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  • Guy with GF asking me to movies??? PLS HELPP?

    OKAY so my best friend, let’s call him Blake, has been best friends with me for a long time. We started falling in love with each other really fast, but there was a period where we stopped talking with each other for two months because of an irrelevant person. But, we’re back to friends and he has a girlfriend now who he’s happy with. She doesn’t give him much time in her schedule so the only time they see each other is at school or sometimes on FaceTime. Blake and I have gotten closer again and he’s very flirty and wants to hang out with me more. Last night he was walking me home from a friend bonfire we had and he asked me to go to the movies tonight. I still have feelings for him but I don’t want to get in between their relationship, I’d never want to hurt her. At the same time, I feel like we both still have a spark that started again. What should I do??? Please help, all answers are greatly appreciated!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Does my cat need a e-collar after spay surgery?

    My cat got spayed yesterday and I have been supervising her since. She tried to lick the wound (which is sealed using surgery glue) yesterday night but I said no and she stopped. She hasn't licked or bitten it at all. So should I play it safe and put the e-collar on her or should I just make her comfortable and not do so because she hasn't licked her wound at all? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCats4 years ago
  • Should I become a surgeon or engineer/computer programmer?

    I'm in my fresh men y at of high school (I know it's way too early to know, but I like to plan ahead), and I've always wanted to be a doctor of some sort but now I'm considering computer sciences. I take computer programming classes and I really enjoy them, but I really want to be a surgeon and help people as well. Next year I will be applying for a tech school, and I'm stuck in between the healthcare classes and the computer IT classes. I don't know which one will be beneficial to my future! What should I do? What would you do?

  • Why does my cat "hate" me now?

    My kitten and I have a close relationship, we play together all day and sleep together at night. But, my friend was in an emergency and need me to babysit her two kittens for two days. They were very loving to us, but not so much to my kitten. I separated my kitten with my friends because they had just met and they did not like each other AT ALL. I gave back the two kittens earlier today, but my kitten is now scared of me. She comes near me and everything, but if I try to pet her or touch her, she growls and hisses. She's not injured at all, and she did this when I brought the other two kittens. Maybe the other kittens scent is on me? I really don't know. Should I wait it out or...?

    5 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Homocidal thoughts?? I'm 14?

    I'm only 14 and I've been having homocidal thoughts for probably 2 years now. I have a strong urge to kill a human being. But, I'm obviously not going to. I don't have anger issues, I'm actually a very nice kid who gets good grades at school. The only thing that may have influenced me to think these is that I have a very alcoholic father whom I really dislike. And I would never hurt any animal, I grew up with pets. That's what confuses me. These urges hit me at random times and I can't stop thinking about them. And when I tell my parents or older sister, they laugh it off and think I'm joking. I'm started to get scared and worried because these urges are becoming stronger and I'm starting to "accept" them instead of fixing it. What should I do to prevent something I'll regret later on?

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • UCLA or USC?

    Hi! I want to be a doctor/maybe surgeon in the future, and I was wondering what majors I should take in USC or UCLA. Also, which school would be a better, cheaper choice.

  • Kitten vaccination/spaying questions?

    My female kitten (she's 3 months) got half of her vaccinations yesterday. She got a pyrantel pamoate dosage, which is basically for deworming because the vet said that every kitten is born with worms. She said that there will be worms in my kittens litter box and to not be alarmed. So far there hasn't been any worms or anything, does the medication take time to work or does my kittens not have worms? Also, when should I get her spayed?? I have been informed to get her spayed before her first heat cycle (which means before she turns 6 months), but wouldn't that be too early? Thank you, sorry I'm a little overwhelmed with all the kitten health-thing!

    5 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Should I give my Guinea pig away?

    So I've had my rescued boar Guinea pig for a over a year now, and I love him to pieces. He's super affectionate and a happy little guy (as well as healthy). Even though he's happy, I feel like he'd be more happier with another Guinea pig. Unfortunately I'm not in the place to get another pig right now, so I'm considering giving my Guinea pig away where he could have a buddy. I really don't want to give him away, but his happiness is important. Like I said he's very happy right now and somewhat attached to us, but then again he's alone. Should I give him away?

    Rodents5 years ago
  • How to make a kitten like vet?

    So I rescued an orphan 5-week kitten who would've died if I didn't (mother died). Very healthy and happy female kitten. I'm taking it to the vet in 3 days and I want to make it stress free and a content trip. Any tips??? Also, how can I discipline Loki (my kitten)? She bites and scratches when she plays, and I try to make her play with stuffed animals rather than our hands but it works sometime?? Thank you !!

    2 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • I can't afford spaying my cat?

    I rescued an orphan 4-week kitten last week. She is the most sweetest thing in the world! I started planning to spay her for her own health (obviously when she's older), and I can't find any less expensive options. I really want to give this stray kitten a chance because we are starting to become close, but I don't think I could afford a $80 spay surgery. Please help, what do you think I should do? I love in Ridgfield Park, New Jersey.

    9 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Kitten Bathroom Issues?

    So I have an orphan 4 week old kitten that I've had for a day so far, and he's eating right, playing, and he's generally happy. I don't have problems with it, but the thing is he's not using the bathroom frequently. He's peed once yesturday, and once today. He's hasn't popped (well that I known of). AND HES NOT LITTER TRAINED YET EITHER. I'm trying to litter train him but he doesn't use the bathroom at all after he eats or sleeps (randomly). I will be taking him to a vet, but that's in like a couple weeks. Should I be concerned??

    2 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • My kitten won't eat?

    So I rescued an orphan 3-4 week old kitten yesterday, and he won't eat! He LOVES to walk around the house and explore, but when he try to feed him (kmr in a syringe) he squirms away. He seems pretty healthy when I took him to the vet, but idk what to do about his feeding situation.

    2 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • My drunk dad embarrassed me?

    My neighbor is a boy classmate who s a fried of June, and he came to as for some construction paper and my dad (who was drunk) threatened to call on the police on him. He could barely talk and he was screaming at them. The boy left and I don t want to go to school tomorrow because I m extremely upset and embarrassed.

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Poll: Do you like school?

    I personally have mixed feelings. There are some things that I dread about school, such as exams, homework, and other behaviors. Conversely, there are things that I adore as well. For example, the education I'm getting, the positive vibes from my energetic classes (which I'm lucky for), and the overall experience. I know people who ABSOLUTLEY hate school. What's your opinion?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Acne help?

    Ever since my period started, ONLY on my left cheek, there's a circle of very red acne!! Most of the are flat while the others are full on pimples. Now that my periods coming to an end (I hope) my pimples should be going away. But they're not! I've tried everything. Benzoyl peroxide, washing my face, exfoliating, warm compression, ice cubes, and toothpaste. It's still really red and bad. I'm going to vacation on Sunday and I don't want to show up like this. Please is there anything I could do NATURALLY? I might try honey next, will that help???

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Food cravings on your period?

    I'm on my period and I'm craving. Pink frosted donuts right now. It's 11:28 PM. How do I get rid of it IM DYING

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Am I allergic to coconut?

    Yesterday I ate a lot of coconut and nothing happened. However, I woke up the next day with my left eye swollen. Could I possibly be allergic? Or sensitive? Or is it just that I ate a lot? This also happened to my mother when she had eaten a lot of coconut. Except both of her eyes were swollen. All answers appreciated!

    2 AnswersAllergies6 years ago
  • My guinea pig won't let me pick him up?

    I have had a 1 year old boar (male guinea pig) for almost 4-5 months. He lets me pet him a lot, let's me feed him, and everything else EXCEPT pick him up. I understand that guinea pigs should have lap time, but he runs around panicking when I try to pick him up. He even bit me! Trust me, he lets me pet him, touch him, we are so close but I'm so bummed over this one thing. Is there any tips or advice that I should do? Even if I can't pick him up ever, I will always love him unconditionally <3

    3 AnswersRodents6 years ago
  • Overcharging iphone?! Please answer!?

    Okay so my phone is at 50% battery level and I need it at 100% for tomorrow (work). It's night now and I'm pretty tired but it's charging right now and I don't want to leave it charging overnight. Is there any bad effects on your iphone when charging overnight? Can I? All answers appreciated.

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • My friend told our little secret?

    So there was this one guy who would always hit on me. I told him I won't go out with him. He asked me again being romantic and all that, acting VERY desperate. I finally told him no strictly. So he moved on asked out many other girls and even my friends. My best friend, whom I trust with my entire heart, and I made a nickname for him, " man slut". It was our little joke. So a year went by and he actually got a girlfriend. He stopped talking to me. Cut connection with me basically. I forgot to tell you but we were still friends with each other even when I rejected him. So I asked him are we still friends. He said, (exact words) "I guess we are still friends. Just for you to know, I'm not a "man slut" anymore because I'm going to spend my life with Jessica (his gf) ". I feel so bad. I am close to tears. I never wanted to hurt him. Ever. I still can t believe how she told him our little nickname which I was totally over. I know i was wrong and I deserved it but seriously I wanted to be his friend again and my "best" friend told him. It's like she wanted me to seem bad. Please anyone I need advice on what I should do??? All answers appreciated!

    6 AnswersFriends6 years ago