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Favorite Answers36%
  • Python programing general question about structure?

    When i write something in python i find that it is many lines of control flow statements, comments, variable declartion etc. There are harldy any functions and none of my own modules are being imported. Its just a wall of code it seems. How is the best way to structure code in terms of breaking up control loops and functions into seperate modules and importing them into a main program? Should a main program just be made up of functions, that rely on imported modules? Is there someplace where i see some extensive code written in a nice way?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design3 years ago
  • Probablilty question?

    If you have 6 coins and toss them in the air the total number of possible outcome is quoted as 2^6 . Is there an equation for that or is the only way to find that is to reason is out ? Thanks

    2 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Trying to understand transmission lines?

    How does current travel in a transission line that has an open circuit? Is the term "current" that is used for transmission lines refer to the flow of charge like is does for an electrical circuit?

    8 AnswersEngineering4 years ago
  • Japanese languauge question ?


    The text i am reading says above means somethign like "normal to do"

    Why is the "to" in there? I cannot seem to figure this one out

    1 AnswerLanguages4 years ago
  • Japanese language question?

    In the sentence: ホテルですててこようと思もっていた

    I'm not sure what koyou Means ...It first looked like to come but that doesn't seem to make sense. It also looked like the volitional form of suteru but that would be suterou.

    2 AnswersLanguages4 years ago
  • Japanese language question?

    I am trying to translate the following but am having trouble.


    I take it that " node" does not me 'although' in this case but means 'no' [the nominalizer] and 'de' (short for desu). In general I can i tell if this is node or no and de?

    The "donna fuu ni" appears to be saying "such winds" but the translation doesnt show that. What is donna fuu ni supposed to mean? Also, "noka", i have never seen that..what does it mean?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Dream interpretation?

    In the dream i was watching a couple in a home (which did not look familiar). They were going through some problems and the wife was thinking of leaving, or maybe killing herself. The husband notices something outside in the back yard and goes to investigate. When he there the grimm reaper emerges out of woods and says he must kill the hsuband. The reaper appeared a sad that he had to do it but it was his job. The husband somehow became the incredible hulk and was battling the reaper. The were fighting along a rocky cliff. Next thing was the hulk was injured and lying face down, back in the original house, in bed crying, and about to give up. I though it was a little strange that the hulk didnt heal and just gave up

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Japanese translation question?

    そう。じゃあ、ごはんの ときに ゆっくり きくわね。

    The translation givin by the website is:

    "Great. Well, let me hear all about it at dinner"

    Where does yukkuri fit in? Would it mean "slowly listen" Also, how does the contents in the sentence change the person that is to do the listening. The speaker says "let me hear" when the literal translation looks like "slowly listen"...which makes me think its saying " slowly listen to me".

    Would you be able to help me understand this?

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Japeanese language help?


    I am trying to translate this but am not having much luck. Would you be able to help?


    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Japanese tranaslation question?

    クール で リアルな

    Came across the above term. The translation website says "real cool". I would assume that "real cool" should simply be リアル クール.

    Why is a で mixed in with the katakana? Is this normal? Same question goes for the な

    Thank you

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Japanese language question ?

    Been seein this alot in a book i am reading "青豆"

    I though it meant green bean but i am starting to wonder if it is somehing else.

    The context says that it was in the back seat of a taxi cab. Then it says

    しかし 青豆 には なせかそえができた. This was after a sentence taking about a rare type of person.

    Thank you for you help

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • japanese languge question?

    I am trying o translate this word in a book.


    From what the dictrionary say 解放 means liberation i have know idea what

    され is supposed to mean. I know that される is a conjugation of する. But there is no る at the end of the word i am trying to translate. Would you be able to help?

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • japanese language question/translation?

    I am trying to translate the following:

    「とても すくない」 と 「ほとんどいない」 の中間 くらい では あるまいか.

    I assume it saids:

    "Very few" , "rare" will it not be the middle?

    There is no "と" after the second quote. Therefore, Is that really a quote?

    Also, the の before chuukan, is that a nominalizer? If so why isnt it in the quotes fro hotondoinai? Lastly, what does "the middle" have to do with anything?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • japanese language, stucture of literature question?

    Hi, I am attempting to read a novel written in japanese. Its take a week but ive gotten through the first page. One thing ive noticed is that i cant tell who is speaking.

    In american novels there is usally something like. "I am going to eat" said Bob. That sentence tells me that bob said that. The two main charachers so far in the story that i am reading is the main chacter and a taxi driver. Is there an equivalent to "said Bob" in japanese writing? I cant figure out whos saying what.

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Another japanese language translation question? :(?

    中年 の 運転手 は まるで舳先に立って不吉な 潮目を読む老練な漁師のように, 前方に途切れなく並んだ比の列を, ただ口を 閉ずして見つめていた.

    I am struggling with this one.

    Hopefully i got it correct.

    From my understanding it is:

    Middle aged drivers are like experienced fisherman that read to the bow finding himself on ominous rip currents, Not interupting the cars position , usually mouth shut starring forward

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Japanese translation help?

    聴 のに うてすけのおんがくとは 言えないはずだ

    I am having trouble translating this:

    I am translating it to:

    Although listen to ideal music. I am not supposed to say.

    This makes no sense:

    Is "noni" mean although in this case.

    What does the "to" mean after the ongaku. I never heard of a "to" ending particle.

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • Japanese translation help needed?

    運転手もとくに 熱心に その音楽に耳を澄ませているおうに は見えなかった.

    From what i can figure out this means:

    The Driver also particular enthusiam the music can carefully be listening is not seen.

    Of course that doesnt make sense but i cant figure out how else to put it together. I am most confused about the "ni" after "nesshin" , the meaning of "youni" and last the purpore of "mieru" (What does seeing have to anything here).

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • i have recently come acrooss the term "magnetic field index"?

    Does anyone know that it means. For instance: I read about a 90 degree , gradiaent magnet with field incex of n =0.85. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago