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nope. none. just kidding. i just dont want to tell you.

  • 7 week old puppy has diarrhea?

    i just got my puppy, she's a bulldog/pitt mix. i took her to the vet 4 days ago, and i have had her on medicine for worms, today is her last day on the medicine. i have also had her on a prescription diet (given to me by the vet) to help her gain weight, she was very malnourished when i got her. she has had diarrhea since last night.

    is the diarrhea from the worm medicine? if so, how long will it last? is there anything i can do to help it slow down?

    thanks in advance!~

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • putting rent into escrow?

    can we put our rent into escrow if our landlord won't take care of a problem with ticks in the yard?

    the ticks are horrible out here. really bad. i have to check myself, the kids, and the dog every time we go outside, even if it's just to walk to the car. i pull ticks off of me and the kids and dog every day. it's rediculous. it's been this way for the past two summers. i'm sick of it. i just don't know if i can put my rent into escrow because of a problem outside of the apartment, like ticks in the yard. anybody have any ideas?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • we have ticks like crazy! please help!!!?

    we live in an apartment complex, and every year the ticks outside are BAD! every day i have my dog and kids outside, i always end up pulling ticks off of them! i have to check my dog every time i take her outside to go potty, and i have to check my kids after going outside, even if it's just to get into the car! i have to check my kids and dog three or four times a day for ticks because every time we go outside, even to check the mail, we always end up finding a tick on our pants, on our socks, whatever....i just pulled a tick off of my daughter's head this morning that i had missed last night, and it was really stuck on her scalp! when i pulled it off, it drew blood! there are parents out here that won't even let thier kids play outside because of how bad the ticks are. there is a large field next to our apartment complet that is full of shrubs and tall grass. (pretty sure that's where they are coming from) my first question is, shouldnt the managers at my apartment complex have to do something about this? i mean, if i owned a home, and i had ticks really bad in my yard, i would have the yard treated....i have my dog on frontline, and a couple times a week i use carpet sprinkle and spray that is suppose to kill ticks and fleas. besides that, is there anything out there on the market that i can use to keep ticks off of me and my kids? mabye spray or lotion, shampoo, ANYTHING? if there is anything i can do about this, any answers or input would be GREATLY appreciated. thank you!

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • momma cat and kittens?

    i took in a stray cat today and her kittens. i have a few questions about the momma and her kitties.

    i know the kittens aren't more than a couple days old.

    how long untill i can get the momma cat fixed?

    how long untill i can get the kittens treated for worms?

    the kittens bellies are big and round. could they have worms?

    when should i take them to the vet? (momma cat is still very nervous about having kittens moved around)

    she seems to be nursing fine. she is very attentive to her little ones. i think she's gonna be a good momma!

    any other suggestions are welcome! thank you!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how many calories can i burn?

    how many calories can i burn in 20 minutes doing an advanced workout on the tonly little gazelle?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • would a man have to pay child support if...?

    she used him to get pregnant so she could get a child support check from him?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • dream interpretation?

    my brother, my mom, and i have all had the same dream about our grandmother since she passed away (7 years ago)

    back when my grandmother was still alive, we had an apartment built on the back of our house and that's where she lived. when my parents divorced, my brother, mom and i moved to ohio, and my grandmother was left in my uncles care. when she became ill, my uncle moved her into a nursing home where she passed away about a year after she was moved in there.

    well, in our dreams, (me, my mom, and my brother) we will be walking around in her apartment, all of her stuff is still there, and there is someone lying in her bed. we think it's her, but we are too afraid to look. when we look in her bathroom, there are either snakes or mice in her bathtub.

    does anyone know what this dream could mean, or why we are all having almost the same exact dream?


    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • husband wants to cheat, what do i do?

    my husband admitted today that he's been thinking about cheating on me with my ex best friend. what do i do?

    39 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • i need some advice on makeup, skin cream, and cleansers?

    well, here's the deal. i'm turning 25 years old soon, and i've realized latley that my skin just isnt what it used to be. i've noticed i've started getting dark circles and bags under my eyes, faint smile lines around my mouth, small signs of crows feet, and a little redness around my jaw on my cheeks. i was wondering what were the best makeups, skin creams, and cleaners to use for people with skin that is starting to show signs of aging? i am very fair skinned, and sometimes sensetitive to some skin cleansers and skin cream. i do wear makeup on a daily basis, usually just a little eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and powder.

    since i'm turning 25 soon, i want to start taking good care of my skin. i don't want to spend a fortune, but i'm willing to spend a little extra so i can take good care of my skin.

    if anybody has any advice on some good cosmetics, or has any "home remedies" please share with me!


    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • 39 weeks, my ribs are KILLING me!?

    for the past few days, my ribs have been pretty sore. i figured it was just from the baby kicking me. the pain went away yesterday, and i felt completley fine. today, i was pulling some jeans out of the washer, and i felt like a rip, or pop in my ribs. since then, my ribs have been hurting nonstop. i've tried tylenol and a heating pad, but it's not working. there is no relief from this pain, no matter what i do. the pain is in my ribs on the left side. i'm calling my doctor in the morning to see what i can do. i'm just worried about being so close to having my baby and having this rib pain at the same time. i mean, what if i go into labor before my ribs get better? i can barley go number two without crying from the pain in my ribs, how am i suppose to PUSH this baby out while my ribs are almost splitting me in two? the pain had let up as of yesterday, but after i felt that pop in my ribs today, the pain has been nonstop. could it be that mabye i have a cracked or bruised rib? or could it be just because of the baby kicking me? what will the doctors do for constant rib pain like this when i'm soo close to going into labor?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 39 weeks, what is going on here?

    yesterday, i was having some contractions on and off through the day. they didn't really hurt, they just felt like period cramps. they started around 4pm yesterday and contiuned through the night while i was sleeping. i woke up suddenly at 4am feeling very, very sick. i had cold chills, i couldn't stop shaking, and i was having some pretty intense contractions every 3-4 minutes. i thought i was in labor, but everything stopped after about half an hour. so i went back to sleep, and woke up again two hours later with more contractions. the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart the second time, and after they stopped i ended up with horrible diarrhea and vomiting (i know, gross). i finally woke up about an hour ago with diarrhea and vomiting again, but i am not having any more contractions. could this be the onset of labor, or have i caught a flu bug?

    i have a doctors appointment today. at my last appointment, i was 2cm, the baby was at 0 station, and my cervix had started to thin out some.

    i have a doctors appointment in a couple hours. i was just wondering if this has happened to anybody else.


    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what are the chances that i'll go over my due date?

    i'm 39 weeks, and i had an appointment this past tuesday. my dr said i'm 2cm dilated, the baby is at 0 station, my cervix has started to thin but is still "high", she stripped my membranes, i had cramping for two days after, and i lost my mucus plug. i've been having braxton hicks contractions for about two weeks now. my due date is the 11th, and i was just wondering if anybody has ever been this close to going into labor and still went over thier due date? share your stories with me!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • did your membrane sweep work for you?

    i had an appointment today. the doc said i'm 2cm dilated, my cervix has thinned out, my baby has dropped to 0 station, and lost my mucus plug two weeks ago. my doc also did a membrane sweep today. it was kind of painful, but i didn't feel anything afterwards. now, i'm feeling REALLY crampy, and have lost more of my mucus plug, but no bleeding.

    i was wondering if your membrane sweep worked for you? did you have the crampiness afterwards?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • wierd dream, what do you think it means?

    so, i took a little nap today. i had a dream that i was on a big boat with a bunch of people wearing pilgrim's clothing, and there was corn all over the boat. right before i woke up, i said, "yeah, if it weren't for me, these pilgrims would have never made it to america." i thought it was really funny. anybody know what this dream could have meant? LOL

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • when does the doctor strip the membranes?

    tomorrow, i will be 37 weeks and five days. i've heard that most doctors will strip the membranes at 38 weeks. since i am two days shy of 38 weeks, will my doctor hold off on stripping my membranes untill next week? and, if you have allready lost your mucus plug, do they still strip your membranes?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what's your opinion? i'm 37 weeks pregnant, dilated to 2cm, lost my mucus plug yesterday, and the baby's head is engaged at -1 station. i walked around walmart for an hour last night, and started having contractions on the way home in the car. they lasted well into the night, but finally stopped a few hours after i went to bed. they weren't regular contractions, but they were much stronger than the regular braxton hicks contractions i've been having. this morning, i woke up feeling fine, and now my contractions have started again. they are much further apart than they were last night, but are much more painful! last night, i was having about 4 strong contractions an hour, and now today i'm having about 2 really, really strong contractions an hour. could i be ready to go into full blown labor soon, or is this just false labor?


    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 37 weeks pregnant, watery discharge?

    i am 37 weeks pregnant, and lost my mucus plug this afternoon. since this afternoon, it has been coming out in pieces. anyway, since i lost it, i have had watery discharge all day long. there is no color to it, it just looks like water. is this normal after losing your mucus plug?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i'm a little confused?

    i'm 37 weeks, and had my doctors appointment yesterday. she checked my cervix, and said i'm still at 1cm, but the baby has dropped and is at -1 station. she said my cervix is still high, and am not yet effaced. i thought that when you start to dilate and the baby drops, it helps thin your cervix. i'm just a little confused, and wonder if this has happened to anyone else. thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how much longer do you think i have?

    i'm 36 weeks along, and had a dr's appointment yesterday. i'm 1cm dialated, my cervix is still high, but starting to thin out a little. i lost a couple pieces of my mucos plug yesterday, and after my exam yesterday, i had BH contractions for six hours straight. (thought i was getting ready to go into labor, the contractions got pretty strong before they finally stopped) this is my second child. if you go by my due date (which was determined by the ultrasound) my due date is september 11th, which puts me at 36 weeks along right now. if you go by the date of my last period, i'm actually closer to 39 weeks along. so, they could have my due date off by a couple weeks.

    so, i was just wondering, when all these things start to happen (losing the mucos plug, having more and more BH contractions, starting to dilate) how much longer does it usually take? what was your experience? i didn't have any of these things with my daughter. when i had her, i just suddenly went into labor. my contractions started really fast, i lost my mucos plug at the hospital, and my water broke at the hospital, and i never had any BH contractions prior to going into labor with her. so all of these things i'm experiencing are new to me. let me know what you think.


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago