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Pagan tattooed, nose pierced mom to 3 wonderful(sometimes mischievous) kids. I'm a book addict! I'm a vegetarian. I want to open a laid back little cafe that caters to vegetarians(vegans) and omnivores alike. I'm a Hellenic Polytheist. I consider myself to be a kitchen and green witch. No I don't go dancing around fires naked. I'm most comfortable in a sarong or belly dance clothes. I enjoy making friends with members of all faiths and those w/ no religion at all. Christian fundies beware! I will not be bullied. The United States is not a Christian country. I have just as much right to practice my faith as you do. Your heaven, hell, god and devil have nothing to do w/ me. Warning! I'm done playing nice. No more sugar coating shit for the masses. Don't like it get the hell over it.
What should I eat for dinner?
I'm a vegetarian. Should I eat chickpea korma curry, vegetarian spaghetti carbonara or nachos made w/ soy crumbles?
4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoHey bigots why don't you just admit defeat?
At midnight tonight the repeal of don't ask don't tell goes into affect. Of course I've seen all kinds of stuff on my husband's division's facebook page from the bigots whining and complaining. Why can't these small minded individuals just admit defeat?
9 AnswersMilitary10 years agoIt's meatless Monday. What's for dinner?
Well everyday is meatless for me. However tonight my whole family is eating meatless. On the menu tonight at my house is Indian food. Baked curried tofu served w/ sauted vegetables in a korma curry sauce served over rice w/ pita bread. What are you having or did you have?
9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoMeat eaters can you admit to this?
Ok so I know being vegan or vegetarian is not for everyone. I live w/ a household full of omnivores. However can the meat eaters at least admit that most of you eat entirely too much meat? That you could stand to obtain some of your protein from other sources? That you don't need to eat meat every day? I mean come on you only need about 5.5 oz of protein per day. Keep in mind the average steak is double that. Most of you are eating bacon for breakfast and burger or a turkey sub for lunch.
13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoWhat cheese to add to this recipe?
Going to a potluck tonight found a recipe for a Black bean Asparagus salad. I want to either add some feta crumbles or Parmesan shaving. The ingredients are black beans, asparagus, red bell pepper onion, parsley lime juice olive oil salt & pepper. Which cheese would work better? Any other suggestions are appreciated as well. Thanks in advance.
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years agoValue of a 25 year old flute?
My daughter inherited her aunt's flute. It is 25 years old, refurbished w/ new pads. It is in very good condition w/ only one tiny ding in it. Plays really well. I was wondering if anyone knew it's approximate value today? I need it for the schools band insurance form. Thanks in advance.
2 AnswersPerforming Arts10 years agoYou're raising your children as Pagans?
Why do people ask this? If you say your Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any other religion no one askes wether or not you are teaching your children about your chosen faith. Why shouldn't Pagan parents teach there children about Pagan beliefs?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoU.S. Military Anyone Else Feel Insulted by This?
For those of you in or who are families members does anyone else feel insulted by the fact that our government is able to come up w/ $25 million dollars for Libyan rebels? Yet less than 2 weeks ago they couldn't get along and were threatening not to pay our service members. I find this whole situation very offensive. I don't know about anyone else but my husband has sacrificed a lot being in the Army for the past 14+yrs. We spent years living paycheck to paycheck on low enlisted wages. Now that he's a Warrant we are able to live well and put something away thanks to our wise spending habits & a bit of thriftyness on my part. Now the government has mismanaged tax payers money and they want to waste even more of it. Shame on them. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
7 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoLeast & most favorite house hold tasks?
Ok housewives & husbands too what is your least and most favorite household job? My least favorite is the laundry. I swear the stuff multiplies. No sooner am I done and there's more. I especially hate matching socks. My favorite is vacuuming. I'm obsessed with it. Very relaxing. Vacuum lines in the carpeting makes me very happy. So how about you?
14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoFellow Domestic Goddesses what do you like to do on your day(s) off?
Household CEOs aka housewives what do you like to do on your day(s) off. Yes homemaking is a job and yes you do need a break once in a while. Can't dust and vacuum 24/7. So what do you like to do in your free time? Do you volunteer anywhere? Have hobbies? What? Let's see I have lunch once a month w/ the Officer and Civilian Spouses Club through which I do a lot of charity work, coffee once a month w/ our battalion coffee group. Volunteer w/ the family readiness group and at my kids school. Also have lunch w/ a friend or coffee w/ one every few weeks. Get together for potlucks, birthday parties and fire pit nights w/ the neighbors. I'm a major book worm. Been thinking about joining a book club. Getting ready to move soon. So I'll be refreshing the decor in my house. What about you?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes anyone else think that gender equality is a complete farce?
Ok so supposably there are husbands who do half or close to half of the housework if their wives work. Yeah I doubt that. From what I've seen and from articles I've read women still do 90% of the housework. Even when I was the bread winner and my ex was a SAHD I still did almost all of the housework. Now if I was the SAHM in that relationship and pulled that bs I would have been an awful mooch. So why wasn't he? So does gender equality mean that you get to bust your hump at a 9-5 job and then come home and wait on everyone hand and foot? Frankly doesn't seem very fair to me. Thoughts on this?
7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade agoA Question for Working Wives and or Moms?
Do you and your husband really split the household chores and or the childcare responsibility evenly? I'm asking because studies show that in most situations the wife even if she is works outside the home still ends up doing 90% of these tasks. Why would you put up w/ this? If you are working outside the home shouldn't he be doing half of those chores. Doesn't your helping to be the bread winner cancel out the traditional family roles?
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAny other Military Spouses sick of hearing this?
That really snide "Well You Knew What You Were Getting Into." whenever you complain about the slightest thing or admit to having a bad day. Yet no one says this too civilian spouses if they do the same thing. They are patted on the hand or back and told "Oh you poor thing." What are Military spouses not allowed to complain when things go wrong? Most of the time I Love my life as an Army Wife. Once in a while it does suck though! I want to be able to express that without some hateful person telling me that I knew what I was getting into. The answer to that is Yes and No. The army I joined and later became a spouse in was very different than the Army today. Something are better and somethings are worse. So what are your thoughts?
7 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoVegetarian Holiday Meal?
Ok so one of my friends is a vegetarian who had a really lousy holiday with her fiancee's family. They were really rude to her. I want to have a special meal for her that everyone will enjoy to make up for it. Kind of a make up Yule/Brumalia meal. What should I make? Suggestions on dessert, sides and drinks would be great.
3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoPoll: Ice Cream or Gelato?
Which do you like better? Ice cream or Gelato? What is your favorite flavor? I prefer gelato. I love spumoni but that's hard to come by in the U.S. My favorite plain flavor is pistachio. Yummy. How about your?
3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoAnyone else feel like they were born at the wrong time?
I was seriously born at the wrong time. I so could have been the 1950s-60s housewife. Actually basically I am. I do everything I would have then. The only problem is nowadays society considers me a leech? What the hell is up w/ that? My husband loves it. Now don't get me wrong I don't just sit home. I'm an FRG leader(he's in the Army), belong to the Officer Wives Club(which does a ton of charity work), I volunteer at the kids schools whenever they need me. I plan on joining the post historic society next year. So why am I looked down upon. Frankly if more moms stayed home kids would be better behaved and have manners. My children have excellent manners. At 9 & 11 they will be getting involved w/ volunteering through our FRG. Most kids are way too selfish these days. It is totally their parents fault too. Blah, Blah money, money. It's called living w/ in your means.
9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhat is your favorite Mad Men cocktail?
What cocktail featured on Mad Men do you like the best? Only pick one. Which one is your least favorite or do you despise? My favorite the vodka gimlet. My least favorite the bloody mary. On the menu tonight is a bourbon sidecar. What about you?
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoDeities associated w/ hawks.?
Does anyone know what deities are associated w/ hawks? Besides Apollo. All pantheons welcome. Thanks in advance.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoRude Junior Enlisted Spouses.?
First I'm a current Warrant Officer wife and form enlisted spouse of almost 10 years. Next I'd like to say I've met some awesome junior enlisted spouses. I have several junior enlisted spouses on my FRG staff. They are polite, motivated go go getters who are always willing to lend the hand. They follow protocol to a tea. These people should be proud of themselves. I'm sorry but it is not appropriate to call an officer spouse or a spouse of a soldier that out ranks your husband by their first name w/o permission. So why do so many junior enlisted spouses do it? Also if you recieve an email or from a wife of a senior ranking soldier asking if you need help or inviting you to an event you should respond. Not doing so is rude. Did your parents not teach you manners? As a junior enlisted wife I would have never been so rude. Junior enlisted wives expected officer and senior nco wives to look out for them. Yet they can't be bothered to show a little courtesy. Why is that? Someday you might be in our shoes. Don't you want the new spouses to show the respect you've earned? Yes there are spouses who have earned and deserve your respect. They have contributed a lot of time and volunteer hours to the military. They have done things like lived in crappy houses, endure their soldier working late hours(the hours they pull now are nothing) and helped establish programs to help better serve military families. All to make your life easier. So is it really that hard to follow proper ettiquette and protocol?
23 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoPagans did you keep anything from your old religion?
This is for those of us who were another religion before deciding to walk down the Pagan path. Did you keep any thing from your old religion. I was Jewish before coming Pagan(Hellenic Polytheist to be exact). I kept the food. Can't live w/o my matzo ball soup when I'm feeling under the weather. I also do like to have a day of rest to recharge my batteries. Though I don't do it the same time every week or even every week. So how about you?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago