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I am a 42yr old woman in the Mid West USA who should have become a psychologist as I actually want to help others on Y&A who have real questions about relationships, health, religion, legality questions, etc. If I can help in any way, what I try to do is give advice I have either taken myself or would take as well as give to my best friend. My specialty is RSD aka Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy as I've lived w/ this chronic pain disease w/ no cure for over 10yrs. If I can help someone, that is all I want. It is in no way about points.

  • Do some on here use the words "True Christian" to then judge who they believe is?

    Many questions have the words "True Christian" in them and many replies do also. I have used those terms myself in replies to others but never thinking to judge the person that I answer a question for or looking to the others for me to decide who is a "True Christian" or not (other than knowing if they have faith at all yet still not taking it personally or judging)

    To me for me to say the words True Christian in any form comes from a heart prospective of how you feel about your own faith in Christ and not how I feel about you or other people answering their truth or beliefs.

    I know sometimes we have to take a stance against wrong but sometimes do some people come off way too judgmental towards those answering their questions as if testing us to judge us?

    I'm not talking about the Atheist or other groups that just have no belief but the ones you can tell do have deep faith and convictions.

    Then how can you know if you are a True Christian if you are one of the ones judging others?

    When are any of us crossing the line of hypocrisy? And since none of us are perfect or ever will be can we recognize these habits or traits we have carried with us that we personally know is wrong towards God?

    We should be much more worried of what God thinks of us than what others do. What is your thoughts on this topic?

    Thanks to all that answer

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does seeing Brittany Murphy dying at age 32 make you think of your own mortality?

    She was way too young and as far as I know wasn't in the party scene at all and was married and wanting children. The coroner is saying it is from natural causes. Had she not been previously ill, how does it make anyone here feel about their own mortality? Anyone can die at anytime for any reason w/o any fault of their own. She had just turned 32 on Nov 10th and this is tragic for her family and fans. How does it make you feel about yourself and the fact we have only the here and now; no guarantee for a tomorrow?

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Mom diagnosed w/ Emphysema at 70?

    I have known for at least 2 or 3yrs that my Mom had COPD/Emphysema. I knew because she is a smoker (a pack or more a day), she gets out of breath easily and has for 2 plus yrs, and has also in that time coughed so hard she is choking with every cig she lights; sometimes even when she's not smoking. She has a doctor appt tomorrow w/ her regular doctor. I know at this point she needs a pulmonary doctor and have more tests ran. So far all she's had is a chest X-ray. Any advice to a daughter who cares and she lives with me? I know she has to quit smoking but what else can be done at home? She barely leaves the house and does NO physical activity.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • My version of Windows is XP 2001/Do I have to upgrade?

    I've had the same PC since 01/2002 and have never upgraded Windows other than usual updates.

    Because Windows 7 is now out do I have to upgrade to the new Windows or Mac due to losing any support for the older versions? Especially the one I have that is 8yrs old now.

    Will I lose the ability to do any future updates on my version and if so, what desktop or laptop would you most recommend as if I have to buy Windows 7, I might as well get a new PC.

    I'm on Broadband but it is very slow due to the age of my PC, hard drive being close to full, and never upgrading from Windows XP 2001.

    Please help me PC lovers and thanks...

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • 7yr old Siamese cat with skin problems/scratching?

    My female Siamese cat is high strung and even seems to suffer from anxiety. Every summer for the past two she has gotten a skin condition that makes her scratch so hard she is losing her fur and putting marks on her that bleed and she won't stop scratching.

    This year she even chewed an area around her tail to the point she has lost half of her fur and it is like a big scab.

    Has anyone else had any type of cat that has experienced this?

    I've been sick for two weeks or she would have already been to the vet. I'm taking her next week.

    I have a friend whose black cat gets something similar down her spine but she doesn't scratch it like my cat does.

    All she does lately is scratch, chew, and wash. Please help because I can tell she is miserable.

    What could cause this?

    She is an indoor cat and the windows are closed most of the time.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Has anyone noticed famous people die in 3's?

    We lost Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson in one day. Has anyone else ever noticed that famous people (no matter what they are famous for) die in 3's or 3 die in a short period of time?

    In just the past few days we lost Farrah, Michael, and Ed McMahon.

    Pay attention as I've noticed this for many years now.

    Do any of you believe this too?

    21 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What are any side effects from an MRCP test?

    I have to have this test after a full gallbladder check up and they found I have a slightly enlarged common bile duct.

    I have some idea of what that may mean for me but what are the side effects and how does this MRCP test work? What is involved?

    I hate tests and hospitals so please answer this so I won't fear it.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • When replying or sending Yahoo mail, it is typed English but sent forgein language?

    Every email I have sent in the past week is being typed in English but sent in a forgein language. How do I fix this and what is causing this problem? Never happened before one week ago.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • What are my rights when a contractor ripped me off?

    I hired a man to build a patio room onto an existing outdoor patio. A contract was signed, some upfront monies were paid for materials, and I even had a "time is of the essence" clause for 45 to 60 days. He was hired in early October 08 and his time was up early December 08. The only work he did was to pour a concrete foundation that is not up to code and to use 2x4 boards to frame it when the contract called for 2x6. None of the framing was ever completed in all of this time either. I have a crooked foundation and boards that are only on each side but not fully framed.

    What are my legal rights and how to pursue a lawsuit against this person? I do have an attorney and time to wait. Fortunately I have enough money for both an attorney and to hire another contractor to fix and finish this job.

    Where do I even start? Who do I call because of the legalities of what he has done? This man owes me and has agreed to pay me back any monies that I paid upfront because he knew it was wrong. That is in the amount of $6700 not counting the damage I will have due to the concrete slab not being correct.


    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • SSI laws regarding disclaiming inheritence ?

    I have a friend who has been disabled since her early 20's and is on the lowest level income that social security provides. Her Mother and Father passed away and she is now on her own.

    She was told by an attorney that specialized in SSI that legally she should disclaim the monies that were left to her so that she would not lose her SSI. She signed thousands over to her Brother and Sister without getting anything out of it at all.

    Now the IRS has sent information to Social Security regarding her disclaiming this money (thousands of dollars) and Social Security is saying she legally should not have done the disclaiming of monies and want to cut her off for a period of years to make up for the monies that she has never received by disclaiming all of it.

    Does anyone know what is the proper way of handling an inheritance when you are on SSI and don't and can not lose your only income?

    Why would an attorney tell her to do this if this was not the legal way to handle the situation?

    Any help I would be grateful for

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My cat has been scratching so bad that a big spot of fur is gone, HELP?

    The spot I refer to is about one inch around and now there is fuzz growing in but before that she had dug so much that it was raw and bleeding.

    I do believe she is healing now but what could have caused this when I have two cats that are brother and sister and only one got this condition that I even think may have been brought on by nerves; she is a Siamese.

    I used neosporin and peroxide on her and it did help.

    Any ideas?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why do I see so much judgment coming from those who profess they are Christians?

    I am a Christian and because it repeatedly says in the Bible not to judge others as God is the only one to do so why does so many that claim to be Christians throw out questions of judgments upon other believers who we all know were born of sin and wherever they are in life now or what sin you feel they are committing why do so many feel the need to judge?

    This concerns me more than the acts of the non believers which are expected on here.

    That is one of God's commandments so why is that the most easily broken one? I sure don't want God to say to me; "Because you judged others, I will now judge you more harshly than I would others."

    Are we all not guilty of some sin in our lives? Even now as Christians or Born Again Christians?

    Only believers need to answer this question.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Opinion on Bose 3-2-1 Home Theater System?

    If anyone owns the Bose 3-2-1 Home Theater System and can give me some opinions and price for the unit, I would appreciate it.

    I know Bose is good and I want something not so bulky where I don't need to run wires everywhere.

    Does it have a CD player or is it optional?

    If I purchase a Blue Ray DVD player, will it play CD's?

    Any opinions on brands of Blue Rays would be appreciated also.

    5 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • What are Jehovah Witness true beliefs?

    I know they don't believe in the Trinity but even a close friend who attends a Kingdom Hall and has for over 6yrs can not seem to explain why to me.

    I also don't understand why they need a brochure that is world wide to go against the word of God in the Bible.

    I know about the lack of belief in any holidays but I do not understand the part about the angels that no JW can seem to explain to me either.

    When I ask hard questions as a true Christian that does not belong, that is when they don't want to preach to you anymore.

    What are their true beliefs and why?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can I convince my 69yr old Mom that she can't care for her 86yr old Mother w/ Alzheimer's anymore?

    My Mother, 69, who has health and pain problems of her own is trying to not only care for my Grandma, 86 with Alzheimer's, but also my Aunt, her Sister, who lives with my Grandma and is disabled to the point of being on a walker, not able to use her hands, and both of them fall all the time. I have begged her to consider an assisted living facility they can both stay in the same room/apt NOW before it gets any worse than what it is; my Grandma is paranoid, has tried to leave the house in the middle of the night, in the foreseeable future I believe she will become violent and my Aunt can not walk without her walker, her hands are curled in so she can't cook or even bathe herself correctly. Mom is out there staying about 3 nights a week when both my Aunt and Grandma need 24/7 care now; not later.

    My Mother is only harming herself by trying to over do it in caring for two women who can no longer care for themselves.

    There is even a problem with it being sanitary there as they both have diarrhea and the housekeeper and my Mom find feces all over the house and bathroom every single day.

    This is more than my Mom can handle and I don't know how to get her to understand that she is not failing her Mother who had a TIA stroke and then went into this dementia immediately afterward. It has gotten out of hand and I don't want MY Mother to die from trying to care for her own Mother who can't say that she would rather be in a nursing home (as if she were in her right mind, she would've said this) and also her Sister who won't even do physical therapy to try and get better. The injuries they sustain from falling alone are beyond Mom's ability to care for them.

    Any advice from people who have gone through this?

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My Friend OD'd left note, okay but in hospital, what do I do with the meds she used?

    My friend of 26yrs Overdosed on Monday June 30th and has since been staying at the hospital in Behavioral Care Unit. She has many of the pills she used to TRY to attempt suicide as a note was found. Now there are MANY of these same pills in her home and I don't want her to get out and go back there and have them. What can I legally do as her Emergency Contact/Family to have the meds removed?

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What are laws concerning home ownership and Medicaid?

    I have a friend who has a home in the state of IN who is on Medicaid. She is not even close to being ready for a nursing home or death but needs to know if she is legally allowed to keep this home; valued at less than $100K, and still qualify for Medicaid? If so, are there any rules that apply that she could lose this home for any reason?

    Any help is so greatly appreciated.....Any attorneys out there willing to answer?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago