fragile. They have lots of parts that stick out like swords and whatnot.

    Anyway, what kind of packing materials should I use to make sure they arrive in the shape I ship them out in? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago