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  • bridal shower gifts?

    Okay so i am going to a shower and i know where she is registered i wanted to know whats was the one thing you definately wanted on your registry? She has over 300 items so im kind of overwhelmed on what she might like the best! so what was ur favorite? for example new bedding! Thanks in advance

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • White Sox Fans???

    Rumored that the Angels are prusing Konerko!! Seriously he is a great player and well with the season the white sox had do you think its wise to give this bat away?? Do you think it will happen!!

    In return you would get Santana, and Kendrick!! Want your feelings on it!!

    heres a link so you dont think im making up rumors

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Help with Gout???

    My fiance has Gout in his foot! I do know that its something about acid crystals building up in your blood stream!! I am confused how does one get Gout and is there something that can be treated! He did get a perscription bt its not helping! Anyone have any expierence with it?? Thanks

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Red Sox and Brewers Fans??

    okay so if your a sox fan you must be excited to see gagne go right?? I know i am!

    but if your a brewers fan are you worried that he will perform like he did in a sox uniform or do you think he goes back to being an allstar closer??

    good for you to only signing him for 1yr 10 mil! Its a good call in case he has a bad season!!

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Introduction Songs??

    So i went to a wedding and the bride and groom were introduced with another one bites the dust playing in the background! i thought it was very clever was wondering what you had played or suggestions for my wedding in april! Thanks!

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • 9 years old girls presents??

    we have two little girls 1 and 2 i have nephews that are 12 and 7! My problem is that for xmas we decided to split and adopt a kid with a friend and the girl is 9! She wrote down that she needed a coat so i got one from old navy but this is all she had on her list anyone have any idea what 9 yrs old girls like or are into i would like to get her more then a coat!

    12 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Gifts for gandmothers and aunts??

    My fiance and his extended family get together every year on christmas eve its his grandmother and his aunt then his immediate family! The aunt and grandmother buy our kids gifts and we buy them gifts but since i entered this tradition 3 years ago i buy them yankee candles lindt chocolates and last year slippers! This year they told my fiance they didnt want candles!! So now what to give them??? I mean my mom is one of 11 so i never had to buy for extended family! Ideas of what get them would be great!!

    8 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Black Friday??

    How many of you actually go shopping the day after thanksgiving?? Do you think its worth the lines and getting up super early for great doorbusters?? I was thinking about doing it and was wonder whats your thoughts were on the biggest shopping day of the year!!! Thanks!!!

    11 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Not A Question!!?

    Congrats to the Indians and all the fans!! It will be fun to see how much more applause everyones favorite dirt dawg Trot Nixon gets when he returns in the postseason to play his old team!! See you in the ALCS!!

    GO RED SOX!!!

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been to a wedding that you knew how much it cost and was disappointing??

    I want some stories here i just went to my future sil wedding over the weekend it cost her about 33,000.00 so i was wondering if any of you have been to weddings that cost so much and been disappointing in the reception site and food!!!

    It was the talk of the night she paid this much for absolutely nothing!! The food was horrible and her DJ was the worst I have ever seen at a wedding!! So lets here them how much around about did the couple spend and how disapointing was it for you???

    18 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • SIL Wedding and how to calm her down??

    My Sil well soon to be Sil is getting married on sat! SHe is having a huge wedding at the SHeraton in Boston MA 185.00 a head and well alot of the grooms family have to come from chicago and well the family has money so noone has really said anything to her but her bridesmaid and her family from cape cod who have barely any money told her that she should have been more conciderate of others financial needs! My future inlaws gave her 8,000.00 to help pay for the wedding and now she told her dad yesterday he has to tip out the caterers/ servers because it is proper! I looked at her contract and they added a 15% gratiutiy into her final price so shouldnt that be considered the tip?? Anyways everyone is mad at her and shes been crying for the last two days and well even tho i want to be mean and tell her to get over it anyone have any fun ways for me to cheer her up and if you have an answer for the tip thing to that would be great !!

    Thanks in Advance

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • has anyone else seen this ?

    I just thought it was kind of funny seeing how they accused the Patriots

    I am sure nothing will come of it but its still funny!!!!

    What goes around comes around Mangini!!!

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Does ordonez stand a chance to win MVP over AROD??

    Ordonez has a 355 batting average 126 rbis and 26 home runs! He also on has 1 E on the season!

    Arod has 52 HR 140 RBIs and a 318 batting average!! He has 11 E's on the season!

    Does Arod have it in the bag or will it come down to who gets into the playoffs to be the deciding factor??

    34 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • brides would you be mad???

    So i know i am getting married in april and well i dont think i would care too much if someone wore black and white dress. So my future sil is getting married in sept on top of the fact that i have been so nice with her throwing shower which no bridesmaid even showed for, paying for hotel pitching in to help her all the time going places with her when her groom couldnt because he is out of state i.e cake tasting, food tasting, wine tasting! I have also paid a close friend of mine to attend the hotel so that she can take the children attending after dinner is over! (i had to pay her 100.00 plus the hotel room 199.00) She asked what i was wearing so i showed her the dress and she flat out told me i cant wear anything with white in it! here is the picture

    what do you guys think brides would you be mad if someone wore this??

    34 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Okay to have a open bar coctail hour only?

    We were going to provide open bar but the hall doesnt do a set fee like 20 a head or something like that! They are a elks! I use to shoot darts there and i know beers is only 2.00 but for weddings they charge 3.50 for the beer! Seriously i cannot afford it unless its a set fee because well i have a lot of females that are more long island iced tea drinkers and at 5.50 a pop it will kill us! Do you think that just doing it for the first hour is good? Or just have a total cash bar?? Do you think a majority of guest expect open bar?? I know when i go to weddings i expect cash bar!

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • ipod music?

    anyone know a website that i can download free music and still be able to put it on my apple ipod! I tried bearshare but i cant get the music to go into itunes to put on my ipod! Thanks in advance!!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • decision on my cake cutting song! Help?

    So my fiance and I have decided on two songs for our cake cutting

    pour some sugar on me we would just have him run the chorus

    or eat it by wierd al

    which one would you do??


    21 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • any good websites for nice but inexpensive wedding invitations?

    need 100.00 invitations was wondering if anyone had websites that are fairly inexpensive! Thanks

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Wedding Scrapbook?

    So my future MIL asked me to help with her daughters scrapbook! She would like me to make two pages for the bachelorette party section since i will be attending it and she wont! However i dont know anything about scrapbooking and am not crafty! Anyone know any good sites that have ideas (like layouts designs etc.) THANKS (i know im helpless)

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Talking down caterers??

    Does anyone have any advice on talking down my caterer? Seriously we used them for my moms 50th buffet dinner party and it was really cheap! I swear you say the word wedding and everything triples in price! Any suggestions? Also does it seem odd to anyone that buffet is more expensive then sit down? Seriously it should be cheapier because my guests would be serving themselves! Thanks in Advance!

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago